Ezra 4:12
Ezra 4:12
The king should know that the people who came up to us from you have gone to Jerusalem and are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city. They are restoring the walls and repairing the foundations.

"The king should know that the Jews who came here to Jerusalem from Babylon are rebuilding this rebellious and evil city. They have already laid the foundation and will soon finish its walls.

be it known to the king that the Jews who came up from you to us have gone to Jerusalem. They are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city. They are finishing the walls and repairing the foundations.

let it be known to the king that the Jews who came up from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are rebuilding the rebellious and evil city and are finishing the walls and repairing the foundations.

Be it known unto the king, that the Jews which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations.

Let it be known to the king that the Jews who came from you have returned to us at Jerusalem. They are rebuilding that rebellious and evil city, finishing its walls, and repairing its foundations.

May the king be advised that the Jews who came from you to us have reached Jerusalem and are rebuilding a rebellious and wicked city, having completed its walls and repaired its foundations.

Now let the king be aware that the Jews who came up to us from you have gone to Jerusalem. They are rebuilding that rebellious and odious city. They are completing its walls and repairing its foundations.

Your Majesty, you should know that the Jews who came to us from you are now in Jerusalem. They are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city. They are close to finishing the walls. The foundations are already in place.

Be it known unto the king that the Jews who came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have founded the walls thereof and joined the foundations.

Be it known unto the king, that the Jews who came up from you to us have come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and wicked city, and are finishing its walls, and repairing the foundations.

Be it known to the king, that the Jews which came up from you to us are come to Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations.

Be it known unto the king, that the Jews that came up from thee are come to us unto Jerusalem; they are building the rebellious and the bad city, and have finished the walls, and repaired the foundations.

Be it known to the king, that the Jews, who came up from thee to us, are come to Jerusalem a rebellious and wicked city, which they are building, setting up the ramparts thereof and repairing the walls.

Be it known to the king that the Jews who came up from thee unto us have come to Jerusalem; they are building the rebellious and the bad city, and they complete the walls and join up the foundations.

Be it known unto the king, that the Jews which came up from thee are come to us unto Jerusalem; they are building the rebellious and the bad city, and have finished the walls, and repaired the foundations.

Be it known to the king, that the Jews who came from thee to us are come to Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the noxious city, and have set up its walls, and joined the foundations.

Be it known to the king, that the Jews who came up from you are come to us to Jerusalem; they are building the rebellious and the bad city, and have finished the walls, and repaired the foundations.

Be it known to the king, that the Jews who have come up from thee unto us, have come in to Jerusalem, the rebellious and base city they are building, and the walls they have finished, and the foundations they join.

Esdra 4:12
T'i njoftohet mbretit që Judejtë, që ikën nga ti dhe kanë ardhur pranë nesh në Jeruzalem, janë duke rindërtuar qytetin rebel të keq, po rindërtojnë muret dhe po ndreqin themelet.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 4:12
ليعلم الملك ان اليهود الذين صعدوا من عندك الينا قد أتوا الى اورشليم ويبنون المدينة العاصية الردية وقد اكملوا اسوارها ورمموا أسسها.

Dyr Esren 4:12
O Künig, mir mainend, däßst wissn sollst, däß die Judauer, wo von dir unt zo üns auf Ruslham kemmen seind, dö aufrüererische Bluetsstat wider aufbaund. ietz stöllnd s d Mauern wider her und sichernd de Grundföster ab.

Ездра 4:12
Да е известно на царя, че юдеите, които възлязоха от тебе при нас, като стигнаха в Ерусалим, градят бунтовния и злия град, и издигат стената като са свързали основите.

以 斯 拉 記 4:12
王 該 知 道 , 從 王 那 裡 上 到 我 們 這 裡 的 猶 大 人 , 已 經 到 耶 路 撒 冷 重 建 這 反 叛 惡 劣 的 城 , 築 立 根 基 , 建 造 城 牆 。

王 该 知 道 , 从 王 那 里 上 到 我 们 这 里 的 犹 大 人 , 已 经 到 耶 路 撒 冷 重 建 这 反 叛 恶 劣 的 城 , 筑 立 根 基 , 建 造 城 墙 。



Ezra 4:12
neka zna kralj da su Judejci stigli k nama od tebe; došavši u Jeruzalem, žele ponovo sagraditi odmetnički i opaki grad; podižu zidine, a temelje su već postavili.

Ezdrášova 4:12
Známo buď králi, že Židé, kteříž se vrátili od tebe, přišedše k nám do Jeruzaléma, město odporné a škodlivé stavějí, i zdi dělají, a základy spojují.

Ezra 4:12
Det være Kongen kundgjort, at Jøderne, som drog op til os fra dig, er kommet til Jerusalem; de er i Færd med at genopbygge denne oprørske og onde By; de genopfører Murene og udbedrer Grunden.

