Habakkuk 3:13
Habakkuk 3:13
You came out to deliver your people, to save your anointed one. You crushed the leader of the land of wickedness, you stripped him from head to foot.

You went out to rescue your chosen people, to save your anointed ones. You crushed the heads of the wicked and stripped their bones from head to toe.

You went out for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of your anointed. You crushed the head of the house of the wicked, laying him bare from thigh to neck. Selah

You went forth for the salvation of Your people, For the salvation of Your anointed. You struck the head of the house of the evil To lay him open from thigh to neck. Selah.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.

You come out to save Your people, to save Your anointed. You crush the leader of the house of the wicked and strip him from foot to neck. Selah

You marched out to deliver your people, to deliver with your anointed. You struck the head of the house of the wicked; you stripped him naked from head to foot. Interlude

You march out to deliver your people, to deliver your special servant. You strike the leader of the wicked nation, laying him open from the lower body to the neck. Selah.

You go out to save your people, to save your anointed. You crush the leader of the wicked household, stripping him bare from head to toe. [Selah]

Thou didst go forth to save thy people, to save with thine anointed; thou didst shatter the head of the house of the wicked by uncovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.

You went forth for the salvation of your people, even for salvation with your anointed; you wounded the head out of the house of the wicked, by laying bare from the foundation to the neck. Selah.

You went forth for the salvation of your people, even for salvation with your anointed; you wounded the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation to the neck. Selah.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, For the salvation of thine anointed; Thou woundest the head out of the house of the wicked man, Laying bare the foundation even unto the neck. Selah.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people: for salvation with thy Christ. Thou struckest the head of the house of the wicked: thou hast laid bare his foundation even to the neck.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, For the salvation of thine anointed; Thou didst smite off the head from the house of the wicked, Laying bare the foundation even to the neck. Selah.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, for the salvation of thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, laying bare the foundation even unto the neck. Selah

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thy anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by uncovering the foundation to the neck. Selah.

You went forth for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of your anointed. You crushed the head of the land of wickedness. You stripped them head to foot. Selah.

Thou hast gone forth for the salvation of Thy people, For salvation with Thine anointed, Thou hast smitten the head of the house of the wicked, Laying bare the foundation unto the neck. Pause!

Habakuku 3:13
Ke dalë për të shpëtuar popullin tënd, për të shpëtuar të vajosurin tënd; ti ke goditur kokën e shtëpisë së të pabesit, duke e nxjerrë lakuriq nga themelet e deri lart.

ﺣﺒﻘﻮﻕ 3:13
خرجت لخلاص شعبك لخلاص مسيحك. سحقت راس بيت الشرير معرّيا الاساس حتى العنق. سلاه.

Dyr Häbykuck 3:13
Auszieghn tuest, dein Volk zo n Röttn, yn deinn Salbling ausherzhelffen. Önn Öbrigstn von de Gotloosn haust zamm; dönn fisltst yso ab, däß wirklich nix meer dran ist.

Авакум 3:13
Излязъл си за избавление на людете Си, За избавление чрез помазаника Си; Отсякъл си началника от дома на нечестивите, Открил си основите дори до върха. (Села.)

哈 巴 谷 書 3:13
你 出 來 要 拯 救 你 的 百 姓 , 拯 救 你 的 受 膏 者 , 打 破 惡 人 家 長 的 頭 , 露 出 他 的 腳 ( 原 文 是 根 基 ) , 直 到 頸 項 。 ( 細 拉 )

你 出 来 要 拯 救 你 的 百 姓 , 拯 救 你 的 受 膏 者 , 打 破 恶 人 家 长 的 头 , 露 出 他 的 脚 ( 原 文 是 根 基 ) , 直 到 颈 项 。 ( 细 拉 )



Habakkuk 3:13
Iziđe da spasiš narod svoj, da spasiš svog pomazanika; sori vrh kuće bezbožnikove, ogoli joj temelje do stijene.

