Isaiah 39:4
Isaiah 39:4
The prophet asked, "What did they see in your palace?" "They saw everything in my palace," Hezekiah said. "There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them."

"What did they see in your palace?" asked Isaiah. "They saw everything," Hezekiah replied. "I showed them everything I own--all my royal treasuries."

He said, “What have they seen in your house?” Hezekiah answered, “They have seen all that is in my house. There is nothing in my storehouses that I did not show them.”

He said, "What have they seen in your house?" So Hezekiah answered, "They have seen all that is in my house; there is nothing among my treasuries that I have not shown them."

Then said he, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them.

Isaiah asked, "What have they seen in your palace?" Hezekiah answered, "They have seen everything in my palace. There isn't anything in my treasuries that I didn't show them."

"What did they see in your palace?" he asked. "They saw everything in my palace," Hezekiah replied. "There is nothing in my treasuries that I did not show them."

Isaiah asked, "What have they seen in your palace?" Hezekiah replied, "They have seen everything in my palace. I showed them everything in my treasuries."

Isaiah asked, "What did they see in your palace?" Hezekiah answered, "They saw everything in my palace, and I showed them everything in my treasury."

Then said he, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in my house have they seen; there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

Then said he, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them.

Then said he, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

Then said he, What have they seen in thy house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

And he said: What saw they in thy house? And Ezechias said: All things that are in my house have they seen, there was not any thing which I have not shewn them in my treasures.

And he said, What have they seen in thy house? And Hezekiah said, All that is in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewn them.

Then said he, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them.

Then said he, What have they seen in thy house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

Then he asked, "What have they seen in your house?" Hezekiah answered, "They have seen all that is in my house. There is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them."

And he saith, 'What saw they in thy house?' and Hezekiah saith, 'All that is in my house they saw; there hath not been a thing that I have not shewed them among my treasures.'

Isaia 39:4
Isaia pyeti akoma: "Çfarë panë në pallatin tënd?". Ezekia u përgjigj: "Panë gjithçka që ndodhet në pallatin tim; nuk mbeti asgjë nga thesaret e mia që nuk ua tregova atyre.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 39:4
فقال ماذا رأوا في بيتك. فقال حزقيا رأوا كل ما في بيتي. ليس في خزائني شيء لم أرهم اياه.

Dyr Ieseien 39:4
"Und was haast n ien yso zaigt in deinn Schloß?" Dyr Hiskies gaab iem an: "Mein, allss halt, was in meinn Pflast yso zo n Seghn ist. Dös in de Schazkammern haan i ien aau allss zaigt."

Исая 39:4
Тогава каза: Що видяха в къщата ти? И Езекия отговори: Видяха всичко що има в къщата ми; няма нищо между съкровищата ми, което не им показах.

以 賽 亞 書 39:4
以 賽 亞 說 : 他 們 在 你 家 裡 看 見 了 甚 麼 ? 希 西 家 說 : 凡 我 家 中 所 有 的 , 他 們 都 看 見 了 ; 我 財 寶 中 沒 有 一 樣 不 給 他 們 看 的 。

以 赛 亚 说 : 他 们 在 你 家 里 看 见 了 甚 麽 ? 希 西 家 说 : 凡 我 家 中 所 有 的 , 他 们 都 看 见 了 ; 我 财 宝 中 没 有 一 样 不 给 他 们 看 的 。



Isaiah 39:4
Izaija upita dalje: Što su vidjeli u tvojem dvoru? Ezekija odgovori: Vidjeli su sve što je u mojem dvoru; nema u mojim skladištima ničega što im nisam pokazao.

Izaiáše 39:4
Řekl ještě: Co jsou viděli v domě tvém? Odpověděl Ezechiáš: Všecko, což jest v domě mém, viděli. Ničeho není v pokladích mých, čehož bych jim neukázal.

Esajas 39:4
Da spurgte han: »Hvad fik de at se i dit Hus?« Ezekias svarede: »Alt, hvad der er i mit Hus, saa de; der er ikke den Ting i mine Skatkamre, jeg ikke viste dem.«

Jesaja 39:4
En hij zeide: Wat hebben zij gezien in uw huis? En Hizkia zeide: Zij hebben alles gezien, wat in mijn huis is; geen ding is er in mijn schatten, dat ik hun niet getoond heb.

