Isaiah 23:18
Isaiah 23:18
Yet her profit and her earnings will be set apart for the LORD; they will not be stored up or hoarded. Her profits will go to those who live before the LORD, for abundant food and fine clothes.

But in the end her profits will be given to the LORD. Her wealth will not be hoarded but will provide good food and fine clothing for the LORD's priests.

Her merchandise and her wages will be holy to the LORD. It will not be stored or hoarded, but her merchandise will supply abundant food and fine clothing for those who dwell before the LORD.

Her gain and her harlot's wages will be set apart to the LORD; it will not be stored up or hoarded, but her gain will become sufficient food and choice attire for those who dwell in the presence of the LORD.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

But her profits and wages will be dedicated to the LORD. They will not be stored or saved, for her profit will go to those who live in the LORD's presence, to provide them with ample food and sacred clothing.

Nevertheless, her profits and her earnings will be dedicated to the LORD; they will not be stored up or hoarded—but her profits will go to those who live in the LORD's presence, for abundant food and choice clothing.

Her profits and earnings will be set apart for the LORD. They will not be stored up or accumulated, for her profits will be given to those who live in the LORD's presence and will be used to purchase large quantities of food and beautiful clothes.

Her profits and her earnings will be turned over to the LORD for his holy purpose. It won't be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will belong to those who live in the presence of the LORD so that they will have plenty of food and expensive clothing.

But her profit and her hire shall be consecrated unto the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up for her profit shall be for those that dwell before the LORD, to eat until they are filled and to dress honourably.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be dedicated to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for fine clothing.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to Jehovah: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before Jehovah, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be sanctified to the Lord: they shall not be kept in store, nor laid up: for her merchandise shall be for them that shall dwell before the Lord, that they may eat unto fulness, and be clothed for a continuance.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holy to Jehovah: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before Jehovah, to eat and be sufficed, and for excellent clothing.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, for sufficient food, and for durable clothing.

Her merchandise and her wages will be holiness to Yahweh. It will not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise will be for those who dwell before Yahweh, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

And her merchandise and her gift have been holy to Jehovah, Not treasured up nor stored, For to those sitting before Jehovah is her merchandise, To eat to satiety, and for a lasting covering!

Isaia 23:18
Por fitimi nga tregtia e tij dhe paga e tij do t'i shenjtërohen Zotit; nuk do të mblidhet as nuk do të vihet mënjanë, sepse fitimi nga tregtia e tij do t'u shkojë atyre që banojnë përpara Zotit, me qëllim që të hanë sa të ngopen dhe të vishen në mënyrë të shkëlqyeshme.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 23:18
وتكون تجارتها واجرتها قدسا للرب. لا تخزن ولا تكنز بل تكون تجارتها للمقيمين امام الرب لأكل الى الشبع وللباس فاخر

Dyr Ieseien 23:18
Aber ir Gwinst und Verdienst gaat yn n Trechtein als Weihgaab ghoern. Daa werd nix anghäufft und ghortt, sundern dös kriegnd die, wo in n Trechtein seinn Dienst steend, als reiche Narung und berchte Klaidum.

Исая 23:18
Но търговията и наемът й ще се посветят на Господа, Няма да се вложат в съкровище нито в склад; Защото търговията й ще бъде за живеещите пред Господа, За да ядат до ситост и да имат трайно облекло.

以 賽 亞 書 23:18
他 的 貨 財 和 利 息 要 歸 耶 和 華 為 聖 , 必 不 積 攢 存 留 ; 因 為 他 的 貨 財 必 為 住 在 耶 和 華 面 前 的 人 所 得 , 使 他 們 吃 飽 , 穿 耐 久 的 衣 服 。

他 的 货 财 和 利 息 要 归 耶 和 华 为 圣 , 必 不 积 攒 存 留 ; 因 为 他 的 货 财 必 为 住 在 耶 和 华 面 前 的 人 所 得 , 使 他 们 吃 饱 , 穿 耐 久 的 衣 服 。



Isaiah 23:18
Ali će njegova dobit i plaća biti posvećena Jahvi; neće se zgrtati ni čuvati, nego će njegova dobit biti za one koji prebivaju pred Jahvom da imaju hrane do sita i doličnu odjeću.

Izaiáše 23:18
Však kupectví jeho a mzda jeho svatá bude Hospodinu. Nebude na poklad skládána, ani schovávána, ale pro ty, kteříž přebývají před Hospodinem, bude kupectví jeho, aby jedli do sytosti, a měli roucho dobré.

Esajas 23:18
Men dets Vinding og Skøgeløn skal helliges HERREN; den skal ikke gemmes hen eller lægges op; dem, der bor for HERRENS Aasyn, skal dets Vinding tjene til Føde, Mættelse og prægtige Klæder.

Jesaja 23:18
En haar koophandel en haar hoerenloon zal den HEERE heilig zijn, het zal niet ten schat vergaderd noch opgesloten worden; maar haar koophandel zal wezen voor hen, die voor den HEERE wonen, opdat zij eten tot verzadiging, en dat zij durig deksel hebben.

