Isaiah 18:2
Isaiah 18:2
which sends envoys by sea in papyrus boats over the water. Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.

that sends ambassadors in swift boats down the river. Go, swift messengers! Take a message to a tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared far and wide for their conquests and destruction, and whose land is divided by rivers.

which sends ambassadors by the sea, in vessels of papyrus on the waters! Go, you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people feared near and far, a nation mighty and conquering, whose land the rivers divide.

Which sends envoys by the sea, Even in papyrus vessels on the surface of the waters. Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, To a people feared far and wide, A powerful and oppressive nation Whose land the rivers divide.

That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!

sends couriers by sea, in reed vessels on the waters. Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and near, a powerful nation with a strange language, whose land is divided by rivers.

which sends envoys by the sea, in papyrus boats over the water! Go, swift messengers, to a tall, smooth-skinned nation, to a people feared far and wide, a nation that metes out punishment and oppresses, whose land the rivers divide.

that sends messengers by sea, who glide over the water's surface in boats made of papyrus. Go, you swift messengers, to a nation of tall, smooth-skinned people, to a people that are feared far and wide, to a nation strong and victorious, whose land rivers divide.

It sends messengers by sea in boats made of reeds [skimming] over the surface of the water. Go, swift messengers, to a tall and smooth-skinned people, a people [who are] feared far and near, a strong and aggressive nation, whose land is divided by rivers.

He who sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to the people scattered and peeled, to the people full of fears from their beginning, and until now, a people tired of waiting and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!

That sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin, to a people feared from their beginning until now; a nation powerful and treading down, whose land the rivers divide!

That sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes on the waters, saying, Go, you swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning till now; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!

that sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus upon the waters,'saying , Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people terrible from their beginning onward, a nation that meteth out and treadeth down, whose land the rivers divide!

That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, and in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters. Go, ye swift angels, to a nation rent and torn in pieces: to a terrible people, after which there is no other: to a nation expecting and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled.

that sendest ambassadors over the sea, and in vessels of papyrus upon the waters, saying, Go, swift messengers, to a nation scattered and ravaged, to a people terrible from their existence and thenceforth; to a nation of continued waiting and of treading down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!

that sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people terrible from their beginning onward; a nation that meteth out and treadeth down, whose land the rivers divide!

That sendeth embassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation measured by line and trodden down, whose land the rivers have laid waste.

that sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus on the waters, saying, "Go, you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people awesome from their beginning onward, a nation that measures out and treads down, whose land the rivers divide!"

That is sending by sea ambassadors, Even with implements of reed on the face of the waters, -- Go, ye light messengers, Unto a nation drawn out and peeled, Unto a people fearful from its beginning and onwards, A nation meeting out by line, and treading down, Whose land floods have spoiled.

Isaia 18:2
që dërgon lajmëtarë me anë të detit në anijeza prej papirusi mbi ujërat, duke thënë: "Shkoni, o lajmëtarë të shpejtë, në drejtim të një kombi shtatlartë dhe lëkurëndritur, në drejtim të një populli të cilin e kanë frikë që nga fillimi i tij e më pas, komb i fuqishëm që shkel çdo gjë, vendi i të cilit ndahet nga lumenjtë".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 18:2
المرسلة رسلا في البحر وفي قوارب من البردي على وجه المياه. اذهبوا ايها الرسل السريعون الى امة طويلة وجرداء الى شعب مخوف منذ كان فصاعدا امة قوة وشدة ودوس قد خرقت الانهار ارضها.

Dyr Ieseien 18:2
Seine Botn schickt s aus auf n Nil in Nachn aus Semet. Geetß zrugg, ös schnellen Botn zo enkerne langen Leut mit dyr glantzetn Haut, zo derer Diet, dö wo myn weit und brait firchtt, dönn Volk, dös wo allss zammtooscht, dönn Land mit seine Achenn allnthalbn.

Исая 18:2
Която изпращаш посланици през море, И с рогозени кораби по водите, [като казваш]: Идете, вие бързи пратеници, към народ висок и гладък, Към люде страшни от началото си и нататък, Народ, който отмерва и потъпква, Чиято земя обират реките!

