Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.

Don't be afraid, because I'm with you; don't be anxious, because I am your God. I keep on strengthening you; I'm truly helping you. I'm surely upholding you with my victorious right hand."

Don't be afraid, for I am with you! Don't be frightened, for I am your God! I strengthen you--yes, I help you--yes, I uphold you with my saving right hand!

Don't be afraid, because I am with you. Don't be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand.

Do not fear for I am with thee; do not be dismayed, for I am thy God, who strengthens thee; I will help thee always; I will always uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of my just one hath upheld thee.

Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yes, I will help thee; yes, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Don't you be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Be not afraid, for with thee I am, Look not around, for I am thy God, I have strengthened thee, Yea, I have helped thee, yea, I upheld thee, With the right hand of My righteousness.

Isaia 41:10
Mos ki frikë, sepse unë jam me ty, mos e humb, sepse unë jam Perëndia yt. Unë të forcoj dhe njëkohësisht të ndihmoj dhe të mbaj me dorën e djathtë të drejtësisë sime.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 41:10
لا تخف لاني معك. لا تتلفت لاني الهك. قد أيدتك واعنتك وعضدتك بيمين بري.

Dyr Ieseien 41:10
Fircht di nit, denn i bin mit dir; brauchst kain Angst habn, denn i bin dein Got. I hilf dyr und mach di starch; i halt di, i selbn röttig di.

Исая 41:10
Не бой се, защото Аз съм с тебе; Не се ужасявай, защото Аз съм твой Бог; Ще те укрепя, да! ще ти помогна. Да! ще те подпра с праведната Си десница,

以 賽 亞 書 41:10
你 不 要 害 怕 , 因 為 我 與 你 同 在 ; 不 要 驚 惶 , 因 為 我 是 你 的   神 。 我 必 堅 固 你 , 我 必 幫 助 你 ; 我 必 用 我 公 義 的 右 手 扶 持 你 。

你 不 要 害 怕 , 因 为 我 与 你 同 在 ; 不 要 惊 惶 , 因 为 我 是 你 的   神 。 我 必 坚 固 你 , 我 必 帮 助 你 ; 我 必 用 我 公 义 的 右 手 扶 持 你 。



Isaiah 41:10
Ne boj se jer ja sam s tobom; ne obaziri se plaho jer ja sam Bog tvoj. Ja te krijepim i pomažem ti, podupirem te pobjedničkom desnicom.

Izaiáše 41:10
Nebojž se, nebo jsem já s tebou; nestrachujž se, nebo já jsem Bůh tvůj. Posilním tě, a pomáhati budu tobě, a podpírati tě budu pravicí spravedlnosti své.

Esajas 41:10
Frygt ikke, thi jeg er med dig, vær ej raadvild, thi jeg er din Gud! Med min Retfærds højre styrker, ja hjælper, ja støtter jeg dig.

Jesaja 41:10
Vrees niet, want Ik ben met u; zijt niet verbaasd, want Ik ben uw God; Ik sterk u, ook help Ik u, ook ondersteun Ik u met de rechterhand Mijner gerechtigheid.

ישעה 41:10
אַל־תִּירָא֙ כִּ֣י עִמְּךָ־אָ֔נִי אַל־תִּשְׁתָּ֖ע כִּֽי־אֲנִ֣י אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ אִמַּצְתִּ֙יךָ֙ אַף־עֲזַרְתִּ֔יךָ אַף־תְּמַכְתִּ֖יךָ בִּימִ֥ין צִדְקִֽי׃

י אל תירא כי עמך אני אל תשתע כי אני אלהיך אמצתיך אף עזרתיך--אף תמכתיך בימין צדקי

אל־תירא כי עמך־אני אל־תשתע כי־אני אלהיך אמצתיך אף־עזרתיך אף־תמכתיך בימין צדקי׃

Ézsaiás 41:10
Ne félj, mert én veled vagyok; ne csüggedj, mert én vagyok Istened; megerõsítelek, sõt megsegítlek, és igazságom jobbjával támogatlak.

Jesaja 41:10
ne timu, cxar Mi estas kun vi; ne maltrankviligxu, cxar Mi estas via Dio; Mi vin fortigos, Mi vin helpos, Mi vin subtenos per Mia justa dekstra mano.

JESAJA 41:10
Älä pelkää, sillä minä olen sinun kanssas; älä harhaile; sillä minä olen sinun Jumalas: minä vahvistan sinun, minä autan myös sinua, ja tuen myös sinun vanhurskauteni oikialla kädellä.

Ésaïe 41:10
ne crains point, car je suis avec toi; ne sois pas inquiet, car moi je suis ton Dieu. Je te fortifierai; oui, je t'aiderai; oui, je te soutiendrai par la droite de ma justice.

Ne crains rien, car je suis avec toi; Ne promène pas des regards inquiets, car je suis ton Dieu; Je te fortifie, je viens à ton secours, Je te soutiens de ma droite triomphante.

Ne crains point, car je suis avec toi; ne sois point étonné, car je suis ton Dieu; je t'ai fortifié, et je t'ai aidé, même je t'ai maintenu par la dextre de ma justice.

Jesaja 41:10
fürchte dich nicht, ich bin mit dir; weiche nicht, denn ich bin dein Gott! Ich stärke dich, ich helfe dir auch, ich erhalte dich durch die rechte Hand meiner Gerechtigkeit.

fürchte dich nicht, ich bin mit dir; weiche nicht, denn ich bin dein Gott; ich stärke dich, ich helfe dir auch, ich erhalte dich durch die rechte Hand meiner Gerechtigkeit.