ישעה 39:4
וַיֹּ֕אמֶר מָ֥ה רָא֖וּ בְּבֵיתֶ֑ךָ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר חִזְקִיָּ֗הוּ אֵ֣ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֤ר בְּבֵיתִי֙ רָא֔וּ לֹֽא־הָיָ֥ה דָבָ֛ר אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־הִרְאִיתִ֖ים בְּאֹוצְרֹתָֽי׃

ד ויאמר מה ראו בביתך ויאמר חזקיהו את כל אשר בביתי ראו--לא היה דבר אשר לא הראיתים באוצרתי

ויאמר מה ראו בביתך ויאמר חזקיהו את כל־אשר בביתי ראו לא־היה דבר אשר לא־הראיתים באוצרתי׃

Ézsaiás 39:4
És monda: Mit látának házadban? És monda Ezékiás: Mindent láttak, a mi csak házamban van, semmi nincs, a mit meg nem mutattam volna nékik kincseim közül.

Jesaja 39:4
Kaj li diris:Kion ili vidis en via domo? Kaj HXizkija respondis:CXion, kio estas en mia domo, ili vidis; estis nenio, kion mi ne montrus al ili en miaj trezorejoj.

Mutta hän sanoi: mitä he ovat nähneet sinun huoneessas? Hiskia sanoi: kaikki mitä minun huoneessani on, ovat he nähneet, ja ei ole mitään minun tavaroissani, jota en minä ole näyttänyt heille.

Ésaïe 39:4
Et Ésaïe dit: Qu'ont-ils vu dans ta maison? et Ézéchias dit: Ils ont vu tout ce qui est dans ma maison; il n'y a rien dans mes trésors que je ne leur aie montré.

Esaïe dit encore: Qu'ont-ils vu dans ta maison? Ezéchias répondit: Ils ont vu tout ce qui est dans ma maison: il n'y a rien dans mes trésors que je ne leur aie fait voir.

Et [Esaïe] dit; qu'ont-ils vu dans ta maison? et Ezéchias répondit; ils ont vu tout ce qui [est] dans ma maison; il n'y a rien eu dans mes trésors que je ne leur aie montré.

Jesaja 39:4
Er aber sprach: Was haben sie in deinem Hause gesehen? Hiskia sprach: Alles, was in meinem Hause ist, haben sie gesehen; und ist nichts, das ich ihnen nicht hätte gezeiget in meinen Schätzen.

Er aber sprach: Was haben sie in deinem Hause gesehen? Hiskia sprach: Alles, was in meinem Hause ist, haben sie gesehen und ist nichts, das ich ihnen nicht hätte gezeigt in meinen Schätzen.

Darauf fragte er: Was haben sie in deinem Palaste gesehen? Hiskia antwortete: Sie haben alles gesehen, was sich in meinem Palaste befindet; es giebt in meinen Schatzkammern nichts, was ich ihnen nicht gezeigt hätte.

Isaia 39:4
E Isaia gli disse: "Che hanno veduto in casa tua?" Ezechia rispose: "Hanno veduto tutto quello ch’è in casa mia; non v’è nulla ne’ miei tesori ch’io non abbia mostrato loro".

Ed Isaia disse: Che hanno veduto in casa tua? Ed Ezechia disse: Hanno veduto tutto quello che è in casa mia; non vi è nulla ne’ miei tesori, che io non abbia lor mostrato.

Maka kata Yesaya: Apakah dilihatnya di dalam istanamu? Maka sahut Hizkia: Mereka itu sudah melihat segala sesuatu yang di dalam istanaku; barang suatu juapun tiada di dalam khazanahku, yang tiada kutunjuk kepadanya.

이사야 39:4
이사야가 가로되 그들이 왕의 궁전에서 무엇을 보았나이까 히스기야가 대답하되 그들이 내 궁전에 있는 것을 다 보았나이다 내 보물은 보이지 아니한 것이 하나도 없나이다

Isaias 39:4
et dixit quid viderunt in domo tua et dixit Ezechias omnia quae in domo mea sunt viderunt non fuit res quam non ostenderim eis in thesauris meis

Izaijo knyga 39:4
Jis klausė: “Ką jie matė tavo namuose?” Ezekijas atsakė: “Jie matė viską, kas yra mano namuose; nėra nieko, ko nebūčiau jiems parodęs”.