以 賽 亞 書 18:2
差 遣 使 者 在 水 面 上 , 坐 蒲 草 船 過 海 。 先 知 說 : 你 們 快 行 的 使 者 , 要 到 高 大 光 滑 的 民 那 裡 去 。 自 從 開 國 以 來 , 那 民 極 其 可 畏 , 是 分 地 界 踐 踏 人 的 ; 他 們 的 地 有 江 河 分 開 。

差 遣 使 者 在 水 面 上 , 坐 蒲 草 船 过 海 。 先 知 说 : 你 们 快 行 的 使 者 , 要 到 高 大 光 滑 的 民 那 里 去 。 自 从 开 国 以 来 , 那 民 极 其 可 畏 , 是 分 地 界 践 踏 人 的 ; 他 们 的 地 有 江 河 分 开 。



Isaiah 18:2
tebi koja šalješ morem glasnike i vodom u čamcima rogoznim. Idite, brze skoroteče, k narodu stasitu, tamnoputu, k narodu kog se boje odvajkada, narodu žilavu, zavojevaču, čija je zemlja rijekama izbrazdana.

Izaiáše 18:2
Posílající po moři posly, v nástrojích z sítí po vodách, řka: Jděte, poslové rychlí, k národu rozptýlenému a zloupenému, k lidu hroznému zdávna i posavad, k národu všelijak potlačenému, jehož zemi řeky roztrhaly.

Esajas 18:2
du, som sender Bud over Havet i Baade af Siv paa Vandspejlet: Gaa, I hastige Bud, til det ranke, glinsende Folk, til Folket, som frygtes saa vide, Kraftens og Sejrens Folk, hvis Land gennemstrømmes af Floder.

Jesaja 18:2
Dat gezanten zendt over de zee, en in schepen van biezen op de wateren! Gaat henen, gij snelle boden! tot een volk, dat getrokken is en geplukt, tot een volk, dat vreselijk is van dat het was en voortaan; een volk van regel en regel, en van vertreding, welks land de rivieren beroven.

ישעה 18:2
הַשֹּׁלֵ֨חַ בַּיָּ֜ם צִירִ֗ים וּבִכְלֵי־גֹמֶא֮ עַל־פְּנֵי־מַיִם֒ לְכ֣וּ ׀ מַלְאָכִ֣ים קַלִּ֗ים אֶל־גֹּוי֙ מְמֻשָּׁ֣ךְ וּמֹורָ֔ט אֶל־עַ֥ם נֹורָ֖א מִן־ה֣וּא וָהָ֑לְאָה גֹּ֚וי קַו־קָ֣ו וּמְבוּסָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־בָּזְא֥וּ נְהָרִ֖ים אַרְצֹֽו׃

ב השלח בים צירים ובכלי גמא על פני מים לכו מלאכים קלים אל גוי ממשך ומורט אל עם נורא מן הוא והלאה--גוי קו קו ומבוסה אשר בזאו נהרים ארצו

השלח בים צירים ובכלי־גמא על־פני־מים לכו ׀ מלאכים קלים אל־גוי ממשך ומורט אל־עם נורא מן־הוא והלאה גוי קו־קו ומבוסה אשר־בזאו נהרים ארצו׃

Ézsaiás 18:2
A mely követeket küld a tengeren gyékénybõl [csinált] tutajokon, vizek színén. Menjetek el gyors hírnökök, a magas és derék néphez, a néphez, a mely rettenetes mióta van és ezután is; a hatalmas és hódító néphez, a melynek földét folyók hasítják át.

Jesaja 18:2
kiu sendas senditojn per la maro kaj per kanaj sxipoj sur la akvo! Iru, rapidaj senditoj, al la popolo grandkreska kaj glathauxta, al la popolo, kiu estas pli terura, ol kia ajn alia, al la popolo lauxregulara kaj piedpremanta, kies landon tratrancxas riveroj.

Joka sanansaattajat lähettää merelle, ja kulkee vedellä ruokoisessa haahdessa: menkäät nopiasti matkaan, sanansaattajat, sen kansan tykö, joka reväisty ja ryöstetty on, sen kansan tykö, joka julmempi on kuin joku muu, sen kansan tykö, joka siellä ja täällä mitattu ja tallattu on, jonka maa virtain hallussa on.

Ésaïe 18:2
qui envoies des ambassadeurs sur la mer et dans des vaisseaux de papyrus, sur la face des eaux, disant: Allez, messagers rapides, vers une nation répandue loin et ravagée, vers le peuple merveilleux dès ce temps et au delà, vers une nation qui attend, attend, et qui est foulée aux pieds, de laquelle les rivières ont ravagé le pays.

