Isaiah 42:25
Isaiah 42:25
So he poured out on them his burning anger, the violence of war. It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.

Therefore, he poured out his fury on them and destroyed them in battle. They were enveloped in flames, but they still refused to understand. They were consumed by fire, but they did not learn their lesson.

So he poured on him the heat of his anger and the might of battle; it set him on fire all around, but he did not understand; it burned him up, but he did not take it to heart.

So He poured out on him the heat of His anger And the fierceness of battle; And it set him aflame all around, Yet he did not recognize it; And it burned him, but he paid no attention.

Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

So He poured out on Jacob His furious anger and the power of war. It surrounded him with fire, but he did not know it; it burned him, but he paid no attention.

so he drenched him with the heat that is his anger, the violence of war. It enveloped him in flames, but still he had no insight. It burned him up, but he didn't take it to heart."

So he poured out his fierce anger on them, along with the devastation of war. Its flames encircled them, but they did not realize it; it burned against them, but they did notice.

So he poured out his burning anger and the horrors of war on them. It engulfed them in flames, but they did not understand. It burned them, but they did not take it to heart.

Therefore he has poured upon him the fury of his anger and the strength of battle; he put fire round about him, yet he was careless; and it set him on fire, yet he did not lay it to heart.

Therefore he has poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it has set him on fire all around, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

Therefore he has poured on him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it has set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

Therefore he poured upon him the fierceness of his anger, and the strength of battle; and it set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

And he hath poured out upon him the indignation of his fury, and a strong battle, and hath burnt him round about, and he knew not: and set him on fire, and he understood not.

And he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he took it not to heart.

Therefore he poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle; and it set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire around, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.

Therefore he poured the fierceness of his anger on him, and the strength of battle; and it set him on fire all around, but he didn't know; and it burned him, but he didn't take it to heart."

And He poureth on him fury, His anger, and the strength of battle, And it setteth him on fire round about, And he hath not known, And it burneth against him, and he layeth it not to heart!

Isaia 42:25
Prandaj ai hodhi mbi të afshin e zemërimit të tij dhe dhunën e luftës, që e mbështolli rreth e qark në flakë pa e vënë re ai; e shkriu atë, por ai nuk pati gajle.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 42:25
فسكب عليه حمو غضبه وشدة الحرب فاوقدته من كل ناحية ولم يعرف واحرقته ولم يضع في قلبه

Dyr Ieseien 42:25
Daa goß yr über ien seinn glüehetn Zorn aus und überzog s mit Krieg. Rund umydum gazünglnd d Flammenn, aber die gagspannend s gar nit; du gakenddst ys an, aber die naamend syr s nit z Hertzn.

Исая 42:25
Затова изля на него лютостта на гнева Си И свирепостта на боя; И това го запали изоколо, но той не се сети, Изгори го, но той не го вложи в сърцето си.

以 賽 亞 書 42:25
所 以 , 他 將 猛 烈 的 怒 氣 和 爭 戰 的 勇 力 傾 倒 在 以 色 列 的 身 上 。 在 他 四 圍 如 火 著 起 , 他 還 不 知 道 , 燒 著 他 , 他 也 不 介 意 。

所 以 , 他 将 猛 烈 的 怒 气 和 争 战 的 勇 力 倾 倒 在 以 色 列 的 身 上 。 在 他 四 围 如 火 着 起 , 他 还 不 知 道 , 烧 着 他 , 他 也 不 介 意 。



Isaiah 42:25
Zato izli na Izraela žarki gnjev svoj i strahote ratne: plamen ga okruži odasvud, al' on ni to nije shvatio; sažeže ga, al' on ni to k srcu ne uze.

Izaiáše 42:25
A protož vylil na něj s prchlivostí hněv svůj, a násilé boje, a zapálil jej vůkol, a však nepoznal toho. Zapálil jej, pravím, a však nepřipustil toho k srdci.

Esajas 42:25
Han udgød over det Harme, sin Vrede og Krigens Vælde; den luede om det, det ænsed det ej, den sved det, det tog sig det ikke til Hjerte.

Jesaja 42:25
Daarom heeft Hij over hen uitgestort de grimmigheid Zijns toorns en de macht des oorlogs; en Hij heeft ze rondom in vlam gezet, doch zij merken het niet; en Hij heeft ze in brand gestoken, doch zij nemen het niet ter harte.