Ezra 4:12
Den koning zij bekend, dat de Joden, die van u zijn opgetogen, tot ons gekomen zijn te Jeruzalem, bouwende die rebelle en die boze stad, waarvan zij de muren voltrekken, en de fondamenten samenvoegen.

עזרא 4:12
יְדִ֙יעַ֙ לֶהֱוֵ֣א לְמַלְכָּ֔א דִּ֣י יְהוּדָיֵ֗א דִּ֤י סְלִ֙קוּ֙ מִן־לְוָתָ֔ךְ עֲלֶ֥ינָא אֲתֹ֖ו לִירוּשְׁלֶ֑ם קִרְיְתָ֨א מָֽרָדְתָּ֤א וּבִֽאישְׁתָּא֙ בָּנַ֔יִן [וְשׁוּרַיָּ כ] (וְשׁוּרַיָּ֣א ק) [אֶשְׁכְלִלוּ כ] (שַׁכְלִ֔לוּ ק) וְאֻשַּׁיָּ֖א יַחִֽיטוּ׃

יב ידיע להוא למלכא די יהודיא די סלקו מן לותך עלינא אתו לירושלם קריתא מרדתא ובאישתא בנין ושורי אשכללו (ושוריא שכללו) ואשיא יחיטו

ידיע להוא למלכא די יהודיא די סלקו מן־לותך עלינא אתו לירושלם קריתא מרדתא ובאישתא בנין [ושורי כ] (ושוריא ק) [אשכללו כ] (שכללו ק) ואשיא יחיטו׃

Ezsdrás 4:12
Tudtára légyen a királynak, hogy a zsidók, a kik feljöttek tõled, megérkezének hozzánk Jeruzsálembe; a visszavonó és gonosz várost építik, a kõfalakat készítik s a fundamentomokat javítgatják.

Ezra 4:12
Estu sciate al la regxo, ke la Judoj, kiuj foriris de vi kaj venis al ni en Jerusalemon, rekonstruas nun tiun ribeleman kaj malbonan urbon kaj faras muregojn kaj starigas jam la fundamentojn.

ESRA 4:12
Se olkoon kuninkaalle tiettävä, että Juudalaiset, jotka sinun tyköäs tulivat meidän tykömme Jerusalemiin, rakentavat kapinallista ja pahaa kaupunkia, ja ovat perustaneet ja korottaneet muurit.

Esdras 4:12
Que le roi sache que les Juifs qui sont montés de chez toi vers nous et sont venus à Jérusalem, bâtissent la ville rebelle et méchante, et que les murailles s'achèvent, et qu'ils restaurent les fondements.

Que le roi sache que les Juifs partis de chez toi et arrivés parmi nous à Jérusalem rebâtissent la ville rebelle et méchante, en relèvent les murs et en restaurent les fondements.

Que le Roi soit averti, que les Juifs qui sont montés d'auprès de lui vers nous, sont venus à Jérusalem, [et] qu'ils bâtissent la ville rebelle et méchante, et posent les fondements des murailles, et les relèvent.

Esra 4:12
Es sei kund dem Könige, daß die Juden, die von dir zu uns heraufkommen sind gen Jerusalem, in die aufrührerische und böse Stadt, bauen dieselbige und machen ihre Mauern und führen sie aus dem Grunde.

Es sei kund dem König, daß die Juden, die von dir zu uns heraufgekommen sind gen Jerusalem, in die aufrührerische und böse Stadt, bauen sie und machen ihre Mauern und führen sie aus dem Grunde. {~}

Kund sei dem Könige, daß die Juden, die von dir heraufgezogen sind, zu uns, nach Jerusalem, gelangt sind. Sie sind im Begriff, die aufrührerische und böse Stadt wieder aufzubauen und die Mauern zu vollenden, und die Fundamente graben sie bereits aus.

Esdra 4:12
Sappia il re che i Giudei che son partiti da te e giunti fra noi a Gerusalemme, riedificano la città ribelle e malvagia, ne rialzano le mura e ne restaurano le fondamenta.

Il re sappia che i Giudei, che son venuti d’appresso a te a noi, son giunti in Gerusalemme; e che riedificano quella città ribella e malvagia; e rifanno interamente le mura, ed hanno già racconci i fondamenti.

EZRA 4:12
maklumlah kiranya kepada tuanku, bahwa segala orang Yahudi, yang sudah meninggalkan tuanku, lalu datang mendapatkan patik ke Yeruzalem, dan membangun pula negeri yang durhaka dan jahat itu, didirikannya pula pagar temboknya dan sudah dibubuh mereka itu segala alasnya.

