Isaiah 30:26
Isaiah 30:26
The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted.

The moon will be as bright as the sun, and the sun will be seven times brighter--like the light of seven days in one! So it will be when the LORD begins to heal his people and cure the wounds he gave them.

Moreover, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day when the LORD binds up the brokenness of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.

The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

The moonlight will be as bright as the sunlight, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter--like the light of seven days--on the day that the LORD bandages His people's injuries and heals the wounds He inflicted.

Moreover, the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the sun's light will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.

The light of the full moon will be like the sun's glare and the sun's glare will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, when the LORD binds up his people's fractured bones and heals their severe wound.

Then the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun. The light of the sun will be seven times as strong, like the light of seven days. When that day comes, the LORD will bandage his people's injuries and heal the wounds he inflicted.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD binds up the breach of his people and heals the stroke of their wound.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD binds up the hurt of his people, and heals the stroke of their wound.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD binds up the breach of his people, and heals the stroke of their wound.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that Jehovah bindeth up the hurt of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

And the light of the moon shall be se the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days: in the day when the Lord shall bind up the wound of his people, and shall heal the stroke of their wound.

And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that Jehovah bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the wound of their stroke.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the hurt of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

Moreover the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, in the day that Yahweh binds up the fracture of his people, and heals the wound they were struck with.

And the light of the moon hath been as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun is sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day of Jehovah's binding up the breach of His people, When the stroke of its wound He healeth.

Isaia 30:26
Drita e hënës do të jetë si drita e diellit, dhe drita e diellit do të jetë shtatë herë më e fortë, si drita e shtatë ditëve, ditën kur Zoti do të lidhë plagën e popullit të tij dhe do të shërojë plagën e shkaktuar nga goditjet e tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:26
ويكون نور القمر كنور الشمس ونور الشمس يكون سبعة اضعاف كنور سبعة ايام في يوم يجبر الرب كسر شعبه ويشفي رض ضربه

Dyr Ieseien 30:26
Dyrselbn, wenn dyr Trechtein s Volk fäscht und seine Wunddnen hailt, gaat dyr Maand so hell sein wie d Sunn und d Sunn sibnmaal so hell wie in sibn Täg +mitaynand.

Исая 30:26
При това, светлината на луната ще бъде като светлината на слънцето, И светлината на слънцето ще бъде седмократна- като светлината на седем дни, В деня, когато Господ превързва струпея на людете Си, И изцелява раната от удара им.

以 賽 亞 書 30:26
當 耶 和 華 纏 裹 他 百 姓 的 損 處 , 醫 治 他 民 鞭 傷 的 日 子 , 月 光 必 像 日 光 , 日 光 必 加 七 倍 , 像 七 日 的 光 一 樣 。

当 耶 和 华 缠 裹 他 百 姓 的 损 处 , 医 治 他 民 鞭 伤 的 日 子 , 月 光 必 像 日 光 , 日 光 必 加 七 倍 , 像 七 日 的 光 一 样 。



Isaiah 30:26
Tada će svjetlost mjesečeva biti kao svjetlost sunčana, a svjetlost će sunčana postati sedam puta jača, kao svjetlost sedam dana - u dan kad Jahve iscijeli prijelom svojemu narodu, izliječi rane svojih udaraca.

Izaiáše 30:26
Bude i světlo měsíce jako světlo slunce, světlo pak slunce bude sedmernásobní, jako světlo sedmi dnů, v den, v kterýž uváže Hospodin zlámání lidu svého, a ránu zbití jeho uzdraví.

Esajas 30:26
Maanens Lys skal blive som Solens, og Solens Lys skal blive syvfold stærkere, som syv Dages Lys, paa hin Dag da HERREN forbinder sit Folks Brud og læger dets slagne Saar.

Jesaja 30:26
En het licht der maan zal zijn als het licht der zon, en het licht der zon zal zevenvoudig zijn als het licht van zeven dagen; ten dage als de HEERE de breuk Zijns volks zal verbinden, en de wonde, waarmede het geslagen is, genezen.

