Isaiah 23:13
Isaiah 23:13
Look at the land of the Babylonians, this people that is now of no account! The Assyrians have made it a place for desert creatures; they raised up their siege towers, they stripped its fortresses bare and turned it into a ruin.

Look at the land of Babylonia--the people of that land are gone! The Assyrians have handed Babylon over to the wild animals of the desert. They have built siege ramps against its walls, torn down its palaces, and turned it to a heap of rubble.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans! This is the people that was not; Assyria destined it for wild beasts. They erected their siege towers, they stripped her palaces bare, they made her a ruin.

Behold, the land of the Chaldeans-- this is the people which was not; Assyria appointed it for desert creatures-- they erected their siege towers, they stripped its palaces, they made it a ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin.

Look at the land of the Chaldeans-- a people who no longer exist. Assyria destined it for desert creatures. They set up their siege towers and stripped its palaces. They made it a ruin.

"Look at the land of the Chaldeans! This is a people that no longer exist; Assyria destined her for desert creatures. They raised up her siege towers, they stripped her fortresses bare and turned her into a ruin.

Look at the land of the Chaldeans, these people who have lost their identity! The Assyrians have made it a home for wild animals. They erected their siege towers, demolished its fortresses, and turned it into a heap of ruins.

Look at the land of the Babylonians. These people will be gone. Assyria gave this land to the desert animals. Assyria set up battle towers, stripped palaces bare, and turned these places into ruins.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans. This people was not until the Assyrian founded it for those that dwell in the wilderness; they set up its towers; they raised up its palaces, and he brought it to ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up its towers, they raised up its palaces; and he brought it to ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin.

Behold, the land of the Chaldeans: this people was not; the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness; they set up their towers; they overthrew the palaces thereof; they made it a ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans, there was not such a people, the Assyrian founded it: they have led away the strong ones thereof into captivity, they have destroyed the houses thereof, they have brought it to ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans: this people did not exist; the Assyrian founded it for the dwellers in the desert: they set up their towers, they destroyed the palaces thereof; he brought it to ruin.

Behold, the land of the Chaldeans; this people is no more; the Assyrian hath appointed it for the beasts of the wilderness: they set up their towers, they overthrew the palaces thereof; he made it a ruin.

Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up its towers, they raised up its palaces; and he brought it to ruin.

Behold, the land of the Chaldeans. This people was not. The Assyrians founded it for those who dwell in the wilderness. They set up their towers. They overthrew its palaces. They made it a ruin.

Lo, the land of the Chaldeans -- this people was not, Asshur founded it for the Ziim, They raised its watch-towers, They lifted up her palaces, -- He hath appointed her for a ruin!

Isaia 23:13
Ja vendi i Kaldeasve: ky popull nuk ekzistonte fare; Asiri e themeloi për kafshët e shkretëtirës. Ata kanë ngritur kalatë e tyre, kanë rrënuar pallatet e Tiros dhe e kanë katandisur në një grumbull gërmadhash.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 23:13
هوذا ارض الكلدانيين. هذا الشعب لم يكن. اسسها اشور لاهل البرية. قد اقاموا ابراجهم دمروا قصورها. جعلها ردما.

Dyr Ieseien 23:13
Schaugtß non grad +umhin zo de Kaldauer: Iener Volk geit s niemer. D Surn habnd s zo aynn Nöst für Wüestntierer gmacht. Gstürmt habnd s is, de Pfläst zammghaut und aynn Trümmerhauffen hinterlaassn.

Исая 23:13
Ето земята на халдеите; Тия люде не съществуват вече; Асириецът определи [земята им] за пустинни зверове; Издигнаха кулите си, събориха палатите му, И той го обърна на развалини.

以 賽 亞 書 23:13
( 看 哪 , 迦 勒 底 人 之 地 向 來 沒 有 這 民 , 這 國 是 亞 述 人 為 住 曠 野 的 人 所 立 的 。 現 在 他 們 建 築 戍 樓 , 拆 毀 推 羅 的 宮 殿 , 使 他 成 為 荒 涼 。 )

( 看 哪 , 迦 勒 底 人 之 地 向 来 没 有 这 民 , 这 国 是 亚 述 人 为 住 旷 野 的 人 所 立 的 。 现 在 他 们 建 筑 戍 楼 , 拆 毁 推 罗 的 宫 殿 , 使 他 成 为 荒 凉 。 )



Isaiah 23:13
Evo zemlje kitimske ... podižu se kule opsadne, razaraju utvrde, sve je ruševina.

Izaiáše 23:13
Aj, země Kaldejská, ten lid nebyl lidem. Assur vzdělal ji pro obyvatele pustin, vystavěli věže jejich, vzdělali paláce její, tak že i Assyrii vyvrátil.

