Isaiah 44:5
Isaiah 44:5
Some will say, 'I belong to the LORD'; others will call themselves by the name of Jacob; still others will write on their hand, 'The LORD's,' and will take the name Israel.

Some will proudly claim, 'I belong to the LORD.' Others will say, 'I am a descendant of Jacob.' Some will write the LORD's name on their hands and will take the name of Israel as their own."

This one will say, ‘I am the LORD’s,’ another will call on the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand, ‘The LORD’s,’ and name himself by the name of Israel.”

"This one will say, 'I am the LORD'S'; And that one will call on the name of Jacob; And another will write on his hand, 'Belonging to the LORD,' And will name Israel's name with honor.

One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

This one will say, 'I am the LORD's; another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will write on his hand, 'The LORD's,' and name himself by the name of Israel."

One will say, 'I belong to the LORD,' and another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will have written on his hand, 'the LORD's,' and will adopt the name of Israel."

One will say, 'I belong to the LORD,' and another will use the name 'Jacob.' One will write on his hand, 'The LORD's,' and use the name 'Israel.'"

One person will say, "I belong to the LORD." Another will call on the name of Jacob. Another will write on his hand, "The LORD's," and he will adopt the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am the LORD's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am the ; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall write on his hand, The LORD'S, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am the LORD's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am Jehovah's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto Jehovah, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say: I am the Lord's, and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and another shall subscribe with his hand, To the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am Jehovah's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall write with his hand: I am Jehovah's, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

One will say, 'I am Yahweh's;' and another will be called by the name of Jacob; and another will write with his hand 'to Yahweh,' and honor the name of Israel."

This one saith, For Jehovah I am, And this calleth himself by the name of Jacob, And this one writeth with his hand, 'For Jehovah,' and by the name of Israel surnameth himself.

Isaia 44:5
Njeri do të thotë: "Unë jam i Zotit"; tjetri do të quhet me emrin e Jakobit, dhe një tjetër do të shkruajë mbi dorën e tij: "I Zotit", dhe do ta ketë për nder të mbajë emrin e Izraelit".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 44:5
هذا يقول انا للرب وهذا يكنّي باسم يعقوب وهذا يكتب بيده للرب وباسم اسرائيل يلقب

Dyr Ieseien 44:5
Dyr Ain gaat sagn: "I ghoer yn n Trechtein." und nennt si aynn Naachkemmen von n Jaaggenn; dyr Ander schreibt syr eyn d Hand aufhin: "Yn n Herrn dyr Sein" und betrachtt si als Glid von n Volk Isryheel.

Исая 44:5
Един ще казва: Аз съм Господен; Друг ще се нарича с Якововото име; А друг ще подписва с ръката си, [че ще служи] Господу, И ще произнася с почит Израилевото име.

以 賽 亞 書 44:5
這 個 要 說 : 我 是 屬 耶 和 華 的 ; 那 個 要 以 雅 各 的 名 自 稱 ; 又 一 個 要 親 手 寫 : 歸 耶 和 華 的 ( 或 譯 : 在 手 上 寫 歸 耶 和 華 ) , 並 自 稱 為 以 色 列 。

这 个 要 说 : 我 是 属 耶 和 华 的 ; 那 个 要 以 雅 各 的 名 自 称 ; 又 一 个 要 亲 手 写 : 归 耶 和 华 的 ( 或 译 : 在 手 上 写 归 耶 和 华 ) , 并 自 称 为 以 色 列 。



Isaiah 44:5
Jedan će reći: 'Ja sam Jahvin', drugi će se zvati imenom Jakovljevim. Treći će sebi na ruci napisati: 'Jahvin' i nazvat će se imenom Izraelovim.

Izaiáše 44:5
Tento dí: Hospodinův já jsem, a onen nazůve se jménem Jákobovým, a jiný zapíše se rukou svou Hospodinu, a jménem Izraelským jmenovati se bude.

Esajas 44:5
En skal sige: »Jeg er HERRENS«, en kalde sig med Jakobs Navn, en skrive i sin Haand: »For HERREN!« og tage sig Israels Navn.