ישעה 42:25
וַיִּשְׁפֹּ֤ךְ עָלָיו֙ חֵמָ֣ה אַפֹּ֔ו וֶעֱז֖וּז מִלְחָמָ֑ה וַתְּלַהֲטֵ֤הוּ מִסָּבִיב֙ וְלֹ֣א יָדָ֔ע וַתִּבְעַר־בֹּ֖ו וְלֹא־יָשִׂ֥ים עַל־לֵֽב׃ פ

כה וישפך עליו חמה אפו ועזוז מלחמה ותלהטהו מסביב ולא ידע ותבער בו ולא ישים על לב

וישפך עליו חמה אפו ועזוז מלחמה ותלהטהו מסביב ולא ידע ותבער־בו ולא־ישים על־לב׃ פ

Ézsaiás 42:25
Ezért ontá ki reá búsulásának haragját és a had erejét; körülte lángolt az, de õ nem értett; és égett benne, de nem tért eszére!

Jesaja 42:25
Kaj Li elversxis sur lin la ardon de Sia kolero kaj la potencon de la milito; kaj Li faris brulon cxirkauxe de li, sed li ne komprenis; Li jxetis flamojn sur lin, sed li ne prenis tion al sia koro.

JESAJA 42:25
Sentähden on hän heidän päällensä vuodattanut vihansa hirmuisuuden ja väkevän sodan: ja on heidät sytyttänyt ympäri, mutta ei he tunteneet, ja hän sytytti heitä, mutta ei he sitä ottaneet mieleensä.

Ésaïe 42:25
et il a versé sur lui l'ardeur de sa colère et la force de la guerre: et elle l'a embrasé de tous côtés, et il ne l'a pas su; et elle l'a brûlé, et il ne l'a pas pris à coeur.

Aussi a-t-il versé sur Israël l'ardeur de sa colère Et la violence de la guerre; La guerre l'a embrasé de toutes parts, et il n'a point compris; Elle l'a consumé, et il n'y a point pris garde.

C'est pourquoi il a répandu sur lui la fureur de sa colère, et une forte guerre; et il l'a embrasé tout alentour, mais [Israël] ne l'a point connu; et tu l'as brûlé, mais il ne s'en est point soucié.

Jesaja 42:25
Darum hat er über sie ausgeschüttet den Grimm seines Zorns und eine Kriegsmacht und hat sie umher angezündet aber sie merken's nicht; und hat sie angesteckt, aber sie nehmen's nicht zu Herzen.

Darum hat er über sie ausgeschüttet den Grimm seines Zorns und eine Kriegsmacht; und hat sie umher angezündet, aber sie merken's nicht; und hat sie angebrannt, aber sie nehmen's nicht zu Herzen.

Da schüttete er über ihn eine Zornesglut aus und des Krieges Wut, daß sie ihn rings umloderte, ohne daß er's merkte, und ihn in Brand steckte, ohne daß er sich's zu Herzen nahm.

Isaia 42:25
Perciò egli ha riversato su Israele l’ardore della sua ira e la violenza della guerra; e la guerra l’ha avvolto nelle sue fiamme, ed ei non ha capito; l’ha consumato, ed egli non se l’è presa a cuore.

Laonde egli ha sparso sopra lui l’ardor della sua ira, e forte guerra; e l’ha divampato d’ogni intorno, ma egli non l’ha conosciuto; e l’ha arso, ma egli non vi ha posta mente.

YESAYA 42:25
Maka sebab itu dicurahkan-Nya kepada mereka itu kehangatan murka-Nya dan hebat peperangan, dan dinyalakan-Nya mereka itu keliling, tetapi tiada ia itu diindahkannya; dan dihanguskan-Nya mereka itu, tetapi tiada ia itu diperhatikannya!

이사야 42:25
그러므로 여호와께서 진노와 전쟁의 위력으로 이스라엘에게 베푸시매 그 사방으로 불붙듯하나 깨닫지 못하며 몸이 타나 마음에 두지 아니하는도다

Isaias 42:25
et effudit super eum indignationem furoris sui et forte bellum et conbusit eum in circuitu et non cognovit et succendit eum et non intellexit

Izaijo knyga 42:25
Jis išliejo ant Izraelio savo degančią rūstybę ir užleido karo baisumą. Visur siautė ugnis, bet jis nesuprato, ji degino jį, bet jis neėmė to į širdį.