ישעה 30:26
וְהָיָ֤ה אֹור־הַלְּבָנָה֙ כְּאֹ֣ור הַֽחַמָּ֔ה וְאֹ֤ור הַֽחַמָּה֙ יִהְיֶ֣ה שִׁבְעָתַ֔יִם כְּאֹ֖ור שִׁבְעַ֣ת הַיָּמִ֑ים בְּיֹ֗ום חֲבֹ֤שׁ יְהוָה֙ אֶת־שֶׁ֣בֶר עַמֹּ֔ו וּמַ֥חַץ מַכָּתֹ֖ו יִרְפָּֽא׃ ס

כו והיה אור הלבנה כאור החמה ואור החמה יהיה שבעתים כאור שבעת הימים--ביום חבש יהוה את שבר עמו ומחץ מכתו ירפא  {פ}

והיה אור־הלבנה כאור החמה ואור החמה יהיה שבעתים כאור שבעת הימים ביום חבש יהוה את־שבר עמו ומחץ מכתו ירפא׃ ס

Ézsaiás 30:26
És a holdnak fénye olyan lesz, mint a napnak fénye, és a napnak fénye hétszer nagyobb lesz, olyan, mint hét napnak napfénye; ama napon, a melyen az Úr beköti népe romlását, és vereségének sebét meggyógyítja!

Jesaja 30:26
Kaj la lumo de la luno estos kiel la lumo de la suno, kaj la lumo de la suno estos sepoble pli granda, kiel la lumo de sep tagoj, en tiu tempo, kiam la Eternulo bandagxos la difektojn de Sia popolo kaj resanigos gxiajn vundojn.

JESAJA 30:26
Ja kuun valo on oleva kuin auringon paiste ja auringon paiste on oleva seitsemän kertaa kirkkaampi kuin seitsemän päivän kirkkaus; kuin Herra sitoo kansansa haavat, ja sen loukkaamat parantaa.

Ésaïe 30:26
Et la lumière de la lune sera comme la lumière du soleil, et la lumière du soleil sera septuple, comme la lumière de sept jours, au jour que l'Éternel bandera la brisure de son peuple et guérira la blessure de ses plaies.

La lumière de la lune sera comme la lumière du soleil, Et la lumière du soleil sera sept fois plus grande Comme la lumière de sept jours, Lorsque l'Eternel bandera la blessure de son peuple, Et qu'il guérira la plaie de ses coups.

Et la lumière de la lune sera comme la lumière du soleil; et la lumière du soleil sera sept fois aussi grande, comme [si c'était] la lumière de sept jours, au jour que l'Eternel aura bandé la froissure de son peuple, et qu'il aura guéri la blessure de sa plaie.

Jesaja 30:26
Und des Mondes Schein wird sein wie der Sonnen Schein, und der Sonnen Schein wird siebenmal heller sein denn jetzt, zu der Zeit, wenn der HERR den Schaden seines Volkes verbinden und seine Wunden heilen wird.

Und des Mondes Schein wird sein wie der Sonne Schein, und der Sonne Schein wird siebenmal heller sein denn jetzt, zu der Zeit, wenn der HERR den Schaden seines Volks verbinden und seine Wunden heilen wird.

Das Licht des Mondes wird dem Lichte der Sonne gleichen, und das Licht der Sonne wird siebenfach sein wie das Licht von sieben Tagen, wenn Jahwe den Schaden seines Volks verbindet und die ihm geschlagenen Wunden heilt.

Isaia 30:26
La luce della luna sarà come la luce del sole, e la luce del sole sarà sette volte più viva, come la luce di sette giorni assieme, nel giorno che l’Eterno fascerà la ferita del suo popolo e guarirà la piaga da lui fatta con le sue percosse.

E la luce della luna sarà come la luce del sole, e la luce del sole sarà sette volte maggiore, come sarebbe la luce di sette giorni insieme; nel giorno che il Signore avrà fasciata la rottura del suo popolo, e risanata la ferita della sua percossa.

YESAYA 30:26
Pada masa itu terang bulan akan seperti terang matahari dan terang mataharipun akan tujuh kali lebih besar dari pada terang tujuh hari, yaitu pada hari Tuhan membarutkan luka umat-Nya dan disembuhkan-Nya segala bilur bekas sesahnya.

이사야 30:26
여호와께서 그 백성의 상처를 싸매시며 그들의 맞은 자리를 고치시는 날에는 달빛은 햇빛 같겠고 햇빛은 칠배가 되어 일곱날의 빛과 같으리라

Isaias 30:26
et erit lux lunae sicut lux solis et lux solis erit septempliciter sicut lux septem dierum in die qua alligaverit Dominus vulnus populi sui et percussuram plagae eius sanaverit

Izaijo knyga 30:26
Mėnulis švies kaip saulė; saulė bus septynis kartus šviesesnė, kaip septynių dienų šviesa, kai Viešpats perriš savo tautos žaizdą ir pagydys kirčių padarytas žaizdas.

