Ezra 5:5
Ezra 5:5
But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped until a report could go to Darius and his written reply be received.

But because their God was watching over them, the leaders of the Jews were not prevented from building until a report was sent to Darius and he returned his decision.

But the eye of their God was on the elders of the Jews, and they did not stop them until the report should reach Darius and then an answer be returned by letter concerning it.

But the eye of their God was on the elders of the Jews, and they did not stop them until a report could come to Darius, and then a written reply be returned concerning it.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

But God was watching over the Jewish elders. These men wouldn't stop them until a report was sent to Darius, so that they could receive written instructions about this matter.

But God watched over the Jewish leaders, who could not be forced to stop working until Darius received a report and responded in reply.

But God was watching over the elders of Judah, and they were not stopped until a report could be dispatched to Darius and a letter could be sent back concerning this.

But the leaders of the Jews were under God's watchful eye. They couldn't be stopped until Darius received a report and sent a reply to it.

For the eyes of their God were upon the elders of the Jews, and they could not cause them to cease until the matter came to Darius, and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned an answer by letter concerning this matter.

But the eye of their God was on the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, and they did not make them cease, till the matter should come to Darius, and then answer should be returned by letter concerning it.

But the eye of their God was upon the ancients of the Jews, and they could not hinder them. And it was agreed that the matter should be referred to Darius, and then they should give satisfaction concerning that accusation.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, and they did not make them cease till the matter came to Darius; and then they returned answer by letter concerning it.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, and they did not make them cease, till the matter should come to Darius, and then answer should be returned by letter concerning it.

But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

But the eye of their God was on the elders of the Jews, and they did not make them cease, until the matter should come to Darius, and then answer should be returned by letter concerning it.

And the eye of their God hath been upon the elders of the Jews, and they have not caused them to cease till the matter goeth to Darius, and then they send back a letter concerning this thing.

Esdra 5:5
Por pleqtë e Judejve i ruante syri i Perëndisë të tyre; dhe ata nuk mundën t'i bëjnë të ndërprisnin punën deri sa t'i dërgohej një raport Darit dhe të vinte një përgjigje për këtë çështje.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 5:5
وكانت على شيوخ اليهود عين الههم فلم يوقفوهم حتى وصل الأمر الى داريوس وحينئذ جاوبوا برسالة عن هذا.

Dyr Esren 5:5
Aber dyr Herrgot hielt sein Hand über d Judauer Dietwärt; und drum darffend s weiterarechtn, hinst däß yn n Däriesn berichtt und ayn Antwort kemmen sei.

Ездра 5:5
Но върху старейшините на юдеите беше окото на техния Бог, така щото те не можаха да ги спрат докле не се отнесе работата до Дария, и тогава да се даде писмен отговор за работата.

以 斯 拉 記 5:5
神 的 眼 目 看 顧 猶 大 的 長 老 , 以 致 總 督 等 沒 有 叫 他 們 停 工 , 直 到 這 事 奏 告 大 利 烏 , 得 著 他 的 回 諭 。

神 的 眼 目 看 顾 犹 大 的 长 老 , 以 致 总 督 等 没 有 叫 他 们 停 工 , 直 到 这 事 奏 告 大 利 乌 , 得 着 他 的 回 谕 。



Ezra 5:5
Ali je oko Božje bdjelo nad starješinama judejskim, te im nisu zabranili da rade dok obavijest nije otišla Dariju i stigao o tom pismeni odgovor.

Ezdrášova 5:5
Nad staršími pak Židovskými byla ochrana Boha jejich, tak že nepřekazili jim, dokudž ta věc nepřišla před Daria, jehož tehdáž odpověd přinesli o té věci.

Ezra 5:5
Men over Jødernes Ældste vaagede deres Guds Øje, saa de ikke standsede dem i Arbejdet, før Sagen var forelagt Darius og der var kommet Svar derpaa.

Ezra 5:5
Doch het oog huns Gods was over de oudsten der Joden, dat zij hun niet beletten, totdat de zaak aan Darius kwam, en zij alsdan daarover een brief wederbrachten.

