Isaiah 37:2
Isaiah 37:2
He sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and the leading priests, all wearing sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the court secretary, and the leading priests, all dressed in burlap, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the secretary, and the senior priests, covered with sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz.

Then he sent Eliakim who was over the household with Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

Then he sent Eliakim, who was in charge of the palace, Shebna the court secretary, and the leading priests, who were wearing sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.

Then he sent Eliakim, who was in charge of the palace, Shebna the secretary, and the senior priests, all wearing sackcloth, to Amoz's son, the prophet Isaiah.

Eliakim the palace supervisor, Shebna the scribe, and the leading priests, clothed in sackcloth, sent this message to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz:

Then he sent Eliakim, who was in charge of the palace, Shebna the scribe, and the leaders of the priests, clothed in sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth unto Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliacim who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and the ancients of the priests covered with sackcloth, to Isaias the son of Amos the prophet.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.

He sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz.

and sendeth Eliakim, who is over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covering themselves with sackcloth, unto Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet,

Isaia 37:2
Pastaj dërgoi Eliakimin, prefektin e pallatit, Shebnaun, sekretarin, dhe priftërinjtë më të vjetër të mbuluar me thasë te profeti Isaia, bir i Amotsit,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 37:2
وارسل الياقيم الذي على البيت وشبنة الكاتب وشيوخ الكهنة متغطين بمسوح الى اشعياء بن آموص النبي.

Dyr Ieseien 37:2
Aft gschickt yr önn Hofmaister Eljykim, önn Schrifter Schebnen und de hoohen Priester in Bueßgwänder zo n Weissagn Ieseien Ämozsun.

Исая 37:2
И прати управителя на двореца Елиаким, секретаря Шевна и старшите свещеници, покрити с вретища, при пророк Исаия Амосовия син.

以 賽 亞 書 37:2
使 家 宰 以 利 亞 敬 和 書 記 舍 伯 那 , 並 祭 司 中 的 長 老 , 都 披 上 麻 布 , 去 見 亞 摩 斯 的 兒 子 先 知 以 賽 亞 ,

使 家 宰 以 利 亚 敬 和 书 记 舍 伯 那 , 并 祭 司 中 的 长 老 , 都 披 上 麻 布 , 去 见 亚 摩 斯 的 儿 子 先 知 以 赛 亚 ,



Isaiah 37:2
Zatim posla Elijakima, upravitelja dvora, kraljevskog pisara Šebnu i svećeničke starješine, odjevene u kostrijet, k proroku Izaiji, sinu Amosovu.

Izaiáše 37:2
I poslal Eliakima správce domu, a Sobnu písaře, a starší z kněží, oblečené v žíně k Izaiášovi proroku, synu Amosovu.

Esajas 37:2
Og han sendte Paladsøversten Eljakim og Statsskriveren Sjebna og Præsternes Ældste, hyllet i Sæk, til Profeten Esajas, Amoz's Søn,

Jesaja 37:2
Daarna zond hij Eljakim, den hofmeester, en Sebna, den schrijver, en de oudsten der priesteren, met zakken bedekt, tot Jesaja, den profeet, den zoon van Amoz;

ישעה 37:2
וַ֠יִּשְׁלַח אֶת־אֶלְיָקִ֨ים אֲשֶׁר־עַל־הַבַּ֜יִת וְאֵ֣ת ׀ שֶׁבְנָ֣א הַסֹּופֵ֗ר וְאֵת֙ זִקְנֵ֣י הַכֹּהֲנִ֔ים מִתְכַּסִּ֖ים בַּשַּׂקִּ֑ים אֶל־יְשַֽׁעְיָ֥הוּ בֶן־אָמֹ֖וץ הַנָּבִֽיא׃

ב וישלח את אליקים אשר על הבית ואת שבנא הסופר ואת זקני הכהנים מתכסים בשקים--אל ישעיהו בן אמוץ הנביא

וישלח את־אליקים אשר־על־הבית ואת ׀ שבנא הסופר ואת זקני הכהנים מתכסים בשקים אל־ישעיהו בן־אמוץ הנביא׃

Ézsaiás 37:2
És elküldé Eljákimot az udvarnagyot, és Sebnát az íródeákot, és a papoknak gyászruhába öltözött véneit Ésaiáshoz, Ámós fiához, a prófétához.

Jesaja 37:2
Kaj li sendis Eljakimon, la palacestron, kaj SXebnan, la skribiston, kaj la plejagxulojn de la pastroj, cxirkauxkovritajn per sakoj, al la profeto Jesaja, filo de Amoc.

Ja lähetti Eliakimin, huoneenhaltian, ja Sebnan, kirjoittajan, ylimmäisten pappein kanssa, puettuna säkkeihin, propheta Jesaian Amotsin pojan tykö,

Ésaïe 37:2
Et il envoya Éliakim, qui était préposé sur la maison, et Shebna le scribe, et les anciens des sacrificateurs, couverts de sacs, vers Ésaïe le prophète, fils d'Amots;

Il envoya Eliakim, chef de la maison du roi, Schebna, le secrétaire, et les plus anciens des sacrificateurs, couverts de sacs, vers Esaïe, le prophète, fils d'Amots.

Puis il envoya Eliakim Maître d'hôtel, et Sebna le Secrétaire, et les anciens d'entre les Sacrificateurs, couverts de sacs, vers Esaïe le Prophète fils d'Amots.

