Ezekiel 6:6
Ezekiel 6:6
Wherever you live, the towns will be laid waste and the high places demolished, so that your altars will be laid waste and devastated, your idols smashed and ruined, your incense altars broken down, and what you have made wiped out.

Wherever you live there will be desolation, and I will destroy your pagan shrines. Your altars will be demolished, your idols will be smashed, your places of worship will be torn down, and all the religious objects you have made will be destroyed.

Wherever you dwell, the cities shall be waste and the high places ruined, so that your altars will be waste and ruined, your idols broken and destroyed, your incense altars cut down, and your works wiped out.

"In all your dwellings, cities will become waste and the high places will be desolate, that your altars may become waste and desolate, your idols may be broken and brought to an end, your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be blotted out.

In all your dwellingplaces the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

Wherever you live the cities will be in ruins and the high places will be desolate, so that your altars will lie in ruins and be desecrated, your idols smashed and obliterated, your incense altars cut down, and your works wiped out.

In all the places where you live, the cities will be desolate. The high places will also be desolate so that your altars will be laid waste, bearing the punishment appropriate to them. Your idols will be shattered, your sun pillars will be hewn down, and your works will be obliterated.

In all your dwellings, the cities will be laid waste and the high places ruined so that your altars will be laid waste and ruined, your idols will be shattered and demolished, your incense altars will be broken down, and your works wiped out.

Wherever people live, the cities will be ruined, and the worship sites will be wrecked. Your altars will be ruined and demolished. Your idols will be smashed and completely destroyed. Your incense burners will be cut down, and everything you have done will be wiped out.

In all your provinces the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate that your altars may be laid waste and condemned, and your idols shall be destroyed and shall cease, and your images of the sun shall be cut down, and your works shall be abolished.

In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and destroyed, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling-places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your sun-images may be hewn down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling places. The cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be thrown down, and destroyed, and your altars shall be abolished, and shall be broken in pieces: and your idols shall be no more, and your temples shall be destroyed, and your works shall be defaced.

In all your dwelling-places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your sun-images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your sun-images may be hewn down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling-places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.

In all your dwellings the cities are laid waste, And the high places are desolate, So that waste and desolate are your altars, And broken and ceased have your idols, And cut down have been your images, And blotted out have been your works.

Ezekieli 6:6
Në tërë vendet tuaja të banuara qytetet do të shkatërrohen, po kështu edhe vendet e larta, me qëllim që altarët tuaj të shkatërrohen dhe të shkretohen, idhujt tuaj të prishen dhe të zhduken, altarët tuaj të shkatërrohen dhe veprat tuaja të fshihen.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 6:6
في كل مساكنكم تقفر المدن وتخرب المرتفعات لكي تقفر وتخرب مذابحكم وتنكسر وتزول اصنامكم وتقطع شمساتكم وتمحى اعمالكم.

Dyr Heskiheel 6:6
Überall bei enk werdnd d Stötn ztrümmert und d Nimetn verwüestt. Enkerne Ältter werdnd zammghaut und veroednd, enkerne Götzn werdnd zschlagn und schwinddnd dyrhin, enkerne Raucktisch ztremmlnd s; und dös wär aft s End von enkern gantzn Machwerch.

Езекил 6:6
Навсякъде, гдето живеете, градовете ще бъдат запустени, И високите места ще се изоставят, За да запустеят и да се развалят жертвениците ви, Идолите ви да се строшат и да изчезнат, Кумирите ви на слънцето да се съсекат, И изделията ви да се унищожат.

以 西 結 書 6:6
在 你 們 一 切 的 住 處 , 城 邑 要 變 為 荒 場 , 邱 壇 必 然 淒 涼 , 使 你 們 的 祭 壇 荒 廢 , 將 你 們 的 偶 像 打 碎 。 你 們 的 日 像 被 砍 倒 , 你 們 的 工 作 被 毀 滅 。

在 你 们 一 切 的 住 处 , 城 邑 要 变 为 荒 场 , 邱 坛 必 然 凄 凉 , 使 你 们 的 祭 坛 荒 废 , 将 你 们 的 偶 像 打 碎 。 你 们 的 日 像 被 砍 倒 , 你 们 的 工 作 被 毁 灭 。



Ezekiel 6:6
Gdje god boravili, gradovi će vaši biti opustošeni, uzvišice poharane, žrtvenici će vam opustjeti i biti uništeni, kumiri će vaši biti oboreni i nestat će ih, stupovi će vaši biti smrvljeni, sva će djela vaša propasti.

Ezechiele 6:6
Kdekoli bydliti budete, města zpuštěna budou, a výsosti zpustnou. Pročež popléněni budou a zpustnou i oltářové vaši, potroskotáni budou a přestanou ukydaní bohové vaši, a sluneční obrazové vaši zpodtínáni, a tak vyhlazena budou díla vaše.

