Ezra 7:26
Ezra 7:26
Whoever does not obey the law of your God and the law of the king must surely be punished by death, banishment, confiscation of property, or imprisonment.

Anyone who refuses to obey the law of your God and the law of the king will be punished immediately, either by death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment."

Whoever will not obey the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgment be strictly executed on him, whether for death or for banishment or for confiscation of his goods or for imprisonment.”

"Whoever will not observe the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed upon him strictly, whether for death or for banishment or for confiscation of goods or for imprisonment."

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

Anyone who does not keep the law of your God and the law of the king, let a fair judgment be executed against him, whether death, banishment, confiscation of property, or imprisonment.

Whoever refuses to practice the law of your God and the law of the king is to see judgment executed quickly, whether to death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.

Everyone who does not observe both the law of your God and the law of the king will be completely liable to the appropriate penalty, whether it is death or banishment or confiscation of property or detainment in prison."

Whoever will not strictly follow your God's Teachings and the king's orders should be promptly exiled, have his goods confiscated, be imprisoned or be sentenced to die.

And whoever will not do the law of thy God and the law of the king, let them be judged speedily, whether it be unto death or to banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonment.

And whosoever will not do the law of your God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

And whoever will not do the law of your God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be to death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed upon him with all diligence, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king diligently, judgment shall be executed upon him, either unto death, or unto banishment, or to the confiscation of goods, or at least to prison.

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed diligently upon him, whether unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed upon him with all diligence, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

And whoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be to death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

Whoever will not do the law of your God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed on him with all diligence, whether it be to death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

and any who doth not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, speedily is judgment done upon him, whether to death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of riches, and to bonds.'

Esdra 7:26
Dhe ai që nuk respekton ligjin e Perëndisë tënd dhe ligjin e mbretit t'i jepet menjëherë gjyqit, ose me vdekje, ose me dëbim ose me konfiskimin e pasurisë ose me burgim".

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 7:26
وكل من لا يعمل شريعة الهك وشريعة الملك فليقض عليه عاجلا اما بالموت او بالنفي او بغرامة المال او بالحبس

Dyr Esren 7:26
Doch ayn Ieds, wo s Gsötz von deinn Got und dös von n Künig bricht, sollt streng grichtt und ie naachdem hingrichtt, gaechtt, bebuesst older eingspörrt werdn."

Ездра 7:26
И против всеки, който не пази законите на твоя Бог и царския закон, нека се изпълнява незабавно против него присъдата, било за смърт, за заточение, за конфискуване на имот, или за затвор.

以 斯 拉 記 7:26
凡 不 遵 行 你 神 律 法 和 王 命 令 的 人 就 當 速 速 定 他 的 罪 , 或 治 死 , 或 充 軍 , 或 抄 家 , 或 囚 禁 。 」

凡 不 遵 行 你 神 律 法 和 王 命 令 的 人 就 当 速 速 定 他 的 罪 , 或 治 死 , 或 充 军 , 或 抄 家 , 或 囚 禁 。 」



Ezra 7:26
Tko ne bude držao Zakona Boga tvojega - koji je i kraljev zakon - neka se oštro osudi: na smrt, na progonstvo, na novčanu globu ili na tamnicu."

Ezdrášova 7:26
Kdož by pak koli neplnil zákona Boha tvého a zákona králova, ať se i hned soud vynese o něm, buď k smrti, buďto k vypovědění jeho, neb aby na statku pokutován byl, aneb vězením trestán.

Ezra 7:26
Og enhver, der ikke handler efter din Guds Lov og Kongens Lov, over ham skal der samvittighedsfuldt fældes Dom, være sig til Død, Landsforvisning, Pengebøde eller Fængsel.

Ezra 7:26
En al wie de wet uws Gods en de wet des konings niet zal doen, over dien laat spoediglijk recht worden gedaan, hetzij ter dood, of tot uitbanning, of tot boete van goederen, of tot de banden.

