Isaiah 14:2
Isaiah 14:2
Nations will take them and bring them to their own place. And Israel will take possession of the nations and make them male and female servants in the LORD's land. They will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors.

The nations of the world will help the LORD's people to return, and those who come to live in their land will serve them. Those who captured Israel will themselves be captured, and Israel will rule over its enemies.

And the peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them in the LORD’s land as male and female slaves. They will take captive those who were their captors, and rule over those who oppressed them.

The peoples will take them along and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them as an inheritance in the land of the LORD as male servants and female servants; and they will take their captors captive and will rule over their oppressors.

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

The nations will escort Israel and bring it to its homeland. Then the house of Israel will possess them as male and female slaves in the LORD's land. They will make captives of their captors and will rule over their oppressors.

Many nations will take them and bring them to their land and their own place. The house of Israel will put those nations to conscripted labor in the LORD's land. They will take captive those who were their captors, and will rule continually over those who oppressed them.

Nations will take them and bring them back to their own place. Then the family of Jacob will make foreigners their servants as they settle in the LORD's land. They will make their captors captives and rule over the ones who oppressed them.

People will take them and bring them to their own place. The nation of Israel will possess nations as male and female slaves in the LORD's land. They will take their captors captive and rule their oppressors.

And the peoples shall take them and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for slaves and hand maids; and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captive, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the peoples shall take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of Jehovah for servants and for handmaids: and they shall take them captive whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the people shall take them, and bring them into their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids: and they shall make them captives that had taken them, and shall subdue their oppressors.

And the peoples shall take them and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of Jehovah for servants and handmaids; and they shall take them captive whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the peoples shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and for handmaids: and they shall take them captive, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

The peoples will take them, and bring them to their place. The house of Israel will possess them in Yahweh's land for servants and for handmaids. They will take as captives those whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

And peoples have taken them, And have brought them in unto their place, And the house of Israel have inherited them, On the land of Jehovah, For men-servants and for maid-servants, And they have been captors of their captors, And have ruled over their exactors.

Isaia 14:2
Popujt do t'i marrin dhe do t'i çojnë përsëri në vendin e tyre dhe shtëpia e Izraelit do t'i zotërojë në vendin e Zotit si robër dhe robinja; do të zënë robër ata që i kishin zënë robër dhe do të mbretërojnë mbi shtypësit e tyre.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 14:2
ويأخذهم شعوب وياتون بهم الى موضعهم ويمتلكهم بيت اسرائيل في ارض الرب عبيدا واماء ويسبون الذين سبوهم ويتسلطون على ظالميهم

Dyr Ieseien 14:2
D Völker gaand Isryheel eyn sein Haimet zruggfüern; und drafter werd dyr Spieß umdraet: In n Herrn seinn Land macht Isryheel de Andern zo Bsaessn und haltt die gfangen und unterdruckt s, die wo ainst +sö gapfrengend.

Исая 14:2
Племената ще ги вземат и ще ги заведат на мястото им; И Израилевият дом ще ги наследи в земята Господна За слуги и слугини; Те ще пленят пленителите си, И ще владеят над притеснителите си.

以 賽 亞 書 14:2
外 邦 人 必 將 他 們 帶 回 本 土 ; 以 色 列 家 必 在 耶 和 華 的 地 上 得 外 邦 人 為 僕 婢 , 也 要 擄 掠 先 前 擄 掠 他 們 的 , 轄 制 先 前 欺 壓 他 們 的 。

外 邦 人 必 将 他 们 带 回 本 土 ; 以 色 列 家 必 在 耶 和 华 的 地 上 得 外 邦 人 为 仆 婢 , 也 要 掳 掠 先 前 掳 掠 他 们 的 , 辖 制 先 前 欺 压 他 们 的 。



Isaiah 14:2
Sami će narodi po njih doći i odvesti ih u njihov kraj, a njih će Dom Izraelov baštiniti u Jahvinoj zemlji kao sluge i sluškinje. I zarobit će one koji njih bijahu zarobili i gospodovat će nad svojim tlačiteljima.

Izaiáše 14:2
Nebo pojmou ty národy, a přivedou je k místu svému, i uvedou je v dědictví dům Izraelský v zemi Hospodinově, za služebníky a za děvky; a jímati budou ty, kteříž je zjímali, a panovati budou nad násilníky svými.

Esajas 14:2
Folkeslag skal tage dem og bringe dem hjem igen; og Israels Hus skal i HERRENS Land tage Folkeslagene i Eje som Trælle og Trælkvinder; de skal gøre dem til Fanger, hvis Fanger de var, og herske over deres Bødler.

Jesaja 14:2
En de volken zullen hen aannemen, en in hun plaats brengen; en het huis Israels zal hen erfelijk bezitten in het land des HEEREN tot knechten en tot maagden; en zij zullen gevangen houden degenen, die hen gevangen hielden, en zij zullen heersen over hun drijvers.