ישעה 23:18
וְהָיָ֨ה סַחְרָ֜הּ וְאֶתְנַנָּ֗הּ קֹ֚דֶשׁ לַֽיהוָ֔ה לֹ֥א יֵֽאָצֵ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יֵֽחָסֵ֑ן כִּ֣י לַיֹּשְׁבִ֞ים לִפְנֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ יִֽהְיֶ֣ה סַחְרָ֔הּ לֶאֱכֹ֥ל לְשָׂבְעָ֖ה וְלִמְכַסֶּ֥ה עָתִֽיק׃ פ

יח והיה סחרה ואתננה קדש ליהוה--לא יאצר ולא יחסן  כי לישבים לפני יהוה יהיה סחרה לאכל לשבעה ולמכסה עתיק  {פ}

והיה סחרה ואתננה קדש ליהוה לא יאצר ולא יחסן כי לישבים לפני יהוה יהיה סחרה לאכל לשבעה ולמכסה עתיק׃ פ

Ézsaiás 23:18
S lészen az õ nyeresége és keresete szent az Úrnak, mely nem halmoztatik fel, sem el nem rejtetik, mert az Úr elõtt lakozóké lészen az õ nyeresége, hogy egyenek eleget, és szép ruházatuk legyen.

Jesaja 23:18
Kaj gxia komercenspezo kaj gxiaj promalcxastaj donacoj estos konsekritaj al la Eternulo; ili ne estos kolektataj en trezorejon nek konservataj; sed por tiuj, kiuj logxas antaux la vizagxo de la Eternulo, estos gxia komercenspezo, por ke ili mangxu sate kaj havu belajn vestojn.

JESAJA 23:18
Mutta hänen kauppansa ja porttopalkkansa pitää oleman pyhä Herralle . Ei sitä koota tavaraksi, eikä salata, vaan jotka asuvat Herran edessä, niillä pitää hänen kauppakalunsa oleman, siitä syödä, ravita ja itsiänsä vaatettaa.

Ésaïe 23:18
Et ses marchandises et les présents qu'on lui fera seront saints, consacrés à l'Éternel; ils ne seront pas accumulés et ils ne seront pas amassés; car sa marchandise sera pour ceux qui demeurent devant l'Éternel, afin qu'ils mangent et soient rassasiés, et afin qu'ils aient des vêtements magnifiques.

Mais son gain et son salaire impur seront consacrés à l'Eternel, Ils ne seront ni entassés ni conservés; Car son gain fournira pour ceux qui habitent devant l'Eternel Une nourriture abondante et des vêtements magnifiques.

Et son trafic et son salaire sera sanctifié à l'Eternel; il n'en sera rien réservé, ni serré; car son trafic sera pour ceux qui habitent en la présence de l'Eternel, pour en manger jusques à être rassasiés, et pour avoir des habits de longue durée.

Jesaja 23:18
Aber ihr Kaufhandel und Hurenlohn werden dem HERRN heilig sein. Man wird sie nicht zu Schatz sammeln noch verbergen, sondern die vor dem HERRN wohnen, werden ihr Kaufgut haben, daß sie essen und satt werden und wohl bekleidet sein.

Aber ihr Kaufhandel und Hurenlohn werden dem HERRN heilig sein. Man wird sie nicht wie Schätze sammeln noch verbergen; sondern die vor dem HERRN wohnen, werden ihr Kaufgut haben, daß sie essen und satt werden und wohl bekleidet seien.

Aber sein Gewinn und sein Buhlerlohn wird Jahwe geheiligt werden; man wird ihn nicht ansammeln und aufspeichern, sondern denen, die im Angesichte Jahwes wohnen, soll sein Gewinn zu reichlicher Nahrung und stattlicher Kleidung dienen.

Isaia 23:18
Ma i suoi guadagni e i suoi salari impuri saran consacrati all’Eterno, non saranno accumulati né riposti; poiché i suoi guadagni andranno a quelli che stanno nel cospetto dell’Eterno, perché mangino, si sazino, e si vestano d’abiti sontuosi.

Ma, alla fine, il suo traffico, e il suo guadagno, sarà consacrato al Signore; egli non sarà riposto, nè serrato; anzi la sua mercatanzia sarà per quelli che abitano nel cospetto del Signore, per mangiare a sazietà, e per esser coperti di vestimenti durabili.

YESAYA 23:18
Tetapi pada masa itu penjagaannya dan labanya akan suci bagi Tuhan, yaitu tiada ditaruh akan dia dan tiada disimpan akan dia, melainkan laba perniagaannya akan bagi mereka yang duduk di hadapan hadirat Tuhan, supaya mereka itu makan sampai kenyang dan beroleh pakaian dengan sepertinya.

이사야 23:18
그 무역한 것과 이익을 거룩히 여호와께 돌리고 간직하거나 쌓아두지 아니하리니 그 무역한 것이 여호와 앞에 거하는 자의 배불리 먹을 자료,잘 입을 자료가 되리라

Isaias 23:18
et erunt negotiatio eius et mercedes eius sanctificatae Domino non condentur neque reponentur quia his qui habitaverint coram Domino erit negotiatio eius ut manducent in saturitatem et vestiantur usque ad vetustatem

Izaijo knyga 23:18
Jo prekyba ir pelnas bus pašvęsta Viešpačiui. Jie nekraus atsargų sandėliuose, bet jas atiduos tarnaujantiems Viešpačiui, kad jie valgytų ir apsirengtų.

