Ezekiel 7:19
Ezekiel 7:19
"'They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin.

"They will throw their money in the streets, tossing it out like worthless trash. Their silver and gold won't save them on that day of the LORD's anger. It will neither satisfy nor feed them, for their greed can only trip them up.

They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity.

'They will fling their silver into the streets and their gold will become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetite nor can they fill their stomachs, for their iniquity has become an occasion of stumbling.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will seem like something filthy. Their silver and gold will be unable to save them in the day of the LORD's wrath. They will not satisfy their appetites or fill their stomachs, for these were the stumbling blocks that brought about their iniquity.

They'll fling their silver into the streets, and their gold will be cast away as impure. Their silver and gold won't be able to deliver them during the time of the LORD's wrath. They won't be able to satisfy their appetites or fill their stomachs, because their iniquity has tripped them up."

They will discard their silver in the streets, and their gold will be treated like filth. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them on the day of the LORD's fury. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs because their wealth was the obstacle leading to their iniquity.

They will throw their silver and gold into the streets like garbage. Their silver and gold won't be able to rescue them on the day of the LORD's anger. It will no longer satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs. Their silver and gold caused them to fall into sin.

They shall cast their silver in the streets and their gold far from them their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD; they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels because it shall be the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their stomachs: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Jehovah: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because it hath been the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

Their silver shall be cast forth, and their gold shall become a dunghill. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They shall not satisfy their soul, and their bellies shall not be filled: because it hath been the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an impurity: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's wrath; they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their belly; for it hath been the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD; they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it hath been the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels because it is the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Yahweh: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because it has been the stumbling block of their iniquity.

Their silver into out-places they cast, And their gold impurity becometh. Their silver and their gold is not able to deliver them, In a day of the wrath of Jehovah, Their soul they do not satisfy, And their bowels they do not fill, For the stumbling-block of their iniquity it hath been.

Ezekieli 7:19
Do të hedhin argjendin e tyre nëpër rrugë dhe ari i tyre do të bëhet një ndyrësi. Argjendi i tyre dhe ari i tyre nuk do të mund t'i shpëtojnë ditën e zemërimit të Zotit; nuk do të mund të ngopin shpirtin e tyre as të mbushin barkun e tyre, sepse paudhësia e tyre është bërë shkak pengese.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 7:19
يلقون فضتهم في الشوارع وذهبهم يكون لنجاسة. لا تستطيع فضتهم وذهبهم انقاذهم في يوم غضب الرب. لا يشبعون منهما انفسهم ولا يملأون جوفهم لانهما صارا معثرة اثمهم.

Dyr Heskiheel 7:19
Iener Silber schmeissnd s eyn de Gassn aushin; iener Gold künnend s vergössn. Dyr gantze Diridäri bringt ien nix meer, wenn yn n Herrn sein Zorn kimmt. Dyrvon vergeet ien dyr Hunger +aau nit; daa werd kain Bauch voll dyrmit. Mit dönn gantzn Meiml seind s ja eerst eyn d Sündd +gfalln.

Езекил 7:19
Среброто си ще хвърлят по улиците, И златото им ще [им] бъде като нечисто нещо; Среброто и златото им не ще могат да ги избавят В деня на гнева Господен; Те няма да наситят душите си, нито да напълнят червата си; Защото о тях се спънаха [и паднаха] в беззаконието си.

以 西 結 書 7:19
他 們 要 將 銀 子 拋 在 街 上 , 金 子 看 如 污 穢 之 物 。 當 耶 和 華 發 怒 的 日 子 , 他 們 的 金 銀 不 能 救 他 們 , 不 能 使 心 裡 知 足 , 也 不 能 使 肚 腹 飽 滿 , 因 為 這 金 銀 作 了 他 們 罪 孽 的 絆 腳 石 。

他 们 要 将 银 子 抛 在 街 上 , 金 子 看 如 污 秽 之 物 。 当 耶 和 华 发 怒 的 日 子 , 他 们 的 金 银 不 能 救 他 们 , 不 能 使 心 里 知 足 , 也 不 能 使 肚 腹 饱 满 , 因 为 这 金 银 作 了 他 们 罪 孽 的 绊 脚 石 。



Ezekiel 7:19
Srebro svoje pobacat će na ulice, a zlato će smatrati izmetom: u dan srdžbe Jahvine ni srebro ni zlato neće ih izbaviti, duše im neće moći nasititi ni trbuha napuniti, jer se o to spotakoše na grijeh.

