Genesis 26:5
Genesis 26:5
because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, my decrees and my instructions."

I will do this because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions."

because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”

because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws."

Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

because Abraham listened to My voice and kept My mandate, My commands, My statutes, and My instructions."

I'm going to do this because Abraham did what I told him to do. He kept my instructions, commands, statutes, and laws."

All this will come to pass because Abraham obeyed me and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

I will bless you because Abraham obeyed me and completed the duties, commands, laws, and instructions I gave him."

because Abraham hearkened unto my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my precepts and commandments, and observed my ceremonies and laws.

because that Abraham hearkened to my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my requirements, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

because that Abraham hath hearkened to My voice, and keepeth My charge, My commands, My statutes, and My laws.'

Zanafilla 26:5
sepse Abrahami iu bind vullnetit tim dhe respektoi urdhërat, urdhërimet, statutet dhe ligjet e mia".

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 26:5
من اجل ان ابراهيم سمع لقولي وحفظ ما يحفظ لي اوامري وفرائضي وشرائعي.

De Bschaffung 26:5
weil dyr Abryham auf meinn Ruef glost und auf meine Ghäisser, Geboter, Satzungen und Weisungen gachtt haat."

Битие 26:5
понеже Авраам послуша гласа Ми, и опази заръчването Ми, заповедите Ми, повеленията Ми и законите Ми.

創 世 記 26:5
都 因 亞 伯 拉 罕 聽 從 我 的 話 , 遵 守 我 的 吩 咐 和 我 的 命 令 、 律 例 、 法 度 。

都 因 亚 伯 拉 罕 听 从 我 的 话 , 遵 守 我 的 吩 咐 和 我 的 命 令 、 律 例 、 法 度 。



Genesis 26:5
a to zato što je Abraham slušao moj glas i pokoravao se mojim zapovijedima, mojim zakonima i odredbama!"

Genesis 26:5
Protože uposlechl Abraham hlasu mého, a ostříhal nařízení mých, přikázaní mých, ustanovení mých a zákonů mých.

1 Mosebog 26:5
fordi Abraham adlød mine Ord og holdt sig mine Forskrifter efterrettelig, mine Bud, Anordninger og Love.«

Genesis 26:5
Daarom dat Abraham Mijn stem gehoorzaam geweest is, en heeft onderhouden Mijn bevel, Mijn geboden, Mijn inzettingen en Mijn wetten.

בראשית 26:5
עֵ֕קֶב אֲשֶׁר־שָׁמַ֥ע אַבְרָהָ֖ם בְּקֹלִ֑י וַיִּשְׁמֹר֙ מִשְׁמַרְתִּ֔י מִצְוֹתַ֖י חֻקֹּותַ֥י וְתֹורֹתָֽי׃

ה עקב אשר שמע אברהם בקלי וישמר משמרתי מצותי חקותי ותורתי

עקב אשר־שמע אברהם בקלי וישמר משמרתי מצותי חקותי ותורתי׃

1 Mózes 26:5
Mivelhogy hallgata Ábrahám az én szavamra: és megtartotta a megtartandókat, parancsolataimat, rendeléseimet és törvényeimet.

Moseo 1: Genezo 26:5
pro tio, ke Abraham obeis Mian vocxon, kaj plenumadis Miajn arangxojn, Miajn legxojn, kaj Miajn instruojn.

Sillä Abraham oli kuuliainen minun äänelleni, ja piti minun oikeuteni, käskyni, säätyni ja lakini.

Genèse 26:5
-parce qu'Abraham a écouté ma voix, et a gardé mon ordonnance, mes commandements, mes statuts et mes lois.

parce qu'Abraham a obéi à ma voix, et qu'il a observé mes ordres, mes commandements, mes statuts et mes lois.

Parce qu'Abraham a obéi à ma voix, et qu'il a gardé mon ordonnance, mes commandements, mes statuts, et mes lois.

