Isaiah 30:5
Isaiah 30:5
everyone will be put to shame because of a people useless to them, who bring neither help nor advantage, but only shame and disgrace."

all who trust in him will be ashamed. He will not help you. Instead, he will disgrace you."

everyone comes to shame through a people that cannot profit them, that brings neither help nor profit, but shame and disgrace.”

"Everyone will be ashamed because of a people who cannot profit them, Who are not for help or profit, but for shame and also for reproach."

They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them, nor be an help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

everyone will be ashamed because of a people who can't help. They are of no benefit, they are no help; they are good for nothing but shame and reproach.

There is only loathsome destruction through a people that cannot benefit them, who bring neither help nor profit, but only shame and disgrace."

all will be put to shame because of a nation that cannot help them, who cannot give them aid or help, but only shame and disgrace."

the people of Judah will be put to shame because that nation can't help them. That nation can't give aid or help to them. It can only offer shame and disgrace."

all shall be ashamed of the people that shall not profit them, nor be a help, nor bring them increase, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them, nor be a help nor a profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them, nor be an help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They shall all be ashamed because of a people that cannot profit them, that are not a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They were all confounded at a people that could not profit them: they were no help, nor to any profit, but to confusion and to reproach.

They were all ashamed of a people that did not profit them, nor were a help or profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They shall all be ashamed of a people that cannot profit them, that are not an help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them, nor be a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

They shall all be ashamed because of a people that can't profit them, that are not a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach."

All he made ashamed of a people that profit not, Neither for help, not for profit, But for shame, and also for reproach!

Isaia 30:5
Por do të turpërohen të gjithë nga një popull që nuk do t'u hyjë fare në punë, që nuk do t'iu japë asnjë ndihmë o përfitim, por vetëm turp dhe poshtërim.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:5
قد خجل الجميع من شعب لا ينفعهم. ليس للمعونة ولا للمنفعة بل للخجل وللخزي.

Dyr Ieseien 30:5
Aynn Pfifkäs! Nix bringt s, dös Volk; hoehstns non allweil örger werd s!

Исая 30:5
Те всички ще се срамуват поради люде, които не могат да ги ползват Нито да бъдат помощ или полза, Но са за срам и дори за укор.

以 賽 亞 書 30:5
他 們 必 因 那 不 利 於 他 們 的 民 蒙 羞 。 那 民 並 非 幫 助 , 也 非 利 益 , 只 作 羞 恥 凌 辱 。

他 们 必 因 那 不 利 於 他 们 的 民 蒙 羞 。 那 民 并 非 帮 助 , 也 非 利 益 , 只 作 羞 耻 凌 辱 。



Isaiah 30:5
svi će se oni razočarati u narodu beskorisnom, neće im biti na pomoć ni na korist, već na sramotu i porugu.

Izaiáše 30:5
Všeckyť k zahanbení přivede skrze lid, kterýž jim nic neprospěje, aniž bude ku pomoci, ani k užitku, ale k hanbě toliko a k útržce.

Esajas 30:5
enhver skal faa Skam af et Folk, der ikke kan bringe dem Hjælp, ej være til Gavn eller Hjælp, men kun til Skam og Skændsel.

Jesaja 30:5
Hij zal hen allen beschaamd maken door een volk, dat hun geen nut kan doen, noch tot hulp, noch tot voordeel, maar tot schande en ook tot smaadheid zijn zal.

ישעה 30:5
כֹּ֣ל [הִבְאִישׁ כ] (הֹבִ֔ישׁ ק) עַל־עַ֖ם לֹא־יֹועִ֣ילוּ לָ֑מֹו לֹ֤א לְעֵ֙זֶר֙ וְלֹ֣א לְהֹועִ֔יל כִּ֥י לְבֹ֖שֶׁת וְגַם־לְחֶרְפָּֽה׃ ס

ה כל הבאיש על עם לא יועילו למו  לא לעזר ולא להועיל כי לבשת וגם לחרפה  {ס}

כל [הבאיש כ] (הביש ק) על־עם לא־יועילו למו לא לעזר ולא להועיל כי לבשת וגם־לחרפה׃ ס

Ézsaiás 30:5
Megszégyenülnek mind a nép miatt, a mely nem használ nékik, a mely nem segít és nem használ, sõt szégyenökre és gyalázatukra lesz!

Jesaja 30:5
CXiuj hontos pro la popolo, kiu ne servis al ili por helpo, nek por utilo, sed nur por honto kaj malhonoro.

Mutta heidän pitää kaikkein kuitenkin häpiään tuleman, sen kansan tähden, joka ei heille hyväksi eli avuksi olla taida, eikä muutoin hyödytykseksi, vaan ainoasti häpiäksi ja myös pilkaksi.

Ésaïe 30:5
ils ont tous été honteux d'un peuple qui ne leur était d'aucun profit, ni à aide, ni à utilité, mais à honte et aussi à opprobre.

Tous seront confus au sujet d'un peuple qui ne leur sera point utile, Ni pour les secourir, ni pour les aider, Mais qui fera leur honte et leur opprobre.