Toi qui envoies sur mer des messagers, Dans des navires de jonc voguant à la surface des eaux! Allez, messagers rapides, vers la nation forte et vigoureuse, Vers ce peuple redoutable depuis qu'il existe, Nation puissante et qui écrase tout, Et dont le pays est coupé par des fleuves.

Qui envoie par mer des ambassadeurs, et dans des vaisseaux de jonc sur les eaux. Allez, messagers légers, vers la nation de grand attirail et brillante, vers le peuple terrible, depuis là où il est et par delà; nation allant à la file, et qui foule [tout], dont les fleuves ravagent sa terre.

Jesaja 18:2
das Botschaften auf dem Meer sendet und in Rohrschiffen auf den Wassern fähret. Gehet hin, ihr schnellen Boten, zum Volk, das zerrissen und geplündert ist, zum Volk, das greulicher ist denn sonst irgendeins, zum Volk, das hie und da ausgemessen und zertreten ist, welchem die Wasserströme sein Land einnehmen.

das Botschafter auf dem Meer sendet und in Rohrschiffen auf den Wassern fährt! Gehet hin, ihr schnellen Boten, zum Volk, das hochgewachsen und glatt ist, zum Volk, das schrecklicher ist denn sonst irgend eins, zum Volk, das gebeut und zertritt, welchem die Wasserströme sein Land einnehmen. {~}

das auf dem Nil und in Papyruskähnen über die Wasserfläche Boten entsandte! Geht hin, ihr schnellen Boten, zu der hochgewachsenen und glatten Nation, zu dem weithinaus gefürchteten Volke, zu der riesenstarken und alles niedertretenden Nation, deren Land Ströme durchschneiden:

Isaia 18:2
che invia messi per mare in navicelle di papiro, vogati a pel d’acqua! Andate, o veloci messaggeri, verso la nazione dall’alta statura e dalla pelle lucida, verso il popolo temuto fin nelle regioni lontane, nazione potente che calpesta tutto, il cui paese è solcato da fiumi!

Che manda messi per lo mare, e in vaselli di giunchi sopra le acque, dicendo; Andate, messi leggieri, alla gente di lunga statura, e dipelata; al popolo spaventevole, che è più oltre di quella; alla gente sparsa qua e là, e calpestata, la cui terra i fiumi predano.

Yang menyuruhkan utusan pada jalan tasik dalam sampan-sampan yang dari pada buluh rantik akan menghilir sungai. Pergilah kamu, hai pesuruhan yang pantas! kepada suatu bangsa yang panjang lampai dan gundul, kepada bangsa yang hebat dari pada jadinya dan kemudian, yaitu suatu bangsa yang banyak adatnya yang terpijak dan tanahnyapun diliputi air sungai.

이사야 18:2
갈대 배를 물에 띄우고 그 사자를 수로로 보내며 이르기를 너희 경첩한 사자들아 너희는 강들이 흘러 나누인 나라로 가되 장대하고 준수한 백성 곧 시초부터 두려움이 되며 강성하여 대적을 밟는 백성에게로 가라 하도다

Isaias 18:2
qui mittit in mari legatos et in vasis papyri super aquas ite angeli veloces ad gentem convulsam et dilaceratam ad populum terribilem post quem non est alius gentem expectantem expectantem et conculcatam cuius diripuerunt flumina terram eius

Izaijo knyga 18:2
Jis siunčia pasiuntinius jūra, vandens keliais nendriniuose laiveliuose. Greitieji pasiuntiniai, skubėkite pas aukšto ūgio ir išdidžią tautą, pas tautą, kurios bijosi arti ir toli gyvenantys, kurios kraštas upėmis išraižytas.

Isaiah 18:2
E unga karere nei i runga i te moana, a ko o ratou kaipuke he kakaho i runga i nga wai, e ki ana, Haere, e nga karere tere, ki tetahi iwi roroa, maheni hoki, ki te iwi i wehingia i to ratou timatanga iho a mohoa noa nei; ki te iwi he mahi ruri ne i, he takatakahi nei tana, ko tona whenua wahia iho e nga awa.

Esaias 18:2
du som sender bud over havet* og i rørbåter over vannene! Gå avsted, I raske sendebud, til det ranke folk med den glinsende hud, til det folk som er fryktet viden om, det folk som stadig bruker målesnor** og treder ned, det folk hvis land gjennemskjæres av strømmer!

Isaías 18:2
la que envía por el mar embajadores en naves de junco sobre la superficie de las aguas! Id, veloces mensajeros, a una nación de alta estatura y de piel brillante, a un pueblo temido por todas partes, una nación poderosa y opresora cuya tierra surcan los ríos.

