Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 48:5
Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you so that you could not say, 'My images brought them about; my wooden image and metal god ordained them.'

That is why I told you what would happen; I told you beforehand what I was going to do. Then you could never say, 'My idols did it. My wooden image and metal god commanded it to happen!'

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you should say, ‘My idol did them, my carved image and my metal image commanded them.’

Therefore I declared them to you long ago, Before they took place I proclaimed them to you, So that you would not say, 'My idol has done them, And my graven image and my molten image have commanded them.'

I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

therefore I declared to you long ago. I announced it to you before it occurred, so you could not claim, 'My idol caused them; my carved image and cast idol control them.'

I told you these things long ago; I announced them to you before they happened so that you couldn't say, 'My idol did them; my carved image or metal idol ordained them.'

I announced them to you beforehand; before they happened, I predicted them for you, so you could never say, 'My image did these things, my idol, my cast image, decreed them.'

That is why I revealed to you what would happen long ago. I told you about them before they happened. [I did this] so you couldn't say, "My gods have done these things. My carved idols and my metal idols have commanded them to happen."

I have already declared it many days ago; before it came to pass I showed it to thee: lest thou should say, My idol has done it, my graven image, and my molten image, has commanded these things.

I have even from the beginning declared it to you; before it came to pass I showed it to you: lest you should say, my idol has done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, has commanded them.

I have even from the beginning declared it to you; before it came to pass I showed it you: lest you should say, My idol has done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, has commanded them.

therefore I have declared it to thee from of old; before it came to pass I showed it thee; lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

I foretold thee of old, before they came to pass I told thee, lest thou shouldst say: My idols have done these things, and my graven and molten things have commanded them.

so I have long ago declared them to thee; before they came to pass I caused thee to hear them; lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, or my molten image hath commanded them.

therefore I have declared it to thee from of old; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I showed it thee: lest thou shouldst say, My idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

therefore I have declared it to you from of old; before it came to pass I showed it to you; lest you should say, 'My idol has done them, and my engraved image, and my molten image, has commanded them.'

And I declare to thee from that time, Before it cometh I have caused thee to hear, Lest thou say, 'Mine idol hath done them, And my graven image, And my molten image did command them.

Isaia 48:5
t'i kam njoftuar që në fillim, bëra që t'i dëgjosh para se të ndodhnin, që të mos kishe për të thënë: "I ka bërë idhulli im, i ka urdhëruar shëmbëlltyra ime e gdhendur dhe shëmbëlltyra ime e shkrirë".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 48:5
اخبرتك منذ زمان قبلما أتت انبأتك. لئلا تقول صنمي قد صنعها ومنحوتي ومسبوكي أمر بها.

Dyr Ieseien 48:5
hiet i dyr s schoon löngst enpfor künddt, ee wenn s gschaagh, nit däßst öbby saist, dös habeb dein Götterbild vollbrungen, dein Schniz- und Gußbild befolhen.

Исая 48:5
Затова от древността ти обявих [тия неща], Преди да станат прогласих ти [ги], Да не би да речеш: Идолът ми ги извърши, да! изваяното ми, И излеяното ми ги заповяда.

以 賽 亞 書 48:5
所 以 , 我 從 古 時 將 這 事 給 你 說 明 , 在 未 成 以 先 指 示 你 , 免 得 你 說 : 這 些 事 是 我 的 偶 像 所 行 的 , 是 我 雕 刻 的 偶 像 和 我 鑄 造 的 偶 像 所 命 定 的 。

所 以 , 我 从 古 时 将 这 事 给 你 说 明 , 在 未 成 以 先 指 示 你 , 免 得 你 说 : 这 些 事 是 我 的 偶 像 所 行 的 , 是 我 雕 刻 的 偶 像 和 我 铸 造 的 偶 像 所 命 定 的 。



Isaiah 48:5
Zato sam ti već onda navijestio, javio ti prije nego što se zbilo, da ne bi rekao: Moj kip učini to, rezani moj lik i ljeveni kip zapovjediše tako!

Izaiáše 48:5
A protožť jsem oznamoval z dávna, prvé než přicházelo, ohlašovalť jsem, abys neříkal: Modla má učinila ty věci, a rytina má neb slitina má přikázala to.

Esajas 48:5
Jeg sagde det forud til dig, kundgjorde det, førend det indtraf, at du ikke skulde sige: »Det gjorde mit Billede, mit skaarne og støbte bød det.«

Jesaja 48:5
Daarom heb Ik het u van toen af verkondigd, eer dat het kwam, heb Ik het u doen horen; opdat gij niet misschien zoudt zeggen: Mijn afgod heeft die dingen gedaan, of mijn gesneden beeld, of mijn gegoten beeld heeft ze bevolen.