Abakuka 3:13
Vyšel jsi k vysvobození lidu svého, k vysvobození s pomazaným svým; srazil jsi hlavu s domu bezbožníka až do hrdla, obnaživ základ. Sélah.

Habakkuk 3:13
Du drager ud til Frelse for dit Folk, ud for at frelse din Salvede. Du knuser den gudløses Hustag, blotter Grunden til Klippen. — Sela.

Habakuk 3:13
Gij toogt uit tot verlossing Uws volks, tot verlossing met Uw Gezalfde; Gij doorwonddet het hoofd van het huis des goddelozen, ontblotende den grond tot den hals toe. Sela.

חבקוק 3:13
יָצָ֙אתָ֙ לְיֵ֣שַׁע עַמֶּ֔ךָ לְיֵ֖שַׁע אֶת־מְשִׁיחֶ֑ךָ מָחַ֤צְתָּ רֹּאשׁ֙ מִבֵּ֣ית רָשָׁ֔ע עָרֹ֛ות יְסֹ֥וד עַד־צַוָּ֖אר סֶֽלָה׃ פ

יג יצאת לישע עמך לישע את משיחך מחצת ראש מבית רשע ערות יסוד עד צואר סלה  {פ}

יצאת לישע עמך לישע את־משיחך מחצת ראש מבית רשע ערות יסוד עד־צואר סלה׃ פ

Habakuk 3:13
Kiszállsz néped szabadítására, fölkented segítségére; szétzúzod a fõt a gonosznak házában; nyakig feltakarod az alapjait. Szela!

Ĥabakuk 3:13
Vi elpasxis, por helpi al Via popolo, Por helpi al Via sanktoleito. Vi frakasas la supron de la domo de malpiulo, Nudigas la fundamenton gxis la kolo. Sela.

Sinä läksit kansaas auttamaan, auttamaan voideltus kanssa; sinä särjit jumalattomain huoneessa, ja paljastit perustukset, kaulaan asti, Sela!

Habacuc 3:13
Tu sortis pour le salut de ton peuple, pour le salut de ton oint; tu brisas le faîte de la maison du méchant, mettant à nu les fondements jusqu'au cou. Sélah.

Tu sors pour délivrer ton peuple, Pour délivrer ton oint; Tu brises le faîte de la maison du méchant, Tu la détruis de fond en comble. Pause.

Tu sortis pour la délivrance de ton peuple, [tu sortis] avec ton Oint pour la délivrance; tu transperças le Chef, afin qu'il n'y en eût plus dans la maison du méchant, découvrant le fondement jusques au fond; Sélah.

Habakuk 3:13
Du zogest aus, deinem Volk zu helfen, zu helfen deinem Gesalbten. Du zerschmissest das Haupt im Hause des Gottlosen und entblößetest die Grundfeste bis an den Hals. Sela.

Du zogst aus, deinem Volk zu helfen, zu helfen deinem Gesalbten; du zerschmettertest das Haupt im Hause des Gottlosen und entblößtest die Grundfeste bis an den Hals. (Sela.)

Du ziehst aus zum Heile deines Volks, um deinem Gesalbten zu helfen. Du schmetterst den First herab vom Hause des Gottlosen, legst den Grund bloß bis zum Halse. Sela.

Abacuc 3:13
Tu esci per salvare il tuo popolo, per liberare il tuo unto; tu abbatti la sommità della casa dell’empio, e la demolisci da capo a fondo. Sela.

Tu uscisti fuori in salute del tuo popolo, In salute sua col tuo Unto; Tu trafiggesti il capo della casa dell’empio, Spianandola da cima a fondo. Sela.

Bahwa Engkau sudah keluar akan membantu umat-Mu, yang mengupayakan selamat serta dengan Almasih-Mu; bahwa Engkau meremukkan kepala rumah orang fasik, sambil membuka alasnya sampai di bumbungan. -- Selah!

