Haggai 1:10
Haggai 1:10
Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops.

It's because of you that the heavens withhold the dew and the earth produces no crops.

Therefore the heavens above you have withheld the dew, and the earth has withheld its produce.

"Therefore, because of you the sky has withheld its dew and the earth has withheld its produce.

Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

So on your account, the skies have withheld the dew and the land its crops.

That is why the heavens keep withholding dew from you, and the earth withholds her fruit.

This is why the sky has held back its dew and the earth its produce.

It is because of you that the sky has withheld its dew and the earth has withheld its produce.

Therefore the rain of the heavens over you is held back, and the earth has held back her fruits.

Therefore the heavens over you withholds the dew, and the earth withholds her fruit.

Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

Therefore for your sake the heavens withhold the dew, and the earth withholdeth its fruit.

Therefore the heavens over you were stayed from giving dew, and the earth was hindered from yielding her fruits:

Therefore over you the heavens withhold their dew, and the earth withholdeth its fruit.

Therefore for your sake the heaven is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

Therefore for your sake the heavens withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its fruit.

Therefore, over you refrained have the heavens from dew, And the land hath refrained its increase.

Hagai 1:10
Për këtë arsye qielli e ka ndalur vesën sipër jush dhe toka e ka mbajtur prodhimin e vet.

ﺣﺠﻲ 1:10
لذلك منعت السموات من فوقكم الندى ومنعت الارض غلتها.

Dyr Häggäus 1:10
+Ös seitß d Schuld, däß dyr Himml önn Tau verhaltt und dyr Bodm önn Fand.

Агей 1:10
И тъй, поради вас небето задържа росата си, И земята възпира плода си;

哈 該 書 1:10
所 以 為 你 們 的 緣 故 , 天 就 不 降 甘 露 , 地 也 不 出 土 產 。

所 以 为 你 们 的 缘 故 , 天 就 不 降 甘 露 , 地 也 不 出 土 产 。



Haggai 1:10
Stog' je nebo uskratilo rosu, a zemlja uskratila usjeve.

Aggea 1:10
Protož zavřelo se nebe nad vámi, aby nedávalo rosy, země také zavřela se, aby nevydávala úrody své.

Haggaj 1:10
Derfor holder Himmelen sin Dug og Jorden sin Afgrøde tilbage;

Haggaï 1:10
Dit is die stad, die opspringt van vreugde, die zeker woont, die in haar hart zegt: Ik ben het, en buiten mij is geen meer; hoe is zij geworden tot woestheid, een rustplaats van het gedierte! Een ieder, die daardoor trekt, zal ze aanfluiten, hij zal zijn hand bewegen.

חגי 1:10
עַל־כֵּ֣ן עֲלֵיכֶ֔ם כָּלְא֥וּ שָׁמַ֖יִם מִטָּ֑ל וְהָאָ֖רֶץ כָּלְאָ֥ה יְבוּלָֽהּ׃

י על כן עליכם כלאו שמים מטל והארץ כלאה יבולה

על־כן עליכם כלאו שמים מטל והארץ כלאה יבולה׃

Aggeus 1:10
Azért vonták meg tõletek az egek a harmatot, vonta meg a föld az õ termését.

Ĥagaj 1:10
Pro tio la cxielo ne donas al vi roson kaj la tero ne donas siajn produktajxojn.

Sentähden on taivas teiltä kasteen pidättänyt, ja maa kieltänyt hedelmänsä.

Aggée 1:10
C'est pourquoi au-dessus de vous les cieux ont retenu la rosée, et la terre a retenu son produit;

C'est pourquoi les cieux vous ont refusé la rosée, Et la terre a refusé ses produits.

A cause de cela les cieux se sont fermés sur nous pour ne point donner la rosée, et la terre a retenu son rapport.

Haggai 1:10
Darum hat der Himmel über euch den Tau verhalten und das Erdreich sein Gewächs.

Darum hat der Himmel über euch den Tau verhalten und das Erdreich sein Gewächs.

Darum hielt der Himmel über euch den Tau zurück, hielt auch die Erde ihren Ertrag zurück.

Aggeo 1:10
Perciò il cielo, sopra di voi, è rimasto chiuso, sì che non c’è stata rugiada, e la terra ha ritenuto il suo prodotto.

Perciò, il cielo è stato serrato sopra voi, per non dar rugiada la terra eziandio ha ristretta la sua rendita.

HAGAI 1:10
Maka sebab itu langitpun menahani air embun dari padamu dan bumipun menahani hasilnya dari padamu.

학개 1:10
그러므로 너희로 인하여 하늘은 이슬을 그쳤고 땅은 산물을 그쳤으며

Aggaeus 1:10
propter hoc super vos prohibiti sunt caeli ne darent rorem et terra prohibita est ne daret germen suum

Agëjo knyga 1:10
Todėl dangus sulaikė rasą, o žemė neduoda derliaus.

Haggai 1:10
Na reira i kaiponuhia ai te tomairangi o te rangi, he mea ki a koutou; na reira ano i kaiponuhia ai nga hua o te whenua.

Haggai 1:10
Derfor har himmelen lukket sig over eder, så den ikke gir dugg, og jorden har holdt sin grøde tilbake.

Hageo 1:10
Por tanto, por causa vuestra, los cielos han retenido su rocío y la tierra ha retenido su fruto.

"Por tanto, por causa de ustedes, los cielos han retenido su rocío y la tierra ha retenido su fruto.

Por eso se detuvo de los cielos sobre vosotros la lluvia, y la tierra detuvo sus frutos.

Por eso se detuvo de los cielos sobre vosotros la lluvia, y la tierra detuvo sus frutos.

Por eso se detuvo la lluvia de los cielos sobre vosotros, y la tierra detuvo sus frutos.

Ageu 1:10
Por esta razão, por causa de vós mesmos, o céu reteve o orvalho e cessou de dar o seu fruto costumeiro.

Por isso os ceus por cima de vós retêm o orvalho, e a terra retém os seus frutos.   

Hagai 1:10
De aceea cerurile nu v'au dat roua, şi pămîntul nu şi -a dat roadele.

Аггей 1:10
Посему-то небо заключилось и не дает вам росы, и земля не дает своих произведений.

Посему-то небо заключилось и не дает вам росы, и земля не дает своих произведений.[]

Haggai 1:10
Fördenskull har himmelen ovan eder förhållit eder sin dagg och jorden förhållit sin gröda.

Haggai 1:10
Kaya't dahil sa inyo, pinipigil ng langit ang hamog, at ipinagkakait ng lupa ang kaniyang bunga.

ฮักกัย 1:10
เพราะฉะนั้น ท้องฟ้าที่อยู่เหนือเจ้าจึงยั้งน้ำค้างไว้เสีย และโลกก็ยึดพืชผลของมันไว้เสีย

Hagay 1:10
İşte bunun içindir ki, gök çiyini, toprak ürününü sizden esirgiyor.[]

A-gheâ 1:10
Cho nên, vì cớ các ngươi, trời giữ móc lại, và đất giữ bông trái lại.

Haggai 1:9
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