Isaiah 42:25
Na reira ringihia ana e ia te aritarita o tona riri ki a ia, me te pakanga kaha; wera ana ia i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, te mohio ia; tahuna ana ia, heoi kihai tona ngakau i mahara.

Esaias 42:25
Så utøste han over dem sin brennende vrede og en veldig krig; den satte dem i brand rundt omkring, men de forstod det ikke, den brente dem, men de la det ikke på hjerte.

Isaías 42:25
Por eso derramó sobre él el ardor de su ira y la violencia de la batalla; le prendió fuego por todos lados, pero él no se dio cuenta; lo consumió, pero él no hizo caso.

Por eso derramó sobre él el ardor de Su ira Y la violencia de la batalla. Le prendió fuego por todos lados, Pero él no se dio cuenta; Lo consumió, pero él no hizo caso.

Por tanto, derramó sobre él el furor de su ira, y la fuerza de guerra; le prendió fuego todo en derredor, pero no entendió; y le consumió, mas no hizo caso.

Por tanto derramó sobre él el furor de su ira, y fuerza de guerra; púsole fuego de todas partes, empero no entendió; y encendióle, mas no ha parado mientes.

Por tanto, derramó sobre él el furor de su ira, y fortaleza de guerra; le puso fuego de todas partes, y se descuidó; y encendió en él, y no echó de ver.

Isaías 42:25
De tal maneira que o Eterno lançou sobre eles o seu furor, a violência da guerra. Ele ateou-lhes fogo ao redor; contudo, nada conseguiram aprender dessa lição; a repreensão os consumiu, mas mesmo assim não deram atenção à correção do SENHOR.

Pelo que o Senhor derramou sobre Israel a indignação da sua ira, e a violência da guerra; isso lhe ateou fogo ao redor; contudo ele não o percebeu; e o queimou; contudo ele não se compenetrou disso.   

Isaia 42:25
De aceea a vărsat El peste Israel văpaia mîniei Lui, şi grozăviile războiului: războiul l -a aprins din toate părţile şi n'a înţeles; l -a ars, şi n'a luat seama.``

Исаия 42:25
И Он излил на них ярость гнева Своего и лютость войны: она окружила их пламенем со всех сторон, но они не примечали; и горела у них, но они не уразумели этого сердцем.

И Он излил на них ярость гнева Своего и лютость войны: она окружила их пламенем со всех сторон, но они не примечали; и горела у них, но они не уразумели этого сердцем.[]

Jesaja 42:25
Därför utgöt han över dem i sin vrede förtörnelse och krigets raseri. Och de förbrändes därav runt omkring, men besinnade det icke; de förtärdes därav, men aktade icke därpå.

Isaiah 42:25
Kaya't ibinugso niya sa kaniya ang pusok ng kaniyang galit, at ang lakas ng pakikipagbaka; at sinulsulan siya ng apoy sa palibot, gayon ma'y hindi niya naalaman; at sinunog siya, gayon ma'y hindi siya naglagak ng kalooban.

อิสยาห์ 42:25
ฉะนั้นพระองค์จึงทรงหลั่งความโกรธจัดลงมาบนเขา และหลั่งอานุภาพของสงคราม ทำให้เขาติดเพลิงอยู่โดยรอบ แต่เขาไม่รู้ มันไหม้เขา แต่เขามิได้เอาใจใส่

Yeşaya 42:25
Bu yüzden kızgın öfkesini,
Savaşın şiddetini üzerlerine yağdırdı.
Ama ateş çemberi içinde olduklarını farketmediler,
Aldırmadılar kendilerini yakıp bitiren ateşe.[]

EÂ-sai 42:25
Cho nên Chúa đã trút cơn thạnh nộ và sự chiến tranh dữ dội trên nó; lửa đốt tứ bề mà nó không biết; lửa thiêu cháy nó, mà cũng chẳng lấy làm lo.

Isaiah 42:24
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