Ezra 3:5
Ezra 3:5
After that, they presented the regular burnt offerings, the New Moon sacrifices and the sacrifices for all the appointed sacred festivals of the LORD, as well as those brought as freewill offerings to the LORD.

They also offered the regular burnt offerings and the offerings required for the new moon celebrations and the annual festivals as prescribed by the LORD. The people also gave voluntary offerings to the LORD.

and after that the regular burnt offerings, the offerings at the new moon and at all the appointed feasts of the LORD, and the offerings of everyone who made a freewill offering to the LORD.

and afterward there was a continual burnt offering, also for the new moons and for all the fixed festivals of the LORD that were consecrated, and from everyone who offered a freewill offering to the LORD.

And afterward offered the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD.

After that, they offered the regular burnt offering and the offerings for the beginning of each month and for all the LORD's appointed holy occasions, as well as the freewill offerings brought to the LORD.

After that, they offered all of the continual burnt offerings and the New Moon sacrifices for all of the designated festivals of the LORD that were being consecrated, along with all the voluntary offerings that were dedicated to the LORD.

Afterward they offered the continual burnt offerings and those for the new moons and those for all the holy assemblies of the LORD and all those that were being voluntarily offered to the LORD.

After that, they sacrificed the daily burnt offerings, the offerings for the New Moon Festival and all the other holy festivals of the LORD, and all the freewill offerings brought to the LORD.

and in addition to this, the continual burnt offering and the new moons and all the sanctified feasts of the LORD and every spontaneous freewill offering unto the LORD.

And afterward offered the continual burnt offerings, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD.

And afterward offered the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering to the LORD.

and afterward the continual burnt-offering, and the offerings of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of Jehovah that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill-offering unto Jehovah.

And afterwards the continual holocaust, both on the new moons, and on all the solemnities of the Lord, that were consecrated, and on all in which a freewill offering was made to the Lord.

and afterwards the continual burnt-offering, and those of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of Jehovah that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a voluntary offering to Jehovah.

and afterward the continual burnt offering, and the offerings of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD.

And afterward offered the continual burnt-offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a free-will-offering to the LORD.

and afterward the continual burnt offering, and [the offerings] of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of Yahweh that were consecrated, and of everyone who willingly offered a freewill offering to Yahweh.

and after this a continual burnt-offering, and for new moons, and for all appointed seasons of Jehovah that are sanctified; and for every one who is willingly offering a willing-offering to Jehovah.

Esdra 3:5
Pastaj ofruan olokaustin e përjetshëm, olokaustet e hënës së re dhe të gjitha festave të përcaktuara nga Zoti, dhe ato të cilitdo që i bënte një ofertë vullnetare Zotit.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 3:5
وبعد ذلك المحرقة الدائمة وللاهلّة ولجميع مواسم الرب المقدسة ولكل من تبرع بمتبرع للرب.

Dyr Esren 3:5
Von daadl an brangend s nöbn yn n Reglbrandopfer die an de Neumaend und de yn n Herrn gheiligtn Föster dar, wie aau d Walopfer, wo yn n Trechtein gspenddt wurdnd.

Ездра 3:5
и от тогава на сетне и постоянните всеизгаряния, и [приносите] по новолунията и по всичките осветени Господни празници, както и тия на всекиго, който би принесъл доброволен принос Господу.

以 斯 拉 記 3:5
其 後 獻 常 獻 的 燔 祭 , 並 在 月 朔 與 耶 和 華 的 一 切 聖 節 獻 祭 , 又 向 耶 和 華 獻 各 人 的 甘 心 祭 。

其 後 献 常 献 的 燔 祭 , 并 在 月 朔 与 耶 和 华 的 一 切 圣 节 献 祭 , 又 向 耶 和 华 献 各 人 的 甘 心 祭 。



Ezra 3:5
Osim toga prinosili su svakidašnje paljenice, zatim žrtve određene za mlađak i za sve blagdane Jahvine i za sve one koji su htjeli dragovoljno žrtvovati Jahvi.

Ezdrášova 3:5
A potom obět zápalnou ustavičnou, i na novměsíce i na každou slavnost Hospodinu posvěcenou, i od každého dobrovolně obětujícího dobrovolnou obět Hospodinu.

