Isaiah 30:1
Isaiah 30:1
"Woe to the obstinate children," declares the LORD, "to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin;

"What sorrow awaits my rebellious children," says the LORD. "You make plans that are contrary to mine. You make alliances not directed by my Spirit, thus piling up your sins.

“Ah, stubborn children,” declares the LORD, “who carry out a plan, but not mine, and who make an alliance, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin;

"Woe to the rebellious children," declares the LORD, "Who execute a plan, but not Mine, And make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, In order to add sin to sin;

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

Woe to the rebellious children! This is the LORD's declaration. They carry out a plan, but not Mine; they make an alliance, but against My will, piling sin on top of sin.

"Oh, you stubborn children," declares the LORD, "who carry out plans— but they are not mine, and who make alliances— but not by my Spirit, piling sin upon sin.

"The rebellious children are as good as dead," says the LORD, "those who make plans without consulting me, who form alliances without consulting my Spirit, and thereby compound their sin.

The LORD declares, "How horrible it will be for those rebellious children. They carry out plans, but not mine. They make alliances against my will. They pile sin on top of sin.

Woe to the sons that leave, saith the LORD, to make counsel, but not of me; to cover themselves with a covering, and not by my spirit, adding sin unto sin!

Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, that take counsel, but not from me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

Woe to the rebellious children, said the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

Woe to the rebellious children, saith Jehovah, that take counsel, but not of me; and that make a league, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin,

WOE to you, apostate children, saith the Lord, that you would take counsel, and not of me: and would begin a web, and not by my spirit, that you might add sin upon sill:

Woe to the rebellious children, saith Jehovah, who take counsel, but not of me, and who make leagues, but not by my Spirit, that they may heap sin upon sin;

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not from me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

"Woe to the rebellious children," says Yahweh, "who take counsel, but not from me; and who make an alliance, but not with my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin,

Woe to apostate sons, The affirmation of Jehovah! To do counsel, and not from Me, And to spread out a covering, and not of My spirit, So as to add sin to sin.

Isaia 30:1
Mjerë bijtë rebelë, thotë Zoti, që bëjnë projekte që nuk vijnë nga unë, që lidhin aleanca, por pa Frymën time, për të grumbulluar mëkate mbi mëkate;

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:1
ويل للبنين المتمردين يقول الرب حتى انهم يجرون رأيا وليس مني ويسكبون سكيبا وليس بروحي ليزيدوا خطيئة على خطيئة

Dyr Ieseien 30:1
Wee yn dene Abtrinner, dene trutzignen, sait dyr Herr, die wo an meinn Raatschluß vorbei handdnd, ayn Bündniss gögn meine Vorstöllungen schliessnd und yso allweil tieffer eyn d Sündd einhinrutschnd!

Исая 30:1
Горко на непокорните чада, казва Господ, Които се съветват, но не с Мене, И които сключват договори, но не чрез Моя Дух, Та притурят грях на грях;-

以 賽 亞 書 30:1
耶 和 華 說 : 禍 哉 ! 這 悖 逆 的 兒 女 。 他 們 同 謀 , 卻 不 由 於 我 , 結 盟 , 卻 不 由 於 我 的 靈 , 以 致 罪 上 加 罪 ;

耶 和 华 说 : 祸 哉 ! 这 悖 逆 的 儿 女 。 他 们 同 谋 , 却 不 由 於 我 , 结 盟 , 却 不 由 於 我 的 灵 , 以 致 罪 上 加 罪 ;



Isaiah 30:1
Teško sinovima odmetničkim! - riječ je Jahvina. Oni provode osnove koje nisu moje, sklapaju saveze koji nisu po mom duhu i grijeh na grijeh gomilaju.

