Isaiah 41:2
Isaiah 41:2
"Who has stirred up one from the east, calling him in righteousness to his service? He hands nations over to him and subdues kings before him. He turns them to dust with his sword, to windblown chaff with his bow.

"Who has stirred up this king from the east, rightly calling him to God's service? Who gives this man victory over many nations and permits him to trample their kings underfoot? With his sword, he reduces armies to dust. With his bow, he scatters them like chaff before the wind.

Who stirred up one from the east whom victory meets at every step? He gives up nations before him, so that he tramples kings underfoot; he makes them like dust with his sword, like driven stubble with his bow.

"Who has aroused one from the east Whom He calls in righteousness to His feet? He delivers up nations before him And subdues kings. He makes them like dust with his sword, As the wind-driven chaff with his bow.

Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Who has stirred him up from the east? He calls righteousness to his feet. The LORD hands nations over to him, and he subdues kings. He makes them like dust with his sword, like wind-driven stubble with his bow.

Who has aroused victory from the east, and has summoned it to his service, and has handed over nations to him? Who brings down kings, and turns them into dust with his sword, into windblown stubble with his bow?

Who stirs up this one from the east? Who officially commissions him for service? He hands nations over to him, and enables him to subdue kings. He makes them like dust with his sword, like windblown straw with his bow.

"Who has raised up from the east someone to whom the LORD gives victory with every step he takes? Nations are handed over to him. He defeats kings. With his sword he turns them into dust. With his bow he turns them into straw blown by the wind.

Who raised up righteousness from the east, called him that he might follow him, gave the Gentiles before him, and made him rule over kings? He gave them as the dust to his sword and as driven stubble to his bow.

Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his feet, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Who hath raised up one from the east, whom he calleth in righteousness to his foot? he giveth nations before him, and maketh him rule over kings; he giveth them as the dust to his sword, as the driven stubble to his bow.

Who hath raised up the just one from the east, hath called him to follow him? he shall give the nations in his sight, and he shall rule over kings: he shall give them as the dust to his sword, as stubble driven by the wind, to his bow.

Who raised up from the east him whom righteousness calleth to its foot? He gave the nations before him, and caused him to have dominion over kings; he gave them as dust to his sword, as driven stubble to his bow.

Who hath raised up one from the east, whom he calleth in righteousness to his foot? he giveth nations before him, and maketh him rule over kings; he giveth them as the dust to his sword, as the driven stubble to his bow.

Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Who has raised up one from the east? Who called him to his foot in righteousness? He hands over nations to him, and makes him rule over kings. He gives them like the dust to his sword, like the driven stubble to his bow.

Who stirred up from the east a righteous one? He calleth him to His foot, He giveth before him nations, And kings He causeth him to rule, He giveth them as dust to his sword, As driven stubble to his bow.

Isaia 41:2
Kush e ka nxitur një nga lindja, duke e thirrur në këmbët e tij në drejtësi? Kush i dorëzoi kombet dhe i nënshtroi mbretërit? Ai ia jep si pluhur shpatës së tij dhe si kashtë e shpërndarë harkut të tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 41:2
من انهض من المشرق الذي يلاقيه النصر عند رجليه دفع امامه امما وعلى ملوك سلطه جعلهم كالتراب بسيفه وكالقش المنذري بقوسه.

Dyr Ieseien 41:2
Wer haat dönn in n Oostn aufsteen laassn, der wo weilete de Grechtet selbn ist? Wer gibt iem d Völker preis und unterwirfft iem de Künig? Sein Schwert und sein Pfeilbogn raeumt s weiter wie Staaub; verwaen tuet s is wie Bödschn.

Исая 41:2
Кой е въздигнал едного от изток, Когото повиква с правда при нозете Си? Предава му народи, и поставя го господар над царе, И тях предава на ножа му като прах. На лъка му като отвята плява.

以 賽 亞 書 41:2
誰 從 東 方 興 起 一 人 , 憑 公 義 召 他 來 到 腳 前 呢 ? 耶 和 華 將 列 國 交 給 他 , 使 他 管 轄 君 王 , 把 他 們 如 灰 塵 交 與 他 的 刀 , 如 風 吹 的 碎 秸 交 與 他 的 弓 。

谁 从 东 方 兴 起 一 人 , 凭 公 义 召 他 来 到 脚 前 呢 ? 耶 和 华 将 列 国 交 给 他 , 使 他 管 辖 君 王 , 把 他 们 如 灰 尘 交 与 他 的 刀 , 如 风 吹 的 碎 秸 交 与 他 的 弓 。



Isaiah 41:2
Tko je podigao s Istoka onog kog ukorak prati Pobjeda? Tko mu izručuje narode i kraljeve podlaže? Prah su pod mačem njegovim, k'o pljevu ih njegov luk raspršuje.

Izaiáše 41:2
Kdo vzbudil od východu spravedlivého, aby ho následoval? Kdo jemu podmanil národy, a způsobil, aby nad králi panoval, vydav je jako prach meči jeho, a jako plevy rozptýlené lučišti jeho?