Sei getrost, denn ich bin mit dir! Blicke nicht ängstlich, denn ich bin dein Gott: Ich mache dich stark, ja ich helfe dir; ja, ich halte dich fest mit meiner Recht wirkenden Rechten.

Isaia 41:10
tu, non temere, perché io son teco; non ti smarrire, perché io sono il tuo Dio; io ti fortifico, io ti soccorro, io ti sostengo con la destra della mia giustizia.

non temere, perciocchè io son teco; non ismarrirti, perciocchè io sono il tuo Dio; io t’ho fortificato, anzi aiutato, anzi sostenuto con la destra della mia giustizia.

YESAYA 41:10
Janganlah takut, karena Akulah sertamu! jangalah engkau bimbang, karena Akulah Allahmu; Aku menguatkan dikau, lagi Aku menolong engkau, lagi Aku memapah engkau dengan tangan kanan kebenaran-Ku.

이사야 41:10
두려워 말라 내가 너와 함께 함이니라 놀라지 말라 나는 네 하나님이 됨이니라 내가 너를 굳세게 하리라 참으로 너를 도와 주리라 참으로 나의 의로운 오른손으로 너를 붙들리라

Isaias 41:10
ne timeas quia tecum sum ego ne declines quia ego Deus tuus confortavi te et auxiliatus sum tui et suscepi te dextera iusti mei

Izaijo knyga 41:10
Nebijok, nes Aš esu su tavimi; nepasiduok baimei, nes Aš esu tavo Dievas. Aš sustiprinsiu tave ir padėsiu tau, Aš palaikysiu tave savo teisumo dešine’.

Isaiah 41:10
Kaua e wehi; kei a koe nei hoki ahau; kaua ano e tirotiro; ko ahau nei hoki tou Atua: maku koe e whakakaha, ae ra, maku koe e awhina, ka tautokona ake ano koe e te ringa matau o toku tika.

Esaias 41:10
Frykt ikke, for jeg er med dig! Se dig ikke engstelig om, for jeg er din Gud! Jeg styrker dig og hjelper dig og holder dig oppe med min rettferds høire hånd.

Isaías 41:10
No temas, porque yo estoy contigo; no te desalientes, porque yo soy tu Dios. Te fortaleceré, ciertamente te ayudaré, sí, te sostendré con la diestra de mi justicia.

No temas, porque Yo estoy contigo; No te desalientes, porque Yo soy tu Dios. Te fortaleceré, ciertamente te ayudaré, Sí, te sostendré con la diestra de Mi justicia.

No temas, porque yo estoy contigo; no desmayes, porque yo soy tu Dios que te esfuerzo; siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia.

No temas, que yo soy contigo; no desmayes, que yo soy tu Dios que te esfuerzo: siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia.

No temas, que yo soy contigo; no desmayes, que yo soy tu Dios, que te esfuerzo; siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia.

Isaías 41:10
Por isso não temas, porque estou contigo; não te assustes, porque sou o teu Deus; Eu te fortaleço, ajudo e sustento com a mão direita da minha justiça.

não temas, porque eu sou contigo; não te assombres, porque eu sou teu Deus; eu te fortaleço, e te ajudo, e te sustento com a destra da minha justiça.   

Isaia 41:10
nu te teme, căci Eu sînt cu tine; nu te uita cu îngrijorare, căci Eu sînt Dumnezeul tău; Eu te întăresc, tot Eu îţi vin în ajutor. Eu te sprijinesc cu dreapta Mea biruitoare.

Исаия 41:10
не бойся, ибо Я с тобою; не смущайся, ибо Я Бог твой; Я укреплю тебя, и помогу тебе, и поддержу тебя десницею правды Моей.

не бойся, ибо Я с тобою; не смущайся, ибо Я Бог твой; Я укреплю тебя, и помогу тебе, и поддержу тебя десницею правды Моей.[]

Jesaja 41:10
frukta icke, ty jag är med dig; var ej försagd, ty jag är din Gud. Jag styrker dig, jag hjälper dig ock, jag uppehåller dig med min rättfärdighets högra hand.

Isaiah 41:10
Huwag kang matakot, sapagka't ako'y sumasaiyo; huwag kang manglupaypay, sapagka't ako'y iyong Dios; aking palalakasin ka; oo, aking tutulungan ka; oo, aking aalalayan ka ng kanang kamay ng aking katuwiran.

อิสยาห์ 41:10
อย่ากลัวเลย เพราะเราอยู่กับเจ้า อย่าขยาด เพราะเราเป็นพระเจ้าของเจ้า เราจะหนุนกำลังเจ้า เออ เราจะช่วยเจ้า เออ เราจะชูเจ้าด้วยมือขวาแห่งความชอบธรรมของเรา

Yeşaya 41:10
Korkma, çünkü ben seninleyim,
Yılma, çünkü Tanrın benim.
Seni güçlendireceğim, evet, sana yardım edeceğim;
Zafer kazanan sağ elimle sana destek olacağım.[]

EÂ-sai 41:10
Ðừng sợ, vì ta ở với ngươi; chớ kinh khiếp, vì ta là Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi! Ta sẽ bổ sức cho ngươi; phải, ta sẽ giúp đỡ ngươi, lấy tay hữu công bình ta mà nâng đỡ ngươi.

Isaiah 41:9
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