ישעה 48:5
וָאַגִּ֤יד לְךָ֙ מֵאָ֔ז בְּטֶ֥רֶם תָּבֹ֖וא הִשְׁמַעְתִּ֑יךָ פֶּן־תֹּאמַר֙ עָצְבִּ֣י עָשָׂ֔ם וּפִסְלִ֥י וְנִסְכִּ֖י צִוָּֽם׃

ה ואגיד לך מאז בטרם תבוא השמעתיך--פן תאמר עצבי עשם ופסלי ונסכי צום

ואגיד לך מאז בטרם תבוא השמעתיך פן־תאמר עצבי עשם ופסלי ונסכי צום׃

Ézsaiás 48:5
Tehát elõre megjelentém néked, mielõtt bekövetkezett, tudtodra adtam, hogy ezt ne mondd: Faragott képem mívelé ezeket, bálványom és öntött képem parancsolá ezeket.

Jesaja 48:5
tial Mi anoncis al vi antauxlonge, Mi auxdigis al vi, antaux ol tio plenumigxis, por ke vi ne diru:Mia idolo tion faris, mia statuo kaj mia fanditajxo tion ordonis.

Minä olen sen ilmoittanut ennen, ja olen sinun antanut kuulla, ennenkuin se tulikaan, ettes sasnoisi: epäjumalani sen tekee, ja kuvani ja epäjumalani on sen käskenyt.

Ésaïe 48:5
je te les ai déclarées dès longtemps; avant qu'elles arrivassent je te les ai fait entendre, de peur que tu ne disses: Mon idole les a faites; et mon image taillée ou mon image de fonte les a ordonnées.

Je t'ai annoncé dès longtemps ces choses, je te les ai déclarées avant qu'elles arrivassent, Afin que tu ne dises pas: C'est mon idole qui les a faites, C'est mon image taillée ou mon image en fonte qui les a ordonnées.

Je t'ai déclaré ces choses dès lors, et je te les ai fait entendre avant qu'elles arrivassent, de peur que tu ne disses; mes dieux ont fait ces choses, et mon image taillée, et mon image de fonte les ont commandées.

Jesaja 48:5
Ich habe dir's verkündiget zuvor und habe dir's lassen sagen, ehe denn es kommen ist, auf daß du nicht sagen mögest: Mein Götze tut's, und mein Bild und Götze hat's befohlen.

Darum habe ich dir's verkündigt zuvor und habe es dir lassen sagen, ehe denn es gekommen ist, auf daß du nicht sagen könntest: Mein Götze tut's, und mein Bild und Abgott hat's befohlen.

Und so that ich es dir vorlängst kund: ehe es eintraf, teilte ich dir's mit, damit du nicht sagen könntest: Mein Götze hat es ausgeführt, und mein Schnitzbild und mein Gußbild hat es angeordnet!

Isaia 48:5
io t’annunziai queste cose anticamente; te le feci sapere prima che avvenissero, perché tu non avessi a dire: "Le ha fatte il mio idolo, le ha ordinate la mia immagine scolpita, la mia immagine fusa".

Perciò ti annunziai quelle cose già anticamente; io te le feci intendere, avanti che fossero avvenute; che talora tu non dicessi: Il mio idolo le ha fatte, e la mia scultura, e la mia statua di getto le ha ordinate.

Sebab itu Aku sudah memberitahu dia kepadamu dari pada tatkala itu, Aku sudah memperdengarkan dia kepadamu dahulu dari pada datangnya; supaya jangan barangkali katamu kelak! Bahwa berhalaku sudah membuat segala perkara itu, atau patung pahatanku atau patung tuanganku sudah menyuruh dia.

이사야 48:5
그러므로 내가 이 일을 옛적부터 네게 고하였고 성사하기 전에 그것을 네게 보였느니라 그렇지 않았더면 네 말이 내 신의 행한 바요 내 새긴 신상과 부어만든 신상의 명한 바라 하였으리라

Isaias 48:5
praedixi tibi ex tunc antequam venirent indicavi tibi ne forte diceres idola mea fecerunt haec et sculptilia mea et conflatilia mandaverunt ista

Izaijo knyga 48:5
Aš pranešiau tai tau iš anksto, pirma, negu įvyko, kad nesakytum: ‘Mano stabas tai įvykdė, mano drožti ir lieti atvaizdai taip įsakė’.

