Isaiah 49:10
Isaiah 49:10
They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.

They will neither hunger nor thirst. The searing sun will not reach them anymore. For the LORD in his mercy will lead them; he will lead them beside cool waters.

they shall not hunger or thirst, neither scorching wind nor sun shall strike them, for he who has pity on them will lead them, and by springs of water will guide them.

"They will not hunger or thirst, Nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them And will guide them to springs of water.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

They will not hunger or thirst, the scorching heat or sun will not strike them; for their compassionate One will guide them, and lead them to springs of water.

They won't hunger or thirst, nor will the desert heat or sun beat upon them; for the one who has compassion on them will drive them and guide them alongside springs of water.

They will not be hungry or thirsty; the sun's oppressive heat will not beat down on them, for one who has compassion on them will guide them; he will lead them to springs of water.

They will never be hungry or thirsty, nor will the sun or the burning, hot wind strike them. The one who has compassion on them will lead them and guide them to springs.

They shall never hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that has mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water he shall feed them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun strike them: for he that has mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that has mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them will lead them, even by springs of water will he guide them.

They shall not hunger, nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor the sun strike them: for he that is merciful to them, shall be their shepherd, and at the fountains of waters he shall give them drink.

They shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor sun smite them; for he that hath mercy on them will lead them, and by the springs of water will he guide them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun strike them: for he who has mercy on them will lead them, even by springs of water he will guide them.

They do not hunger, nor thirst, Nor smite them doth mirage and sun, For He who is pitying them doth lead them, And by fountains of waters doth tend them.

Isaia 49:10
Nuk do të kenë as uri as etje, nuk do të goditen më as nga vapa as nga dielli, sepse ai që ka mëshirë për ta do t'i udhëheqë dhe do t'i çojë te burimet e ujit.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 49:10
لا يجوعون ولا يعطشون ولا يضربهم حر ولا شمس لان الذي يرحمهم يهديهم والى ينابيع المياه يوردهم.

Dyr Ieseien 49:10
Sö leidnd kainn Hunger und Durst; und d Hitz, wenn d Sunn sticht, schadt ien nity. Denn er laitt s voller Erbarmen und von Quelln zo Quelln.

Исая 49:10
Няма да огладнеят нито да ожаднеят; Не ще ги удари нито жега, нито слънце; Защото Оня, Който се смилява за тях, ще ги води, И при водни извори ще ги заведе.

以 賽 亞 書 49:10
不 飢 不 渴 , 炎 熱 和 烈 日 必 不 傷 害 他 們 ; 因 為 憐 恤 他 們 的 必 引 導 他 們 , 領 他 們 到 水 泉 旁 邊 。

不 饥 不 渴 , 炎 热 和 烈 日 必 不 伤 害 他 们 ; 因 为 怜 恤 他 们 的 必 引 导 他 们 , 领 他 们 到 水 泉 旁 边 。



Isaiah 49:10
Neće više gladovat' i žeđati, neće ih mučiti žega ni sunce, jer vodit će ih onaj koji im se smiluje, dovest će ih k izvorima vode.

Izaiáše 49:10
Nebudou lačněti ani žízniti, nebude na ně bíti horko ani slunce; nebo slitovník jejich zprovodí je, a podlé pramenů vod povede je.

Esajas 49:10
de hungrer og tørster ikke, dem stikker ej Hede og Sol. Thi deres Forbarmer fører dem, leder dem til Kildevæld;

Jesaja 49:10
Zij zullen niet hongeren, noch dorsten, en de hitte en de zon zal hen niet steken; want hun Ontfermer zal ze leiden, en Hij zal hen aan de springaders der wateren zachtjes leiden.

ישעה 49:10
לֹ֤א יִרְעָ֙בוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִצְמָ֔אוּ וְלֹא־יַכֵּ֥ם שָׁרָ֖ב וָשָׁ֑מֶשׁ כִּי־מְרַחֲמָ֣ם יְנַהֲגֵ֔ם וְעַל־מַבּ֥וּעֵי מַ֖יִם יְנַהֲלֵֽם׃

י לא ירעבו ולא יצמאו ולא יכם שרב ושמש  כי מרחמם ינהגם ועל מבועי מים ינהלם

לא ירעבו ולא יצמאו ולא־יכם שרב ושמש כי־מרחמם ינהגם ועל־מבועי מים ינהלם׃

Ézsaiás 49:10
Nem éheznek, nem szomjúhoznak, nem bántja õket délibáb és a nap; mert a ki rajtok könyörült, vezeti õket, és õket vizek forrásaihoz viszi.

Jesaja 49:10
Ili ne malsatos nek soifos, ne frapos ilin siroko nek la suno; cxar ilia Kompatanto ilin kondukos, kaj al fontoj de akvo Li ilin gvidos.

JESAJA 49:10
Ei heidän pidä isooman eikä janooman, ei helle eikä aurinko pidä heitä polttaman; sillä heidän armahtajansa johdattaa heitä, ja vie heitä vesilähteille.

Ésaïe 49:10
Ils n'auront pas faim, et ils n'auront pas soif, la chaleur et le soleil ne les frapperont pas; car celui qui a compassion d'eux les conduira et les mènera à des sources d'eau.

Ils n'auront pas faim et ils n'auront pas soif; Le mirage et le soleil ne les feront point souffrir; Car celui qui a pitié d'eux sera leur guide, Et il les conduira vers des sources d'eaux.

Ils n'auront point de faim; ils n'auront point de soif; et la chaleur, ni le soleil ne les frappera plus, car celui qui a pitié d'eux les conduira, et les mènera aux sources d'eaux.