עזרא 5:5
וְעֵ֣ין אֱלָהֲהֹ֗ם הֲוָת֙ עַל־שָׂבֵ֣י יְהוּדָיֵ֔א וְלָא־בַטִּ֣לוּ הִמֹּ֔ו עַד־טַעְמָ֖א לְדָרְיָ֣וֶשׁ יְהָ֑ךְ וֶאֱדַ֛יִן יְתִיב֥וּן נִשְׁתְּוָנָ֖א עַל־דְּנָֽה׃ פ

ה ועין אלההם הות על שבי יהודיא ולא בטלו המו עד טעמא לדריוש יהך ואדין יתיבון נשתונא על דנה  {פ}

ועין אלההם הות על־שבי יהודיא ולא־בטלו המו עד־טעמא לדריוש יהך ואדין יתיבון נשתונא על־דנה׃ פ

Ezsdrás 5:5
És az õ Istenök szeme vala a zsidók vénein, hogy nem akadályozzák meg õket az építésben, míg az ügy Dárius elébe jutand, a mikor is levélben fognak felelni e dologra nézve.

Ezra 5:5
Sed la okulo de ilia Dio estis super la plejagxuloj de la Judoj, kaj ili ne estis malhelpataj, gxis la afero estis raportita al Dario kaj gxis revenis decido pri tio.

ESRA 5:5
Ja heidän Jumalansa silmä tuli Juudan vanhimpain päälle, ettei sitä heiltä niinkauvaksi estetty, kuin sanoma vietiin Dariuksen tykö; ja lähetyskirja tuli siitä asiasta takaperin jälleen.

Esdras 5:5
Et l'oeil de leur Dieu était sur les anciens des Juifs; et ils ne les firent pas cesser jusqu'à ce que l'affaire parvînt à Darius; et alors ils répondirent par lettre à ce sujet.

Mais l'oeil de Dieu veillait sur les anciens des Juifs. Et on laissa continuer les travaux pendant l'envoi d'un rapport à Darius et jusqu'à la réception d'une lettre sur cet objet.

Mais parce que sur les Anciens des Juifs était l'œil de leur Dieu, on ne les fit point cesser, jusqu'à ce que l'affaire parvint à Darius, et qu'alors ils rapportassent des Lettres sur cela.

Esra 5:5
Aber das Auge ihres Gottes kam auf die Ältesten der Juden, daß ihnen nicht gewehret ward, bis daß man die Sache an Darium gelangen ließe und darüber eine Schrift wiederkäme.

Aber das Auge ihres Gottes war über den Ältesten der Juden, daß ihnen nicht gewehrt ward, bis daß man die Sache an Darius gelangen ließ und darüber eine Schrift wiederkäme.

Aber das Auge ihres Gottes wachte über den Vornehmen der Juden, so daß man ihnen nicht Einhalt that, bis die Angelegenheit an Darius gelangt, und der schriftliche Bescheid darüber zurückgekommen sein würde. -

Esdra 5:5
Ma sugli anziani dei Giudei vegliava l’occhio del loro Dio e quelli non li fecero cessare i lavori, finché la cosa non fosse stata sottoposta a Dario, e da lui fosse giunta una risposta in proposito.

Ora, perciocchè l’occhio dell’Iddio loro era sopra gli Anziani de’ Giudei, coloro non li fecero cessare, finchè la cosa pervenne a Dario; e allora riportarono lettere sopra ciò.

EZRA 5:5
Maka mata Allahpun adalah menilik akan segala tua-tua orang Yahudi, sehingga tiada ditegahkan oranglah akan mereka itu, sampailah perkara itu sudah dipersembahkan kepada Darius dan diperolehnya balasan suratnya.

에스라 5:5
하나님이 유다 장로들을 돌아보셨으므로 저희가 능히 역사를 폐하게 못하고 이 일을 다리오에게 고하고 그 답조가 오기를 기다렸더라

Esdrae 5:5
oculus autem Dei eorum factus est super senes Iudaeorum et non potuerunt inhibere eos placuitque ut res ad Darium referretur et tunc satisfacerent adversus accusationem illam

Ezdro knyga 5:5
Dievo akis buvo ant žydų vyresniųjų, todėl jie galėjo tęsti statybą, kol pranešimas pasieks Darijų ir bus gautas atsakymas šiuo reikalu.