Isaiah 30:26
Ko te marama hoki o te marama ka rite ki te marama o te ra, a ko te marama o te ra, e whitu ona whakanekehanga ake, ka rite ki te marama o nga ra e whitu, i te ra e takaia ai e Ihowa te kaiakiko o tana iwi, ina rongoatia e ia te patunga i patua ai ratou.

Esaias 30:26
Og månens lys skal bli som solens lys, og solens lys skal bli syvfold klarere, som lyset for syv dager, på den dag Herren læger sitt folks skade og forbinder såret av det slag det fikk.

Isaías 30:26
Y será la luz de la luna como la luz del sol, y la luz del sol será siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que el SEÑOR ponga una venda en la fractura de su pueblo y cure la llaga que El ha causado.

La luz de la luna será como la luz del sol, y la luz del sol será siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que el SEÑOR ponga una venda en la fractura de Su pueblo y cure la llaga que El ha causado.

Y la luz de la luna será como la luz del sol, y la luz del sol siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que vendare Jehová la quebradura de su pueblo, y curare la llaga de su herida.

Y la luz de la luna será como la luz del sol, y la luz del sol siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que soldará Jehová la quebradura de su pueblo, y curará la llaga de su herida.

Y la luz de la luna será como la luz del Sol; y la luz del Sol siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que soldará el SEÑOR la quebradura de su pueblo, y curará la llaga de su herida.

Isaías 30:26
Então a luz da lua será igual à luz do sol, e a luz do sol será sete vezes mais forte, como a luz de sete dias reunidos, no dia em que Yahweh pensar a ferida do seu povo e curar a chaga resultante dos muitos golpes que sofreu.

E a luz da lua será como a luz do sol, e a luz do sol sete vezes maior, como a luz de sete dias, no dia em que o Senhor atar a contusão do seu povo, e curar a chaga da sua ferida.   

Isaia 30:26
Şi lumina lunii va fi ca lumina soarelui, iar lumina soarelui va fi de şapte ori mai mare (ca lumina a şapte zile), cînd va lega Domnul vînătăile poporului Său, şi va tămădui rana loviturilor lui.``

Исаия 30:26
И свет луны будет, как свет солнца, а свет солнца будет светлее всемеро, как свет семи дней, в тот день, когда Господь обвяжет рану народа Своего и исцелит нанесенные ему язвы.

И свет луны будет, как свет солнца, а свет солнца будет светлее всемеро, как свет семи дней, в тот день, когда Господь обвяжет рану народа Своего и исцелит нанесенные ему язвы.[]

Jesaja 30:26
Och månens ljus skall bliva såsom solens ljus, och solens ljus skall varda sju gånger klarare, såsom ett sjufaldigt dagsljus, när den tid kommer, då HERREN förbinder sitt folks skador och helar såren efter slagen som det har fått.

Isaiah 30:26
Bukod dito'y ang liwanag ng buwan ay magiging gaya ng liwanag ng araw, at ang liwanag ng araw ay magpipito, na gaya ng liwanag ng pitong araw, sa araw na talian ng Panginoon ang sugat ng kaniyang bayan, at pagalingin ang bugbog na kanilang sugat.

อิสยาห์ 30:26
ยิ่งกว่านั้นอีก แสงสว่างของดวงจันทร์จะเหมือนแสงสว่างของดวงอาทิตย์ และแสงสว่างของดวงอาทิตย์จะเป็นเจ็ดเท่า และเป็นอย่างแสงสว่างของเจ็ดวัน ในวันที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงพันรอยบาดเจ็บแห่งชนชาติของพระองค์ และรักษาบาดแผลซึ่งเขาถูกพระองค์ทรงตีนั้น

Yeşaya 30:26
RAB halkının kırıklarını sardığı,
Vuruşuyla açtığı yaraları iyileştirdiği gün,
Ay güneş gibi parlayacak,
Güneş yedi kat, yedi günün toplam parlaklığı kadar parlak olacak.››[]

EÂ-sai 30:26
Sáng mặt trăng sẽ chói lói như sáng mặt trời, và sự sáng mặt trời sẽ lớn hơn bảy lần, như vốn là sự sáng của bảy ngày, trong ngày Ðức Giê-hô-va buộc dấu vít của dân Ngài, và chữa lành vết thương nó.

Isaiah 30:25
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