Ezechiele 7:19
Stříbro své po ulicích rozházejí, a zlato jejich bude jako nečistota; stříbro jejich a zlato jejich nebude jich moci vysvoboditi v den prchlivosti Hospodinovy. Nenasytí se, a střev svých nenaplní, proto že nepravost jejich jest jim k urážce,

Ezekiel 7:19
Deres Sølv kaster de ud paa Gaden, deres Guld regnes for Snavs; deres Sølv og Guld kan ikke redde dem paa HERRENS Vredes Dag; de kan ikke stille deres Hunger eller fylde deres Bug dermed, thi det var dem Aarsag til Skyld.

Ezechiël 7:19
Zij zullen hun zilver op de straten werpen, en hun goud zal tot onreinigheid zijn; hun zilver en hun goud zal hen niet kunnen uithelpen ten dage der verbolgenheid des HEEREN; hun ziel zullen zij niet verzadigen, en hun ingewanden zullen zij niet vullen; want het zal de aanstoot hunner ongerechtigheid zijn.

יחזקאל 7:19
כַּסְפָּ֞ם בַּחוּצֹ֣ות יַשְׁלִ֗יכוּ וּזְהָבָם֮ לְנִדָּ֣ה יִֽהְיֶה֒ כַּסְפָּ֨ם וּזְהָבָ֜ם לֹֽא־יוּכַ֣ל לְהַצִּילָ֗ם בְּיֹום֙ עֶבְרַ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה נַפְשָׁם֙ לֹ֣א יְשַׂבֵּ֔עוּ וּמֵעֵיהֶ֖ם לֹ֣א יְמַלֵּ֑אוּ כִּֽי־מִכְשֹׁ֥ול עֲוֹנָ֖ם הָיָֽה׃

יט כספם בחוצות ישליכו וזהבם לנדה יהיה--כספם וזהבם לא יוכל להצילם ביום עברת יהוה נפשם לא ישבעו ומעיהם לא ימלאו  כי מכשול עונם היה

כספם בחוצות ישליכו וזהבם לנדה יהיה כספם וזהבם לא־יוכל להצילם ביום עברת יהוה נפשם לא ישבעו ומעיהם לא ימלאו כי־מכשול עונם היה׃

Ezékiel 7:19
Ezüstjöket az utczákra vetik, és aranyuk szenny lesz [elõttök;] ezüstjök s aranyuk meg nem szabadíthatja õket az Úr búsulásának napján; lelköket azzal jól nem lakatják, s hasokat meg nem tölthetik; mert csábítójok volt az a vétekre.

Jeĥezkel 7:19
Sian argxenton ili jxetos sur la stratojn, kaj ilia oro farigxos malpurajxo; ilia argxento kaj ilia oro ne povos savi ilin en la tago de la kolero de la Eternulo, ne satigos ilian animon, kaj ne plenigos ilian internajxon; cxar tio estis instigilo por iliaj malbonagoj.

Heidän pitää hopiansa heittämän kaduille, ja heidän kultansa kauvas joutuman; sillä heidän hopiansa ja kultansa ei pidä taitaman auttaa heitä Herran vihan päivänä; ja ei taitaman sieluansa ravita, eikä vatsaansa täyttää; sillä se on ollut heille pahennus, heidän pahoihin töihinsä.

Ézéchiel 7:19
Ils jetteront leur argent dans les rues, et leur or sera rejeté comme une impureté; leur argent ni leur or ne pourra les délivrer au jour de la fureur de l'Éternel; ils ne rassasieront pas leurs âmes, et ne rempliront pas leurs entrailles, car c'est ce qui a été la pierre d'achoppement de leur iniquité.

Ils jetteront leur argent dans les rues, Et leur or sera pour eux un objet d'horreur; Leur argent et leur or ne pourront les sauver, Au jour de la fureur de l'Eternel; Ils ne pourront ni rassasier leur âme, Ni remplir leurs entrailles; Car c'est ce qui les a fait tomber dans leur iniquité.

Ils jetteront leur argent par les rues, et leur or s'en ira au loin; leur argent ni leur or ne les pourront pas délivrer au jour de la grande colère de l'Eternel; ils ne rassasieront point leurs âmes, et ne rempliront point leurs entrailles, parce que leur iniquité aura été leur ruine.