Isaiah 48:5
Na reira naku i whakaatu ki a koe inamata; kiano i puta kua korerotia e ahau ki a koe: kei ki koe, Na taku whakapakoko ena mahi, he mea whakahau enei na te mea i whaowhaoa e ahau, na te mea i whakarewaina e ahau.

Esaias 48:5
så forkynte jeg dig det for lenge siden; før det kom, kunngjorde jeg det for dig, forat du ikke skulde si: Mitt gudebillede har gjort det, mitt utskårne billede og mitt støpte billede har styrt det så.

Isaías 48:5
yo, pues, te las declaré desde hace tiempo; antes de que sucedieran te las proclamé, no sea que dijeras: ``Mi ídolo las ha hecho, y mi imagen tallada o fundida las ha ordenado.

Yo, pues, te las declaré desde hace tiempo. Antes de que sucedieran te las proclamé, No sea que dijeras: 'Mi ídolo las ha hecho, Y mi imagen tallada o fundida las ha ordenado.'

te lo dije desde el principio; antes que sucediese te lo mostré, para que no dijeses: Mi ídolo lo hizo, mis imágenes de escultura y de fundición mandaron estas cosas.

Díjetelo ya días há; antes que viniese te lo enseñé, porque no dijeses: Mi ídolo lo hizo, mis estatuas de escultura y de fundición mandaron estas cosas.

Te lo dije ya hace días, antes que viniese te lo enseñé, para que no dijeses: Mi ídolo lo hizo, mi escultura y mi vaciadizo mandó estas cosas.

Isaías 48:5
Por esse motivo, faz muito tempo que Eu anunciei e revelei a ti todos os fatos antes do seu cumprimento, para que não imaginasses: ‘Ora, foram meus ídolos que fizeram isso e aquilo; minha imagem de madeira e meu deus fundido determinaram tais eventos.’

Há muito tas anunciei, e as manifestei antes que acontecessem, para que não dissesses: O meu ídolo fez estas coisas, ou a minha imagem de escultura, ou a minha imagem de fundição as ordenou.   

Isaia 48:5
ţi-am vestit de mult aceste lucruri, ţi le-am spus mai înainte ca să se întîmple, ca să nu poţi să zici: ,Idolul meu le -a făcut, chipul meu cioplit sau chipul meu turnat le -a poruncit!`

Исаия 48:5
поэтому и объявлял тебе задолго, прежде нежели это приходило, и предъявлял тебе, чтобы тыне сказал: „идол мой сделал это, и истукан мой и изваянный мой повелелэтому быть".

поэтому и объявлял тебе задолго, прежде нежели это приходило, и предъявлял тебе, чтобы ты не сказал: `идол мой сделал это, и истукан мой и изваянный мой повелел этому быть`.[]

Jesaja 48:5
därför förkunnade jag det för länge sedan och lät dig höra därom, innan det skedde, på det att du icke skulle kunna säga: »Min gudastod har gjort det, min gudabild, den skurna eller den gjutna har skickat det så.»

Isaiah 48:5
Kaya't aking ipinahayag sa iyo mula nang una; bago nangyari ay ipinakilala ko sa iyo: baka iyong sabihin, Mga ginawa ng aking diosdiosan, at ang aking larawang inanyuan, at ang aking larawang binubo, nagutos sa kanila.

อิสยาห์ 48:5
เราก็แจ้งเรื่องเหล่านั้นแก่เจ้าให้ทราบตั้งแต่เก่าก่อน ก่อนที่มันจะเกิดขึ้นเราก็ได้ว่าให้เจ้าฟังแล้ว เกรงเจ้าจะว่า `รูปเคารพของข้ากระทำเอง รูปเคารพสลักและรูปเคารพหล่อของข้าบัญชามันมา'

Yeşaya 48:5
Bunları size çok önceden bildirdim,
Olmadan önce duyurdum.
Yoksa, ‹Bunları yapan putlarımızdır,
Olmalarını buyuran
Oyma ve dökme putlarımızdır› derdiniz.[]

EÂ-sai 48:5
nên ta đã phán những sự đó từ xưa, đã dạy ngươi về những sự đó trước khi chưa đến, kẻo ngươi nói rằng: Ấy là thần tượng ta đã làm nên, tượng chạm hoặc đúc của ta đã dạy biểu mọi điều đó.

Isaiah 48:4
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