Esajas 41:2
Hvo vakte i Østen ham, hvis Fod gaar fra Sejr til Sejr, hvo giver Folk i hans Vold og gør ham til Kongers Hersker? Han gør deres Sværd til Støv, deres Buer til flagrende Straa,

Jesaja 41:2
Wie heeft van den opgang dien rechtvaardige verwekt? heeft hem geroepen op zijn voet? de heidenen voor zijn aangezicht gegeven, en gemaakt, dat hij over koningen heerste? heeft ze zijn zwaard gegeven als stof, zijn boog als een voortgedreven stoppel?

ישעה 41:2
מִ֤י הֵעִיר֙ מִמִּזְרָ֔ח צֶ֖דֶק יִקְרָאֵ֣הוּ לְרַגְלֹ֑ו יִתֵּ֨ן לְפָנָ֤יו גֹּויִם֙ וּמְלָכִ֣ים יַ֔רְדְּ יִתֵּ֤ן כֶּֽעָפָר֙ חַרְבֹּ֔ו כְּקַ֥שׁ נִדָּ֖ף קַשְׁתֹּֽו׃

ב מי העיר ממזרח צדק יקראהו לרגלו יתן לפניו גוים ומלכים ירד--יתן כעפר חרבו כקש נדף קשתו

מי העיר ממזרח צדק יקראהו לרגלו יתן לפניו גוים ומלכים ירד יתן כעפר חרבו כקש נדף קשתו׃

Ézsaiás 41:2
Ki támasztá fel [azt] keletrõl, a kit igazságban hív az õ lábához? A népeket kezébe adja és királyok felett uralkodóvá teszi, kardjával mint port szórja szét, mint repülõ polyvát kézíve által!

Jesaja 41:2
Kiu vekis el la oriento la justulon, vokis lin, ke li iru? Li transdonis al li naciojn kaj detronigis regxojn, transdonis kiel polvon al lia glavo, kiel disflugantajn pajlerojn al lia pafarko.

Kuka on herättänyt vanhurskaan idästä? kuka hänen kutsui käymään? kuka antoi pakanat ja kuninkaat hänen eteensä, että hän tuli voimalliseksi heidän päällensä, ja antoi heidän hänen miekallensa niinkuin tomun, ja hänen joutsellensa niinkuin akanat, jotka hajoitetaan?

Ésaïe 41:2
Qui, du levant, réveilla celui dont la justice accompagne les pas? Il livra les nations devant lui, et lui soumit les rois; il les livra à son épée comme de la poussière, et à son arc comme du chaume chassé par le vent.

Qui a suscité de l'orient Celui que le salut appelle à sa suite? Qui lui a livré les nations et assujetti des rois? Qui a réduit leur glaive en poussière, Et leur arc en un chaume qui s'envole?

Qui est celui qui a fait lever de l'Orient la justice ? qui l'a appelée afin qu'elle le suivit pas à pas? qui a soumis à son commandement les nations, lui a fait avoir domination sur les Rois, et les a livrés à son épée, comme de la poussière; et à son arc, comme de la paille poussée par le vent?

Jesaja 41:2
Wer hat den Gerechten vom Aufgang erweckt? Wer rief ihm, daß er ging? Wer gab die Heiden und Könige vor ihm, daß er ihrer mächtig ward, und gab sie seinem Schwert wie Staub und seinem Bogen wie zerstreuete Stoppeln,

Wer hat den Gerechten vom Aufgange erweckt? Wer rief ihn, daß er ging? Wer gab die Heiden und Könige vor ihm dahin, daß er ihrer mächtig ward, und gab sie seinem Schwert wie Staub und seinem Bogen wie zerstreute Stoppeln,

Wer hat vom Osten her erweckt ihn, dem Recht entgegenkommt auf jedem Schritte? Wer unterwirft ihm Völker und stürzt vor ihm Könige? Wer macht ihr Schwert dem Staube gleich, verwehten Stoppeln ihren Bogen?

Isaia 41:2
Chi ha suscitato dall’oriente colui che la giustizia chiama sui suoi passi? Egli dà in balìa di lui le nazioni, e lo fa dominare sui re; egli riduce la loro spada in polvere, e il loro arco come pula portata via dal vento.

Chi ha eccitata la giustizia dall’Oriente? chi l’ha chiamata, perchè lo seguiti a passo a passo? chi mette davanti a sè le genti, e signoreggia i re, e rende le spade loro come polvere, e i loro archi come stoppia agitata?

Siapa sudah membangkitkan dia dari masyrik, yang bertemu dengan kebenaran pada segala langkahnya? siapa menyerahkan segala orang kafir di hadapan hadiratnya dan memberi kuasa kepadanya atas raja-raja dan menyerahkan mereka itu kepada pedangnya seperti duli kepada busurnya seperti jerami yang diterbangkan,

이사야 41:2
누가 동방에서 사람을 일으키며 의로 불러서 자기 발 앞에 이르게 하였느뇨 열국으로 그 앞에 굴복케 하며 그로 왕들을 치리하게 하되 그들로 그의 칼에 티끌 같게,그의 활에 불리는 초개같게 하매

Isaias 41:2
quis suscitavit ab oriente iustum vocavit eum ut sequeretur se dabit in conspectu eius gentes et reges obtinebit dabit quasi pulverem gladio eius sicut stipulam vento raptam arcui eius

Izaijo knyga 41:2
Kas pašaukė teisųjį iš rytų, liepė jam sekti paskui save? Jis atidavė tautas jam, pavergė karalius, atidavė juos kardui kaip dulkes, lankui­kaip vėjo nešiojamus šiaudus.