Tous seront rendus honteux par un peuple qui ne leur profitera de rien, ils n'en recevront aucun secours ni aucun avantage, mais il sera leur honte, et leur opprobre.

Jesaja 30:5
aber sie müssen doch alle zuschanden werden über dem Volk, das ihnen nicht nütze sein kann, weder zur Hilfe noch sonst zu nutz, sondern nur zur Schande und Spott.

aber sie müssen doch alle zu Schanden werden über dem Volk, das ihnen nicht nütze sein kann, weder zur Hilfe noch sonst zu Nutz, sondern nur zu Schande und Spott.

alle werden enttäuscht über ein Volk, das ihnen nicht nützt, das keine Hilfe und keinen Nutzen, sondern Enttäuschung, ja Schande bringt.

Isaia 30:5
ma tutti arrossiscono d’un popolo che a nulla giova loro, che non reca aiuto né giovamento alcuno, ma è la loro onta e la loro vergogna.

tutti saranno confusi per lo popolo che non gioverà loro nulla, e non sarà di aiuto, nè di giovamento alcuno; anzi di vergogna, ed anche d’ignominia.

sekalian mereka itu kemalu-maluanlah dari sebab suatu bangsa yang tiada dapat memberi faedah kepadanya, yang bukan akan pembantu atau akan guna, melainkan akan malu dan kecelaan.

이사야 30:5
그들이 다 자기를 유익하게 못하는 민족을 인하여 수치를 당하리니 그 민족이 돕지도 못하며 유익하게도 못하고 수치가 되게 하며 수욕이 되게 할 뿐임이니라

Isaias 30:5
omnes confusi sunt super populo qui eis prodesse non potuit non fuerunt in auxilium et in aliquam utilitatem sed in confusionem et obprobrium

Izaijo knyga 30:5
sulauksite gėdos ir pajuokos dėl tautos, kuri jūsų negali nei išgelbėti, nei suteikti pagalbos, nei naudos”.

Isaiah 30:5
Whakama katoa ratou ki te iwi kahore nei a ratou pai mo ratou, kahore he awhina, kahore he pai; engari he whakama, he ingoa kino.

Esaias 30:5
alle blir de til skamme ved et folk som ikke gagner dem, som ikke er til hjelp og ikke til gagn, men bare til skam og skjensel.

Isaías 30:5
Todos se avergonzarán a causa de un pueblo que no les trae provecho, no les sirve de ayuda ni de utilidad, sino de vergüenza y también de oprobio.

Todos se avergonzarán a causa de un pueblo que no les trae provecho, No les sirve de ayuda ni de utilidad, sino de vergüenza y también de oprobio."

todos se avergonzaron del pueblo que no les aprovecha, ni los socorre, ni les trae provecho; antes les es para vergüenza, y aun para oprobio.

Se avergonzarán todos del pueblo que no les aprovechará, ni los socorrerá, ni les traerá provecho; antes les será para vergüenza, y aun para oprobio.

Todos se avergonzarán con el pueblo que no les aprovechará, ni les ayudará, ni les traerá provecho; antes les será para vergüenza, y aun para confusión.

Isaías 30:5
Todos se envergonharão por causa de um povo que lhes é inútil, que não traz ajuda nem qualquer vantagem, mas apenas desmoralização e opróbrio.”

eles se envergonharão de um povo que de nada lhes servirá, nem de ajuda, nem de proveito, porém de vergonha como também de opróbrio.   

Isaia 30:5
Dar toţi vor rămînea de ruşine, din pricina unui popor, care nu le va fi de folos, nici nu -i va ajuta, nici nu le va folosi, ci va fi spre ruşinea şi ocara lor.``

Исаия 30:5
Все они будут постыжены из-за народа, который бесполезен для них; не будет от него ни помощи, ни пользы, но – стыд и срам.

Все они будут постыжены из-за народа, [который] бесполезен для них; не будет от него ни помощи, ни пользы, но--стыд и срам.[]

Jesaja 30:5
så skall dock var man få blygas över detta folk, som icke kan hjälpa dem, icke vara till bistånd och hjälp, utan allenast till skam och smälek.

Isaiah 30:5
Silang lahat ay mangapapahiya dahil sa bayan na hindi nila mapapakinabangan, na hindi tulong o pakinabang man, kundi kahihiyan, at kakutyaan din naman.

อิสยาห์ 30:5
ทุกคนได้รับความอับอายโดยชนชาติหนึ่งซึ่งช่วยเขาไม่ได้ ซึ่งมิได้นำความช่วยเหลือหรือประโยชน์มาให้ ได้แต่ความอับอายและความขายหน้า"

Yeşaya 30:5
Kendilerine yararı olmayan bir halk yüzünden hepsi utanacak.
O halkın onlara ne yardımı ne de yararı olacak,
Ancak onları utandırıp rezil edecek.››[]

EÂ-sai 30:5
hết thảy sẽ mắc cỡ vì một dân kia chẳng làm ích chi cho mình, chẳng cứu giúp cũng chẳng làm lợi, song làm cho mang hổ mang nhuốc.

Isaiah 30:4
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