Jesaja 49:10
Sie werden weder hungern noch dürsten, sie wird keine Hitze noch Sonne stechen; denn ihr Erbarmer wird sie führen und wird sie an die Wasserquellen leiten.

Sie werden weder hungern noch dürsten, sie wird keine Hitze noch Sonne stechen, denn ihr Erbarmer wird sie führen und wird sie an die Wasserquellen leiten.

Sie werden nicht hungern, noch dürsten, noch wird sie Kimmung und Sonnenstich treffen; denn ihr Erbarmer wird sie führen und an Wasserquellen behutsam geleiten.

Isaia 49:10
non avranno fame né sete, né miraggio né sole li colpirà più; poiché Colui che ha pietà di loro li guiderà, e li menerà alle sorgenti d’acqua.

Non avranno fame, nè sete; e l’arsura ed il sole non li percoterà; perciocchè colui che ha misericordia di loro li condurrà, e li menerà alle fonti delle acque.

YESAYA 49:10
Tiada mereka itu akan berlapar atau berdahaga dan panas terik atau panas mataharipun tiada akan menyakiti mereka itu, karena mereka itu akan dipimpin oleh Murahimnya, yang membawa akan mereka itu dengan perlahan-perlahan kepada pancaran air.

이사야 49:10
그들이 주리거나 목마르지 아니할 것이며 더위와 볕이 그들을 상하지 아니하리니 이는 그들을 긍휼히 여기는 자가 그들을 이끌되 샘물 근원으로 인도할 것임이니라

Isaias 49:10
non esurient neque sitient et non percutiet eos aestus et sol quia miserator eorum reget eos et ad fontes aquarum portabit eos

Izaijo knyga 49:10
Jie nealks ir netrokš, jų neištiks saulė nė karštis; Tas, kuris jų pasigailėjo, ves juos prie tyro vandens šaltinių.

Isaiah 49:10
E kore ratou e matekai, e kore ano e matewai, e kore hoki te werawera, te ra ranei, e pakakinakina ki a ratou; no te mea ko to ratou kaiatawhai hei arahi i a ratou; mana hoki ratou e arahi ki nga puna wai.

Esaias 49:10
De skal ikke sulte og ikke tørste, og hverken det glødende sandhav eller solen skal skade dem; for han som forbarmer sig over dem, skal føre dem og lede dem til kildevell,

Isaías 49:10
No pasarán hambre ni sed, no los herirá el calor abrasador ni el sol, porque el que tiene compasión de ellos los guiará, y a manantiales de aguas los conducirá.

No pasarán hambre ni sed, No los herirá el calor abrasador ni el sol, Porque el que tiene compasión de ellos los guiará, Y los conducirá a manantiales de aguas.

No tendrán hambre ni sed, ni el calor ni el sol los afligirá; porque el que tiene de ellos misericordia los guiará, y los conducirá a manantiales de aguas.

No tendrán hambre ni sed, ni el calor ni el sol los afligirá; porque el que tiene de ellos misericordia los guiará, y los conducirá á manaderos de aguas.

Nunca tendrán hambre, ni sed; ni el calor los afligirá, ni el sol; porque el que tiene de ellos misericordia, los guiará, y en manaderos de aguas los pastoreará.

Isaías 49:10
Não passarão fome nem sede, tampouco o calor do deserto e o sol os molestarão. Aquele que tem compaixão deles os guiará e os conduzirá para as fontes de água.

Nunca terão fome nem sede; não os afligirá nem a calma nem o sol; porque o que se compadece deles os guiará, e os conduzirá mansamente aos mananciais das águas.   

Isaia 49:10
Nu le va fi foame, nici nu le va fi sete; nu -i va bate arşiţa, nici soarele; căci Cel ce are milă de ei îi va călăuzi şi -i va duce la izvoare de ape.

Исаия 49:10
не будут терпеть голода и жажды, и не поразит их зной и солнце; ибо Милующий их будетвести их и приведет их к источникам вод.

не будут терпеть голода и жажды, и не поразит их зной и солнце; ибо Милующий их будет вести их и приведет их к источникам вод.[]

Jesaja 49:10
de skola varken hungra eller törsta, ökenhettan och solen skola icke skada dem, ty deras förbarmare skall leda dem och skall föra dem till vattenkällor.

Isaiah 49:10
Sila'y hindi mangagugutom, o mangauuhaw man; at hindi man sila mangapapaso ng init, o ng araw man: sapagka't siyang may awa sa kanila ay papatnubay sa kanila, sa makatuwid baga'y sa tabi ng mga bukal ng tubig ay papatnubayan niya sila.

อิสยาห์ 49:10
เขาทั้งหลายจะไม่หิวหรือกระหาย ความร้อนหรือดวงอาทิตย์จะไม่ทำลายเขา เพราะพระองค์ซึ่งเมตตาเขาจะทรงนำเขาไป และจะนำเขาไปตามน้ำพุ

Yeşaya 49:10
Acıkmayacak, susamayacaklar,
Kavurucu sıcak ve güneş çarpmayacak onları.
Çünkü onlara merhamet eden kendilerine yol gösterecek
Ve onları pınarlara götürecek.[]

EÂ-sai 49:10
Họ sẽ không đói không khát, hơi nắng chẳng đốt đến, khí nóng mặt trời chẳng phạm đến nữa; vì Ðấng thương xót họ sẽ dắt dẫn, đem họ đến gần suối nước.

Isaiah 49:9
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