Isaiah 23:18
Na, ko ana mea hokohoko, me ona utu, he tapu ki a Ihowa: e kore e whaowhina ki te toa, e kore ano e rongoatia; engari ma te hunga e noho ana i te aroaro o Ihowa ana mea hokohoko, a ka makona ratou i te kai, ka roa ano te mau o te kakahu.

Esaias 23:18
Men dets vinning og dets horelønn skal være helliget til Herren, den skal ikke legges op og ikke gjemmes; for de som bor for Herrens åsyn, skal få dets vinning og bruke den til å ete sig mette og klæ sig i prektige klær for.

Isaías 23:18
Y sus ganancias y su paga de ramera serán consagradas al SEÑOR; no serán almacenadas ni acumuladas, sino que su ganancia llegará a ser suficiente alimento y vestidura selecta para aquellos que habiten en la presencia del SEÑOR.

Pero sus ganancias y su paga de ramera serán consagradas al SEÑOR. No serán almacenadas ni acumuladas, sino que su ganancia llegará a ser suficiente alimento y vestidura selecta para aquéllos que habiten en la presencia del SEÑOR.

Pero sus negocios y sus ganancias serán consagrados a Jehová; no se guardarán ni se atesorarán, porque sus ganancias serán para los que estuvieren delante de Jehová, para que coman hasta saciarse, y vistan honradamente.

Mas su negociación y su ganancia será consagrada á Jehová: no se guardará ni se atesorará, porque su negociación será para los que estuvieren delante de Jehová, para que coman hasta hartarse, y vistan honradamente.

Mas su negociación, y su ganancia será consagrada al SEÑOR; no se guardará ni se atesorará, porque su negociación será para los que estuvieren delante del SEÑOR, para que coman hasta saciarse, y vistan honradamente.

Isaías 23:18
Entretanto, o seu lucro e a sua renda acabarão consagrados a Yahweh; não serão amontoados nem depositados em fortalezas. Todo o seu ganho será destinado para os que vivem na presença do SENHOR, a fim de que tenham bastante suprimento, bons alimentos e até roupas finas.

E será consagrado ao Senhor o seu comércio e a sua ganância de prostituta; não se entesourará, nem se guardará; mas o seu comércio será para os que habitam perante o Senhor, para que comam suficientemente; e tenham vestimenta esplêndida.   

Isaia 23:18
dar cîştigul şi plata lui vor fi închinate Domnului, nu vor fi nici strînse nici păstrate; ci cîştigul lui va aduce celor ce locuiesc înaintea Domnului, o hrană îmbelşugată şi haine strălucite.

Исаия 23:18
Но торговля его и прибыль его будут посвящаемы Господу; не будут заперты и уложены в кладовые, ибо к живущим пред лицем Господа будет переходить прибыль от торговли его, чтобы они ели до сытости и имели одежду прочную.

Но торговля его и прибыль его будут посвящаемы Господу; не будут заперты и уложены в кладовые, ибо к живущим пред лицем Господа будет переходить прибыль от торговли его, чтобы они ели до сытости и имели одежду прочную.[]

Jesaja 23:18
Men hennes handelsförvärv och vad hon får såsom skökolön skall vara helgat åt HERREN; det skall icke läggas upp och icke gömmas, utan de som bo inför HERRENS ansikte skola av hennes handelsförvärv hava mat till fyllest och präktiga kläder.

Isaiah 23:18
At ang kaniyang kalakal at ang upa sa kaniya ay itatalaga sa Panginoon: hindi itatago o isisimpan man, sapagka't ang kaniyang kalakal ay magiging sa ganang kanila na nagsisitahan sa harap ng Panginoon, upang magsikaing may kabusugan, at manamit na mainam.

อิสยาห์ 23:18
สินค้าของมันและสินจ้างของมันจะเป็นของบริสุทธิ์ถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ จะไม่สะสมไว้หรือเก็บนิ่งไว้ แต่สินค้าของมันจะอำนวยอาหารอุดมและเสื้อผ้างามแก่บรรดาผู้ที่อยู่ต่อพระพักตร์พระเยโฮวาห์

Yeşaya 23:18
Kentin ticaretten ve fuhuştan kazandıkları RAB'be adanacak. Bunlar biriktirilmeyecek, hazineye konmayacak. Ticaretten kazandıklarını doyuncaya dek yesinler, güzel güzel giyinsinler diye RAB'bin önünde yaşayanlara verilecek.[]

EÂ-sai 23:18
Nhưng hàng hóa lời lãi của nó sẽ nên thánh cho Ðức Giê-hô-va, mà không chứa, cũng không để dành lại. Vì lời lãi ấy sẽ phân phát cho những người ở trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va, để họ được ăn sung mặc sướng.

Isaiah 23:17
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