Isaiah 41:26
Isaiah 41:26
Who told of this from the beginning, so we could know, or beforehand, so we could say, 'He was right'? No one told of this, no one foretold it, no one heard any words from you.

"Who told you from the beginning that this would happen? Who predicted this, making you admit that he was right? No one said a word!

Who declared it from the beginning, that we might know, and beforehand, that we might say, “He is right”? There was none who declared it, none who proclaimed, none who heard your words.

Who has declared this from the beginning, that we might know? Or from former times, that we may say, "He is right!"? Surely there was no one who declared, Surely there was no one who proclaimed, Surely there was no one who heard your words.

Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yea, there is none that sheweth, yea, there is none that declareth, yea, there is none that heareth your words.

Who told about this from the beginning, so that we might know, and from times past, so that we might say: He is right? No one announced it, no one told it, no one heard your words.

Who told of this from the beginning, so we could know, or beforehand, so we could ask, 'Is it right?' Indeed, no one told of this, no one made an announcement, and no one heard your words:

Who decreed this from the beginning, so we could know? Who announced it ahead of time, so we could say, 'He's correct'? Indeed, none of them decreed it! Indeed, none of them announced it! Indeed, no one heard you say anything!

Who revealed this from the beginning so that we could know it? Who revealed this from the past so that we could say that he was right? No one revealed it. No one announced it. No one heard your words.

Who has declared from the beginning, that we shall know? and beforetime that we shall say, He is righteous? yea, there is no one that declares this, yea, there is no one that teaches, yea, there is no one that hears your words.

Who has declared from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yea, there is none that shows, yea, there is none that declares, yea, there is none that hears your words.

Who has declared from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yes, there is none that shows, yes, there is none that declares, yes, there is none that hears your words.

Who hath declared it from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is right? yea, there is none that declareth, yea, there is none that showeth, yea, there is none that heareth your words.

Who bath declared from the beginning, that we may know: and from time of old, that we may say: Thou art just. There is none that sheweth, nor that foretelleth, nor that heareth your words.

Who hath declared it from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, It is right? Indeed, there is none that declareth; no, none that sheweth; no, none that heareth your words.

Who hath declared it from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yea, there is none that declareth, yea, there is none that sheweth, yea, there is none that heareth your words.

Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know? and before time, that we may say, He is righteous? verily, there is none that showeth, verily, there is none that declareth, verily, there is none that heareth your words.

Who has declared it from the beginning, that we may know? And before, that we may say, 'He is right?' Surely, there is no one who declares. Surely, there is no one who shows. Surely, there is no one who hears your words.

Who hath declared from the first, and we know? And beforetime, and we say, 'Righteous?' yea, there is none declaring, Yea, there is none proclaiming, Yea, there is none hearing your sayings.

Isaia 41:26
Kush e shpalli këtë që në krye me qëllim që ta dinim, shumë më parë që të mund të thonim: "A është e drejtë"? Por nuk ka njeri që ta ketë njoftuar këtë gjë, njeri që ta ketë shpallur, njeri që të ketë dëgjuar fjalët tuaja.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 41:26
من اخبر من البدء حتى نعرف ومن قبل حتى نقول هو صادق. لا مخبر ولا مسمع ولا سامع اقوالكم.

Dyr Ieseien 41:26
Und; wer haat dös ankündigt, däß myr s erfarnd, und däß myr aft sagn künnen haetnd: "Daa schau her; dös stimmt!"? Ä; kain Fotzn voll habtß verlauttn laassn!

Исая 41:26
Кой е изявил това от начало, за да знаем, И от преди време та да речем: [Той има право]? Напротив, няма някой да го е изявил, няма някой да го е казал, Няма някой да е чул думите ви.

以 賽 亞 書 41:26
誰 從 起 初 指 明 這 事 , 使 我 們 知 道 呢 ? 誰 從 先 前 說 明 , 使 我 們 說 他 不 錯 呢 ? 誰 也 沒 有 指 明 , 誰 也 沒 有 說 明 。 誰 也 沒 有 聽 見 你 們 的 話 。

谁 从 起 初 指 明 这 事 , 使 我 们 知 道 呢 ? 谁 从 先 前 说 明 , 使 我 们 说 他 不 错 呢 ? 谁 也 没 有 指 明 , 谁 也 没 有 说 明 。 谁 也 没 有 听 见 你 们 的 话 。



Isaiah 41:26
Tko je to odiskona objavio da bismo znali, unaprijed prorekao da bismo rekli: istina je? Ali nikog nema tko bi objavio, niti koga da bi navijestio, niti koga da čuje riječi vaše.

Izaiáše 41:26
Kdo oznámí od počátku, abychom věděli, aneb od starodávna, abychom řekli: Práv jest? Naprosto žádného není, kdo by oznámil, aniž jest kdo, ješto by se dal slyšeti, aneb ješto by slyšel řeči vaše.

Esajas 41:26
Hvo forkyndte det før, saa vi vidste det, forud, saa vi sagde: »Han fik Ret!« Nej, ingen har forkyndt eller sagt det, ingen har hørt eders Ord.