Jesaja 44:5
Deze zal zeggen: Ik ben des HEEREN; en die zal zich noemen met den naam van Jakob; en gene zal met zijn hand schrijven: Ik ben des HEEREN, en zich toenoemen met den naam van Israel.

ישעה 44:5
זֶ֤ה יֹאמַר֙ לַֽיהוָ֣ה אָ֔נִי וְזֶ֖ה יִקְרָ֣א בְשֵֽׁם־יַעֲקֹ֑ב וְזֶ֗ה יִכְתֹּ֤ב יָדֹו֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה וּבְשֵׁ֥ם יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל יְכַנֶּֽה׃ פ

ה זה יאמר ליהוה אני וזה יקרא בשם יעקב וזה יכתב ידו ליהוה ובשם ישראל יכנה  {פ}

זה יאמר ליהוה אני וזה יקרא בשם־יעקב וזה יכתב ידו ליהוה ובשם ישראל יכנה׃ פ

Ézsaiás 44:5
Ez azt mondja: én az Úré vagyok, amaz Jákób nevét emlegeti, és a másik önkezével írja: az Úré vagyok, és hízelegve Izráel nevét említi.

Jesaja 44:5
Unu diros:Mi apartenas al la Eternulo; alia nomos sin per la nomo de Jakob; alia skribe konsekros sin al la Eternulo kaj prenos al si la alnomon Izrael.

Tämän pitää sanoman: Herran minä olen, ja se pitää Jakobin nimellä kutsuttaman, ja tämän pitää itsensä omalla kädellänsä Herralle kirjoittaman, ja pitää nimitettämän Israelin nimellä.

Ésaïe 44:5
Celui-ci dira: Moi, je suis à l'Éternel; et celui-là s'appellera du nom de Jacob; et celui-là écrira de sa main: Je suis à l'Éternel, et se nommera du nom d'Israël.

Celui-ci dira: Je suis à l'Eternel; Celui-là se réclamera du nom de Jacob; Cet autre écrira de sa main: à l'Eternel! Et prononcera avec amour le nom d'Israël.

L'un dira; je suis à l'Eternel , et l'autre se réclamera du nom de Jacob; et un autre écrira de sa main; je suis à l'Eternel; et se surnommera du Nom d'Israël.

Jesaja 44:5
Dieser wird sagen: Ich bin des HERRN, und jener wird genannt werden mit dem Namen Jakob; und dieser wird sich mit seiner Hand dem HERRN zuschreiben und wird mit dem Namen Israel genannt werden.

Dieser wird sagen: Ich bin des HERRN! und jener wird genannt werden mit dem Namen Jakob; und dieser wird sich mit seiner Hand dem HERRN zuschreiben und wird mit dem Namen Israel genannt werden.

Der wird sagen: Jahwe gehöre ich an, und jener wird den Namen Jakobs rühmen; und ein anderer wird seine Hand mit "Jahwe gehörig" zeichnen und mit dem Namen Israel zubenannt werden.

Isaia 44:5
L’uno dirà: "Io sono dell’Eterno"; l’altro si chiamerà del nome di Giacobbe, e un altro scriverà sulla sua mano: "Dell’Eterno", e si onorerà di portare il nome d’Israele.

L’uno dirà: Io son del Signore; e l’altro si nominerà del nome di Giacobbe; e l’altro si sottoscriverà di sua mano del Signore, e si soprannominerà del nome d’Israele.

Bahwa kata orang ini kelak: Aku ini Tuhan punya! dan orang itu akan menamai dirinya dengan Yakub, seorang lain akan menyurat dengan tangannya: Aku ini Tuhan punya! dan digelarkannya dirinya dengan nama Israel.

이사야 44:5
혹은 이르기를 나는 여호와께 속하였다 할 것이며 혹은 야곱의 이름으로 자칭할 것이며 혹은 자기가 여호와께 속하였음을 손으로 기록하고 이스라엘의 이름으로 칭호하리라

Isaias 44:5
iste dicet Domini ego sum et ille vocabit in nomine Iacob et hic scribet manu sua Domino et in nomine Israhel adsimilabitur

Izaijo knyga 44:5
Vienas sakys: ‘Aš esu Viešpaties’, kitas vadinsis Jokūbo vardu, trečiasis rašys savo ranka: ‘Viešpaties’ ir pasivadins Izraeliu’ ”.