Ezra 3:5
og siden det daglige Brændoffer og de Brændofre, som hørte til Nymaanerne og alle HERRENS hellige Højtider, og alle de Brændofre, man frivilligt bragte HERREN.

Ezra 3:5
Daarna ook het gedurig brandoffer, en van de nieuwe maanden, en van alle gezette hoogtijden des HEEREN, die geheiligd waren; ook van een ieder, die een vrijwillige offerande den HEERE vrijwilliglijk offerde.

עזרא 3:5
וְאַחֲרֵיכֵ֞ן עֹלַ֤ת תָּמִיד֙ וְלֶ֣חֳדָשִׁ֔ים וּלְכָל־מֹועֲדֵ֥י יְהוָ֖ה הַמְקֻדָּשִׁ֑ים וּלְכֹ֛ל מִתְנַדֵּ֥ב נְדָבָ֖ה לַיהוָֽה׃

ה ואחרי כן עלת תמיד ולחדשים ולכל מועדי יהוה המקדשים ולכל מתנדב נדבה ליהוה

ואחריכן עלת תמיד ולחדשים ולכל־מועדי יהוה המקדשים ולכל מתנדב נדבה ליהוה׃

Ezsdrás 3:5
És azután [áldozák] az állandó [napi], továbbá a hónapok elsõ napjain s az Úr minden szent ünnep napjain viendõ égõáldozatot, és mindazokért valót, a kik önkénytesen ajándékozának az Úrnak.

Ezra 3:5
kaj post tio la cxiutagajn bruloferojn, kaj por la monatkomencoj kaj por cxiuj sanktigitaj festoj de la Eternulo, kaj por cxiu, kiu alportis memvolan oferon al la Eternulo.

ESRA 3:5
Senjälkeen alinomaisia polttouhreja, ja uuden kuun, ja kaikkein Jumalalle pyhitettyin juhlain, ja kaikkinaisia mieliuhreja, joita he hyvällä mielellä tekivät Herralle.

Esdras 3:5
et après cela l'holocauste continuel, et celui des nouvelles lunes et de tous les jours solennels de l'Éternel qui étaient sanctifiés, et les holocaustes de tous ceux qui offraient une offrande volontaire à l'Éternel.

Après cela, ils offrirent l'holocauste perpétuel, les holocaustes des nouvelles lunes et de toutes les solennités consacrées à l'Eternel, et ceux de quiconque faisait des offrandes volontaires à l'Eternel.

Après cela, l'holocauste continuel, et ceux des nouvelles lunes, et de toutes les fêtes solennelles de l'Eternel, lesquelles on sanctifiait, et de tous ceux qui présentaient une offrande volontaire à l'Eternel.

Esra 3:5
danach auch die täglichen Brandopfer und der Neumonden und aller Festtage des HERRN, die geheiliget waren, und allerlei freiwillige Opfer, die sie dem HERRN freiwillig taten.

darnach auch die täglichen Brandopfer und der Neumonde und aller Festtage des HERRN, die geheiligt sind, und allerlei freiwillige Opfer, die sie dem HERRN freiwillig taten.

und darnach die regelmäßigen Brandopfer und die für die Neumonde und für alle die geheiligten Festzeiten Jahwes, und die Opfer von einem jeden, der Jahwe eine freiwillige Gabe darbrachte.

Esdra 3:5
poi offersero l’olocausto perpetuo, gli olocausti dei noviluni e di tutte le solennità sacre all’Eterno, e quelli di chiunque faceva qualche offerta volontaria all’Eterno.

E dopo questo offersero l’olocausto continuo, e quelli delle calendi, e di tutte le feste solenni del Signore, le quali sono santificate; e quelli di tutti coloro che offerivano alcuna offerta volontaria al Signore.

EZRA 3:5
Setelah itu dipersembahkannya pula korban bakaran yang selalu itu dan akan segala bulan baharu dan akan segala masa raya Tuhan yang tertentu dan yang telah disucikan, dan lagi akan segala persembahan dari keridlaan hati, yang dipersembahkan kepada Tuhan.

에스라 3:5
그 후에는 항상 드리는 번제와 초하루와 여호와의 모든 거룩한 절기의 번제와 사람이 여호와께 즐거이 드리는 예물을 드리되

Esdrae 3:5
et post haec holocaustum iuge tam in kalendis quam in universis sollemnitatibus Domini quae erant consecratae et in omnibus in quibus ultro offerebatur munus Deo

Ezdro knyga 3:5
Be to, jie aukojo nuolatines deginamąsias, jauno mėnulio, visų metinių Viešpaties švenčių ir laisvos valios aukas Viešpačiui.