Ezekiel 6:6
Overalt hvor I bor, skal Byerne lægges øde og Offerhøjene gaa til Grunde, for at eders Altre kan lægges øde og gaa til Grunde, eders Afgudsbilleder sønderbrydes og udryddes, eders Solstøtter hugges om og eders Værker tilintetgøres.

Ezechiël 6:6
In al uw woningen zullen de steden verwoest en de hoogten tot wildernis worden, opdat uw altaren woest en eenzaam zijn, en uw drekgoden verbroken worden en ophouden, en uw zonnebeelden afgehouwen, en uw werken uitgedelgd worden.

יחזקאל 6:6
בְּכֹל֙ מֹושְׁבֹ֣ותֵיכֶ֔ם הֶעָרִ֣ים תֶּחֱרַ֔בְנָה וְהַבָּמֹ֖ות תִּישָׁ֑מְנָה לְמַעַן֩ יֶחֶרְב֨וּ וְיֶאְשְׁמ֜וּ מִזְבְּחֹֽותֵיכֶ֗ם וְנִשְׁבְּר֤וּ וְנִשְׁבְּתוּ֙ גִּלּ֣וּלֵיכֶ֔ם וְנִגְדְּעוּ֙ חַמָּ֣נֵיכֶ֔ם וְנִמְח֖וּ מַעֲשֵׂיכֶֽם׃

ו בכל מושבותיכם הערים תחרבנה והבמות תישמנה--למען יחרבו ויאשמו מזבחותיכם ונשברו ונשבתו גלוליכם ונגדעו חמניכם ונמחו מעשיכם

בכל מושבותיכם הערים תחרבנה והבמות תישמנה למען יחרבו ויאשמו מזבחותיכם ונשברו ונשבתו גלוליכם ונגדעו חמניכם ונמחו מעשיכם׃

Ezékiel 6:6
Minden lakóhelyeteken a városok elpusztuljanak, és a magaslatok elveszszenek, hogy elpusztuljanak és rommá legyenek oltáraitok, és törjenek össze és legyenek semmivé bálványaitok, és kivágattassanak naposzlopaitok, és eltöröltessenek csinálmányaitok.

Jeĥezkel 6:6
En cxiuj viaj logxlokoj la urboj estos ruinigitaj kaj la altajxoj estos dezertigitaj, por ke estu ruinigitaj kaj dezertigitaj viaj altaroj, por ke estu rompitaj kaj detruitaj viaj idoloj, viaj sunkolonoj estu disbatitaj, kaj viaj faritajxoj estu ekstermitaj.

Kussa te ikänä asutte, pitää kaupungit kylmille tuleman, ja kukkulat hävitettämän, että teidän alttarinne pitää lyötämän maahan ja autioksi tehtämän, ja rikottaman teidän epäjumalanne ja hävitettämän, ja särjettämän teidän kuvanne ja teidän työnne tyhjäksi tehtämän.

Ézéchiel 6:6
Dans toutes vos demeures les villes seront réduites en solitudes et les hauts lieux seront désolés, afin que vos autels soient délaissés et désolés, et que vos idoles soient brisées et ne soient plus, et que vos colonnes consacrées au soleil soient abattues, et vos ouvrages anéantis.

Partout où vous habitez, vos villes seront ruinées, Et vos hauts lieux dévastés; Vos autels seront délaissés et abandonnés, Vos idoles seront brisées et disparaîtront, Vos statues du soleil seront abattues, Et vos ouvrages anéantis.

Les villes seront désertes en toutes vos demeures, et les hauts lieux seront désolés, tellement que vos autels seront déserts et désolés, et vos dieux de fiente seront brisés, et ne seront plus; les tabernacles [de vos idoles] seront mis en pièces, et vos ouvrages seront abolis.

Hesekiel 6:6
Wo ihr wohnet, da sollen die Städte wüste und die Höhen zur Einöde werden. Denn man wird eure Altäre wüste und zur Einöde machen und eure Götzen zerbrechen und zunichte machen und eure Bilder zerschlagen und eure Stifte vertilgen,

Wo ihr wohnet, da sollen die Städte wüst und die Höhen zur Einöde werden; denn man wird eure Altäre wüst und zur Einöde machen und eure Götzen zerbrechen und zunichte machen und eure Sonnensäulen zerschlagen und eure Machwerke vertilgen.

An allen euren Wohnsitzen werden die Städte verödet stehen und die Höhen verwüstet sein, damit eure Altäre verödet und verwüstet stehen, eure Götzen zertrümmert und abgethan, eure Sonnensäulen umgehauen und eure Machwerke vernichtet werden.