Isaiah 41:2
Na wai i whakaara ake tetahi i te rawhiti, i karangatia e ia i runga i te tika ki tona waewae? homai ana e ia nga iwi ki tona aroaro, meinga ana ia e ia hei rangatira mo nga kingi; homai ana ratou e ia ano he puehu ki tana hoari, ano he kakau wit i e aia ana, ki tana kopere.

Esaias 41:2
Hvem vakte fra Østen ham* som seieren møter hvor han setter sin fot? Han gir folkeslag i hans vold og lar ham herske over konger, gjør deres sverd til støv, deres bue til strå som føres bort av vinden.

Isaías 41:2
¿Quién ha levantado del oriente al que El llama en justicia a sus pies? Ante El entrega naciones, y a reyes somete. Los deja como polvo con su espada, como hojarasca dispersa con su arco.

¿Quién ha levantado del oriente Al que El llama en justicia a Sus pies? Ante El entrega naciones, Y a reyes somete. Los deja como polvo con su espada, Como hojarasca los dispersa con su arco,

¿Quién despertó del oriente al justo, lo llamó para que le siguiese, entregó delante de él naciones, y lo hizo señorear sobre reyes; los entregó a su espada como polvo, y a su arco como paja arrebatada?

¿Quién despertó del oriente al justo, lo llamó para que le siguiese, entregó delante de él naciones, é hízolo enseñorear de reyes; entrególos á su espada como polvo, y á su arco como hojarascas arrebatadas?

¿Quién despertó del oriente la justicia, y lo llamó para que le siguiese? Entregó delante de él gentiles, y le hizo enseñorear de reyes; como polvo los entregó a su espada, y como hojarasca arrebatada a su arco.

Isaías 41:2
Quem suscitou do Oriente aquele a cujos passos segue a vitória? Quem faz com que as nações se lhe submetam e que ele calque aos pés os reis, e com a sua espada os transforme em pó, e com o seu arco, em palha que o vento arrebata?

Quem suscitou do Oriente aquele cujos passos a vitória acompanha? Quem faz que as nações se lhe submetam e que ele domine sobre reis? Ele os entrega à sua espada como o pó, e ao seu arco como pragana arrebatada pelo vento.   

Isaia 41:2
Cine a ridicat dela răsărit pe acela pe care, în neprihănirea Lui, îl cheamă să calce pe urmele Lui? Cine îi supune neamuri şi împăraţi? Cine le face sabia praf, şi arcul o pleavă luată de vînt?

Исаия 41:2
Кто воздвиг от востока мужа правды, призвал его следовать за собою, предал ему народы и покорил царей? Он обратил их мечом его в прах, луком его в солому, разносимую ветром.

Кто воздвиг от востока мужа правды, призвал его следовать за собою, предал ему народы и покорил царей? Он обратил их мечом его в прах, луком его в солому, разносимую ветром.[]

Jesaja 41:2
Vem har i öster låtit denne uppstå, som mötes av seger, var han går fram? Vem giver folkslag i hans våld och gör honom till härskare över konungar? Vem gör deras svärd till stoft och deras bågar till strå som föres bort av vinden?

Isaiah 41:2
Sinong nagbangon ng isa na mula sa silanganan, na kaniyang tinawag sa katuwiran sa kaniyang paanan? siya'y nagbigay ng mga bansa sa harap niya, at pinagpuno niya siya sa mga hari; kaniyang ibinibigay sila na parang alabok sa kaniyang tabak, na parang pinaspas na dayami sa kaniyang busog.

อิสยาห์ 41:2
ใครได้เร้าใจให้คนชอบธรรมมาจากตะวันออก ได้เรียกท่านให้ติดตาม ได้มอบบรรดาประชาชาติต่อหน้าท่าน และให้ท่านครอบครองเหนือกษัตริย์ทั้งหลาย ได้มอบพวกเขาไว้แก่ดาบของท่านเหมือนผงคลี และแก่คันธนูของท่านเหมือนตอข้าวที่ถูกพัดไป

Yeşaya 41:2
‹‹Doğudan adaleti harekete geçiren,
Hizmete koşan kim?
Ulusları önüne katıyor, krallara baş eğdiriyor.
Kılıcıyla toz ediyor onları,
Yayıyla savrulan samana çeviriyor. simgeliyor (bkz. 45:1).[]

EÂ-sai 41:2
Ai đã khiến người kia dấy lên từ phương đông, lấy sự công bình gọi người đến kề chơn mình? Ngài phó các dân tộc trước mặt Người, khiến người cai trị các vua, phó họ như bụi cho gươm người, giống như rác rến bị gió thổi cho cung người.

Isaiah 41:1
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