Esajas 23:13
Se til Kyprioternes Land! Søfarere grunded det Folk; de rejste dets Vagttaarne, Byer og Borge. Han gjorde det til en Ruinhob.

Jesaja 23:13
Ziet, het land der Chaldeen; dit volk was er niet; Assur heeft het gefondeerd voor degenen, die in de wildernissen woonden; zij richtten hun sterkten op, en bouwden hun paleizen, maar Hij heeft het tot een vervallen hoop gesteld.

ישעה 23:13
הֵ֣ן ׀ אֶ֣רֶץ כַּשְׂדִּ֗ים זֶ֤ה הָעָם֙ לֹ֣א הָיָ֔ה אַשּׁ֖וּר יְסָדָ֣הּ לְצִיִּ֑ים הֵקִ֣ימוּ [בְחִינָיו כ] (בַחוּנָ֗יו ק) עֹרְרוּ֙ אַרְמְנֹותֶ֔יהָ שָׂמָ֖הּ לְמַפֵּלָֽה׃

יג הן ארץ כשדים זה העם לא היה--אשור יסדה לציים הקימו בחיניו (בחוניו) עוררו ארמנותיה--שמה למפלה

הן ׀ ארץ כשדים זה העם לא היה אשור יסדה לציים הקימו [בחיניו כ] (בחוניו ק) עררו ארמנותיה שמה למפלה׃

Ézsaiás 23:13
Ímé, a Káldeusok földe; a nép, mely eddig nem vala; Assiria adá azt a puszta lakosainak; felállítá õrtornyait, lerombolá [Tírus] palotáit, rommá tevé azt.

Jesaja 23:13
Jen la lando de la HXaldeoj:cxi tiu popolo ne ekzistis; la Asiriano gxin fondis por la logxantoj de la dezerto; ili starigis siegxajn turojn, detruis gxiajn palacojn, faris gxin ruino.

JESAJA 23:13
Katso, Kaldealaisten maassa ei yhtään kansaa ollut, vaan Assur on sen perustanut korven asuvaisille, ja rakentanut hänen linnansa, pannut ylös hänen huoneennsa, ja on kuitenkin pantu kukistettavaksi.

Ésaïe 23:13
Vois le pays des Chaldéens: ce peuple n'existait pas; Assur l'a fondé pour les habitants des déserts: ils ont élevé leurs tours, ils ont renversé ses palais; il en a fait des ruines.

Vois les Chaldéens, qui n'étaient pas un peuple, Ces habitants du désert, pour qui l'Assyrien a fondé un pays; Ils élèvent des tours, ils renversent les palais de Tyr, Ils les mettent en ruines.

Voilà le pays des Chaldéens; ce peuple-là n'était pas [autrefois]; Assur l'a fondé pour les gens de marine; on a dressé ses forteresses, on a élevé ses palais, et il l'a mis en ruine.

Jesaja 23:13
sondern in der Chaldäer Land, das nicht ein Volk war, sondern Assur hat es angerichtet zu Schiffen und haben feste Türme drinnen aufgerichtet und Paläste aufgebauet. Aber sie ist gesetzt, daß sie geschleift werden soll.

Siehe, der Chaldäer Land, das nicht ein Volk war, sondern Assur hat es angerichtet, zu schiffen, die haben ihre Türme aufgerichtet und die Paläste niedergerissen; denn sie ist gesetzt, daß sie geschleift werden soll.

Da! Das Land der Chaldäer - das ist das Volk, das zu nichte geworden ist! Assur hat es den Wüstentieren angewiesen. Sie haben ihre Belagerungstürme errichtet, haben seine Paläste von Grund aus zerstört, haben es zu einem Trümmerhaufen gemacht.

Isaia 23:13
Ecco il paese de’ Caldei, di questo popolo che già non esisteva, il paese che l’Assiro assegnò a questi abitatori del deserto. Essi innalzano le loro torri d’assedio, distruggono i palazzi di tiro, ne fanno un monte di rovine.

Ecco il paese de’ Caldei; questo popolo non era ancora, quando Assur fondò quello per coloro che dimoravano ne’ deserti; essi aveano rizzate le sue torri, aveano alzati i suoi palazzi; e pure egli è stato messo in ruina.

YESAYA 23:13
Camkanlah hal negeri orang Kasdim, bahwa bangsa itu dahulu satupun tiada adanya, lalu dialaskan Asyur akan dia bagi orang yang duduk di padang belantara; maka mereka itu mendirikan bangun-bangun, diserangnya akan segala istananya, dijadikannya kerobohan batu.