Isaiah 39:4
Ano ra ko tera, Ko ehea mea i kitea e ratou i roto i tou whare? Ka mea a Hetekia, Kua kitea e ratou nga mea katoa i toku whare. Kahore tetahi mea i roto i oku taonga i kore te whakakitea e ahau ki a ratou.

Esaias 39:4
Og han sa: Hvad fikk de se i ditt hus? Esekias svarte: Alt det som er i mitt hus, har de fått se; det var ikke den ting jeg ikke lot dem få se i mine skattkammer.

Isaías 39:4
Y él dijo: ¿Qué han visto en tu casa? Y Ezequías respondió: Han visto todo lo que hay en mi casa; no hay nada entre mis tesoros que yo no les haya mostrado.

"¿Qué han visto en tu casa?" preguntó el profeta. "Han visto todo lo que hay en mi casa," respondió Ezequías; "no hay nada entre mis tesoros que yo no les haya mostrado."

Dijo entonces: ¿Qué han visto en tu casa? Y dijo Ezequías: Todo lo que hay en mi casa han visto, y ninguna cosa hay en mis tesoros que no les haya mostrado.

Dijo entonces: ¿Qué han visto en tu casa? Y dijo Ezechîas: Todo lo que hay en mi casa han visto, y ninguna cosa hay en mis tesoros que no les haya mostrado.

Dijo entonces: ¿Qué han visto en tu casa? Y dijo Ezequías: Todo lo que hay en mi casa han visto; y ninguna cosa hay en mis tesoros, que no les haya mostrado.

Isaías 39:4
Diante disto, o profeta indagou: “O que eles viram em teu palácio?” Ezequias explicou: “Viram tudo o que existe em minha Casa real. Não há nada em meus tesouros que não lhes tenha apresentado!”

Ele ainda perguntou: Que foi que viram em tua casa? Respondeu Ezequias: Viram tudo quanto há em minha casa; coisa nenhuma há nos meus tesouros que eu deixasse de lhes mostrar.   

Isaia 39:4
Isaia a mai zis: ,,Ce au văzut în casa ta?`` Ezechia a răspuns: ,,Au văzut tot ce este în casa mea: n'a rămas nimic în vistieriile mele, pe care să nu li -l fi arătat.``

Исаия 39:4
И сказал Исаия : что видели они в доме твоем? Езекия сказал:видели все, что есть в доме моем; ничего не осталось в сокровищницах моих, чего я не показал бы им.

И сказал [Исаия]: что видели они в доме твоем? Езекия сказал: видели всё, что есть в доме моем; ничего не осталось в сокровищницах моих, чего я не показал бы им.[]

Jesaja 39:4
Han sade vidare: »Vad hava de sett i ditt hus?» Hiskia svarade: »Allt som är i mitt hus hava de sett: intet finnes i mina skattkamrar, som jag icke har visat dem.»

Isaiah 39:4
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi niya, Anong kanilang nakita sa iyong bahay? At sumagot si Ezechias, Lahat ng nangasa aking bahay ay kanilang nakita: walang anomang bagay sa aking mga kayamanan na hindi ko ipinakita sa kanila.

อิสยาห์ 39:4
ท่านทูลว่า "เขาเห็นอะไรในพระราชวังของพระองค์บ้าง" และเฮเซคียาห์ตรัสตอบว่า "เขาเห็นทุกอย่างในวังของเรา ไม่มีสิ่งใดในพระคลังของเราซึ่งเรามิได้สำแดงแก่เขา"

Yeşaya 39:4
Yeşaya, ‹‹Sarayında ne gördüler?›› diye sordu. Hizkiya, ‹‹Sarayımdaki her şeyi gördüler, hazinelerimde onlara göstermediğim hiçbir şey kalmadı›› diye yanıtladı.[]

EÂ-sai 39:4
Ê-sai tiếp rằng: Họ đã xem gì trong cung vua? Ê-xê-chia đáp rằng: Họ đã xem hết thảy mọi vật ở trong cung ta; chẳng có vật gì trong phủ khố ta mà ta chẳng chỉ cho họ.

Isaiah 39:3
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