La que envía por el mar embajadores En naves de junco sobre la superficie de las aguas! Id, veloces mensajeros, a una nación De alta estatura y de piel brillante, A un pueblo temido por todas partes, Una nación poderosa y opresora Cuya tierra surcan los ríos.

que envía mensajeros por el mar, en naves de junco sobre las aguas! Andad, veloces mensajeros, a la nación dispersada y raída, al pueblo temible desde su principio y después; nación agredida y pisoteada, cuya tierra destruyeron los ríos.

Que envía mensajeros por la mar, y en navíos de junco sobre las aguas! Andad, ligeros mensajeros, á la gente tirada y repelada, al pueblo asombroso desde su principio y después; gente harta de esperar y hollada, cuya tierra destruyeron los ríos.

El que envía mensajeros por el mar, y en navíos de junco sobre las aguas. Andad, ligeros mensajeros, a la gente arrastrada, y repelada; al pueblo lleno de temores desde su principio, y después; gente harta de esperar y hollada; cuya tierra destruyeron los ríos.

Isaías 18:2
que manda mensageiros pelo mar em barcos de papiro sobre as águas. Ide, velozes emissários, a uma nação de gente de alta estatura e de pele bronzeada, a um povo temido pelos que estão ao seu redor, nação agressiva e de fala estranha, cuja terra é sulcada por muitos rios.

que envia embaixadores por mar em navios de junco sobre as águas, dizendo: Ide, mensageiros velozes, a um povo de alta estatura e de tez luzidia, a um povo terrível desde o seu princípio, a uma nação forte e vitoriosa, cuja terra os rios dividem!   

Isaia 18:2
Tu, care trimeţi soli pe mare, în corăbii de papură cari plutesc pe luciul apelor! Duceţi-vă, soli iuţi, la neamul acela tare şi puternic, la poporul acela înfricoşat dela începutul lui, neam puternic care zdrobeşte totul, şi a cărui ţară este tăiată de rîuri.

Исаия 18:2
посылающей послов по морю, и в папировых суднах по водам! Идите, быстрые послы, к народу крепкому и бодрому, к народу страшному от начала и доныне, к народу рослому и все попирающему, которого землю разрезывают реки.

посылающей послов по морю, и в папировых суднах по водам! Идите, быстрые послы, к народу крепкому и бодрому, к народу страшному от начала и доныне, к народу рослому и [всё] попирающему, которого землю разрезывают реки.[]

Jesaja 18:2
du som har sänt budbärare över havet, i rörskepp hän över vattnet! Gån åstad, I snabba sändebud, till det resliga folket med glänsande hy, till folket som är så fruktat vida omkring, det starka och segerrika folket, vars land genomskäres av strömmar.

Isaiah 18:2
Na nagsusugo ng mga sugo na nangagdadagat, sa makatuwid baga'y sa mga sasakyang papiro sa tubig, na nagsasabi, Magsiyaon kayo, maliliksing sugo, sa bansang mataas at patag, sa bayang kakilakilabot mula sa kanilang pasimula at sa haharapin; sa bansang sumusukat at yumayapak, na ang lupain ay hinahati ng mga ilog!

อิสยาห์ 18:2
ซึ่งส่งทูตไปโดยทางทะเล โดยเรือต้นกกบนน้ำ กล่าวว่า "เจ้าผู้สื่อสารที่รวดเร็วเอ๋ย จงไปยังประชาชาติที่ถูกกระจัดกระจายและถูกปอกเปลือก ยังชนชาติที่เขากลัวตั้งแต่แรก ยังประชาชาติที่เข้มแข็งและมักชนะ ซึ่งแผ่นดินของเขามีแม่น้ำแบ่ง"

Yeşaya 18:2
O ülke ki, elçilerini
Sazdan kayıklarla Nil sularından gönderir.
Ey ayağına tez ulaklar,
Irmakların böldüğü ülkeye,
Her yana korku saçan halka,
Güçlü ve ezici ulusa,
O uzun boylu, pürüzsüz tenli ulusa gidin![]

EÂ-sai 18:2
sai sứ vượt biển, cỡi thuyền bằng lau đi trên mặt nước! Hỡi các sứ giả nhặm lẹ kia, hãy đi đến nước người cao da mởn, đến dân đáng kính sợ từ khi lập nước trở đi, đến dân hay cân lường và giày đạp, là nước mà có những sông chia đất nó.

Isaiah 18:1
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