이사야 23:13
갈대아 사람의 땅을 보라 그 백성이 없어졌나니 곧 앗수르 사람이 들짐승의 거하는 곳이 되게 하였으되 그들이 망대를 세우고 궁전을 헐어 황무케 하였느니라

Isaias 23:13
ecce terra Chaldeorum talis populus non fuit Assur fundavit eam in captivitatem transduxerunt robustos eius suffoderunt domos eius posuerunt eam in ruinam

Izaijo knyga 23:13
Štai chaldėjų šalis. Šitos tautos anksčiau nebuvo, asirai įkūrė ją dykumos gyventojams. Jie stato savo bokštus, griauna jo rūmus, paverčia jį griuvėsiais.

Isaiah 23:13
Nana, te whenua o nga Karari, kua kahore tena iwi; kua whakaritea a reira e nga Ahiriana mo nga kirehe o te koraha: na ratou i whakaara a ratou pourewa, kua horo i a ratou ona whare kingi; kua meinga e ia hei ururua.

Esaias 23:13
Se, kaldeernes land, dette folk som fordum ikke var til, de hvis land Assur har gjort til bolig for ørkenens dyr, de reiser sine beleiringstårn, omstyrter dets* palasser og gjør det til en grushaug.

Isaías 23:13
He aquí la tierra de los caldeos. Este pueblo no existía; Asiria lo designó para moradores del desierto. Ellos levantaron sus torres de sitio, despojaron sus palacios y la convirtieron en ruinas.

Miren la tierra de los Caldeos: Este pueblo no existía; Asiria lo designó para moradores del desierto. Ellos levantaron sus torres de sitio, despojaron sus palacios y la convirtieron en ruinas.

Mira la tierra de los caldeos; este pueblo no existía; hasta que Asiria la fundó para los moradores del desierto; levantaron sus fortalezas, edificaron sus palacios; Él la convirtió en ruinas.

Mira la tierra de los Caldeos; este pueblo no era; Assur la fundó para los que habitaban en el desierto: levantaron sus fortalezas, edificaron sus palacios; él la convirtió en ruinas.

Mira, la tierra de los Caldeos. Este pueblo no era antes ; Assur la fundó para los que habitaban en el desierto; levantaron sus fortalezas, edificaron sus palacios; él la convirtió en ruinas.

Isaías 23:13
Vede a terra dos caldeus, babilônicos; esse é o povo que sucumbiu, já não mais existe! Os assírios a deixaram à mercê dos animais do deserto; levantaram torres de vigia, despojaram os seus palácios e transformaram toda a cidade numa só ruína.

Eis a terra dos caldeus! este é o povo, não foi a Assíria. Destinou a Tiro para as feras do deserto; levantaram as suas torres de sítio; derrubaram os palácios dela; a ruínas a reduziu.   

Isaia 23:13
Iacă pe Haldei, cari nu erau un popor, locuitorii aceştia ai pustiei, cărora Asirianul le -a întemeiat o ţară; ei înalţă turnuri, surpă casele împărăteşti ale Tirului, le prefac în dărîmături.``

Исаия 23:13
Вот земля Халдеев. Этого народа прежде не было; Ассур положил ему начало из обитателей пустынь. Они ставят башни свои, разрушают чертоги его,превращают его в развалины.

Вот земля Халдеев. Этого народа прежде не было; Ассур положил ему начало из обитателей пустынь. Они ставят башни свои, разрушают чертоги его, превращают его в развалины.[]

Jesaja 23:13
Se, kaldéernas land, folket som förr ej var till, de vilkas land Assyrien gjorde till boning åt öknens djur, de resa där sina belägringstorn och omstörta stadens platser och göra den till en grushög.

Isaiah 23:13
Tingnan mo ang lupain ng mga Caldeo; ang bayang ito ay wala na; inilaan ng taga Asiria para sa mga hayop sa ilang; kanilang itinayo ang kanilang mga moog; iginiba nila ang mga palacio niyaon: kaniyang pinapaging isang guho.

อิสยาห์ 23:13
จงดูแผ่นดินแห่งคนเคลเดียเถิด ชนชาตินี้ยังไม่มีขึ้นมา จนกว่าคนอัสซีเรียสถาปนาแผ่นดินนั้นไว้สำหรับคนที่อาศัยอยู่ตามถิ่นทุรกันดาร พวกเขาได้ก่อเชิงเทินของเขาขึ้น พวกเขาก่อวังทั้งหลายของเขาขึ้น แต่ท่านกระทำให้มันเป็นที่สลักหักพัง

Yeşaya 23:13
Kildan ülkesine bak!
O halk yok artık.
Asurlular onların ülkesini yabanıl hayvanlara verdi,
Kuşatma kuleleri diktiler, saraylarını soydular,
Ülkeyi viraneye çevirdiler.[]

EÂ-sai 23:13
Hãy xem xứ của người Canh-đê, không có dân đó nữa; người A-si-ri lấy làm chỗ cho thú rừng; chúng nó dựng tháp, phá cung đền nó làm ra gò đống.

Isaiah 23:12
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