Isaiah 14:8
Isaiah 14:8
Even the junipers and the cedars of Lebanon gloat over you and say, "Now that you have been laid low, no one comes to cut us down."

Even the trees of the forest--the cypress trees and the cedars of Lebanon--sing out this joyous song: 'Since you have been cut down, no one will come now to cut us down!'

The cypresses rejoice at you, the cedars of Lebanon, saying, ‘Since you were laid low, no woodcutter comes up against us.’

"Even the cypress trees rejoice over you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Since you were laid low, no tree cutter comes up against us.'

Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Even the cypresses and the cedars of Lebanon rejoice over you:" Since you have been laid low, no woodcutter has come against us."

Even the cypresses rejoice over you, as do the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Now that you've been laid low, no woodcutter comes up against us.'

The evergreens also rejoice over your demise, as do the cedars of Lebanon, singing, 'Since you fell asleep, no woodsman comes up to chop us down!'

Even the cypresses rejoice over you. The cedars of Lebanon say, "Since you have fallen, no lumberjack has come to attack us."

Even the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Yea, the cypress trees rejoice at you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since you were laid low, no hewer has come up against us.

Yes, the fir trees rejoice at you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since you are laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Yea, the fir-trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon,'saying , Since thou art laid low, no hewer is come up against us.

The fir trees also have rejoiced over thee, and the cedars of Libanus, saying: Since thou hast slept, there hath none come up to cut us down.

Even the cypresses rejoice at thee, the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Yes, the fir-trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

Yes, the fir trees rejoice with you, with the cedars of Lebanon, saying, "Since you are humbled, no lumberjack has come up against us."

Even firs have rejoiced over thee, Cedars of Lebanon -- saying: Since thou hast lain down, The hewer cometh not up against us.

Isaia 14:8
Madje edhe selvitë e kedrat e Libanit gëzohen për ty dhe thonë: "Që kur ke rënë, asnjë druvar s'ka dalë kundër nesh".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 14:8
حتى السرو يفرح عليك وارز لبنان قائلا منذ اضطجعت لم يصعد علينا قاطع.

Dyr Ieseien 14:8
Eyn n Weissnberg de Züpfern gar, de Zödern zannend mit: "Seitst du gföllt bist, kimmt kainer meer und macht üns niemdd meer um."

Исая 14:8
Дори елхите [и] ливанските кедри се радват за тебе, [казвайки]: Откакто лежиш ти дървар не е излизал против нас.

以 賽 亞 書 14:8
松 樹 和 利 巴 嫩 的 香 柏 樹 都 因 你 歡 樂 , 說 : 自 從 你 仆 倒 , 再 無 人 上 來 砍 伐 我 們 。

松 树 和 利 巴 嫩 的 香 柏 树 都 因 你 欢 乐 , 说 : 自 从 你 仆 倒 , 再 无 人 上 来 砍 伐 我 们 。



Isaiah 14:8
Nad tobom se raduju čempresi i cedri libanonski: Otkako si pao, ne dolaze nas više sjeći!

Izaiáše 14:8
I jedloví veselí se nad tebou, i cedroví Libánské, řkouce: Jakž jsi klesl, nepovstal, kdo by nás podtínal.

Esajas 14:8
selv Cypresserne glæder sig over dig, Libanons Cedre: »Siden dit Fald kommer ingen op for at fælde os!«

Jesaja 14:8
Ook verheugen zich de dennen over u, en de cederen van Libanon, zeggende: Sinds dat gij daar nederligt, komt niemand tegen ons op, die ons afhouwe.

ישעה 14:8
גַּם־בְּרֹושִׁ֛ים שָׂמְח֥וּ לְךָ֖ אַרְזֵ֣י לְבָנֹ֑ון מֵאָ֣ז שָׁכַ֔בְתָּ לֹֽא־יַעֲלֶ֥ה הַכֹּרֵ֖ת עָלֵֽינוּ׃

ח גם ברושים שמחו לך ארזי לבנון מאז שכבת לא יעלה הכרת עלינו

גם־ברושים שמחו לך ארזי לבנון מאז שכבת לא־יעלה הכרת עלינו׃

Ézsaiás 14:8
Még a cziprusok is örvendenek rajtad: a Libánon czédrusai [ezt mondják:] Mióta te megdõltél, nem jõ favágó ellenünk.

Jesaja 14:8
Ecx la cipresoj gxojas pri vi, la cedroj de Lebanon:De tiu tempo, kiam vi ekkusxis, neniu hakanto venas al ni.

Ja hongat myös riemuitsevat sinusta, ja sedrit Libanonissa, (ja sanovat): ettäs makaat, niin ei nouse yhtään, joka meitä maahan hakkaa.

Ésaïe 14:8
Les cyprès aussi se réjouissent de toi, les cèdres du Liban: Depuis que tu es tombé, l'abatteur n'est plus monté contre nous!

Les cyprès même, les cèdres du Liban, se réjouissent de ta chute: Depuis que tu es tombé, personne ne monte pour nous abattre.

