Isaiah 30:9
Isaiah 30:9
For these are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD's instruction.

that these people are stubborn rebels who refuse to pay attention to the LORD's instructions.

For they are a rebellious people, lying children, children unwilling to hear the instruction of the LORD;

For this is a rebellious people, false sons, Sons who refuse to listen To the instruction of the LORD;

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

They are a rebellious people, deceptive children, children who do not want to obey the LORD's instruction.

For they are a rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to hear the LORD's instruction.

For these are rebellious people--they are lying children, children unwilling to obey the LORD's law.

These people are rebellious and deceitful children, children who refuse to listen to the LORD's teachings.

That this is a rebellious people, lying sons, sons that did not desire to hear the law of the LORD:

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Jehovah;

For it is a people that provoketh to wrath, and lying children, children that will not hear the law of God.

that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Jehovah;

For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:

For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of Yahweh;

That a rebellious people is this, sons -- liars, Sons not willing to hear the law of Jehovah.

Isaia 30:9
Sepse ky është një popull rebel, janë bij gënjeshtarë, bij që nuk duan të dëgjojnë ligjin e Zotit,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:9
لانه شعب متمرد اولاد كذبة اولاد لم يشاءوا ان يسمعوا شريعة الرب

Dyr Ieseien 30:9
Sö seind ayn pupfets Volk, ungraatne Sün, die was auf n Herrn sein Weisung nit lusternd.

Исая 30:9
Че те са непокорни люде, чада лъжци, Чада, които не искат да слушат поуката Господна,

以 賽 亞 書 30:9
因 為 他 們 是 悖 逆 的 百 姓 、 說 謊 的 兒 女 , 不 肯 聽 從 耶 和 華 訓 誨 的 兒 女 。

因 为 他 们 是 悖 逆 的 百 姓 、 说 谎 的 儿 女 , 不 肯 听 从 耶 和 华 训 诲 的 儿 女 。



Isaiah 30:9
Ovo je narod odmetnički, sinovi lažljivi, sinovi koji neće da slušaju Zakon Jahvin.

Izaiáše 30:9
Že lid tento zpurný jest, synové lháři, synové, kteříž nechtí poslouchati zákona Hospodinova;

Esajas 30:9
Thi det er et stivsindet Folk, svigefulde Børn, Børn, der ikke vil høre HERRENS Lov,

Jesaja 30:9
Want het is een wederspannig volk; het zijn leugenachtige kinderen; kinderen, die des HEEREN wet niet horen willen.

ישעה 30:9
כִּ֣י עַ֤ם מְרִי֙ ה֔וּא בָּנִ֖ים כֶּחָשִׁ֑ים בָּנִ֕ים לֹֽא־אָב֥וּ שְׁמֹ֖ועַ תֹּורַ֥ת יְהוָֽה׃

ט כי עם מרי הוא בנים כחשים בנים לא אבו שמוע תורת יהוה

כי עם מרי הוא בנים כחשים בנים לא־אבו שמוע תורת יהוה׃

Ézsaiás 30:9
Mert pártütõ nép ez, [apát] megtagadó fiak, fiak, kik nem akarják hallani az Úr törvényét;

Jesaja 30:9
CXar tio estas popolo malobeema, filoj mensogaj, filoj, kiuj ne volas auxskulti instruon de la Eternulo.

Sillä se on tottelematoin kansa, ja valhetteliat lapset: lapset, jotka ei tahdo kuulla Herran lakia.

Ésaïe 30:9
que c'est ici un peuple rebelle, -des fils menteurs, des fils qui ne veulent pas entendre la loi de l'Éternel;

Car c'est un peuple rebelle, Ce sont des enfants menteurs, Des enfants qui ne veulent point écouter la loi de l'Eternel,

Que c'est ici un peuple rebelle, des enfants menteurs, des enfants qui ne veulent point écouter la Loi de l'Eternel;

Jesaja 30:9
Denn es ist ein ungehorsam Volk und verlogene Kinder, die nicht hören wollen des HERRN Gesetz,

Denn es ist ein ungehorsames Volk und verlogene Kinder, die nicht hören wollen des HERRN Gesetz,

Denn ein widerspenstiges Volk ist es, verlogene Söhne, Söhne, die die Weisung Jahwes nicht hören wollten;

Isaia 30:9
Giacché questo è un popolo ribelle, son de’ figliuoli bugiardi, de’ figliuoli che non vogliono ascoltare la legge dell’Eterno,

Perciocchè questo è un popolo ribelle, son figliuoli bugiardi; figliuoli che non hanno voluto ascoltar la Legge del Signore.

Karena inilah suatu bangsa bantahan, anak-anak yang dusta, anak-anak yang enggan mendengar akan taurat Tuhan.

이사야 30:9
대저 이는 패역한 백성이요 거짓말 하는 자식이요 여호와의 법을 듣기 싫어하는 자식이라

Isaias 30:9
populus enim ad iracundiam provocans est et filii mendaces filii nolentes audire legem Domini

Izaijo knyga 30:9
Ši tauta yra maištinga, melagiai vaikai, kurie neklauso Viešpaties įstatymo.

Isaiah 30:9
He tutu hoki tenei iwi, he tamariki korero teka, he tamariki kahore e pai ki te whakarongo ki te ture a Ihowa:

Esaias 30:9
For det er et gjenstridig folk, løgnaktige barn, barn som ikke vil høre Herrens lov,

Isaías 30:9
Porque este es un pueblo rebelde, hijos falsos, hijos que no quieren escuchar la instrucción del SEÑOR;

Porque éste es un pueblo rebelde, hijos falsos, Hijos que no quieren escuchar La instrucción del SEÑOR;

Que este pueblo es rebelde, hijos mentirosos, hijos que no quisieron oír la ley de Jehová;

Que este pueblo es rebelde, hijos mentirosos, hijos que no quisieron oir la ley de Jehová;

Que este pueblo es rebelde, hijos mentirosos, hijos que no quisieron oír la ley del SEÑOR;

Isaías 30:9
porquanto este povo é rebelde, constituído de filhos desleais, de filhos que se recusam a ouvir as leis e conselhos de Yahweh,

Pois este é um povo rebelde, filhos mentirosos, filhos que não querem ouvir a lei do Senhor;   

Isaia 30:9
Scrie că: ,Poporul acesta este un popor răzvrătit, nişte copii mincinoşi, nişte copii cari nu vor să asculte Legea Domnului,

Исаия 30:9
Ибо это народ мятежный, дети лживые, дети, которые не хотят слушать закона Господня,

Ибо это народ мятежный, дети лживые, дети, которые не хотят слушать закона Господня,[]

Jesaja 30:9
Ty det är ett gensträvigt folk, trolösa barn, barn som icke vilja höra HERRENS lag,

Isaiah 30:9
Sapagka't mapanghimagsik na bayan, mga sinungaling na anak, mga anak na hindi didinig ng kautusan ng Panginoon:

อิสยาห์ 30:9
เพราะว่าเขาทั้งหลายเป็นชนชาติดื้อดึง เป็นลูกขี้ปด เป็นหลานที่ไม่ยอมฟังพระราชบัญญัติของพระเยโฮวาห์

Yeşaya 30:9
Çünkü o asi bir halk, yalancı bir soy,
RABbin yasasını duymak istemeyen bir soydur.[]

EÂ-sai 30:9
Dân nầy là bội nghịch, là con cái nói dối, con cái không muốn nghe luật pháp Ðức Giê-hô-va;

Isaiah 30:8
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