Isaiah 17:14
Isaiah 17:14
In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone! This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us.

In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn its enemies are dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder us, a fitting end for those who destroy us.

At evening time, behold, terror! Before morning, they are no more! This is the portion of those who loot us, and the lot of those who plunder us.

At evening time, behold, there is terror! Before morning they are no more. Such will be the portion of those who plunder us And the lot of those who pillage us.

And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

In the evening--sudden terror! Before morning--it is gone! This is the fate of those who plunder us and the lot of those who ravage us.

When the evening arrives, watch out—sudden terror! By morning they will be there no longer! So it will be for those who plunder us and what will happen to those who rob us."

In the evening there is sudden terror; by morning they vanish. This is the fate of those who try to plunder us, the destiny of those who try to loot us!

In the evening there will be sudden terror. Before morning they will be gone. This will be the fate of those who looted us, the destiny of those who robbed us.

And behold at eveningtide trouble, and before the morning she is not. This is the portion of them that tread on us and the lot of them that spoil us.

And behold at evening time trouble; and before the morning he is no more. This is the portion of them that plunder us, and the lot of them that rob us.

And behold at evening trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

At eventide, behold, terror; and before the morning they are not. This is the portion of them that despoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

In the time of the evening, behold there shall be trouble: the morning shall come, and he shall not be: this is the portion of them that have wasted us, and the lot of them that spoiled us.

behold, at eventide, trouble; before the morning they are not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

At eventide behold terror; and before the morning they are not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

And behold at the time of evening trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that ravage us, and the lot of them that rob us.

At evening, behold, terror! Before the morning, they are no more. This is the portion of those who plunder us, and the lot of those who rob us.

At even-time, lo, terror, before morning it is not, This is the portion of our spoilers, And the lot of our plunderers!

Isaia 17:14
Në mbrëmje, ja tmerri, dhe para mëngjesit nuk ka më asgjë. Kjo është pjesa e atyre që na plaçkitin, që na bëjnë pre.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 17:14
في وقت المساء اذا رعب. قبل الصبح ليسوا هم. هذا نصيب ناهبينا وحظ سالبينا

Dyr Ieseien 17:14
Auf Nacht non saend d Haidn Entsötzn, aber vor dyr Frueh seind s dyrhin. Yso geet s dene, wo üns ausraaubn wolln haetnd.

Исая 17:14
Привечер, ето смущение, [И] преди да съмне ги няма! Това е делът на тия, които ни обират, И съдбата на ония, които ни разграбват.

以 賽 亞 書 17:14
到 晚 上 有 驚 嚇 , 未 到 早 晨 他 們 就 沒 有 了 。 這 是 擄 掠 我 們 之 人 所 得 的 分 , 是 搶 奪 我 們 之 人 的 報 應 。

到 晚 上 有 惊 吓 , 未 到 早 晨 他 们 就 没 有 了 。 这 是 掳 掠 我 们 之 人 所 得 的 分 , 是 抢 夺 我 们 之 人 的 报 应 。



Isaiah 17:14
Navečer eto straha; prije svanuća više ga nema: to je sudba onih koji nas plijene i kob onih što nas pljačkaju.

Izaiáše 17:14
Nebo u večer aj, předěšení, a než jitro přijde, anť ho není. Tenť jest podíl těch, kteříž nás potlačují, a los těch, kteříž nás loupí.

Esajas 17:14
Ved Aftenstid kommer Rædsel; før Morgen gryr, er de borte. Det er vore Plyndreres Del, det er vore Ransmænds Lod.

Jesaja 17:14
Ten tijde des avonds, ziet, zo is er verschrikking, eer het morgen is, is hij er niet meer. Dit is het deel dergenen, die ons beroven, en het lot dergenen, die ons plunderen.

ישעה 17:14
לְעֵ֥ת עֶ֙רֶב֙ וְהִנֵּ֣ה בַלָּהָ֔ה בְּטֶ֥רֶם בֹּ֖קֶר אֵינֶ֑נּוּ זֶ֚ה חֵ֣לֶק שֹׁוסֵ֔ינוּ וְגֹורָ֖ל לְבֹזְזֵֽינוּ׃ ס

יד לעת ערב והנה בלהה בטרם בקר איננו זה חלק שוסינו וגורל לבזזינו  {פ}

לעת ערב והנה בלהה בטרם בקר איננו זה חלק שוסינו וגורל לבזזינו׃ ס

Ézsaiás 17:14
Estvének idején rémülés száll reájok [és] minekelõtte megvirrad, nem lesznek: ez jutalmok pusztítóinknak és sorsok rablóinknak!

Jesaja 17:14
Dum la vespero jen estas teruro; sed antaux la mateno ili jam ne ekzistas. Tia estas la sorto de niaj premantoj kaj la loto de niaj rabantoj.

JESAJA 17:14
Katso, ehtoona on peljästys käsillä, ja ennen aamua ei he ensinkään ole. Tämä on heidän palkkansa, jotka meiltä ryöstävät, ja heidän perintönsä, jotka meiltä omamme tempaavat.

Ésaïe 17:14
au temps du soir, voici l'épouvante; avant le matin, elles ne sont plus. Tel est le partage de ceux qui nous dépouillent, et le sort de ceux qui nous pillent.

Quand vient le soir, voici, c'est une ruine soudaine; Avant le matin, ils ne sont plus! Voilà le partage de ceux qui nous dépouillent, Le sort de ceux qui nous pillent.