Même les sapins et les cèdres du Liban se sont réjouis de toi, [en disant]; Depuis que tu es endormi, personne n'est monté pour nous tailler.

Jesaja 14:8
Auch freuen sich die Tannen über dir und die Zedern auf dem Libanon (und sagen): Weil du liegst, kommt niemand herauf, der uns abhaue.

Auch freuen sich die Tannen über dich und die Zedern auf dem Libanon und sagen: "Weil du liegst, kommt niemand herauf, der uns abhaue."

Selbst die Cypressen haben ihre Schadenfreude über dich, die Cedern des Libanon: Seitdem du daliegst, steigt keiner mehr zu uns, um uns zu fällen, herauf.

Isaia 14:8
Perfino i cipressi e i cedri del Libano si rallegrano a motivo di te. "Da che sei atterrato, essi dicono, il boscaiolo non sale più contro a noi".

Gli abeti ancora e i cedri del Libano si son rallegrati di te, dicendo: Da che tu sei stato atterrato, niuno è salito contro a noi, per tagliarci.

Lagipun segala pohon senobar bersukacita akan kamu, demikianpun segala pohon araz yang di Libanon, katanya: Dari pada masa engkau terhantar di sana seorangpun tiada naik ke mari akan menebang kami.

이사야 14:8
향나무와 레바논 백향목도 너로 인하여 기뻐하여 이르기를 네가 넘어뜨리웠은즉 올라와서 우리를 작벌할 자 없다 하는도다

Isaias 14:8
abietes quoque laetatae sunt super te et cedri Libani ex quo dormisti non ascendit qui succidat nos

Izaijo knyga 14:8
Džiaugiasi kiparisai ir Libano kedrai, sakydami: ‘Kai tu kritai, kirtėjai nebeateina kirsti mūsų’.

Isaiah 14:8
Ae, kei te koa nga kauri ki a koe, ratou ko nga hita o Repanona, e ki ana, No tou taunga ano ki raro i kore ai te kaitapahi e tae mai ki a matou.

Esaias 14:8
Også cypressene gleder sig over dig, Libanons sedrer: Siden du falt og blev liggende, stiger ingen hugger op til oss.

Isaías 14:8
Aun los cipreses y los cedros del Líbano se alegran a causa de ti, diciendo: ``Desde que fuiste derribado, no ha subido talador contra nosotros.

Aun los cipreses y los cedros del Líbano se alegran a causa de ti, y dicen: 'Desde que fuiste derribado, no ha subido talador contra nosotros.'

Aun los cipreses se regocijaron de ti, y los cedros del Líbano, diciendo: Desde que tú pereciste, no ha subido cortador contra nosotros.

Aun las hayas se holgaron de ti, y los cedros del Líbano, diciendo: Desde que tú pereciste, no ha subido cortador contra nosotros.

Aun las hayas se regocijaron a causa de ti, y los cedros del Líbano, diciendo : Desde que pereciste, no ha subido cortador contra nosotros.

Isaías 14:8
Até os ciprestes e os cedros do Líbano alegraram-se por sua causa e exclamam: “Agora que fostes derrubado do poder, nenhum lenhador sobe até aqui para pôr-nos abaixo!”

Até as faias se alegram sobre ti, e os cedros do Líbano, dizendo: Desde que tu caiste ninguém sobe contra nós para nos cortar.   

Isaia 14:8
Pînă şi chiparoşii şi cedrii din Liban se bucură de căderea ta şi zic: ,De cînd ai căzut tu, nu se mai suie nimeni să ne taie!`

Исаия 14:8
и кипарисы радуются о тебе, и кедры ливанские, говоря : „с тех пор, как ты заснул, никто не приходит рубить нас".

и кипарисы радуются о тебе, и кедры ливанские, [говоря]: `с тех пор, как ты заснул, никто не приходит рубить нас`.[]

Jesaja 14:8
Själva cypresserna glädja sig över ditt fall, så ock Libanons cedrar: 'Sedan du nu ligger där, drager ingen hitupp för att hugga ned oss.'

Isaiah 14:8
Oo, ang mga puno ng cipres ay nagagalak dahil sa iyo, at ang mga cedro sa Libano, na nangagsasabi, Mula nang ikaw ay malugmok wala nang mamumutol na umaahon laban sa amin.

อิสยาห์ 14:8
ต้นสนสามใบเปรมปรีดิ์เพราะเจ้า ต้นสนสีดาร์แห่งเลบานอนด้วย และกล่าวว่า `ตั้งแต่เจ้าตกต่ำ ก็ไม่มีผู้โค่นขึ้นมาต่อสู้เราแล้ว'

Yeşaya 14:8
Lübnanın çam ve sedir ağaçları bile
Kralın yok oluşuna seviniyor.
‹‹Onun ölümünden beri kimse bizi kesmeye gelmiyor›› diyorlar.[]

EÂ-sai 14:8
Dầu đến cây tùng cây bách ở Li-ban cũng nhơn cớ ngươi mà vui mừng, và nói rằng: Từ khi ngươi ngã xuống rồi, không ai trèo lên để đốn ta nữa.

Isaiah 14:7
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