Ezra 3:6
Ezra 3:6
On the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD, though the foundation of the LORD's temple had not yet been laid.

Fifteen days before the Festival of Shelters began, the priests had begun to sacrifice burnt offerings to the LORD. This was even before they had started to lay the foundation of the LORD's Temple.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD, but the foundation of the temple of the LORD had not been laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

On the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD, even though the foundation of the LORD's temple had not yet been laid.

They began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD from the first day of the seventh month, even though the foundation of the Temple of the LORD had not yet been laid.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the LORD. However, the LORD's temple was not at that time established.

They started to bring these burnt offerings to the LORD on the first day of the seventh month, even though the foundation of the LORD's temple had not yet been laid.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings to the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt-offerings unto Jehovah: but the foundation of the temple of Jehovah was not yet laid.

From the Brat day of the seventh month they began to offer holocausts to the Lord: but the temple of God was not yet founded.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer up burnt-offerings to Jehovah. But the foundation of the temple of Jehovah was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD: but the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt-offerings to the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings to Yahweh: but the foundation of the temple of Yahweh was not yet laid.

From the first day of the seventh month they have begun to cause burnt-offerings to ascend to Jehovah, and the temple of Jehovah hath not been founded,

Esdra 3:6
Nga dita e parë e muajit të shtatë filluan t'i ofrojnë olokauste Zotit, por themelet e tempullit të Zotit nuk ishin hedhur ende.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 3:6
ابتدأوا من اليوم الاول من الشهر السابع يصعدون محرقات للرب وهيكل الرب لم يكن قد تأسس.

Dyr Esren 3:6
Eyn n eerstn Tag von n sibtn Maanet hietnd s angfangt, yn n Trechtein de Brandopfer darzbringen, aber von n Herrn seinn Templ war non nit aynmaal s Grundföst glögt.

Ездра 3:6
От първия ден на седмия месец почнаха да принасят всеизгаряния Господу; но основите на Господния храм не бяха още положени.

以 斯 拉 記 3:6
從 七 月 初 一 日 起 , 他 們 就 向 耶 和 華 獻 燔 祭 。 但 耶 和 華 殿 的 根 基 尚 未 立 定 。

从 七 月 初 一 日 起 , 他 们 就 向 耶 和 华 献 燔 祭 。 但 耶 和 华 殿 的 根 基 尚 未 立 定 。



Ezra 3:6
Od prvoga dana u sedmom mjesecu počeli su prinositi Jahvi žrtve paljenice, premda još nisu bili položeni temelji svetišta Jahvina.

Ezdrášova 3:6
Od prvního dne toho měsíce sedmého počali obětovati zápalů Hospodinu, ačkoli chrám Hospodinův ještě nebyl založen.

Ezra 3:6
Den første Dag i den syvende Maaned begyndte de at ofre Brændofre til HERREN, før Grunden til HERRENS Helligdom endnu var lagt.

Ezra 3:6
Van den eersten dag af der zevende maand begonnen zij den HEERE brandofferen te offeren; doch de grond van den tempel des HEEREN was niet gelegd.

עזרא 3:6
מִיֹּ֤ום אֶחָד֙ לַחֹ֣דֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י הֵחֵ֕לּוּ לְהַעֲלֹ֥ות עֹלֹ֖ות לַיהוָ֑ה וְהֵיכַ֥ל יְהוָ֖ה לֹ֥א יֻסָּֽד׃

ו מיום אחד לחדש השביעי החלו להעלות עלות ליהוה והיכל יהוה לא יסד

מיום אחד לחדש השביעי החלו להעלות עלות ליהוה והיכל יהוה לא יסד׃

Ezsdrás 3:6
Tehát a hetedik hónap elsõ napjától fogva kezdének égõáldozatot áldozni az Úrnak, a mikor az Úr templomának alapköve még nem tétetett le.

Ezra 3:6
De la unua tago de la sepa monato ili komencis alportadi bruloferojn al la Eternulo. Sed la fundamento por la templo de la Eternulo ankoraux ne estis starigita.

ESRA 3:6
Seitsemännen kuukauden ensimäisenä päivänä rupesivat he uhraamaan Herralle polttouhria; mutta ei Herran templin perustus ollut vielä laskettu.

Esdras 3:6
Depuis le premier jour du septième mois ils commencèrent à offrir des holocaustes à l'Éternel; mais les fondements du temple de l'Éternel n'étaient pas encore posés.

Dès le premier jour du septième mois, ils commencèrent à offrir à l'Eternel des holocaustes. Cependant les fondements du temple de l'Eternel n'étaient pas encore posés.

Dès le premier jour du septième mois ils commencèrent à offrir des holocaustes à l'Eternel; bien que le Temple de l'Eternel ne fût pas encore fondé.