עזרא 7:26
וְכָל־דִּי־לָא֩ לֶהֱוֵ֨א עָבֵ֜ד דָּתָ֣א דִֽי־אֱלָהָ֗ךְ וְדָתָא֙ דִּ֣י מַלְכָּ֔א אָסְפַּ֕רְנָא דִּינָ֕ה לֶהֱוֵ֥א מִתְעֲבֵ֖ד מִנֵּ֑הּ הֵ֤ן לְמֹות֙ הֵ֣ן [לִשְׁרֹשׁוּ כ] (לִשְׁרֹשִׁ֔י ק) הֵן־לַעֲנָ֥שׁ נִכְסִ֖ין וְלֶאֱסוּרִֽין׃ פ

כו וכל די לא להוא עבד דתא די אלהך ודתא די מלכא--אספרנא דינה להוא מתעבד מנה  הן למות הן לשרשו (לשרשי) הן לענש נכסין ולאסורין  {פ}

וכל־די־לא להוא עבד דתא די־אלהך ודתא די מלכא אספרנא דינה להוא מתעבד מנה הן למות הן [לשרשו כ] (לשרשי ק) הן־לענש נכסין ולאסורין׃ פ

Ezsdrás 7:26
Valaki pedig nem fogja cselekedni a te Istenednek törvényét és a király törvényét, ítélet hozassék felette pontosan, vagy halálra, vagy számkivetésre, vagy jószágvesztésre, vagy fogságra."

Ezra 7:26
Kaj cxiu, kiu ne plenumos la legxojn de via Dio aux la legxojn de la regxo, tuj estu jugxe kondamnata, cxu al morto, cxu al elpelo, cxu al monpuno, cxu al meto en malliberejon.

ESRA 7:26
Ja jokainen, joka ei tee visusti sinun Jumalas lakia ja kuninkaan lakia, hänen pitää saaman tuomionsa työnsä jälkeen, joko se on kuolemaan, eli maan kulkemukseen, eli rahasakkoon, taikka vankeuteen.

Esdras 7:26
et quiconque ne pratique pas la loi de ton Dieu et la loi du roi, qu'il en soit fait justice promptement, ou par la mort, ou par l'exil, ou par la confiscation de ses biens, ou par l'emprisonnement.

Quiconque n'observera pas ponctuellement la loi de ton Dieu et la loi du roi sera condamné à la mort, au bannissement, à une amende, ou à la prison.

Et quant à tous ceux qui n'observeront point la Loi de ton Dieu, et la Loi du Roi, qu'il soit aussitôt jugé, soit à la mort, soit au bannissement, soit à une amende pécuniaire, ou à l'emprisonnement.

Esra 7:26
Und alle, die nicht mit Fleiß tun werden das Gesetz deines Gottes und das Gesetz des Königs, der soll sein Urteil um der Tat willen haben, es sei zum Tode, oder in die Acht, oder zur Buße am Gut, oder ins Gefängnis.

Und ein jeglicher, der nicht mit Fleiß tun wird das Gesetz deines Gottes und das Gesetz des Königs, der soll sein Urteil um der Tat willen haben, es sei zum Tod oder in die Acht oder zur Buße am Gut oder ins Gefängnis.

Über jeden aber, der das Gesetz deines Gottes und das Gesetz des Königs nicht befolgt, soll gewissenhaft Gericht gehalten werden, sei es zum Tod oder zur Verbannung oder zu Geldbuße und zur Einkerkerung.

Esdra 7:26
E di chiunque non osserverà la legge del tuo Dio e la legge del re farete pronta giustizia, punendolo con la morte o col bando o con multa pecuniaria o col carcere".

E se v’è alcuno che non metta in opera la Legge dell’Iddio tuo, e la legge del re, siane incontanente fatta giustizia, o per morte, o per bando, o per ammenda in danari, o per prigione.

EZRA 7:26
Maka barangsiapa yang tiada menurut firman Allahmu dan titah raja itu, hendaklah dengan segera dikenakan hukum mati dibunuh atau dibuang ke luar negeri atau didenda hartanya atau dibelenggu.

에스라 7:26
무릇 네 하나님의 명령과 왕의 명령을 준행치 아니하는 자는 속히 그 죄를 정하여 혹 죽이거나 정배하거나 가산을 적몰하거나 옥에 가둘지니라 하였더라

Esdrae 7:26
et omnis qui non fecerit legem Dei tui et legem regis diligenter iudicium erit de eo sive in mortem sive in exilium sive in condemnationem substantiae eius vel certe in carcerem

Ezdro knyga 7:26
Kas nevykdys tavo Dievo ar karaliaus įstatymo, tas turi būti baudžiamas mirtimi, ištrėmimu, turto atėmimu arba kalėjimu”.