Jesaja 37:2
Und sandte Eliakim, den Hofmeister; und Sebena, den Kanzler, samt den ältesten Priestern, mit Säcken umhüllet, zu dem Propheten Jesaja, dem Sohn Amoz,

und sandte Eljakim, den Hofmeister, und Sebna, den Schreiber, samt den Ältesten der Priester, mit Säcken umhüllt, zu dem Propheten Jesaja, dem Sohn des Amoz,

Eljakim aber, der dem Palaste vorstand, und Sebna, den Staatsschreiber, samt den vornehmsten Priestern sandte er mit härenen Gewändern umhüllt zu Jesaja, dem Sohne des Amoz, dem Propheten.

Isaia 37:2
E mandò Eliakim, prefetto del palazzo, Scebna, il segretario, e i più anziani dei sacerdoti, coperti dei sacchi, al profeta Isaia, figliuolo di Amots, i quali gli dissero:

E mandò Eliachim, mastro del palazzo, e Sebna, segretario, e i più vecchi de’ sacerdoti, coperti di sacchi, al profeta Isaia, figliuolo di Amos.

Setelah itu, maka disuruh baginda akan Elyakim, pemerintah istana, dan Sebna, karkun itu, dan akan segala tua-tua imam dengan berpakaikan kain kambeli, mendapatkan nabi Yesaya bin Amos;

이사야 37:2
궁내대신 엘리아김과 서기관 셉나와 제사장 중 어른들도 굵은 베를 입으니라 왕이 그들을 아모스의 아들 선지자 이사야에게로 보내며

Isaias 37:2
et misit Eliachim qui erat super domum et Sobnam scribam et seniores de sacerdotibus opertos saccis ad Isaiam filium Amos prophetam

Izaijo knyga 37:2
Jis nusiuntė rūmų viršininką Eljakimą, raštininką Šebną ir vyresniuosius kunigus, apsirengusius ašutinėmis, pas pranašą Izaiją, Amoco sūnų.

Isaiah 37:2
I tonoa ano e ia a Eriakimi rangatira o te whare, a Hepena kaituhituhi, me nga kaumatua o nga tohunga, he mea hipoki ki te kakahu taratara, ki a Ihaia poropiti, tama a Amoho;

Esaias 37:2
Og han sendte slottshøvdingen Eljakim og statsskriveren Sebna og de eldste blandt prestene, klædd i sekk, til profeten Esaias, Amos' sønn.

Isaías 37:2
Envió entonces a Eliaquim, mayordomo de la casa real, con el escriba Sebna y los ancianos de los sacerdotes, cubiertos de cilicio, al profeta Isaías, hijo de Amoz.

Entonces envío a Eliaquim, mayordomo de la casa real, con el escriba Sebna y los ancianos de los sacerdotes, cubiertos de cilicio, al profeta Isaías, hijo de Amoz.

Y envió a Eliaquim mayordomo, y a Sebna escriba, y a los ancianos de los sacerdotes, cubiertos de cilicio, al profeta Isaías, hijo de Amoz.

Y envió á Eliacim mayordomo, y á Sebna escriba, y á los ancianos de los sacerdotes, cubiertos de sacos, á Isaías profeta, hijo de Amoz.

Y envió a Eliacim mayordomo, y a Sebna escriba, y a los Ancianos de los Sacerdotes, cubiertos de cilicio, a Isaías profeta, hijo de Amoz.

Isaías 37:2
Em seguida enviou o administrador do palácio, Eliaquim, o secretário Sebna e os chefes e anciãos entre os sacerdotes, todos vestidos de pano de saco, a fim de consultarem o profeta Isaías, filho de Amoz,

Também enviou Eliaquim, o mordomo, Sebna, o escrivão, e os anciãos dos sacerdotes, cobertos de saco, a Isaías, filho de Amoz, o profeta,   

Isaia 37:2
A trimes pe Eliachim, căpetenia casei împăratului, pe Şebna, logofătul, şi pe cei mai bătrîni dintre preoţi, acoperiţi cu saci, la proorocul Isaia, fiul lui Amoţ.

Исаия 37:2
и послал Елиакима, начальника дворца, и Севну писца, и старшихсвященников, покрытых вретищами, к пророку Исаии, сыну Амосову.

и послал Елиакима, начальника дворца, и Севну писца, и старших священников, покрытых вретищами, к пророку Исаии, сыну Амосову.[]

Jesaja 37:2
Och överhovmästaren Eljakim och sekreteraren Sebna och de äldste bland prästerna sände han, höljda i sorgdräkt, till profeten Jesaja, Amos' son.

Isaiah 37:2
At kaniyang sinugo si Eliacim, na katiwala sa bahay, at si Sebna na kalihim, at ang mga matanda sa mga saserdote, na may balot na kayong magaspang, kay Isaias na propeta na anak ni Amoz.

อิสยาห์ 37:2
และพระองค์ทรงใช้เอลียาคิม ผู้บัญชาการราชสำนัก และเชบนาห์ราชเลขา และพวกปุโรหิตใหญ่คลุมตัวด้วยผ้ากระสอบ ไปหาอิสยาห์ผู้พยากรณ์ บุตรชายของอามอส

Yeşaya 37:2
Saray sorumlusu Elyakimi, Yazman Şevnayı ve ileri gelen kâhinleri Amots oğlu Peygamber Yeşayaya gönderdi. Hepsi çul kuşanmıştı.[]

EÂ-sai 37:2
Ðoạn, sai quan cung giám Ê-li-a-kim, thơ ký Sép-na, và các trưởng lão trong hàng thầy tế lễ, đều quấn bao gai, đến cùng đấng tiên tri Ê-sai, con trai của A-mốt,

Isaiah 37:1
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