Isaiah 44:17
Isaiah 44:17
From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, "Save me! You are my god!"

Then he takes what's left and makes his god: a carved idol! He falls down in front of it, worshiping and praying to it. "Rescue me!" he says. "You are my god!"

And the rest of it he makes into a god, his idol, and falls down to it and worships it. He prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!”

But the rest of it he makes into a god, his graven image. He falls down before it and worships; he also prays to it and says, "Deliver me, for you are my god."

And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.

He makes a god or his idol with the rest of it. He bows down to it and worships; He prays to it, "Save me, for you are my god."

And the rest of it he makes into a god. To blocks of wood he bows down, worships, prays, and says, "Save me, since you are my god."

With the rest of it he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships it. He prays to it, saying, 'Rescue me, for you are my god!'

But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them, saying, "Rescue us, because you are our gods."

the residue of it he turns into god, into his graven image; he humbles himself before it and worships it and prays unto it and says, Deliver me; for thou art my god.

And the rest of it he makes into a god, even his graven image: he falls down unto it, and worships it, and prays unto it, and says, Deliver me; for you are my god.

And the residue thereof he makes a god, even his graven image: he falls down to it, and worships it, and prays to it, and said, Deliver me; for you are my god.

And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image; he falleth down unto it and worshippeth, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.

But the residue thereof he made a god, and a graven thing for himself: he boweth down before it, and adoreth it, and prayeth unto it, saying: Deliver me, for thou art my God.

And with the remainder thereof he maketh a ùgod, his graven image; he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me, for thou art my ùgod.

And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it and worshippeth, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.

And the residue of it he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down to it, and worshipeth it, and prayeth to it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.

The rest of it he makes into a god, even his engraved image. He bows down to it and worships, and prays to it, and says, "Deliver me; for you are my god!"

And its remnant for a god he hath made -- For his graven image, He falleth down to it, and worshippeth, And prayeth unto it, and he saith, 'Deliver me, for my god thou art.'

Isaia 44:17
Me atë që mbetet prej tij sajon një perëndi, shëmbëlltyrën e saj të gdhendur, bie përmbys përpara saj, e adhuron, e lut dhe i thotë: "Shpëtomë, sepse ti je perëndia im".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 44:17
وبقيته قد صنعها الها صنما لنفسه. يخرّ له ويسجد ويصلّي اليه ويقول نجني لانك انت الهي

Dyr Ieseien 44:17
Aus aynn abhinghautn Trumm aber macht myn syr aynn Got, aynn Götzn, vor dönn was myn si hinkniet und dyrzue bett: "Rött mi; bist decht mein Got!"

Исая 44:17
И останалото от него прави бог, изваяния си идол. Коленичи пред него и му се кланя, И му се моли казвайки: Избави ме, защото ти си мой бог!

以 賽 亞 書 44:17
他 用 剩 下 的 做 了 一 神 , 就 是 雕 刻 的 偶 像 。 他 向 這 偶 像 俯 伏 叩 拜 , 禱 告 他 說 : 求 你 拯 救 我 , 因 你 是 我 的 神 。

他 用 剩 下 的 做 了 一 神 , 就 是 雕 刻 的 偶 像 。 他 向 这 偶 像 俯 伏 叩 拜 , 祷 告 他 说 : 求 你 拯 救 我 , 因 你 是 我 的 神 。



Isaiah 44:17
Ali od onoga što preostane pravi sebi boga, svog kumira, pada pred njim ničice i klanja mu se i moli: Spasi me, jer si ti moj bog.

Izaiáše 44:17
Z ostatku pak jeho udělá boha, rytinu svou, před níž kleká, a klaní se, a modlí se jí, řka: Vysvoboď mne, nebo Bůh silný můj jsi.

Esajas 44:17
og af Resten laver han en Gud, et Billede; han knæler for det, kaster sig ned og beder til det og siger: »Frels mig, thi du er min Gud!«

Jesaja 44:17
Het overige nu daarvan maakt hij tot een god, tot zijn gesneden beeld; hij knielt er voor neder, en buigt zich, en bidt het aan, en zegt: Red mij, want gij zijt mijn god!