Ezra 3:5
A muri iho ko nga tahunga tinana tuturu, ko o nga kowhititanga marama, ko o nga wa katoa i whakaritea e Ihowa, he mea whakatapu nana, me a te hunga katoa i tapae noa i te whakahere ki a Ihowa.

Esras 3:5
Siden ofret de det daglige brennoffer og de offer som hørte til nymånedagene og alle Herrens hellige høitider, og likeledes hver gang nogen kom med et frivillig offer til Herren.

Esdras 3:5
y después ofrecieron el holocausto continuo, y los de las lunas nuevas, los de todas las fiestas señaladas del SEÑOR que habían sido consagradas, y los de todos aquellos que ofrecían una ofrenda voluntaria al SEÑOR.

y después ofrecieron el holocausto continuo, y los de las lunas nuevas, los de todas las fiestas señaladas del SEÑOR que habían sido consagradas, y los de todos aquéllos que ofrecían una ofrenda voluntaria al SEÑOR.

y a más de esto, el holocausto continuo, y las nuevas lunas, y todas las fiestas santificadas de Jehová, y todo sacrificio espontáneo, toda ofrenda voluntaria a Jehová.

Y á más de esto, el holocausto continuo, y las nuevas lunas, y todas las fiestas santificadas de Jehová, y todo sacrificio espontáneo, toda ofrenda voluntaria á Jehova.

y a más de esto, el holocausto continuo, y las nuevas lunas, y todas las fiestas santificadas del SEÑOR, y todo sacrificio espontáneo, voluntario al SEÑOR.

Esdras 3:5
A seguir apresentaram os holocaustos regulares, os sacrifícios da lua nova e os sacrifícios requeridos para todas as festas sagradas determinadas por Yahweh, bem como os que foram trazidos como ofertas voluntárias ao SENHOR.

e em seguida o holocausto contínuo, e os das luas novas e de todas as festas fixas do Senhor, como também os de qualquer que fazia oferta voluntária ao Senhor.   

Ezra 3:5
După aceea au adus arderea de tot necurmată, arderile de tot pentru fiecare lună nouă şi pentru toate sărbătorile închinate Domnului, afară de cele pe cari le aducea fiecare, ca daruri de bună voie Domnului.

Ездра 3:5
И после того совершали всесожжение постоянное, и в новомесячия, и во все праздники, посвященные Господу, и добровольное приношение Господу от всякого усердствующего.

И после того [совершали] всесожжение постоянное, и в новомесячия, и во все праздники, посвященные Господу, и добровольное приношение Господу от всякого усердствующего.[]

Esra 3:5
och därefter det dagliga brännoffret och de offer som hörde till nymånaderna och till alla HERRENS övriga helgade högtider, så ock alla de offer som man frivilligt frambar åt HERREN.

Ezra 3:5
At pagkatapos ng palaging handog na susunugin, at ng mga handog sa mga bagong buwan, at ng lahat na takdang kapistahan sa Panginoon na mga itinalaga, at ng lahat na naghandog na kusa ng kusang handog sa Panginoon.

เอสรา 3:5
ต่อมาก็ถวายเครื่องเผาบูชาเนืองนิตย์ ถวายเครื่องบูชาในวันขึ้นหนึ่งค่ำ และตามบรรดาเทศกาลกำหนดของพระเยโฮวาห์ที่ตั้งไว้ และถวายเครื่องบูชาของทุกคนที่ถวายตามใจสมัครแด่พระเยโฮวาห์

Ezra 3:5
Bundan sonra da günlük yakmalık sunuyu, Yeni Ay sunularını, RABbin belirlediği bütün kutsal bayramların sunularını ve RABbe gönülden verilen sunuları sundular.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 3:5
Sau ấy, chúng dâng những của lễ thiêu hằng hiến, luôn những của lễ về lễ trăng non và về các ngày lễ trọng thể biệt ra thánh cho Ðức Giê-hô-va; lại dâng các của lễ của mỗi người lạc ý dâng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Ezra 3:4
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