ישעה 14:2
וּלְקָח֣וּם עַמִּים֮ וֶהֱבִיא֣וּם אֶל־מְקֹומָם֒ וְהִֽתְנַחֲל֣וּם בֵּֽית־יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל עַ֚ל אַדְמַ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה לַעֲבָדִ֖ים וְלִשְׁפָחֹ֑ות וְהָיוּ֙ שֹׁבִ֣ים לְשֹֽׁבֵיהֶ֔ם וְרָד֖וּ בְּנֹגְשֵׂיהֶֽם׃ ס

ב ולקחום עמים והביאום אל מקומם והתנחלום בית ישראל על אדמת יהוה לעבדים ולשפחות והיו שבים לשביהם ורדו בנגשיהם  {ס}

ולקחום עמים והביאום אל־מקומם והתנחלום בית־ישראל על אדמת יהוה לעבדים ולשפחות והיו שבים לשביהם ורדו בנגשיהם׃ ס

Ézsaiás 14:2
És felveszik õket a népek, és elviszik õket lakhelyökre, és Izráel háza bírni fogja õket az Úr földén, szolgák és szolgálók gyanánt; és foglyaik lesznek foglyul vivõik, és uralkodnak nyomorgatóikon.

Jesaja 14:2
Kaj popoloj prenos ilin kaj venigos ilin sur ilian lokon, kaj la domo de Izrael ekposedos ilin en la lando de la Eternulo kiel sklavojn kaj sklavinojn. Kaj ili malliberigos siajn malliberigintojn kaj regos siajn premintojn.

Ja kansat ottavat heidät, ja vievät heitä heidän paikkaansa, ja Israelin huone on omistava heitä Herran maassa palvelioiksi ja piioiksi; ja pitää heitä vankina pitämän, joilta he olivat vangitut, ja niin he vallitsevat vaivaajiansa.

Ésaïe 14:2
Et les peuples les prendront et les feront venir en leur lieu, et la maison d'Israël les possédera, sur la terre de l'Éternel, pour serviteurs et pour servantes: et ils mèneront captifs ceux qui les tenaient captifs et ils domineront sur leurs oppresseurs.

Les peuples les prendront, et les ramèneront à leur demeure, Et la maison d'Israël les possédera dans le pays de l'Eternel, Comme serviteurs et comme servantes; Ils retiendront captifs ceux qui les avaient faits captifs, Et ils domineront sur leurs oppresseurs.

Et les peuples les prendront, et les mèneront en leur lieu, et la maison d'Israël les possédera en droit d'héritage sur la terre de l'Eternel, comme des serviteurs et des servantes; ils tiendront captifs ceux qui les avaient tenus captifs, et ils domineront sur leurs exacteurs.

Jesaja 14:2
Und die Völker werden sie annehmen und bringen an ihren Ort, daß sie das Haus Israel besitzen wird im Lande des HERRN zu Knechten und Mägden; und werden gefangen halten die, von welchen sie gefangen waren, und werden herrschen über ihre Treiber.

Und die Völker werden sie nehmen und bringen an ihren Ort, daß sie das Haus Israel besitzen wird im Lande des HERRN zu Knechten und Mägden, und sie werden gefangen halten die, von welchen sie gefangen waren, und werden herrschen über ihre Dränger.

Die Völker werden sie nehmen und an ihren Ort bringen, und das Haus Israel wird sich im Lande Jahwes jene aneignen zu Sklaven und zu Sklavinnen, so daß sie ihre Fänger fangen und ihre Bedrücker unterjochen.

Isaia 14:2
I popoli li prenderanno e li ricondurranno al loro luogo, e la casa d’Israele li possederà nel paese dell’Eterno come servi e come serve; essi terranno in cattività quelli che li avean ridotti in cattività, e signoreggeranno sui loro oppressori.

E i popoli li prenderanno, e li condurranno al luogo loro; e la casa d’Israele li possederà nella terra del Signore, per servi e per serve; e terranno in cattività quelli che li aveano tenuti in cattività, e signoreggeranno sopra i loro oppressatori.

Maka dibawanya sertanya akan beberapa bangsa, dihantarnya ke tempat kedudukkannya, maka orang isi rumah Israel akan menaruh mereka itu di tanah Tuhan akan hamba dan sahaya, dan dipegangnya dalam hal ketawanan segala orang yang sudah menawan akan dia, dan diperhambakannya segala pengerahnya.

이사야 14:2
민족들이 그들을 데리고 그들의 본토에 돌아오리니 이스라엘 족속이 여호와의 땅에서 그들을 얻어 노비를 삼겠고 전에 자기를 사로잡던 자를 사로잡고 자기를 압제하던 자를 주관하리라

Isaias 14:2
et tenebunt eos populi et adducent eos in locum suum et possidebit eos domus Israhel super terram Domini in servos et ancillas et erunt capientes eos qui se ceperant et subicient exactores suos

Izaijo knyga 14:2
Pagonys paims juos ir parves į jų vietą. Izraelitai Viešpaties žemėje juos apgyvendins kaip tarnus ir tarnaites. Jie padarys belaisvius tuos, kurių belaisviai jie buvo, ir pavergs savo prispaudėjus.

