Isaiah 19:7
Isaiah 19:7
also the plants along the Nile, at the mouth of the river. Every sown field along the Nile will become parched, will blow away and be no more.

All the greenery along the riverbank and all the crops along the river will dry up and blow away.

There will be bare places by the Nile, on the brink of the Nile, and all that is sown by the Nile will be parched, will be driven away, and will be no more.

The bulrushes by the Nile, by the edge of the Nile And all the sown fields by the Nile Will become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.

The reeds by the Nile, by the mouth of the river, and all the cultivated areas of the Nile will wither, blow away, and vanish.

And the bulrushes along the Nile, along the mouth of the Nile, will wither away. All the sown fields of the Nile will become parched, and they will be blown away; there will be nothing left.

along with the plants by the mouth of the river. All the cultivated land near the river will turn to dust and be blown away.

The rushes by the Nile, by the edge of the Nile, and all the fields planted beside the Nile will dry up, be blown away, and disappear.

The vegetables by the river, by the mouth of the river, and every thing sown beside the river shall dry up, wither away, and be no more.

The paper reeds by the river, by the mouth of the river, and everything sown by the river, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.

The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.

The meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the Nile, and all the sown fields of the Nile, shall become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

The channel of the river shall be laid bare from its fountain, and every thing sown by the water shall be dried up, it shall wither away, and shall be no more.

The meadows by the Nile, on the banks of the Nile, and everything sown by the Nile, shall be dried up, be driven away, and be no more.

The meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the Nile, and all that is sown by the Nile, shall become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

The paper-reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, and be no more.

The meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the Nile, and all the sown fields of the Nile, will become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

Exposed things by the brook, by the edge of the brook, And every sown thing of the brook, hath withered, It hath been driven away, and is not.

Isaia 19:7
Luadhët pranë Nilit, në grykëderdhjen e tij dhe të gjitha arat e mbjella gjatë lumit do të thahen, do të fshihen dhe do të zhduken.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 19:7
والرياض على النيل على حافة النيل وكل مزرعة على النيل تيبس وتتبدد ولا تكون.

Dyr Ieseien 19:7
S Ried an n Nil und in n Gmund und alle Felder an n Nil seind vertrücklt, von n Wind verwaet.

Исая 19:7
Ливадите при Нил, по бреговете на Нил, И всичко посято при Нил, Ще изсъхне, ще се разпилее, и ще се изгуби.

以 賽 亞 書 19:7
靠 尼 羅 河 旁 的 草 田 , 並 沿 尼 羅 河 所 種 的 田 , 都 必 枯 乾 。 莊 稼 被 風 吹 去 , 歸 於 無 有 。

靠 尼 罗 河 旁 的 草 田 , 并 沿 尼 罗 河 所 种 的 田 , 都 必 枯 乾 。 庄 稼 被 风 吹 去 , 归 於 无 有 。



Isaiah 19:7
sva zelen pokraj Nila; usahnut će na Nilu svi usjevi, propast će, raspršit' se, iščeznuti.

Izaiáše 19:7
Tráva okolo potoka a při pramenu potoka, i vše, což se seje při potoku, uschne, zmizí a ztratí se.

Esajas 19:7
alt Græsset ved Nilbredden dør, al Sæd ved Nilen hentørres, svinder og er ikke mere.

Jesaja 19:7
Het papiergewas bij de stromen, aan de oevers der stromen, en al het gezaaide aan de stromen, zal verdrogen; het zal weggestoten worden, en niet meer zijn.

ישעה 19:7
עָרֹ֥ות עַל־יְאֹ֖ור עַל־פִּ֣י יְאֹ֑ור וְכֹל֙ מִזְרַ֣ע יְאֹ֔ור יִיבַ֥שׁ נִדַּ֖ף וְאֵינֶֽנּוּ׃

ז ערות על יאור על פי יאור וכל מזרע יאור ייבש נדף ואיננו

ערות על־יאור על־פי יאור וכל מזרע יאור ייבש נדף ואיננו׃

Ézsaiás 19:7
A pázsit a folyó mellett, a folyónak partján, és a folyónak minden veteménye megszárad, elporlik és nem lészen.

Jesaja 19:7
La herbejoj apudakvaj, super la akvo mem, kaj cxio semita apud la akvo velkos, sekigxos, kaj malaperos.

Ja ruoho ojain tykönä, virtain reunalla, ja kaikkinainen jyvä vetten tykönä pitää lakastuman ja tyhjään tuleman.

Ésaïe 19:7
Les prairies sur le Nil, sur le bord du Nil, et tout ce qui est ensemencé le long du Nil, tout se desséchera, se réduira en poussière et ne sera plus.