하박국 3:13
주께서 주의 백성을 구원하시려고, 기름 받은 자를 구원하시려고 나오사 악인의 집머리를 치시며 그 기초를 끝까지 드러내셨나이다 (셀라)

Habacuc 3:13
egressus es in salutem populi tui in salutem cum christo tuo percussisti caput de domo impii denudasti fundamentum usque ad collum semper

Habakuko knyga 3:13
Tu išėjai gelbėti savo tautos, gelbėti savo pateptojo, sutrupinai nedorėlių namų galvą, apnuoginai juos nuo pamatų iki kaklo.

Habakkuk 3:13
I puta koe ki te whakaora i tau iwi, ae ra, ki te whakaora i tau i whakawahi ai; pakaru ana i a koe te upoko i roto o te whare o te hunga kino, takoto kau ana te turanga, a taea noatia te kaki. Hera.

Habakuk 3:13
Du drar ut til frelse for ditt folk, til frelse for din salvede; du knuser taket på den ugudeliges* hus, du avdekker grunnvollen like til halsen. Sela.

Habacuc 3:13
Saliste para salvar a tu pueblo, para salvar a tu ungido. Destrozaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, descubriéndo lo de arriba abajo. Selah

Saliste para salvar a Tu pueblo, Para salvar a Tu ungido. Destrozaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, Descubriéndolo de arriba abajo. (Selah)

Saliste para salvar a tu pueblo, para salvar con tu ungido. Traspasaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, desnudando el cimiento hasta el cuello (Selah).

Saliste para salvar tu pueblo, Para salvar con tu ungido. Traspasaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, Desnudando el cimiento hasta el cuello. (Selah.)

Saliste para salvar a tu pueblo, para salvar con tu Ungido. Traspasaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, desnudando el cimiento hasta el cuello. Selah.

Habacuque 3:13
Partiste para salvar a tua gente, para libertar o teu povo ungido. Esmagaste o líder da nação ímpia, despindo-lhe por completo da cabeça aos pés.

Tu sais para o socorro do teu povo, para salvamento dos teus ungidos. Tu despedaças a cabeça da casa do ímpio, descobrindo-lhe de todo os fundamentos. (selá)   

Habacuc 3:13
Ieşi ca să izbăveşti pe poporul Tău, să izbăveşti pe unsul Tău; sfărîmi acoperişul casei celui rău, o nimiceşti din temelii pînă în vîrf. -(Oprire.) -

Аввакум 3:13
Ты выступаешь для спасения народа Твоего, для спасения помазанного Твоего. Ты сокрушаешь главу нечестивого дома, обнажая его от основания до верха.

Ты выступаешь для спасения народа Твоего, для спасения помазанного Твоего. Ты сокрушаешь главу нечестивого дома, обнажая его от основания до верха.[]

Habackuk 3:13
Du drager ut för att frälsa ditt folk, för att bereda frälsning åt din smorde. Du krossar taket på de ogudaktigas hus, du bryter ned huset, från grunden till tinnarna. Sela.

Habakkuk 3:13
Ikaw ay lumabas sa ikaliligtas ng iyong bayan, Sa ikaliligtas ng iyong pinahiran ng langis; Iyong sinugatan ang pangulo ng bahay ng masama, Na inililitaw ang patibayan hanggang sa leeg. (Selah)

ฮาบากุก 3:13
พระองค์เสด็จออกไปเพื่อช่วยประชาชนของพระองค์ให้รอด เพื่อช่วยผู้ที่พระองค์ทรงเจิมไว้ให้รอด พระองค์ทรงทำให้ศีรษะแห่งเรือนของคนชั่วได้รับบาดเจ็บ โดยการเผยให้เห็นตั้งแต่รากฐานถึงช่วงคอ เซลาห์

Habakkuk 3:13
Kendi halkını, seçtiğin ulusu kurtarmaya geldin.
Kötü soyun başını ezdin,
Soydun onu tepeden tırnağa. "iSela[]

Ha-ba-cuùc 3:13
Ngài đi ra đặng cứu dân mình, Ði ra đặng cứu đấng chịu xức dầu của mình; Ngài đánh thương đầu kẻ ác, phá nhà nó, Làm trần trụi nền nó cho đến cổ.

Habakkuk 3:12
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