Isaiah 12:4
Isaiah 12:4
In that day you will say: "Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.

In that wonderful day you will sing: "Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is!

And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.

And in that day you will say, "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; Make them remember that His name is exalted."

And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

and on that day you will say:" Give thanks to Yahweh; proclaim His name! Celebrate His works among the peoples. Declare that His name is exalted.

"Give thanks to the LORD; call on his name. Make known his actions among the nations. Proclaim that his name is exalted.

At that time you will say: "Praise the LORD! Ask him for help! Publicize his mighty acts among the nations! Make it known that he is unique!

At that time you will say, "Praise the LORD. Call on his name. Make his deeds known among the nations. Make them remember that his name is highly honored.

And in that day ye shall say, Sing unto the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the peoples, remember how his name is exalted.

And in that day shall you say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his deeds among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

And in that day shall you say, Praise the LORD, call on his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

And in that day shall ye say, Give thanks unto Jehovah, call upon his name, declare his doings among the peoples, make mention that his name is exalted.

And you shall say in that day: Praise ye the Lord, and call upon his name: make his works known among the people: remember that his name is high.

And in that day shall ye say, Give ye thanks to Jehovah, call upon his name, declare his deeds among the peoples, make mention that his name is exalted.

And in that day shall ye say, Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the peoples, make mention that his name is exalted.

And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

In that day you will say, "Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name. Declare his doings among the peoples. Proclaim that his name is exalted!

And ye have said in that day, Give ye praise to Jehovah, call in His name. Make known among the peoples His acts. Make mention that set on high is His name.

Isaia 12:4
Atë ditë do të thoni: "Kremtoni Zotin, thërrisni emrin e tij, i bëni të njohura veprat e tij midis popujve, shpallni që emri i tij është i lartësuar.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 12:4
وتقولون في ذلك اليوم احمدوا الرب ادعوا باسمه عرّفوا بين الشعوب بافعاله ذكّروا بان اسمه قد تعالى.

Dyr Ieseien 12:4
Und sagn gaatß: Danktß yn n Trechtein; ruefftß seinn Namen an! Künddtß seine Taatn unter de Völker aus und prödigtß: Sein Nam ist grooß und erhabn!

Исая 12:4
И в оня ден ще речете: Славословете Господа, Възгласете името Му, изявете между племената делата Му, Напомнете, че е възвишено Неговото име.

以 賽 亞 書 12:4
在 那 日 , 你 們 要 說 : 當 稱 謝 耶 和 華 , 求 告 他 的 名 ; 將 他 所 行 的 傳 揚 在 萬 民 中 , 提 說 他 的 名 已 被 尊 崇 。

在 那 日 , 你 们 要 说 : 当 称 谢 耶 和 华 , 求 告 他 的 名 ; 将 他 所 行 的 传 扬 在 万 民 中 , 提 说 他 的 名 已 被 尊 崇 。



Isaiah 12:4
Reći ćete u dan onaj: Hvalite Jahvu prizivajte ime njegovo! Objavite narodima djela njegova, razglašujte uzvišenost imena njegova!

Izaiáše 12:4
A řeknete v ten den: Oslavujte Hospodina, vzývejte jméno jeho, známé čiňte mezi lidmi skutky jeho, připomínejte, že vyvýšené jest jméno jeho.

Esajas 12:4
og sige paa hin Dag: Tak HERREN, paakald hans Navn, gør hans Gerninger kendt blandt Folkene, kundgør, at hans Navn er højt!

Jesaja 12:4
En zult te dienzelfden dage zeggen: Dankt den HEERE, roept Zijn Naam aan, maakt Zijn daden bekend onder de volken! vermeldt, dat Zijn Naam verhoogd is.

ישעה 12:4
וַאֲמַרְתֶּ֞ם בַּיֹּ֣ום הַה֗וּא הֹוד֤וּ לַֽיהוָה֙ קִרְא֣וּ בִשְׁמֹ֔ו הֹודִ֥יעוּ בָֽעַמִּ֖ים עֲלִֽילֹתָ֑יו הַזְכִּ֕ירוּ כִּ֥י נִשְׂגָּ֖ב שְׁמֹֽו׃

ד ואמרתם ביום ההוא הודו ליהוה קראו בשמו הודיעו בעמים עלילתיו הזכירו כי נשגב שמו

ואמרתם ביום ההוא הודו ליהוה קראו בשמו הודיעו בעמים עלילתיו הזכירו כי נשגב שמו׃

Ézsaiás 12:4
És így szólotok ama napon: Adjatok hálát az Úrnak, magasztaljátok az Õ nevét, hirdessétek a népek közt nagyságos dolgait, mondjátok, hogy nagy az Õ neve.

Jesaja 12:4
Kaj vi diros en tiu tago:Danku la Eternulon, voku Lian nomon, sciigu Liajn farojn inter la popoloj, memorigu, ke Lia nomo estas alta.

Ja silloin te sanotte: kiittäkäät Herraa, ja saarnatkaat hänen nimeänsä, julistakaat kansoissa hänen tekojansa, muistakaat kuinka korkia hänen nimensä on.

Ésaïe 12:4
Et vous direz en ce jour-là: Célébrez l'Éternel, invoquez son nom; faites connaître parmi les peuples ses actes rappelez que son nom est haut élevé.

Et vous direz en ce jour-là: Louez l'Eternel, invoquez son nom, Publiez ses oeuvres parmi les peuples, Rappelez la grandeur de son nom!