Ce ne sera que nudité le long du fleuve, à l'embouchure du fleuve; Tout ce qui aura été semé près du fleuve se desséchera, Se réduira en poussière et périra.

Les prairies qui sont près des ruisseaux, et sur l'embouchure du fleuve, et tout ce qui aura été semé le long des ruisseaux, séchera, sera jeté loin, et ne sera plus.

Jesaja 19:7
und das Gras an den Wassern verstieben, und alle Saat am Wasser wird verwelken und zunichte werden.

und das Gras an den Wassern wird verstieben, und alle Saat am Wasser wird verdorren und zunichte werden.

Die Auen am Nil, an der Mündung des Nils, und alle Saaten am Nil werden verdorren, vertrieben und verschwunden sein.

Isaia 19:7
Le praterie sul Nilo, lungo le rive del Nilo, tutti i seminati presso il fiume seccheranno, diverranno brulli, spariranno.

Le praterie che son presso al fiume, in su la bocca del fiume, e tutti i seminati del fiume si seccheranno, e saranno dissipati e non saranno più.

Segala tanah rumput di tepi sungai dan di kuala sungai dan segala sesuatu yang tertabur pada tepi sungai itu layulah lalu terbang sehingga tiada ia itu lagi.

이사야 19:7
나일 가까운 곳 나일 언덕의 초장과 나일강 가까운 곡식 밭이 다 말라서 날아 없어질 것이며

Isaias 19:7
nudabitur alveus rivi a fonte suo et omnis sementis inrigua siccabitur arescet et non erit

Izaijo knyga 19:7
Papirusai upės pakrantėse ir pasėliai prie upės išdžius, sunyks ir nieko nebeliks.

Isaiah 19:7
Ko nga otaota i te taha o te Naere, i te pareparenga o te Naera, me nga mea katoa i whakatokia ki te taha o te Naere, ka maroke, ka aia noatia atu, ka kore noa iho.

Esaias 19:7
engene ved strømmen, ved strømmens bredd, og alt akerland ved strømmen tørker bort, spredes av vinden og er ikke mere.

Isaías 19:7
Las cañas junto al río, a orillas del Nilo, y todos los sembrados junto al Nilo se secarán, serán esparcidos, y no serán más.

Las cañas junto al río, a orillas del Nilo, Y todos los sembrados junto al Nilo Se secarán, serán esparcidos, y no existirán más.

Las cañas de junto al río, de junto a la ribera del río, y todas las cosas sembradas junto al río se secarán, se perderán, y no serán más.

Las verduras de junto al río, de junto á la ribera del río, y toda sementera del río, se secarán, se perderán, y no serán.

Las verduras de junto al río, de junto a la ribera del río, y toda sementera del río, se secarán, se perderán, y no serán.

Isaías 19:7
Surgirão vários lugares secos ao longo do Nilo e na própria foz do rio. Tudo o que for plantado ao longo do Nilo se ressecará, se dispersarão com os ventos e se extinguirão.

Os prados junto ao Nilo, ao longo das suas margens, sim, tudo o que foi semeado junto dele secará, será arrancado, e deixará de existir.   

Isaia 19:7
Livezile Nilului de la îmbucătura rîului, şi toate sămănăturile din valea rîului se vor usca, se vor preface în ţărînă şi vor pieri.

Исаия 19:7
Поля при реке, по берегам реки, и все, посеянное при реке, засохнет, развеется и исчезнет.

Поля при реке, по берегам реки, и все, посеянное при реке, засохнет, развеется и исчезнет.[]

Jesaja 19:7
Ängarna vid Nilfloden, längs flodens strand, och alla sädesfält vid floden, de skola förtorka, fördärvas och varda till intet.

Isaiah 19:7
Ang mga parang sa pangpang ng Nilo, sa baybayin ng Nilo, at lahat na nahasik sa tabi ng Nilo, mangatutuyo, mangatatangay, at mangawawala.

อิสยาห์ 19:7
กอแขมที่แม่น้ำ ที่ริมฝั่งแม่น้ำ และทั้งสิ้นที่หว่านลงข้างแม่น้ำนั้นจะแห้งไป จะถูกไล่ไปเสียและไม่มีอีก

Yeşaya 19:7
Nil kıyısında, ırmağın ağzındaki sazlar,
Nil boyunca ekili tarlalar kuruyacak,
Savrulup yok olacak.[]

EÂ-sai 19:7
Các đồng cỏ ở bờ sông Ni-lơ cùng hết thảy đồng ruộng đã gieo của nó, đều héo khô, bị thổi đi, không còn nữa.

Isaiah 19:6
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