Izaiáše 30:1
Běda synům zpurným, dí Hospodin, skládajícím radu, kteráž není ze mne, a přikrývajícím ji přikrytím, ale ne z ducha mého, aby hřích k hříchu přidávali;

Esajas 30:1
Ve de genstridige Børn — saa lyder det fra HERREN — som fuldbyrder Raad, der ej er fra mig, slutter Forbund, uden min Aand er med, for at dynge Synd paa Synd,

Jesaja 30:1
Wee den kinderen, die afvallen, spreekt de HEERE, om een raadslag te maken, maar niet uit Mij, en om zich met een bedekking te bedekken, maar niet uit Mijn Geest, om zonde tot zonde te doen;

ישעה 30:1
הֹ֣וי בָּנִ֤ים סֹֽורְרִים֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה לַעֲשֹׂ֤ות עֵצָה֙ וְלֹ֣א מִנִּ֔י וְלִנְסֹ֥ךְ מַסֵּכָ֖ה וְלֹ֣א רוּחִ֑י לְמַ֛עַן סְפֹ֥ות חַטָּ֖את עַל־חַטָּֽאת׃

א הוי בנים סוררים נאם יהוה לעשות עצה ולא מני ולנסך מסכה ולא רוחי--למען ספות חטאת על חטאת

הוי בנים סוררים נאם־יהוה לעשות עצה ולא מני ולנסך מסכה ולא רוחי למען ספות חטאת על־חטאת׃

Ézsaiás 30:1
Jaj a pártos fiaknak, így szól az Úr, a kik tervet visznek véghez nélkülem, és szövetséget kötnek, de nem lelkem által, hogy bûnre bûnt halmozzanak!

Jesaja 30:1
Ve al la filoj malobeemaj, diras la Eternulo, kiuj faras interkonsilojn, sed sen Mi, kaj arangxas interkonsentojn, sed sen Mia spirito, por aligi pekon al peko,

Voi luopuvaisia lapsia! sanoo Herra: jotka ilman minua neuvoa pitävät, ja ilman minun henkeäni varjelusta etsivät, kokoovat syntiä synnin päälle;

Ésaïe 30:1
Malheur aux fils qui se rebellent, dit l'Éternel, pour former des desseins, mais non de par moi, et pour établir des alliances, mais non par mon Esprit, afin d'ajouter péché sur péché;

Malheur, dit l'Eternel, aux enfants rebelles, Qui prennent des résolutions sans moi, Et qui font des alliances sans ma volonté, Pour accumuler péché sur péché!

Malheur aux enfants revêches, dit l'Eternel, qui prennent conseil, et non pas de moi; et qui se forgent des idoles, où mon esprit n'est point, afin d'ajouter péché sur péché.

Jesaja 30:1
Wehe den abtrünnigen Kindern, spricht der HERR, die ohne mich ratschlagen und ohne meinen Geist Schutz suchen, zu häufen eine Sünde über die andere,

Weh den abtrünnigen Kindern, spricht der HERR, die ohne mich ratschlagen und ohne meinen Geist Schutz suchen, zu Häufen eine Sünde über die andere;

Wehe den widerspenstigen Söhnen - ist der Spruch Jahwes -, die einen Plan betreiben, der nicht von mir ausgegangen ist, und ein Bündnis schließen, das nicht nach meinem Willen ist, so daß sie Sünde auf Sünde häufen, -

Isaia 30:1
Guai, dice l’Eterno, ai figliuoli ribelli che forman dei disegni, ma senza di me, che contraggono alleanze, ma senza il mio spirito, per accumulare peccato su peccato;

GUAI a’ figliuoli ribelli, dice il Signore, i quali prendono consiglio, e non da me, e fanno delle imprese, e non dallo Spirito mio; per sopraggiunger peccato a peccato;

Wai bagi anak-anak yang murtad! demikianlah firman Tuhan; biarlah mereka itu mengadakan mufakat yang bukan dari pada-Ku, dan berjanji-janjian melawan kehendak-Ku, akan menambahi dosa dengan dosa.

이사야 30:1
여호와께서 가라사대 화 있을진저 패역한 자식들이여 그들이 계교를 베푸나 나로 말미암아 하지 아니하며 맹약을 맺으나 나의 신으로 말미암아 하지 아니하였음이로다 그들이 바로의 세력 안에서 스스로 강하려 하며 애굽의 그늘에 피하려 하여 애굽으로 내려 갔으되 나의 입에 묻지 아니하였으니 죄에 죄를 더하도다

Isaias 30:1
vae filii desertores dicit Dominus ut faceretis consilium et non ex me et ordiremini telam et non per spiritum meum ut adderetur peccatum super peccatum

Izaijo knyga 30:1
Viešpats sako: “Vargas maištaujantiems vaikams, kurie priimate patarimą, bet ne mano duotą, sudarote sąjungą, bet be mano dvasios. Taip kaupiate nuodėmes.