Et vous direz en ce jour-là; Célébrez l'Eternel, réclamez son Nom, faites connaître parmi les peuples ses exploits, faites souvenir que son Nom est une haute retraite.

Jesaja 12:4
Und werdet sagen zur selbigen Zeit: Danket dem HERRN, prediget seinen Namen, macht kund unter den Völkern sein Tun, verkündiget, wie sein Name so hoch ist!

und werdet sagen zu derselben Zeit: Danket dem HERRN, prediget seinen Namen; machet kund unter den Völkern sein Tun; verkündiget, wie sein Name so hoch ist.

und werdet an jenem Tage sprechen: Dankt Jahwe, ruft seinen Namen an! Macht unter den Völkern seine Thaten kund, verkündigt, daß sein Name erhaben ist!

Isaia 12:4
e in quel giorno direte: "Celebrate l’Eterno, invocate il suo nome, fate conoscere le sue opere tra i popoli, proclamate che il suo nome è eccelso!

e direte in quel giorno: Celebrate il Signore, predicate il suo Nome, fate noti i suoi fatti fra i popoli, rammemorate che il suo Nome è eccelso.

Maka pada hari itu juga kamu akan berkata demikian: Segala puji bagi Tuhan; sebutlah akan nama-Nya; masyhurkanlah Perbuatan-Nya di antara segala bangsa; wartakanlah bahwa nama-Nya amat mulia adanya.

이사야 12:4
그 날에 너희가 또 말하기를 여호와께 감사하라 그 이름을 부르며 그 행하심을 만국 중에 선포하며 그 이름이 높다 하라

Isaias 12:4
et dicetis in illa die confitemini Domino et invocate nomen eius notas facite in populis adinventiones eius mementote quoniam excelsum est nomen eius

Izaijo knyga 12:4
sakydami: “Girkite Viešpatį, šaukitės Jo vardo, skelbkite tautose Jo darbus, kalbėkite, kad Jo vardas didingas.

Isaiah 12:4
Ka mea ano hoki i taua ra, Whakamoemititia a Ihowa, karanga atu ki tona ingoa; whakaaturia ana mahi ki roto i nga iwi; kauwhautia atu kua oti tona ingoa te whakaneke ake.

Esaias 12:4
Og I skal si på den tid: Takk Herren, påkall hans navn, kunngjør hans gjerninger blandt folkene, forkynn at hans navn er ophøiet!

Isaías 12:4
Y aquel día dirás: Dad gracias al SEÑOR, invocad su nombre, haced conocer entre los pueblos sus obras, haced recordar que su nombre es enaltecido.

Y en aquel día dirás: "Den gracias al SEÑOR, invoquen Su nombre, Hagan conocer entre los pueblos Sus obras, Hagan recordar (proclamen) que Su nombre es exaltado."

Y diréis en aquel día: Cantad a Jehová, aclamad su nombre, haced célebres en los pueblos sus obras, recordad que su nombre es engrandecido.

Y diréis en aquel día: Cantad á Jehová, aclamad su nombre, haced célebres en los pueblos sus obras, recordad que su nombre es engrandecido.

Y diréis en aquel día: Cantad al SEÑOR; invocad su nombre. Haced célebres en los pueblos sus obras. Recordad como su nombre es engrandecido.

Isaías 12:4
E exclamareis naquele dia: Louvai a Yahweh, invocai o seu Nome; proclamai entre todas as nações os seus feitos, fazei saber que o seu Nome é Excelso, Maravilhoso!

E direis naquele dia: Dai graças ao Senhor, invocai o seu nome, fazei notórios os seus feitos entre os povos, proclamai quão excelso é o seu nome.   

Isaia 12:4
şi veţi zice în ziua aceea: ,,Lăudaţi pe Domnul, chemaţi Numele Lui, vestiţi lucrările Lui printre popoare, pomeniţi mărimea Numelui Lui!

Исаия 12:4
и скажете в тот день: славьте Господа, призывайте имя Его; возвещайте в народах дела Его; напоминайте, что велико имя Его;

и скажете в тот день: славьте Господа, призывайте имя Его; возвещайте в народах дела Его; напоминайте, что велико имя Его;[]

Jesaja 12:4
och skolen säga på den tiden: »Tacken HERREN, åkallen hans namn, gören hans gärningar kunniga bland folken; förtäljen att hans namn är högt.

Isaiah 12:4
At sa araw na yao'y inyong sasabihin, Mangagpasalamat kayo sa Panginoon, kayo'y magsitawag sa kaniyang pangalan, ipahayag ninyo ang kaniyang mga gawa sa mga bayan, sabihin ninyo na ang kaniyang pangalan ay marangal.

อิสยาห์ 12:4
และในวันนั้นเจ้าจะกล่าวว่า "จงสรรเสริญพระเยโฮวาห์ จงร้องทูลออกพระนามของพระองค์ จงประกาศบรรดาพระราชกิจของพระองค์ท่ามกลางชนชาติทั้งหลาย จงป่าวร้องว่าพระนามของพระองค์เป็นที่เชิดชู"

Yeşaya 12:4
O gün diyeceksiniz ki,
‹‹RABbe şükredin, Onu adıyla çağırın,
Halklara duyurun yaptıklarını,
Adının yüce olduğunu duyurun![]

EÂ-sai 12:4
và trong ngày đó các ngươi sẽ nói rằng: Hãy cảm tạ Ðức Giê-hô-va; hãy kêu cầu danh Ngài; hãy rao mọi việc của Ngài ra trong các dân tộc! Hãy xưng danh Ngài là tôn trọng!

Isaiah 12:3
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