Hesekiel 7:19
Sie werden ihr Silber hinauf auf die Gassen werfen und ihr Gold als einen Unflat achten; denn ihr Silber und Gold wird sie nicht erretten am Tage des Zorns des HERRN. Und werden doch ihre Seele davon nicht sättigen noch ihren Bauch davon füllen; denn es ist ihnen gewesen ein Ärgernis zu ihrer Missetat.

Sie werden ihr Silber hinaus auf die Gassen werfen und ihr Gold wie Unflat achten; denn ihr Silber und Gold wird sie nicht erretten am Tage des Zorns des HERRN. Und sie werden ihre Seele davon nicht sättigen noch ihren Bauch davon füllen; denn es ist ihnen gewesen ein Anstoß zu ihrer Missetat.

Ihr Silber werden sie auf die Straßen werfen, und ihr Gold wird ihnen als Unflat gelten, denn ihr Silber und ihr Gold kann sie nicht retten am Tage des Ingrimms Jahwes; ihre Gier werden sie nicht damit ersättigen und ihren Bauch nicht damit füllen, denn es ward ihnen Anstoß zur Verschuldung.

Ezechiele 7:19
Getteranno il loro argento per le strade, e il loro oro sarà per essi una immondezza; il loro argento e il loro oro non li potranno salvare nel giorno del furore dell’Eterno; non potranno saziare la loro fame, né empir loro le viscere, perché furon quelli la pietra d’intoppo per cui caddero nella loro iniquità.

Getteranno il loro argento per le strade, e il loro oro sarà come una immondizia; il loro argento, nè il loro oro non potrà liberarli, nel giorno dell’indegnazion del Signore; essi non ne sazieranno le lor persone, e non n’empieranno le loro interiora; perciocchè quelli sono stati l’intoppo della loro iniquità.

Peraknya dicampakkannya kepada jalan, dan emaspun baginya akan kecemaran; bahwa emas dan peraknyapun tiada dapat membantu mereka itu pada hari kehangatan murka Tuhan; mereka itu tiada dapat memuaskan laparnya atau mengenyangkan perutnya, karena ia itulah kesentuhan yang menjatuhkan mereka itu ke dalam jahat.

에스겔 7:19
그들이 그 은을 거리에 던지며 그 금을 오예물 같이 여기리니 이는 여호와 내가 진노를 베푸는 날에 그 은과 금이 능히 그들을 건지지 못하며 능히 그 심령을 족하게 하거나 그 창자를 채우지 못하고 오직 죄악에 빠치는 것이 됨이로다

Ezechiel 7:19
argentum eorum foris proicietur et aurum eorum in sterquilinium erit argentum eorum et aurum eorum non valebit liberare eos in die furoris Domini animam suam non saturabunt et ventres eorum non implebuntur quia scandalum iniquitatis eorum factum est

Ezechielio knyga 7:19
Jie išmes savo auksą ir sidabrą, nes auksas ir sidabras neišgelbės jų Viešpaties rūstybės dieną. Jie nepatenkins savo sielų ir nepasisotins, nes tai tapo jų suklupimo akmeniu.

Ezekiel 7:19
Ka maka e ratou ta ratou hiriwa ki nga ara, ka waiho ta ratou koura hei mea poke; e kore ta ratou hiriwa, ta ratou koura, e tau hei whakaora i a ratou i te ra o to Ihowa riri; e kore e ngata o ratou wairua, e kore ano e ki o ratou puku i era: ko te tutukitanga waewae hoki tera i he ai ratou.

Esekiel 7:19
Sitt sølv skal de kaste på gatene, og sitt gull skal de akte for urent; deres sølv og deres gull skal ikke kunne berge dem på Herrens vredes dag; de skal ikke kunne mette sig eller fylle sin buk med det. For det har vært et anstøt til misgjerning for dem,

Ezequiel 7:19
``Arrojarán su plata en las calles y su oro se convertirá en cosa abominable; ni su plata ni su oro podrán librarlos el día de la ira del SEÑOR. No saciarán su apetito ni llenarán sus estómagos, porque su iniquidad ha llegado a ser ocasión de tropiezo.

'Arrojarán su plata en las calles y su oro se convertirá en cosa abominable; ni su plata ni su oro podrán librarlos el día de la ira del SEÑOR. No saciarán su apetito ni llenarán sus estómagos, porque su iniquidad ha llegado a ser ocasión de tropiezo.