Isaiah 30:1
Aue te mate mo nga tamariki whakakeke, e ai ta Ihowa, e hanga whakaaro nei, otiia ehara i te mea naku; e hipoki nei i te hipoki, ehara ia i te mea na toku wairua, he mea kia taparua iho ai e ratou he hara ki runga ki te hara:

Esaias 30:1
Ve de gjenstridige barn, sier Herren, de som utfører råd som ikke er fra mig, og inngår avtale uten min Ånd, så de legger synd til synd,

Isaías 30:1
¡Ay de los hijos rebeldes--declara el SEÑOR-- que ejecutan planes, pero no los míos, y hacen alianza, pero no según mi Espíritu, para añadir pecado sobre pecado!

"¡Ay de los hijos rebeldes," declara el SEÑOR "que ejecutan planes, pero no los Míos, Y hacen alianza, pero no según Mi Espíritu, Para añadir pecado sobre pecado!

¡Ay de los hijos que se apartan, dice Jehová, para tomar consejo, y no de mí; para cobijarse con cubierta, y no de mi Espíritu, añadiendo pecado a pecado!

AY de los hijos que se apartan, dice Jehová, para tomar consejo, y no de mí; para cobijarse con cubierta, y no de mi espíritu, añadiendo pecado á pecado!

¡Ay de los hijos que se apartan, dice el SEÑOR, para hacer consejo, y no de mí, para cubrirse con cobertura, y no por mi Espíritu, añadiendo pecado a pecado!

Isaías 30:1
“Ai dos filhos teimosos e rebeldes!” – oráculo de Yahweh – “que executam planos que não são meus, celebraram pactos e alianças sem minha aprovação, e tudo o que fazem é ajuntar pecado sobre pecado,

Ai dos filhos rebeldes, diz o Senhor, que tomam conselho, mas não de mim; e que fazem aliança, mas não pelo meu espírito, para acrescentarem pecado a pecado;   

Isaia 30:1
,,Vai, -zice Domnul-de copiii răzvrătiţi, cari iau hotărîri fără Mine, fac legăminte cari nu vin din Duhul Meu, şi îngrămădesc astfel păcat peste păcat!

Исаия 30:1
Горе непокорным сынам, говорит Господь, которые делают совещания, но без Меня, и заключают союзы, но не по духу Моему, чтобы прилагать грех ко греху:

Горе непокорным сынам, говорит Господь, которые делают совещания, но без Меня, и заключают союзы, но не по духу Моему, чтобы прилагать грех ко греху:[]

Jesaja 30:1
Ve eder, I vanartiga barn, säger HERREN, I som gören upp rådslag som icke komma från mig, och sluten förbund, utan att min Ande är med, så att I därigenom hopen synd på synd,

Isaiah 30:1
Sa aba ng mga mapanghimagsik na mga anak, sabi ng Panginoon, na nagsisisangguni, nguni't hindi sa akin; at nangagaalay ng alay, nguni't hindi sa aking Espiritu, upang makapagdagdag ng kasalanan sa kasalanan:

อิสยาห์ 30:1
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า "วิบัติแก่ลูกหลานที่ดื้อดึง ผู้กระทำแผนงาน แต่ไม่ใช่ของเรา ผู้ปกคลุมด้วยเครื่องปกปิด แต่ไม่ใช่ตามน้ำใจเรา เขาจะเพิ่มบาปซ้อนบาป

Yeşaya 30:1
RAB, ‹‹Vay haline bu dikbaşlı soyun!›› diyor,
‹‹Benim değil, kendi tasarılarını yerine getirip
Ruhuma aykırı anlaşmalar yaparak
Günah üstüne günah işliyorlar.[]

EÂ-sai 30:1
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Khốn thay cho con cái bội nghịch, lập mưu chẳng bởi ý ta, kết ước chẳng cậy Thần ta, hầu cho thêm tội trên tội;

Isaiah 29:24
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