Isaiah 44:5
Ka ki ake tenei, Na Ihowa ahau; ko tetahi atu, karangatia ana e ia ko Hakopa hei ingoa mona; ko tetahi atu, tuhituhi ana tona ringa ki a Ihowa, whakahuatia ake e ia ko Iharaira hei ingoa mona.

Esaias 44:5
En skal si: Jeg hører Herren til, en annen skal kalle sig med Jakobs navn, en tredje skal skrive med sin hånd: Jeg hører Herren til, og Israel skal han bruke som hedersnavn.

Isaías 44:5
Este dirá: ``Yo soy del SEÑOR, otro invocará el nombre de Jacob, y otro escribirá en su mano: ``Del SEÑOR soy y se llamará con el nombre de Israel.

Este dirá: 'Yo soy del SEÑOR,' Otro invocará el nombre de Jacob, Y otro escribirá en su mano: 'Del SEÑOR soy' Dirá, como un alto honor, el nombre de Israel.

Uno dirá: Yo soy de Jehová; el otro se llamará del nombre de Jacob; y otro escribirá con su mano: A Jehová, y se apellidará con el nombre de Israel.

Este dirá: Yo soy de Jehová; el otro se llamará del nombre de Jacob; y otro escribirá con su mano, A Jehová, y se apellidará con el nombre de Israel.

Este dirá: Yo soy del SEÑOR; el otro se llamará del nombre de Jacob; el otro escribirá con su mano, al SEÑOR, otro se pondrá por sobrenombre, Israel.

Isaías 44:5
Um dirá: Eu Sou Yahweh; e outro chamará a si mesmo pelo nome de Jacó; e ainda outro escreverá na própria mão: “Pertenço ao Eterno”; e tomará o nome de Israel por sobrenome.

Este dirá: Eu sou do Senhor; e aquele se chamará do nome de Jacó; e aquele outro escreverá na própria mão: Eu sou do Senhor; e por sobrenome tomará o nome de Israel.   

Isaia 44:5
Unul va zice: ,Eu sînt al Domnului!` Altul se va numi cu numele lui Iacov; iar altul va scrie cu mîna lui: ,Al Domnului sînt!` Şi va fi cinstit cu numele lui Israel.``

Исаия 44:5
Один скажет: „я Господень", другой назовется именем Иакова; а иной напишет рукою своею: „я Господень", и прозовется именем Израиля.

Один скажет: `я Господень`, другой назовется именем Иакова; а иной напишет рукою своею: `я Господень`, и прозовется именем Израиля.[]

Jesaja 44:5
Då skall den ene säga: »HERREN tillhör jag», och den andre skall åberopa Jakobs namn, och en tredje skall skriva på sin hand: »HERRENS egen» och skall bruka Israel såsom ett ärenamn.

Isaiah 44:5
Sasabihin ng isa, Ako'y sa Panginoon; at magpapangalan ang iba ng pangalang Jacob; at magsusulat ang iba ng kaniyang kamay ng sa Panginoon, at magpapamagat ng pangalan ng Israel.

อิสยาห์ 44:5
ผู้นี้จะว่า `ข้าเป็นของพระเยโฮวาห์' และอีกผู้หนึ่งจะเรียกชื่อตนเองด้วยนามของยาโคบ และอีกผู้หนึ่งจะเขียนไว้บนมือของตนว่า `ของพระเยโฮวาห์' และขนานนามสกุลของตนด้วยนามของอิสราเอล"

Yeşaya 44:5
‹‹Kimi, ‹Ben RABbe aitim› diyecek,
Kimi Yakup adını alacak,
Kimi de eline ‹RABbe ait› yazıp
İsrail adını benimseyecek.››[]

EÂ-sai 44:5
mình bằng danh của Gia-cốp, kẻ khác nữa lấy tay mình viết rằng: Ta thuộc về Ðức Giê-hô-va, và xưng mình bằng danh Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Isaiah 44:4
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