Jesaja 41:26
Wie heeft wat verkondigd van den beginne aan, dat wij het weten mogen, of van te voren, dat wij zeggen mogen: Hij is rechtvaardig; maar er is niemand, die het verkondigt, ook niemand, die wat horen doet, ook niemand, die ulieder woorden hoort.

ישעה 41:26
מִֽי־הִגִּ֤יד מֵרֹאשׁ֙ וְנֵדָ֔עָה וּמִלְּפָנִ֖ים וְנֹאמַ֣ר צַדִּ֑יק אַ֣ף אֵין־מַגִּ֗יד אַ֚ף אֵ֣ין מַשְׁמִ֔יעַ אַ֥ף אֵין־שֹׁמֵ֖עַ אִמְרֵיכֶֽם׃

כו מי הגיד מראש ונדעה ומלפנים ונאמר צדיק אף אין מגיד אף אין משמיע--אף אין שמע אמריכם

מי־הגיד מראש ונדעה ומלפנים ונאמר צדיק אף אין־מגיד אף אין משמיע אף אין־שמע אמריכם׃

Ézsaiás 41:26
Ki jelenté meg ezt eleitõl fogva, hogy megtudnók? vagy régen, hogy ezt mondanók: Igaz? De nem jelenté meg, de nem tudatá senki, nem hallá szavatokat senki sem!

Jesaja 41:26
Kiu tion diris antauxe, por ke ni sciu? kaj antauxlonge, por ke ni diru:Li estas prava? Sed neniu diris, kaj neniu sciigis, kaj neniu auxdis viajn vortojn.

JESAJA 41:26
Kuka taitaa jotain ilmoittaa alusta, että me ymmärtäisimme? eli ennustaa edellä, että me sanoa mahtaisimme: sinä olet vanhurskas. Mutta ei tässä ole yhtään ilmoittajaa, ei yhtään joka jotain antaa kuulla, ei yhtään joka teidän sanojanne kuulee.

Ésaïe 41:26
Qui l'a déclaré dès le commencement, afin que nous le sachions, et d'avance, afin que nous disions: C'est juste? Non, il n'y a personne qui le déclare; non, personne qui le fasse entendre; non, personne qui entende vos paroles.

Qui l'a annoncé dès le commencement, pour que nous le sachions, Et longtemps d'avance, pour que nous disions: C'est vrai? Nul ne l'a annoncé, nul ne l'a prédit, Et personne n'a entendu vos paroles.

Qui est celui qui a manifesté ces choses dès le commencement, afin que nous le connaissions, et avant le temps où nous sommes, et nous dirons qu'il est juste? mais il n'y a personne qui les annonce, même il n'y a personne qui les donne à entendre, même il n'y a personne qui entende vos paroles.

Jesaja 41:26
Wer kann etwas verkündigen von Anfang? so wollen wir's vernehmen; oder weissagen zuvor? so wollen wir sagen: Du redest recht. Aber da ist kein Verkündiger, keiner, der etwas hören ließe, keiner, der von euch ein Wort hören möge.

Wer kann etwas verkündigen von Anfang? so wollen wir's vernehmen, oder weissagen zuvor? so wollen wir sagen: Du redest recht! Aber da ist kein Verkündiger, keiner, der etwas hören ließe, keiner, der von euch ein Wort hören möge.

Wer hat es kund gethan von Anfang an, daß wir's erkenneten, und im voraus, daß wir hätten sagen können: er hat Recht? Aber da ist keiner, der es kund thäte, keiner, der es hören ließe, niemand, der eure Worte hörte!

Isaia 41:26
Chi ha annunziato questo fin dal principio perché lo sapessimo? e molto prima perché dicessimo: "E’ vero?" Nessuno l’ha annunziato, nessuno l’ha predetto, e nessuno ha udito i vostri discorsi.

Chi ha annunziate queste cose da principio, e noi lo riconosceremo? ed ab antico, e noi lo pronunzieremo giusto? Ma certo non vi è stato alcuno che le abbia dichiarate, nè che le abbia pur fatte intendere; ed anche non vi è alcuno che ne abbia uditi i vostri ragionamenti.

YESAYA 41:26
Siapakah sudah memberitahunya dari mula-mula? kita hendak mengetahui dia, atau dahulu dari pada datangnya, supaya kata kita: Benarlah ia! Tetapi seorangpun tiada yang memberitahu perkara itu; bahkan, seorangpun tiada yang memperdengarkan barang sesuatu; bahkan, seorangpun tiada yang mendengar barang sepatah katamu.

