Isaiah 19:25
Isaiah 19:25
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."

For the LORD of Heaven's Armies will say, "Blessed be Egypt, my people. Blessed be Assyria, the land I have made. Blessed be Israel, my special possession!"

whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.”

whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.

The LORD of Hosts will bless them, saying, "Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance are blessed."

The LORD of the Heavenly Armies has blessed them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance."

The LORD who commands armies will pronounce a blessing over the earth, saying, "Blessed be my people, Egypt, and the work of my hands, Assyria, and my special possession, Israel!"

The LORD of Armies will bless them, saying, "My people Egypt, the work of my hands Assyria, and my possession Israel are blessed."

For the LORD of the hosts shall bless them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.

Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.

Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.

for that Jehovah of hosts hath blessed them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.

Which the Lord of hosts hath blessed, saying: Blessed be my people of Egypt, and the work of my hands to the Assyrian: but Israel is my inheritance.

whom Jehovah of hosts will bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance!

for that the LORD of hosts hath blessed them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.

Whom the LORD of hosts will bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.

because Yahweh of Armies has blessed them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance."

In that Jehovah of Hosts did bless it, saying, 'Blessed is My people -- Egypt, And the work of My hands -- Asshur, And Mine inheritance -- Israel!'

Isaia 19:25
Zoti i ushtrive do t'i bekojë, duke thënë: "I bekuar qoftë Egjipti populli im, Asiria vepër e duarve të mia dhe Izraeli trashëgimia ime!".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 19:25
بها يبارك رب الجنود قائلا مبارك شعبي مصر وعمل يدي اشور وميراثي اسرائيل

Dyr Ieseien 19:25
Denn dyr Hörerherr gaat s sögnen: "Gsögnt ist Güptn, mein Volk, Surn, s Werch von meine Höndd, und Isryheel, mein Uedl."

Исая 19:25
Защото Господ на Силите ще ги благослови, като ще рече: Благословен да бъде Египет, Мои люде, И Асирия, делото на ръцете Ми, И Израил наследството Ми.

以 賽 亞 書 19:25
因 為 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 賜 福 給 他 們 , 說 : 埃 及 ─ 我 的 百 姓 , 亞 述 ─ 我 手 的 工 作 , 以 色 列 ─ 我 的 產 業 , 都 有 福 了 !

因 为 万 军 之 耶 和 华 赐 福 给 他 们 , 说 : 埃 及 ─ 我 的 百 姓 , 亚 述 ─ 我 手 的 工 作 , 以 色 列 ─ 我 的 产 业 , 都 有 福 了 !



Isaiah 19:25
Jahve nad Vojskama blagoslovit će ga: Nek' je blagoslovljen, reći će, moj narod egipatski, djelo mojih ruku Asirija i baština moja Izrael.

Izaiáše 19:25
Nebo požehná jim Hospodin zástupů, řka: Požehnaný lid můj Egyptský, a dílo rukou mých Assur, i dědictví mé Izrael.

Esajas 19:25
som Hærskarers HERRE velsigner med de Ord: »Velsignet være Ægypten, mit Folk, og Assyrien, mine Hænders Værk, og Israel, min Arvelod!«

Jesaja 19:25
Want de HEERE der heirscharen zal hen zegenen, zeggende: Gezegend zij Mijn volk, de Egyptenaars, en de Assyriers, het werk Mijner handen, en Israel, Mijn erfdeel!

ישעה 19:25
אֲשֶׁ֧ר בֵּרֲכֹ֛ו יְהוָ֥ה צְבָאֹ֖ות לֵאמֹ֑ר בָּר֨וּךְ עַמִּ֜י מִצְרַ֗יִם וּמַעֲשֵׂ֤ה יָדַי֙ אַשּׁ֔וּר וְנַחֲלָתִ֖י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃ ס

כה אשר ברכו יהוה צבאות לאמר  ברוך עמי מצרים ומעשה ידי אשור ונחלתי ישראל  {ס}

אשר ברכו יהוה צבאות לאמר ברוך עמי מצרים ומעשה ידי אשור ונחלתי ישראל׃ ס

Ézsaiás 19:25
Melyet megáld a seregeknek Ura, mondván: Áldott népem, Égyiptom! és kezem munkája, Assiria! és örökségem Izráel!

Jesaja 19:25
La Eternulo Cebaot benos ilin, dirante:Benataj estu Mia popolo la Egiptoj, kaj Asirio, verko de Miaj manoj, kaj Mia heredajxo Izrael.

JESAJA 19:25
Sillä Herra Zebaot on siunaava heitä ja sanova: siunattu olkoon Egypti minun kansani, ja Assur minun käsialani, ja Israel minun perimiseni!

Ésaïe 19:25
car l'Éternel des armées le bénira, disant: Béni soit l'Égypte, mon peuple, et l'Assyrie, l'ouvrage de mes mains, et Israël, mon héritage.

L'Eternel des armées les bénira, en disant: Bénis soient l'Egypte, mon peuple, Et l'Assyrie, oeuvre de mes mains, Et Israël, mon héritage!

Ce que l'Eternel des armées bénira, en disant : Bénie soit l'Egypte mon peuple; et [bénie soit] l'Assyrie l'ouvrage de mes mains; et Israël mon héritage.