Arrojarán su plata en las calles, y su oro será desechado; ni su plata ni su oro podrá librarlos en el día de la ira de Jehová; no saciarán su alma, ni llenarán sus entrañas, porque ha sido tropiezo para su maldad.

Arrojarán su plata por las calles, y su oro será desechado; su plata ni su oro, no podrá librarlos en el día del furor de Jehová; no saciarán su alma, ni henchirán sus entrañas: porque ha sido tropiezo para su maldad.

Arrojarán su plata por las plazas, y su oro lejos; su plata ni su oro, no los podrá librar en el día del furor del SEÑOR; no saciarán su alma, ni llenarán sus vientres, porque será caída por su maldad.

Ezequiel 7:19
Jogarão toda a sua prata nas ruas, e seu ouro será como impureza; nem a sua prata nem o seu ouro poderão livrá-los no Dia da Indignação do SENHOR; esses metais preciosos não terão a menor capacidade de saciar-lhes a fome, nem de se transformar em comida para seus estômagos vazios, porquanto serviram de tropeço e erro para a sua malignidade.

A sua prata, lançá-la-ão pelas ruas, e o seu ouro será como imundícia; nem a sua prata nem o seu ouro os poderá livrar no dia do furor do Senhor; esses metais não lhes poderão saciar a fome, nem lhes encher o estômago; pois serviram de tropeço da sua iniqüidade.   

Ezechiel 7:19
Îşi vor arunca argintul pe uliţe, şi aurul lor le va fi o scîrbă. Argintul sau aurul lor nu poate să -i scape în ziua urgiei Domnului; nu poate nici să le sature sufletul, nici să le umple măruntaiele; căci el i -a aruncat în nelegiuirea lor.

Иезекииль 7:19
Серебро свое они выбросят на улицы, и золото у них будет в пренебрежении. Серебро ихи золото их не сильно будет спасти их в день ярости Господа. Они не насытят ими душ своих и не наполнят утроб своих; ибо оно было поводом к беззаконию их.

Серебро свое они выбросят на улицы, и золото у них будет в пренебрежении. Серебро их и золото их не сильно будет спасти их в день ярости Господа. Они не насытят ими душ своих и не наполнят утроб своих; ибо оно было поводом к беззаконию их.[]

Hesekiel 7:19
Man skall kasta sitt silver ut på gatorna och akta sitt guld såsom orenlighet. Deras silver och guld skall icke kunna rädda dem på HERRENS vredes dag, de skola icke kunna mätta sig därmed eller därmed fylla sin buk; ty det har varit för dem en stötesten till missgärning.

Ezekiel 7:19
Kanilang ihahagis ang kanilang pilak sa mga lansangan, at ang kanilang ginto ay magiging parang isang maruming bagay; ang kanilang pilak at ang kanilang ginto ay hindi makapagliligtas sa kanila sa kaarawan ng poot ng Panginoon: hindi nila maaaliw ang kanilang mga kaluluwa, o mabubusog man ang kanilang mga tiyan; sapagka't naging katitisuran ng kanilang kasamaan.

เอเสเคียล 7:19
เขาจะโยนเงินของเขาไปในถนน และทองคำของเขาจะถูกเอาออกไปเสีย เงินและทองของเขาไม่อาจที่จะช่วยเขาให้พ้นในวันแห่งพระพิโรธของพระเยโฮวาห์ เขาจะให้หายหิว หรือบรรจุให้เต็มท้องด้วยเงินทองก็ไม่ได้ เพราะว่าเป็นสิ่งที่สะดุดให้เขาทำความชั่วช้า

Hezekiel 7:19
Gümüşlerini sokağa atacaklar. Altınları kirli sayılacak. RABbin öfkesini boşalttığı gün onları ne altınları, ne gümüşleri kurtarabilir. Bunlarla ne açlıklarını giderebilir, ne karınlarını doyurabilirler. Altın ve gümüş onları suça sürükledi.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 7:19
Chúng nó sẽ quăng bạc mình ra ngoài đường phố, vàng chúng nó sẽ ra như đồ ô uế; hoặc vàng, hoặc bạc, cũng không thể cứu chúng nó nơi ngày cơn giận của Ðức Giê-hô-va; không thể làm cho chúng nó đầy ruột, vì ấy là đồ làm cho chúng nó sa vào tội lỗi!

Ezekiel 7:18
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