ישעה 44:17
וּשְׁאֵ֣רִיתֹ֔ו לְאֵ֥ל עָשָׂ֖ה לְפִסְלֹ֑ו [יִסְגֹּוד־ כ] (יִסְגָּד־לֹ֤ו ק) וְיִשְׁתַּ֙חוּ֙ וְיִתְפַּלֵּ֣ל אֵלָ֔יו וְיֹאמַר֙ הַצִּילֵ֔נִי כִּ֥י אֵלִ֖י אָֽתָּה׃

יז ושאריתו לאל עשה לפסלו יסגוד (יסגד) לו וישתחו ויתפלל אליו ויאמר הצילני כי אלי אתה

ושאריתו לאל עשה לפסלו [יסגוד־ כ] (יסגד־לו ק) וישתחו ויתפלל אליו ויאמר הצילני כי אלי אתה׃

Ézsaiás 44:17
Maradékából istent készít, bálványát; leborulva imádja azt és könyörög hozzá, és így szól: Szabadíts meg, mert te vagy istenem!

Jesaja 44:17
Kaj gxian restajxon li faris dio, li faris el gxi sian idolon; li adoras gxin, adorklinigxas kaj pregxas al gxi, kaj diras:Savu min, cxar vi estas mia dio.

JESAJA 44:17
Mutta mitä siitä jää, siitä tekee hän jumalan epäjumalaksensa; sen eteen lankee hän polvillensa, ja kumartelee sitä, rukoilee ja sanoo: vapahda minua, sillä sinä olet minun jumalani.

Ésaïe 44:17
Et avec le reste il fait un *dieu, son image taillée: il se prosterne devant elle et l'adore, et lui adresse sa prière, et dit: Délivre-moi, car tu es mon *dieu.

Et avec le reste il fait un dieu, son idole, Il se prosterne devant elle, il l'adore, il l'invoque, Et s'écrie: Sauve-moi! Car tu es mon dieu!

Puis du reste il en fait un Dieu pour être son image taillée; il l'adore et se prosterne devant lui, et lui fait sa requête, [et lui dit]; Délivre-moi, car tu es mon Dieu.

Jesaja 44:17
Aber das übrige macht er zum Gott, daß es sein Götze sei, davor er knieet und niederfället und betet und spricht: Errette mich; denn du bist mein Gott.

Aber das übrige macht er zum Gott, daß es ein Götze sei, davor er kniet und niederfällt und betet und spricht: Errette mich; denn du bist mein Gott!

Aus dem Reste davon aber hat er einen Gott, ein Götterbild für sich gemacht: vor dem kniet er und wirft er sich nieder und zu dem betet er und spricht: Rette mich, denn du bist mein Gott!

Isaia 44:17
E con l’avanzo si fa un dio, il suo idolo, gli si prostra davanti, l’adora, lo prega e gli dice: "Salvami, poiché tu sei il mio dio!"

Poi impiega il rimanente a fare un dio, in una sua scultura, alla quale egli s’inchina, e l’adora, e gli fa orazione, e dice: Liberami; perciocchè tu sei il mio dio.

YESAYA 44:17
Maka dari pada lebihnya diperbuatkannya suatu berhala, yaitu suatu patung, lalu iapun menyembah kepadanya dan sujud kepadanya dan meminta doa kepadanya sambil sembahnya: Tolong apalah akan daku, karena engkau juga ilahku!

이사야 44:17
그 나머지도 신상 곧 자기의 우상을 만들고 그 앞에 부복하여 경배하며 그것에게 기도하여 이르기를 너는 나의 신이니 나를 구원하라 하는도다

Isaias 44:17
reliquum autem eius deum fecit sculptile sibi curvatur ante illud et adorat illud et obsecrat dicens libera me quia deus meus es tu

Izaijo knyga 44:17
Iš likusios dalies pasidirbo stabą ir, atsiklaupęs prieš jį, garbino jį ir maldavo: “Išlaisvink mane, nes tu esi mano dievas”.