Isaiah 14:2
E tango ano nga iwi i a ratou, e kawe i a ratou ki to ratou wahi, riro tonu iho ratou i te whare o Iharaira hei pononga tane, hei pononga wahine i te oneone a Ihowa: a hei whakarau mo ratou o ratou kaiwhakarau, ko ratou ano hei rangatira mo o rat ou kaitukino.

Esaias 14:2
Og folkeslag skal ta dem og føre dem hjem igjen, og Israels hus skal få dem i eie i Herrens land og gjøre dem til træler og trælkvinner, og de skal nu holde dem fanget som har holdt dem selv fanget, og herske over sine voldsherrer.

Isaías 14:2
Los tomarán los pueblos y los llevarán a su lugar, y la casa de Israel los poseerá como siervos y siervas en la tierra del SEÑOR. Tomarán cautivos a los que los habían llevado cautivos, y dominarán sobre sus opresores.

Los pueblos los tomaran y los llevarán a su lugar, y la casa de Israel los poseerá como siervos y siervas en la tierra del SEÑOR. Tomarán cautivos a los que los habían llevado cautivos, y dominarán sobre sus opresores.

Y los tomarán los pueblos, y los traerán a su lugar: y la casa de Israel los poseerá por siervos y criadas en la tierra de Jehová: y cautivarán a los que los cautivaron, y señorearán sobre sus opresores.

Y los tomarán los pueblos, y traeránlos á su lugar: y la casa de Israel los poseerá por siervos y criadas en la tierra de Jehová: y cautivarán á los que los cautivaron, y señorearán á los que los oprimieron.

Y los tomarán los pueblos, y los traerán a su lugar; y la casa de Israel los poseerá por siervos y criadas en la tierra del SEÑOR; y cautivarán a los que los cautivaron, y señorearán a los que los oprimieron.

Isaías 14:2
Pessoas de várias nacionalidades irão com os israelitas para o seu território, a terra de Yahweh. E a descendência de Israel possuirá os povos como servos e servas na terra do SENHOR. Farão escravos aqueles que antigamente eram seus donos, e dominarão sobre aqueles que antes foram seus opressores.

E os povos os receberão, e os levarão aos seus lugares; e a casa de Israel os possuirá por servos e por servas, na terra do Senhor e cativarão aqueles que os cativaram, e dominarão os seus opressores.   

Isaia 14:2
Popoarele îi vor lua, şi -i vor aduce înapoi la locuinţa lor, şi casa lui Israel îi va stăpîni în ţara Domnului, ca robi şi roabe. Vor ţinea astfel robi pe cei ce -i robiseră pe ei, şi vor stăpîni peste asupritorii lor.

Исаия 14:2
И возьмут их народы, и приведут на место их, и дом Израиля усвоит их себе на земле Господней рабами и рабынями, и возьмет в плен пленивших его, и будет господствовать над угнетателями своими.

И возьмут их народы, и приведут на место их, и дом Израиля усвоит их себе на земле Господней рабами и рабынями, и возьмет в плен пленивших его, и будет господствовать над угнетателями своими.[]

Jesaja 14:2
Och folk skola taga dem och föra dem hem igen; men Israels hus skall lägga dem under sig såsom sin arvedel i HERRENS land, och skall göra dem till trälar och trälinnor. Så skola de få sina fångvaktare till fångar och råda över sina plågare.

Isaiah 14:2
At kukunin sila ng mga tao, at dadalhin sila sa kanilang dako: at aariin sila ng sangbahayan ng Israel sa lupain ng Panginoon, na mga pinakaaliping lalake at babae: at kanilang bibihagin sila, na nagsibihag sa kanila; at mangagpupuno sila sa mga mamimighati sa kanila.

อิสยาห์ 14:2
และชนชาติทั้งหลายจะรับเขาและนำเขาทั้งหลายมายังที่ของเขา และวงศ์วานของอิสราเอลจะมีกรรมสิทธิ์ในเขา เป็นทาสชายหญิงในแผ่นดินของพระเยโฮวาห์ ผู้ที่จับเขาเป็นเชลยจะถูกเขาจับเป็นเชลย และจะปกครองผู้ที่เคยบีบบังคับเขา

Yeşaya 14:2
Uluslar İsrail halkını
Kendi topraklarına götürecekler.
İsrail halkı RABbin verdiği topraklarda onları
Erkek ve kadın köle olarak sahiplenecek.
Kendisini tutsak edenleri tutsak edecek,
Kendisini ezenlere egemen olacak.[]

EÂ-sai 14:2
Các dân sẽ đem họ trở về bổn xứ; nhà Y-sơ-ra-ên sẽ được chúng nó làm tôi trai tớ gái trong đất Ðức Giê-hô-va. Chúng nó sẽ bắt làm phu tù những kẻ đã bắt mình làm phu tù, và quản trị kẻ đã hà hiếp mình.

Isaiah 14:1
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