Ezra 7:26
A, ko te tangata e kore e mahi i te ture a tou Atua, i te ture ano a te kingi, kia hohoro te whakapa o te whiu ki a ia, te whakamate ranei, te pei ranei he whenua ke, me tango ranei ana taonga, me here ranei.

Esras 7:26
Og om nogen ikke gjør efter din Guds lov og efter kongens lov, så skal der samvittighetsfullt holdes dom over ham, enten det nu fører til døden eller til landflyktighet eller til bøter eller til bånd og fengsel.

Esdras 7:26
Y todo aquel que no cumpla la ley de tu Dios y la ley del rey, que la justicia se le aplique severamente, sea para muerte o destierro o confiscación de bienes o encarcelamiento.

"Todo aquél que no cumpla la ley de tu Dios y la ley del rey, que la justicia se le aplique severamente, sea para muerte o destierro o confiscación de bienes o encarcelamiento."

Y cualquiera que no cumpliere la ley de tu Dios, y la ley del rey, prestamente sea juzgado, o a muerte, o a destierro, o a confiscación de bienes, o a prisión.

Y cualquiera que no hiciere la ley de tu Dios, y la ley del rey, prestamente sea juzgado, ó á muerte, ó á dasarraigo, ó á pena de la hacienda, ó á prisión.

Y cualquiera que no hiciere la ley de tu Dios, y la ley del rey, prestamente sea juzgado, o a muerte, o a desarraigo, o a pena de la hacienda, o a prisión.

Esdras 7:26
E toda pessoa que não obedecer à Torá, Lei do teu Deus e à lei do rei, que seja castigado com a morte, ou mediante o exílio, ou o confisco dos bens, ou com a prisão!”

E todo aquele que não observar a lei do teu Deus e a lei do rei, com zelo se lhe execute a justiça: quer seja morte, quer desterro, quer confiscação de bens, quer prisão.   

Ezra 7:26
Oricine nu va păzi întocmai Legea Dumnezeului tău şi legea împăratului, să fie osîndit la moarte, la surghiun, la o gloabă sau la temniţă.``

Ездра 7:26
Кто же не будет исполнять закон Бога твоего и закон царя, над темнемедленно пусть производят суд, на смерть ли, или на изгнание, или на денежную пеню, или на заключение в темницу.

Кто же не будет исполнять закон Бога твоего и закон царя, над тем немедленно пусть производят суд, на смерть ли, или на изгнание, или на денежную пеню, или на заключение в темницу.[]

Esra 7:26
Och var och en som icke gör efter din Guds lag och konungens lag, över honom skall dom fällas med rättvisa, vare sig till död eller till landsförvisning eller till penningböter eller till fängelse.»

Ezra 7:26
At sinomang hindi tumupad ng kautusan ng iyong Dios, at ng kautusan ng hari, gawin sa kaniya ang kahatulan ng buong sikap, maging sa kamatayan, o sa pagtatapon o sa pagsamsam ng mga pag-aari, o sa pagkabilanggo.

เอสรา 7:26
ผู้ใดที่ไม่เชื่อฟังพระราชบัญญัติของพระเจ้าของเจ้า และกฎหมายของกษัตริย์ ก็ให้พิพากษาลงโทษเขาอย่างเคร่งครัด จะเป็นโทษถึงตาย หรือถึงเนรเทศ หรือถึงริบทรัพย์ของเขา หรือถึงจำขังก็ได้"

Ezra 7:26
Tanrının Yasasına ve kralın buyruklarına uymayanlar ya ölümle, ya sürgünle, ya mallarına el konarak, ya da hapsedilerek cezalandırılsın.››[]

EÂ-xô-ra 7:26
Nếu có ai không tuân luật pháp của Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi và luật lệ của vua, thì các ngươi hãy đoán phạt họ liền, hoặc xử tử, hoặc lưu đày, hoặc tịch biên gia tài, hay là cầm tù.

Ezra 7:25
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