Esra 3:6
Am ersten Tage des siebenten Monden fingen sie an, dem HERRN Brandopfer zu tun. Aber der Grund des Tempels des HERRN war noch nicht gelegt.

Am ersten Tage des siebenten Monats fingen sie an, dem HERRN Brandopfer zu tun. Aber der Grund des Tempels war noch nicht gelegt. {~}

Vom ersten Tage des siebenten Monats an begannen sie, Jahwe Brandopfer darzubringen, ohne daß noch zum Tempel Jahwes der Grund gelegt war.

Esdra 3:6
Dal primo giorno del settimo mese cominciarono a offrire olocausti all’Eterno; ma le fondamenta del tempio dell’Eterno non erano ancora state gettate.

Dal primo giorno del settimo mese cominciarono ad offerire olocausti al Signore. Or il Tempio del Signore non era ancora fondato.

EZRA 3:6
Dari pada bulan yang ketujuh sehari bulan itu mulailah mereka itu mempersembahkan korban bakaran kepada Tuhan, jikalau belum dibubuh segala alas kaabah Tuhan sekalipun.

에스라 3:6
칠월 초하루부터 비로소 여호와께 번제를 드렸으나 그 때에 여호와의 전 지대는 오히려 놓지 못한지라

Esdrae 3:6
a primo die mensis septimi coeperunt offerre holocaustum Domino porro templum Dei fundatum necdum erat

Ezdro knyga 3:6
Septintojo mėnesio pirmąją dieną jie pradėjo aukoti Viešpačiui deginamąsias aukas, bet Viešpaties šventyklos pamatai dar nebuvo padėti.

Ezra 3:6
No te ra tuatahi o te whitu o nga marama i timata ai te whakaeke i nga tahunga tinana ki a Ihowa: otiia kahore ano te turanga mo te temepara o Ihowa kia takoto noa.

Esras 3:6
Fra den første dag i den syvende måned begynte de å ofre brennoffere til Herren, før ennu grunnvollen til Herrens tempel var lagt.

Esdras 3:6
Desde el primer día del mes séptimo comenzaron a ofrecer holocaustos al SEÑOR, pero los cimientos del templo del SEÑOR no se habían echado todavía.

Desde el primer día del mes séptimo comenzaron a ofrecer holocaustos al SEÑOR, pero los cimientos del templo del SEÑOR no se habían echado todavía.

Desde el primer día del mes séptimo comenzaron a ofrecer holocaustos a Jehová; pero los cimientos del templo de Jehová no se habían echado todavía.

Desde el primer día del mes séptimo comenzaron á ofrecer holocaustos á Jehová; mas el templo de Jehová no estaba aún fundado.

Desde el primer día del mes séptimo comenzaron a ofrecer holocaustos al SEÑOR; mas el templo del SEÑOR no estaba aún fundado.

Esdras 3:6
A partir do primeiro dia do sétimo mês deram início ao oferecimento de holocaustos a Yahweh, embora ainda não tivessem sido lançados os alicerces do novo templo do SENHOR.

Desde o primeiro dia do sétimo mês começaram a oferecer holocaustos ao Senhor; porém ainda não haviam sido lançados os alicerces do templo do Senhor.   

Ezra 3:6
Din cea dintîi zi a lunii a şaptea, au început să aducă Domnului arderi de tot. Însă temeliile Templului Domnului nu erau încă puse.

Ездра 3:6
С первого же дня седьмого месяца начали возносить всесожжения Господу. А храму Господню еще не было положено основание.

С первого же дня седьмого месяца начали возносить всесожжения Господу. А храму Господню [еще] не было положено основание.[]

Esra 3:6
På första dagen i sjunde månaden begynte de att offra brännoffer åt HERREN, innan grunden till HERRENS tempel ännu var lagd.

Ezra 3:6
Mula sa unang araw ng ikapitong buwan, nangagpasimula sila na nangaghandog ng mga handog na susunugin sa Panginoon: nguni't ang tatagang-baon ng templo ng Panginoon ay hindi pa nalalagay.

เอสรา 3:6
เขาเริ่มต้นถวายเครื่องเผาบูชาแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ตั้งแต่วันที่หนึ่งของเดือนที่เจ็ด แต่เขายังมิได้วางรากฐานพระวิหารของพระเยโฮวาห์

Ezra 3:6
RABbin Tapınağının temeli henüz atılmadığı halde, yedinci ayın birinci günü RABbe yakmalık sunular sunmaya başladılar.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 3:6
Từ ngày mồng một tháng bảy, chúng khởi dâng những của lễ thiêu cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Ezra 3:5
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