1 Mose 26:5
darum daß Abraham meiner Stimme gehorsam gewesen ist und hat gehalten meine Rechte, meine Gebote, meine Weise und meine Gesetze.

darum daß Abraham meiner Stimme gehorsam gewesen ist und hat gehalten meine Rechte, meine Gebote, meine Weise und mein Gesetz.

zum Lohne dafür, daß Abraham meinem Befehl gehorcht und alles beobachtet hat, was ich von ihm forderte, meine Gebote, meine Satzungen und meine Weisungen.

Genesi 26:5
perché Abrahamo ubbidì alla mia voce e osservò quello che gli avevo ordinato, i miei comandamenti, i miei statuti e le mie leggi".

Perciocchè Abrahamo ubbidì alla mia voce ed osservò ciò che io gli avea imposto di osservare, i miei comandamenti, i miei statuti, e le mie leggi.

yaitu sebab Ibrahim telah menurut firman-Ku dan telah dipeliharakannya syarat-Ku dan segala pesan-Ku dan syariat-Ku dan hukum-Ku.

창세기 26:5
이는 아브라함이 내 말을 순종하고 내 명령과, 내 계명과, 내 율례와, 내 법도를 지켰음이니라 하시니라

Genesis 26:5
eo quod oboedierit Abraham voci meae et custodierit praecepta et mandata mea et caerimonias legesque servaverit

Pradþios knyga 26:5
nes Abraomas paklausė mano balso ir laikėsi mano įstatymų, įsakymų, nuostatų ir nurodymų”.

Genesis 26:5
No te mea i rongo a Aperahama ki toku reo, i mau ki aku ako, ki aku whakahau, ki aku tikanga, ki aku ture.

1 Mosebok 26:5
fordi Abraham lød mitt ord og holdt alt det jeg bød ham å holde, mine bud, mine forskrifter og mine lover.

Génesis 26:5
porque Abraham me obedeció, y guardó mi ordenanza, mis mandamientos, mis estatutos y mis leyes.

porque Abraham Me obedeció, y guardó Mi ordenanza, Mis mandamientos, Mis estatutos y Mis leyes."

por cuanto oyó Abraham mi voz, y guardó mi precepto, mis mandamientos, mis estatutos y mis leyes.

Por cuanto oyó Abraham mi voz, y guardó mi precepto, mis mandamientos, mis estatutos y mis leyes.

Por cuanto oyó Abraham mi voz, y guardó mi observancia, mis mandamientos, mis estatutos y mis leyes.

Gênesis 26:5
porque Abraão me obedeceu, guardou minhas ordenanças*, meus mandamentos, meus princípios e minhas leis!”

porquanto Abraão obedeceu à minha voz, e guardou o meu mandado, os meus preceitos, os meus estatutos e as minhas leis.   

Geneza 26:5
pentrucă Avraam a ascultat de porunca Mea, şi a păzit ce i-am cerut, a păzit poruncile Mele, orînduirile Mele, şi legile Mele.``

Бытие 26:5
за то, что Авраам послушался гласа Моего и соблюдал, что Мною заповедано было соблюдать: повеления Мои, уставы Мои и законы Мои.

за то, что Авраам послушался гласа Моего и соблюдал, что Мною [заповедано] было соблюдать: повеления Мои, уставы Мои и законы Мои.[]

1 Mosebok 26:5
därför att Abraham har lyssnat till mina ord och hållit vad jag har bjudit honom hålla, mina bud, mina stadgar och mina lagar.»

Genesis 26:5
Sapagka't sinunod ni Abraham ang aking tinig, at ginanap ang aking bilin, ang aking mga utos, ang aking mga palatuntunan at ang aking mga kautusan.

ปฐมกาล 26:5
เพราะว่าอับราฮัมได้เชื่อฟังเสียงของเราและได้รักษาคำกำชับของเรา บัญญัติของเรา กฎเกณฑ์ของเรา และราชบัญญัติของเรา"

Yaratılış 26:5
Çünkü İbrahim sözümü dinledi. Uyarılarıma, buyruklarıma, kurallarıma, yasalarıma bağlı kaldı.››[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 26:5
vì Áp-ra-ham đã vâng lời ta và đã giữ điều ta phán dạy, lịnh, luật và lệ của ta.

Genesis 26:4
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