Au temps du soir voici l'épouvante, mais avant le matin il ne sera plus; c'est là la portion de ceux qui nous auront fourragés, et le lot de ceux qui nous auront pillés.

Jesaja 17:14
Um den Abend, siehe, so ist Schrecken da; und ehe es Morgen wird, sind sie nimmer da. Das ist der Lohn unserer Räuber und das Erbe derer, die uns das Unsere nehmen.

Um den Abend, siehe, so ist Schrecken da; und ehe es Morgen wird, sind sie nimmer da. Das ist der Lohn unsrer Räuber und das Erbe derer, die uns das Unsre nehmen.

Zur Abendzeit, da waltet Bestürzung; vor Anbruch des Morgens sind sie dahin. Das ist das Schicksal unserer Berauber und das Los unserer Plünderer!

Isaia 17:14
Alla sera, ecco il terrore; prima del mattino, non son più. Ecco la parte di quei che ci spogliano, ecco la sorte di chi ci saccheggia!

Al tempo della sera ecco turbamento, e innanzi alla mattina non saranno più. Quest’è la parte di quelli che ci predano, e la sorte di quelli che ci rubano.

YESAYA 17:14
Pada petang hari sesungguhnya adalah kegentaran, maka dahulu dari pada datang pagi sudah tiada ia itu lagi! Bahwa inilah bahagian orang yang sudah menjarahi kita dan nasib untung mereka sekalian yang sudah merampas kita.

이사야 17:14
보라 저녁에 두려움을 당하고 아침 전에 그들이 없어졌나니 이는 우리를 노략한 자의 분깃이요 우리를 강탈한 자의 보응이니라

Isaias 17:14
in tempore vespere et ecce turbatio in matutino et non subsistet haec est pars eorum qui vastaverunt nos et sors diripientium nos

Izaijo knyga 17:14
Vakare­siaubas! Rytą jų jau nebėra! Tokia dalia mūsų naikintojų, likimas tų, kurie mus plėšia!

Isaiah 17:14
I te ahiahi, na ko te pawera; kiano i puao kua kore ratou. Ko te wahi tenei ma te hunga e pahua ana i a tatou, ko te mea tenei e wehea ma te hunga e muru ana i a tatou.

Esaias 17:14
Ved aftens tid, se, da er det forferdelse; før morgenen er de ikke mere til. Således går det dem som plyndrer oss, dette er deres lodd som raner hos oss.

Isaías 17:14
Al tiempo de la tarde, he aquí, hay terror. Antes de la mañana ya no existen. Tal será la porción de los que nos despojan, y la suerte de los que nos saquean.

Al tiempo de la tarde, hay terror. Antes de la mañana ya no existen. Tal será la porción de los que nos despojan, Y la suerte de los que nos saquean.

Al tiempo de la tarde he aquí turbación; y antes de la mañana ya no es. Ésta es la porción de los que nos despojan, y la suerte de los que nos saquean.

Al tiempo de la tarde he aquí turbación; y antes de la mañana ya no es. Esta es la parte de los que nos huellan, y la suerte de los que nos saquean.

Al tiempo de la tarde, veis aquí turbación; antes que la mañana venga ella no será . Esta es la parte de los que nos pisotean; y la suerte de los que nos saquean.

Isaías 17:14
Ao entardecer sobrevém o inesperado e o susto; antes do raiar da aurora já não haverá mais nada nem ninguém! Esta é a porção reservada para aqueles que nos despojam; a sorte daqueles que nos roubam.

Ao anoitecer, eis o terror! e antes que amanheça eles já não existem. Esse é o quinhão daqueles que nos despojam, e a sorte daqueles que nos saqueiam.   

Isaia 17:14
Îndeseară, vine o prăpădenie neaşteptată, şi pînă dimineaţa, nu mai sînt! Iată partea celor ce ne jupoaie, şi soarta celor ce ne jăfuiesc.

Исаия 17:14
Вечер – и вот ужас! и прежде утра уже нет его. Такова участь грабителей наших, жребий разорителей наших.

Вечер--и вот ужас! и прежде утра уже нет его. Такова участь грабителей наших, жребий разорителей наших.[]

Jesaja 17:14
När aftonen är inne, se, då kommer förskräckelsen, och förrän morgonen gryr, äro de sin kos. Detta bliver våra skövlares del, våra plundrares lott.

Isaiah 17:14
Sa gabi ay narito ang kakilabutan; at bago dumating ang umaga ay wala na sila. Ito ang bahagi nila na nagsisisamsam sa atin, at ang palad nila na nangagnanakaw sa atin.

อิสยาห์ 17:14
ดูเถิด พอเวลาเย็น ก็ความสยดสยอง ก่อนรุ่งเช้า ก็ไม่มีเขาทั้งหลายแล้ว นี่เป็นส่วนของบรรดาผู้ที่ริบของของเรา และเป็นส่วนของผู้ที่ปล้นเรา

Yeşaya 17:14
Akşam dehşet saçıyorlardı,
Sabah olmadan yok olup gittiler.
Bizi yağmalayanların, bizi soyanların sonu budur.[]

EÂ-sai 17:14
Ðương buổi chiều, nầy, có sự sợ hãi; kíp trước khi ban mai đã thành ra hư không. Ấy là phần của kẻ đã bóc lột chúng ta, là số phận xảy đến cho kẻ cướp chúng ta vậy.

Isaiah 17:13
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