이사야 41:26
누가 처음부터 이 일을 우리에게 고하여 알게 하였느뇨 누가 이 전부터 우리에게 고하여 이가 옳다고 말하게 하였느뇨 능히 고하는 자도 없고 보이는 자도 없고 너희 말을 듣는 자도 없도다

Isaias 41:26
quis adnuntiavit ab exordio ut sciamus et a principio ut dicamus iustus es non est neque adnuntians neque praedicens neque audiens sermones vestros

Izaijo knyga 41:26
Kas paskelbė nuo pat pradžios, kad žinotume, ir iš senovės, kad sakytume: ‘Jis teisus’. Nė vienas nepranešė ir nepaskelbė, nė vienas neišgirdo jūsų žodžių.

Isaiah 41:26
Na wai i whakaatu mai i te timatanga, kia mohio ai tatou? na wai i nga wa onamata, mo ta tatou ki ake, He tika tana? ae ra, kihai i whakaaturia e tetahi, ae ra, kihai i korerotia e tetahi, kihai ano tetahi i rongo i a koutou korero.

Esaias 41:26
Hvem har kunngjort dette fra begynnelsen, så vi kunde vite det, og fra fordums tid, så vi kunde si: Han har rett? Ingen har kunngjort noget, ingen har forkynt noget, og ingen har hørt eder si noget.

Isaías 41:26
¿Quién lo anunció desde el principio, para que supiéramos, o desde tiempos antiguos, para que dijéramos: Tiene razón? Ciertamente no había quien lo anunciara, sí, no había quien lo proclamara, ciertamente no había quien oyera vuestras palabras.

¿Quién lo anunció desde el principio, para que supiéramos, O desde tiempos antiguos, para que dijéramos: "Tiene razón?" Ciertamente no había quien lo anunciara, Sí, no había quien lo proclamara, Ciertamente no había quien oyera sus palabras.

¿Quién lo anunció desde el principio, para que sepamos; o de tiempo atrás, y diremos: Es justo? Cierto, no hay quien anuncie, sí, no hay quien enseñe, ciertamente no hay quien oiga vuestras palabras.

¿Quién lo anunció desde el principio, para que sepamos; ó de tiempo atrás, y diremos: Es justo? Cierto, no hay quien anuncie, sí, no hay quien enseñe, ciertamente no hay quien oiga vuestras palabras.

Quién lo anunció desde el principio, para que sepamos; y de antes, y diremos: justo. Ciertamente, no hay quién lo anuncie, ciertamente, no hay quién enseñe, ciertamente no hay quién oiga vuestras palabras.

Isaías 41:26
Quem anunciou isso desde o princípio para que saibamos? Ou anteriormente, para que digamos: ‘Ele estava certo? Não há quem proclame, nem quem manifeste, nem quem ouça as vossas palavras.

Quem anunciou isso desde o princípio, para que o possamos saber? ou dantes, para que digamos: Ele é justo? Mas não há quem anuncie, nem tampouco quem manifeste, nem tampouco quem ouça as vossas palavras.   

Isaia 41:26
Cine a vestit lucrul acesta dela început, ca să -l ştim, şi cu mult înainte, ca să zicem: ,Are dreptate?` Nimeni nu l -a vestit, nimeni nu l -a proorocit, şi nimeni n'a auzit cuvintele voastre.

Исаия 41:26
Кто возвестил об этом изначала, чтобы нам знать, и задолго пред тем, чтобы нам можно было сказать: „правда"? Но никто не сказал, никто не возвестил, никто не слыхал слов ваших.

Кто возвестил об этом изначала, чтобы нам знать, и задолго пред тем, чтобы нам можно было сказать: `правда`? Но никто не сказал, никто не возвестил, никто не слыхал слов ваших.[]

Jesaja 41:26
Vem förkunnade detta förut, så att vi fingo veta det, eller i förväg, så att vi kunde säga: »Du hade rätt»? Ingen fanns, som förkunnade det, ingen, som lät oss höra det, ingen, som hörde eder tala därom.

Isaiah 41:26
Sinong nagpahayag noon mula nang pasimula upang aming maalaman? at nang una, upang aming masabi, Siya'y matuwid? oo, walang magpahayag, oo, walang magpakita, oo, walang duminig ng inyong mga salita.

อิสยาห์ 41:26
ใครแจ้งไว้ตั้งแต่เริ่มแรก เพื่อเราจะทราบ และล่วงหน้าเพื่อเราจะพูดว่า "เขาชอบธรรม" เออ ไม่มีผู้ใดได้แจ้งให้ทราบ เออ ไม่มีผู้ใดได้เล่าให้ฟัง เออ ไม่มีผู้ใดได้ยินถ้อยคำของเจ้า

Yeşaya 41:26
Hanginiz bunu başlangıçtan bildirdi ki, bilelim,
Kim önceden bildirdi ki, ‹Haklısın› diyelim?
Konuştuğunuzu bildiren de
Duyuran da
Duyan da olmadı hiç.[]

EÂ-sai 41:26
Ai đã tỏ ra điều đó từ lúc ban đầu cho chúng ta biết? Ai đã rao ra từ trước đặng chúng ta nói rằng, người là công bình? Nhưng chẳng ai rao hết, chẳng ai báo hết, chẳng ai từng nghe tiếng các ngươi.

Isaiah 41:25
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