Isaiah 13:15
Isaiah 13:15
Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword.

Anyone who is captured will be cut down--run through with a sword.

Whoever is found will be thrust through, and whoever is caught will fall by the sword.

Anyone who is found will be thrust through, And anyone who is captured will fall by the sword.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

Whoever is found will be stabbed, and whoever is caught will die by the sword.

Whoever is captured will be thrust through, and whoever is caught will fall dead, killed by the sword.

Everyone who is caught will be stabbed; everyone who is seized will die by the sword.

Whoever is found will be stabbed to death. Whoever is captured will be executed.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through, and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

Everyone that is found shall be thrust through; and everyone that is caught shall fall by the sword.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined to them shall fall by the sword.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is taken shall fall by the sword.

Every one that shall be found, shall be slain: and every one that shall come to their aid, shall fall by the sword.

All that are found shall be thrust through; and every one that is in league with them shall fall by the sword.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is taken shall fall by the sword.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined to them shall fall by the sword.

Everyone who is found will be thrust through. Everyone who is captured will fall by the sword.

Every one who is found is thrust through, And every one who is added falleth by sword.

Isaia 13:15
Kushdo që do të gjendet do të shpohet dhe kushdo që do të kapet do të vritet me shpatë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 13:15
كل من وجد يطعن وكل من انحاش يسقط بالسيف.

Dyr Ieseien 13:15
Wer dyrwischt werd, werd dyrstochen; wem s einholnd, dönn dyrschlagnd s.

Исая 13:15
Всеки, който се намери, ще бъде пронизан; И всичките заловени ще паднат под нож.

以 賽 亞 書 13:15
凡 被 仇 敵 追 上 的 必 被 刺 死 ; 凡 被 捉 住 的 必 被 刀 殺 。

凡 被 仇 敌 追 上 的 必 被 刺 死 ; 凡 被 捉 住 的 必 被 刀 杀 。



Isaiah 13:15
Koga stignu, probost će ga: koga uhvate, mačem će sasjeći;

Izaiáše 13:15
Kdožkoli nalezen bude, bude proboden, a kteříž by se koli shlukli, od meče padnou.

Esajas 13:15
Enhver, der indhentes, spiddes, enhver, der gribes, falder for Sværdet;

Jesaja 13:15
Al wie gevonden wordt, zal doorstoken worden, en al wie daarbij gevoegd is, zal door het zwaard vallen.

ישעה 13:15
כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א יִדָּקֵ֑ר וְכָל־הַנִּסְפֶּ֖ה יִפֹּ֥ול בֶּחָֽרֶב׃

טו כל הנמצא ידקר וכל הנספה יפול בחרב

כל־הנמצא ידקר וכל־הנספה יפול בחרב׃

Ézsaiás 13:15
Valaki [ott] találtatik, átveretik, és valaki megfogatik, fegyver miatt hull el,

Jesaja 13:15
CXiu renkontita estos trapikita, kaj cxiu kaptita falos de glavo.

JESAJA 13:15
Että jokainen, joka löydetään, pitää pistettämän lävitse, ja jokainen, joka siellä läsnä on, pitää miekalla lankeeman.

Ésaïe 13:15
tous ceux qui seront trouvés seront transpercés, et quiconque se joindra à eux tombera par l'épée;

Tous ceux qu'on trouvera seront percés, Et tous ceux qu'on saisira tomberont par l'épée.

Quiconque sera trouvé, sera transpercé; et quiconque s'y sera joint, tombera par l'épée.

Jesaja 13:15
darum daß, welcher sich da finden läßt, erstochen wird, und welcher dabei ist, durchs Schwert fallen wird.

darum daß, wer sich da finden läßt, erstochen wird, und wer dabei ist, durchs Schwert fallen wird.

Alle Ergriffenen werden durchbohrt und alle Erhaschten fallen durchs Schwert.

Isaia 13:15
Chiunque sarà trovato sarò trafitto, chiunque sarà còlto cadrà di spada.

Chiunque sarà trovato sarà trafitto, e chiunque si sarà aggiunto con loro caderà per la spada.

YESAYA 13:15
Barangsiapa yang terdapat itu akan mati ditikam, dan barangsiapa yang tinggal bersama-sama itu akan rebah mati dimakan pedang.

이사야 13:15
만나는 자는 창에 찔리겠고 잡히는 자는 칼에 엎드러지겠고 그들의 어린 아이들은 그 목전에 메어침을 입겠고 그 집은 노략을 당하겠고 그 아내는 욕을 당하리라

Isaias 13:15
omnis qui inventus fuerit occidetur et omnis qui supervenerit cadet in gladio

Izaijo knyga 13:15
Ką suras, perdurs, ką sugaus, nužudys.

Isaiah 13:15
Ko te hunga katoa e kitea ana, ka werohia; ko te hunga katoa e hopukia ana, ka hinga i te hoari.

Esaias 13:15
Hver den som treffes, skal gjennembores, og hver den som gripes, skal falle for sverdet.

Isaías 13:15
Cualquiera que sea hallado será traspasado, y cualquiera que sea capturado caerá a espada.

Cualquiera que sea hallado será traspasado, Y cualquiera que sea capturado caerá a espada.

Cualquiera que sea hallado, será traspasado; y cualquiera que a ellos se una, caerá a espada.

Cualquiera que fuere hallado, será alanceado; y cualquiera que á ellos se juntare, caerá á cuchillo.

Cualquiera que fuere hallado, será alanceado; y cualquiera que a ellos se juntare, caerá a espada.

Isaías 13:15
Todo aquele que for capturado será traspassado; todos os que forem apanhados morrerão ao fio da espada.

Todo o que for achado será traspassado; e todo o que for apanhado, cairá à espada.   

Isaia 13:15
Toţi ceice vor fi prinşi, vor fi străpunşi, şi toţi cei ce vor fi apucaţi, vor cădea ucişi de sabie.

Исаия 13:15
Но кто попадется, будет пронзен, и кого схватят, тот падет от меча.

Но кто попадется, будет пронзен, и кого схватят, тот падет от меча.[]

Jesaja 13:15
Men envar som upphinnes bliver genomborrad, och envar som gripes faller för svärd.

Isaiah 13:15
Bawa't masusumpungan ay palalagpasan; at bawa't nahuli ay mabubuwal sa tabak.

อิสยาห์ 13:15
ทุกคนที่เขาพบเข้าก็จะถูกแทงทะลุ และทุกคนที่รวมเข้าด้วยกันกับพวกเขาก็จะล้มลงด้วยดาบ

Yeşaya 13:15
Yakalananın bedeni delik deşik edilecek,
Ele geçen kılıçtan geçirilecek.[]

EÂ-sai 13:15
Kẻ nào người ta gặp được sẽ bị đâm; kẻ nào bị bắt sẽ ngã dưới lưỡi gươm.

Isaiah 13:14
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