Ezra 5:5
Otiia i runga i nga kaumatua o nga Hurai te kanohi o to ratou Atua, i kore ai ta ratou e whakamutua, kia tae atu ra ano taua mea ki a Tariuha: katahi ka whakahokia mai ai he kupu mo tenei mea, he mea tuhituhi.

Esras 5:5
Men Guds øie våket over jødenes eldste, og de* hindret dem ikke i å bygge så lenge til saken var kommet inn for Darius, og de hadde fått brev fra ham derom.

Esdras 5:5
Pero el ojo de su Dios velaba sobre los ancianos de los judíos, y no les detuvieron la obra hasta que un informe llegara a Darío, y volviera una respuesta escrita tocante al asunto.

Pero el ojo de su Dios velaba sobre los ancianos de los Judíos, y no les detuvieron la obra hasta que un informe llegara a Darío, y volviera una respuesta escrita tocante al asunto.

Pero los ojos de Dios fueron sobre los ancianos de los judíos, y no les hicieron cesar hasta que el asunto viniese a Darío; y entonces respondieron por carta sobre esto.

Mas los ojos de su Dios fueron sobre los ancianos de los Judíos, y no les hicieron cesar hasta que el negocio viniese á Darío: y entonces respondieron por carta sobre esto.

Mas los ojos de su Dios fueron sobre los ancianos de los judíos, y no les hicieron cesar hasta que el negocio viniese a Darío; y entonces respondieron por carta sobre esto.

Esdras 5:5
Mas os olhos do seu Deus estavam sobre os líderes dos judeus, e eles não foram impedidos de trabalhar até que um relatório fosse enviado a Dario e dele se recebesse uma decisão oficial a respeito do assunto.

Os olhos do seu Deus, porém, estavam sobre os anciãos dos judeus, de modo que eles não os impediram, até que o negócio se comunicasse a Dario, e então chegasse resposta por carta sobre isso.   

Ezra 5:5
Dar ochiul lui Dumnezeu veghea asupra bătrînilor Iudeilor. Şi au lăsat să meargă înainte lucrările pînă la trimeterea unei înştiinţări către Dariu, şi pînă la primirea unei scrisori dela el în această privinţă.

Ездра 5:5
Но око Бога их было над старейшинами Иудейскими, и те не возбраняли им, доколе дело не отправили к Дарию, и доколе не пришло решение по этому делу.

Но око Бога их было над старейшинами Иудейскими, и те не возбраняли им, доколе дело не отправили к Дарию, и доколе не пришло решение по этому делу.[]

Esra 5:5
Och över judarnas äldste vakade deras Guds öga, så att man lovade att icke lägga något hinder i vägen för dem, till dess saken hade kommit inför Darejaves; sedan skulle man sända dem en skrivelse härom.

Ezra 5:5
Nguni't ang mata ng kanilang Dios ay nakatingin sa mga matanda ng mga Judio, at hindi nila pinatigil, hanggang sa ang bagay ay dumating kay Dario, at nang magkagayo'y ang sagot ay nabalik sa pamamagitan ng sulat tungkol doon.

เอสรา 5:5
แต่พระเนตรของพระเจ้าของเขาทั้งหลายอยู่เหนือพวกผู้ใหญ่ของพวกยิว และเขาก็ยับยั้งเขาทั้งหลายไม่ได้จนกว่าเรื่องนี้จะทราบถึงดาริอัส และมีคำตอบเป็นหนังสือเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้มา

Ezra 5:5
Ama Tanrıları Yahudi ileri gelenlerini koruyordu. Bu yüzden, Dariusa bir haber gönderilip ondan yazılı bir yanıt alınıncaya dek Yahudiler durdurulmadı.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 5:5
Con mắt Ðức Chúa Trời của chúng đoái xem các trưởng lão dân Giu-đa, nên họ không ngăn cấm chúng làm công việc, đành lòng đem việc ấy tâu lại vua Ða-ri-út, đợi đến khi vua giáng chiếu về sự ấy.

Ezra 5:4
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