Jesaja 19:25
Denn der HERR Zebaoth wird sie segnen und sprechen: Gesegnet bist du, Ägypten, mein Volk, und du, Assur, meiner Hände Werk, und du, Israel, mein Erbe!

Denn der HERR Zebaoth wird sie segnen und sprechen: Gesegnet bist du, Ägypten, mein Volk, und du, Assur, meiner Hände Werk, und du, Israel, mein Erbe!

die Jahwe der Heerscharen gesegnet hat, indem er sprach: Gesegnet sei mein Volk Ägypten und Assur, das Werk meiner Hände, und mein Erbbesitz Israel!

Isaia 19:25
L’Eterno degli eserciti li benedirà, dicendo: "Benedetti siano l’Egitto, mio popolo, l’Assiria, opera delle mie mani, e Israele, mia eredità!"

Perciocchè il Signor degli eserciti li benedirà, dicendo: Benedetto sia Egitto, mio popolo, ed Assur, opera delle mie mani, ed Israele, mia eredità.

YESAYA 19:25
Karena mereka itu akan diberkati oleh Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, firman-Nya: Berkatlah atas orang Mesir, yaitu umat-Ku, dan atas orang Asyur, yaitu perbuatan tangan-Ku, dan atas orang Israel, yaitu bahagian-Ku pusaka!

이사야 19:25
이는 만군의 여호와께서 복을 주어 가라사대 나의 백성 애굽이여,나의 손으로 지은 앗수르여, 나의 산업 이스라엘이여, 복이 있을지어다 하실 것임이니라

Isaias 19:25
cui benedixit Dominus exercituum dicens benedictus populus meus Aegypti et opus manuum mearum Assyrio hereditas autem mea Israhel

Izaijo knyga 19:25
Juos kareivijų Viešpats laimins, sakydamas: “Tebūna palaimintas Egiptas, mano tauta, ir Asirija, mano rankų darbas, ir Izraelis, mano paveldas”.

Isaiah 19:25
E manaakitia ano ratou e Ihowa o nga mano, e ki ia, Kia manaakitia a Ihipa, taku iwi, a Ahiria, te mahi a oku ringa, a Iharaira hoki, toku kainga tupu.

Esaias 19:25
fordi Herren, hærskarenes Gud, har velsignet det og sagt: Velsignet være mitt folk Egypten og mine henders verk Assyria og min arv Israel!

Isaías 19:25
porque el SEÑOR de los ejércitos lo ha bendecido, diciendo: Bendito es Egipto mi pueblo, y Asiria obra de mis manos, e Israel mi heredad.

porque el SEÑOR de los ejércitos lo ha bendecido, diciendo: 'Bendito es Egipto Mi pueblo, y Asiria obra de Mis manos, e Israel Mi heredad.'"

porque Jehová de los ejércitos los bendecirá, diciendo: Bendito el pueblo mío Egipto, y Asiria obra de mis manos, e Israel mi heredad.

Porque Jehová de los ejércitos los bendecirá, diciendo: Bendito el pueblo mío Egipto, y el Asirio obra de mis manos, é Israel mi heredad.

Porque el SEÑOR de los ejércitos los bendecirá diciendo, bendito el pueblo mío Egipto, y el asirio obra de mis manos, e Israel mi heredad.

Isaías 19:25
Então Yahweh, o SENHOR dos Exércitos proclamará esta palavra abençoadora: “Bendito seja a nação do Egito, meu povo; a Assíria, obra das minhas mãos; e Israel, minha herança, povo escolhido!”

porquanto o Senhor dos exércitos os tem abençoado, dizendo: Bem-aventurado seja o Egito, meu povo, e a Assíria, obra de minhas mãos, e Israel, minha herança.   

Isaia 19:25
Domnul oştirilor îi va binecuvînta şi va zice: ,,Binecuvîntat să fie Egiptul, poporul Meu, şi Asiria, lucrarea mînilor Mele, şi Israel, moştenirea Mea!``

Исаия 19:25
которую благословит Господь Саваоф, говоря: благословен народ Мой – Египтяне, и дело рук Моих – Ассирияне, и наследие Мое – Израиль.

которую благословит Господь Саваоф, говоря: благословен народ Мой--Египтяне, и дело рук Моих--Ассирияне, и наследие Мое--Израиль.[]

Jesaja 19:25
Och HERREN Sebaot skall välsigna dem och säga: Välsignad vare du Egypten, mitt folk, och du Assyrien, mina händer verk, och du Israel, min arvedel!

Isaiah 19:25
Sapagka't pinagpala sila ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo, na sinasabi, Pagpalain ang bayan kong Egipto, at ang Asiria na gawa ng aking mga kamay, at ang Israel na aking mana.

อิสยาห์ 19:25
เป็นผู้ที่พระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธาจะทรงอำนวยพระพรว่า "อียิปต์ชนชาติของเราจงได้รับพร และอัสซีเรียผลงานแห่งมือของเรา และอิสราเอลมรดกของเรา"

Yeşaya 19:25
Her Şeye Egemen RAB, ‹‹Halkım Mısır, ellerimin işi Asur ve mirasım İsrail kutsansın›› diyerek dünyayı kutsayacak.[]

EÂ-sai 19:25
vì Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân đã chúc phước cho họ, mà rằng Ê-díp-tô dân ta, A-si-ri công trình của tay ta, Y-sơ-ra-ên gia tài ta, đều hãy được phước!

Isaiah 19:24
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