Genesis 49:12
Genesis 49:12
His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk.

His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth are whiter than milk.

His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.

"His eyes are dull from wine, And his teeth white from milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth are whiter than milk.

His eyes are darker than wine and his teeth whiter than milk."

His eyes will be dark from wine, and his teeth white from milk.

His eyes are darker than wine. His teeth are whiter than milk.

His eyes red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, And his teeth white with milk.

His eyes are more beautiful than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.

The eyes are red with wine, And the teeth are white with milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, And his teeth white with milk.

His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

His eyes will be red with wine, his teeth white with milk.

Red are eyes with wine, And white are teeth with milk!

Zanafilla 49:12
Ai i ka sytë të ndritura nga vera dhe dhëmbët e bardha nga qumështi.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 49:12
مسود العينين من الخمر ومبيض الاسنان من اللبن.

De Bschaffung 49:12
Und d Augn seind dunkl wie dyr Wein, so weiß wie Milich seine Zöndd.

Битие 49:12
Очите му ще червенеят от вино. И зъбите му ще белеят от мляко.

創 世 記 49:12
他 的 眼 睛 必 因 酒 紅 潤 ; 他 的 牙 齒 必 因 奶 白 亮 。

他 的 眼 睛 必 因 酒 红 润 ; 他 的 牙 齿 必 因 奶 白 亮 。



Genesis 49:12
Oči su mu od vina mutne, zubi bjelji od mlijeka.

Genesis 49:12
Červenějších očí bude nad víno, a zubů bělejších nad mléko.

1 Mosebog 49:12
med Øjnene dunkle af Vin og Tænderne hvide af Mælk!

Genesis 49:12
Hij is roodachtig van ogen door den wijn, en wit van tanden door de melk.

בראשית 49:12
חַכְלִילִ֥י עֵינַ֖יִם מִיָּ֑יִן וּלְבֶן־שִׁנַּ֖יִם מֵחָלָֽב׃ פ

יב חכלילי עינים מיין ולבן שנים מחלב  {פ}

חכלילי עינים מיין ולבן־שנים מחלב׃ פ

1 Mózes 49:12
Bortól veresek szemei, tejtõl fehérek fogai.

Moseo 1: Genezo 49:12
Liaj okuloj estas rugxaj de vino Kaj la dentoj blankaj de lakto.

Hänen silmänsä ovat punaisemmat viinaa ja hampaansa valkeammat rieskaa.

Genèse 49:12
Ses yeux sont rouges de vin, et ses dents blanches de lait.

Il a les yeux rouges de vin, Et les dents blanches de lait.

Il a les yeux vermeils de vin, et les dents blanches de lait.

1 Mose 49:12
Seine Augen sind rötlicher denn Wein und seine Zähne weißer denn Milch.

Seine Augen sind trübe vom Wein und seine Zähne weiß von Milch.

die Augen trübe von Wein und die Zähne weiß von Milch.

Genesi 49:12
Egli ha gli occhi rossi dal vino, e i denti bianchi dal latte.

Egli ha gli occhi rosseggianti per lo vino, E i denti bianchi per lo latte.

Matanya akan merah dengan air anggur dan giginyapun akan putih dengan air susu.

창세기 49:12
그 눈은 포도주로 인하여 붉겠고 그 이는 우유로 인하여 희리로다

Genesis 49:12
pulchriores oculi eius vino et dentes lacte candidiores

Pradþios knyga 49:12
Jo akys spindės nuo vyno ir dantys bus balti nuo pieno.

Genesis 49:12
Ka mumura hoki ona kanohi i te waina, ka ma ona niho i te waiu.

1 Mosebok 49:12
Dunkle er hans øine av vin, og hvite hans tenner av melk.

Génesis 49:12
Sus ojos están apagados por el vino, y sus dientes blancos por la leche.

"Sus ojos están apagados por el vino, Y sus dientes blancos por la leche.

Sus ojos rojos del vino, y los dientes blancos de la leche.

Sus ojos bermejos del vino, Y los dientes blancos de la leche.

Los ojos bermejos del vino, los dientes blancos de la leche.

Gênesis 49:12
Seus olhos serão mais escuros que o vinho; seus dentes, mais brancos que o leite!

Os olhos serão escurecidos pelo vinho, e os dentes brancos de leite.   

Geneza 49:12
Are ochii roşi de vin, Şi dinţii albi de lapte.

Бытие 49:12
блестящи очи его от вина, и белы зубы от молока.

блестящи очи [его] от вина, и белы зубы от молока.[]

1 Mosebok 49:12
Hans ögon äro dunkla av vin och hans tänder vita av mjölk.

Genesis 49:12
Ang kaniyang mga mata ay mamumula sa alak, At ang kaniyang mga ngipin ay mamumuti sa gatas.

ปฐมกาล 49:12
ตาเขาจะแดงด้วยน้ำองุ่น และฟันเขาขาวด้วยน้ำนม

Yaratılış 49:12
Gözleri şaraptan kızıl,
Dişleri sütten beyaz olacak.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 49:12
Mắt người đỏ vì cớ rượu, Răng nhiều trắng vì cớ sữa.

Genesis 49:11
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