Isaiah 44:17
Ko te toenga, hanga ake e ia hei atua, hei whakapakoko mana: tapapa ana ia, koropiko ana, inoi ana ki taua mea, ka mea, Whakaorangia ahau; ko koe nei hoki toku atua.

Esaias 44:17
Resten av det gjør han til en gud, til sitt utskårne billede; han faller ned for det og tilbeder det; han ber til det og sier: Frels mig, for du er min gud!

Isaías 44:17
Y del resto hace un dios, su ídolo. Se postra delante de él, lo adora, y le ruega, diciendo: Líbrame, pues mi dios eres tú.

Y del resto hace un dios, su ídolo. Se postra delante de él, lo adora, y le ruega, diciendo: "Líbrame, pues tú eres mi dios."

y hace del sobrante un dios, un ídolo suyo; se humilla delante de él, lo adora, y le ruega diciendo: Líbrame, porque tú eres mi dios.

Y torna su sobrante en un dios, en su escultura; humíllase delante de ella, adórala, y ruégale diciendo: Líbrame, que mi dios eres tú.

las sobras de él torna en dios, en su escultura; se humilla delante de él, lo adora, y le ruega diciendo: Líbrame, que mi dios eres tú.

Isaías 44:17
Então com o resto faz um deus para si, uma imagem de escultura. Ajoelha-se diante dela, prostra-se e dirigi-lhe suas súplicas em oração: “Ó Salva-me, pois tu és meu deus!”

Então do resto faz para si um deus, uma imagem de escultura; ajoelha-se diante dela, prostra-se, e lhe dirige a sua súplica dizendo: Livra-me porquanto tu és o meu deus.   

Isaia 44:17
Cu ce mai rămîne însă, face un dumnezeu, idolul lui. Îngenunche înaintea lui, i se închină, îl cheamă, şi strigă: ,,Mîntuieşte-mă, căci tu eşti dumnezeul meu!``

Исаия 44:17
А из остатков от того делает бога, идола своего, поклоняется ему, повергается перед ним и молится ему, и говорит: „спаси меня, ибо ты бог мой".

А из остатков от того делает бога, идола своего, поклоняется ему, повергается перед ним и молится ему, и говорит: `спаси меня, ибо ты бог мой`.[]

Jesaja 44:17
Men av det som är kvar gör man en gud, man gör sig ett beläte, och för det faller man ned och tillbeder, man bönfaller inför det och säger: »Rädda mig, ty du är min gud.» --

Isaiah 44:17
At ang labis niyaon ay ginagawa niyang dios, sa makatuwid baga'y kaniyang larawang inanyuan: kaniyang pinagpapatirapaan at sinasamba, at dinadalanginan, at nagsasabi, Iligtas mo ako; sapagka't ikaw ay aking dios.

อิสยาห์ 44:17
และที่เหลือนั้นเขาทำเป็นพระองค์หนึ่ง เป็นรูปเคารพสลักของเขา และกราบลงนมัสการรูปนั้น และอธิษฐานต่อรูปนั้นและว่า "ขอทรงช่วยข้าพระองค์ให้พ้น เพราะพระองค์เป็นพระของข้าพระองค์"

Yeşaya 44:17
Artakalan odundan kendine bir ilah,
Oyma put yapar;
Önünde yere kapanıp ona tapınır,
‹‹Beni kurtar, çünkü ilahım sensin›› diye yakarır.[]

EÂ-sai 44:17
Ðoạn, gỗ còn thừa lại, làm một vì thần, tức là tượng chạm mình; cúi mình trước mặt nó mà thờ lạy, cầu nguyện nó mà rằng: Xin giải cứu tôi, vì ngài là thần của tôi!

Isaiah 44:16
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