에스라 4:12
왕에게 고하나이다 왕에게서 올라온 유다 사람들이 우리의 곳 예루살렘에 이르러 이 패역하고 악한 성읍을 건축하는데 이미 그 지대를 수축하고 성곽을 건축하오니

Esdrae 4:12
notum sit regi quia Iudaei qui ascenderunt a te ad nos venerunt in Hierusalem civitatem rebellem et pessimam quam aedificant extruentes muros eius et parietes conponentes

Ezdro knyga 4:12
praneša karaliui, kad žydai, kurie iš tavo teritorijų atvyko pas mus, apsigyveno Jeruzalėje ir stato tą maištingą ir blogą miestą. Jie stato sienas ir stiprina pamatus.

Ezra 4:12
Kia mohiotia tenei e te kingi, ko nga Hurai i haere mai i tou taha, kua tae mai ki a matou ki Hiruharama; kei te hanga ratou i taua pa tutu, kino; kua whakaturia e ratou nga taiepa, kua oti ano nga turanga te honohono.

Esras 4:12
Det være kongen vitterlig at jødene som drog bort fra det sted hvor du bor, er kommet hit til oss, til Jerusalem, og nu holder på å bygge op igjen den oprørske og onde by og fullføre murene og utbedre grunnvollene.

Esdras 4:12
sepa el rey que los judíos que subieron de ti han venido a nosotros en Jerusalén; están reedificando la ciudad rebelde y perversa, y están terminando las murallas y reparando los cimientos.

sepa el rey que los Judíos que salieron por orden suya, han venido a nosotros en Jerusalén; están reedificando la ciudad rebelde y perversa, y están terminando las murallas y reparando los cimientos.

Sea notorio al rey, que los judíos que subieron de ti a nosotros, vinieron a Jerusalén; y edifican la ciudad rebelde y mala, y han levantado los muros y reparado los fundamentos.

Sea notorio al rey, que los Judíos que subieron de tí á nosotros, vinieron á Jerusalem; y edifican la ciudad rebelde y mala, y han erigido los muros; y compuesto los fundamentos.

Sea notorio al rey, que los judíos que subieron de ti a nosotros, vinieron a Jerusalén; y edifican la ciudad rebelde y mala, y han acimentado los muros; y puesto los fundamentos.

Esdras 4:12
‘Informamos o rei que os judeus que chegaram a nós da tua parte vieram a Jerusalém e estão reconstruindo aquela cidade rebelde e perversa. Estão restaurando os seus muros e fazendo reparos nos seus alicerces.

Saiba o rei que os judeus que subiram de ti a nós foram a Jerusalém e estão reedificando aquela rebelde e malvada cidade, e vão restaurando os seus muros e reparando os seus fundamentos.   

Ezra 4:12
Să ştie împăratul că Iudeii plecaţi dela tine şi veniţi printre noi la Ierusalim zidesc din nou cetatea aceea răzvrătită şi rea, îi ridică zidurile şi -i dreg temeliile.

Ездра 4:12
Да будет известно царю, что Иудеи, которые вышли от тебя, пришли к нам в Иерусалим, строят этот мятежный инегодный город, и стены делают, и основания их уже исправили.

Да будет известно царю, что Иудеи, которые вышли от тебя, пришли к нам в Иерусалим, строят [этот] мятежный и негодный город, и стены делают, и основания [их уже] исправили.[]

Esra 4:12
Det vare veterligt för konungen att de judar som drogo upp från dig hava kommit hit till oss i Jerusalem, och de hålla nu på att bygga upp den upproriska och onda staden, att sätta murarna i stånd och att förbättra grundvalarna.

Ezra 4:12
Talastasin ng hari, na ang mga Judio na nagsiahong galing sa iyo ay nagsiparoon sa amin sa Jerusalem; kanilang itinatayo ang mapanghimagsik at masamang bayan, at nayari ang mga kuta, at isinauli ang mga tatagang-baon.

เอสรา 4:12
บัดนี้ขอกษัตริย์ทรงทราบว่า พวกยิวซึ่งมาจากพระองค์มาหาข้าพระองค์นั้นได้ไปยังเยรูซาเล็ม เขากำลังก่อสร้างเมืองที่มักกบฏและชั่วร้ายขึ้นใหม่ เขากำลังจะทำกำแพงเมืองเสร็จและซ่อมแซมรากฐาน

Ezra 4:12
‹‹Yönetimindeki öbür bölgelerden çıkıp bize gelen Yahudiler Yeruşalime yerleşerek o asi ve kötü kenti yeniden kurmaya başladılar. Bunu bilgine sunuyoruz. Temelini pekiştiriyor, surlarını tamamlıyorlar.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 4:12
Tâu vua hay rõ ràng những người Giu-đa đã từ nơi vua lên đến chúng tôi tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, đương lập lại thành phản nghịch hung ác ấy; chúng nó đã xây lại vách thành và tu bổ các nền cho xong rồi.

Ezra 4:11
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