Ezechiele 6:6
Dovunque abitate, le città saranno deserte e gli alti luoghi desolati, affinché i vostri altari siano deserti e desolati, i vostri idoli siano infranti e scompaiano, le vostre colonne solari siano abbattute, e tutte le vostre opere siano spazzate via.

In tutte le vostre abitazioni le città saranno deserte, e gli alti luoghi desolati; acciocchè sieno deserti, e desolati i vostri altari; e che i vostri idoli sieno spezzati, e non sieno più; e che le vostre statue sieno troncate, e che i vostri lavori sieno sterminati.

Pada segala tempat kedudukanmu negeri-negeri akan jadi kerobohan batu dan segala panggungpun menjadi belukar, sehingga habislah sudah segala mezbahmu menjadi kerobohan batu, dan segala berhala tahimu dihancurkan dan dibinasakan dan segala tiang syamsiatmu dipecahkan dan segala perbuatanmupun dihapuskan.

에스겔 6:6
내가 너희 거하는 모든 성읍으로 사막이 되며 산당으로 황무하게하리니 이는 너희 제단이 깨어지고 황폐하며 너희 우상들이 깨어져 없어지며 너희 태양상들이 찍히며 너희 만든 것이 다 폐하며

Ezechiel 6:6
in omnibus habitationibus vestris urbes desertae erunt et excelsa demolientur et dissipabuntur et interibunt arae vestrae et confringentur et cessabunt idola vestra et conterentur delubra vestra et delebuntur opera vestra

Ezechielio knyga 6:6
Jūsų gyvenvietės ir miestai ištuštės, aukštumos bus sunaikintos ir aukurai apleisti, stabai bus sulaužyti ir atvaizdai sutrupinti bei sunaikinti.

Ezekiel 6:6
I o koutou nohoanga katoa ka ururuatia nga pa, ka mokemoke ano nga wahi tiketike, he mea kia ururuatia ai a koutou aata, kia mokemoke ai; kia tukitukia ai ano a koutou whakapakoko, mutu ake ta ratou; ka poutoa ano a koutou whakapakoko, kia whakak ahoretia ai hoki a koutou mahi.

Esekiel 6:6
Hvor I så bor, skal byene ødelegges og offerhaugene bli forlatt, forat eders altere må bli ødelagt og forlatt, og eders motbydelige avguder knust og gjort til intet, og eders solstøtter nedhugget, og eders henders verk utslettet;

Ezequiel 6:6
`Dondequiera que tengáis vuestras moradas, las ciudades quedarán desoladas y los lugares altos devastados, para que queden desolados y devastados vuestros altares, rotos y eliminados vuestros ídolos, derribados vuestros altares de incienso y borradas vuestras obras.

"Dondequiera que ustedes tengan sus moradas, las ciudades quedarán desoladas y los lugares altos devastados, para que queden desolados y devastados sus altares, rotos y eliminados sus ídolos, derribados sus altares de incienso y borradas sus obras.

En todo lugar donde habitéis las ciudades serán desiertas, y los lugares altos serán asolados, para que sean asolados y se hagan desiertos vuestros altares; y quebrados serán vuestros ídolos, y cesarán; y vuestras imágenes del sol serán destruidas, y vuestras obras serán desechas.

En todas vuestras habitaciones las ciudades serán desiertas, y los altos serán asolados, para que sean asolados y se hagan desiertos vuestros altares; y quebrados serán vuestros ídolos, y cesarán; y vuestras imágenes del sol serán destruídas, y vuestras o

En todas vuestras provincias las ciudades serán desiertas, y los altos serán asolados, para que sean asolados y se hagan desiertos vuestros altares; y vuestros ídolos serán quebrados, y cesarán; y vuestras imágenes del sol serán destruidas, y serán desechas vuestras obras.

Ezequiel 6:6
Em todos os vossos lugares habitáveis, as cidades serão arrasadas, e os altares e colinas, assolados; para que vossos altares sejam esmigalhados e aniquilados, e vossos ídolos se despedacem e sejam completamente destruídos, e os altares de incenso sejam igualmente derrubados, feitos em pedaços, e vossas obras, desfeitas.

Em todos os vossos lugares habitáveis as cidades serão destruídas, e os altos assolados; para que os vossos altares sejam destruídos e assolados, e os vossos ídolos se quebrem e sejam destruídos, e os altares de incenso sejam cortados, e desfeitas as vossas obras.   

Ezechiel 6:6
Pretutindeni pe unde locuiţi, cetăţile vă vor fi nimicite, şi înălţimie pustiite; altarele voastre vor fi surpate şi părăsite, idolii voştri vor fi sfărîmaţi şi vor pieri, stîlpii voştri închinaţi soarelui vor fi tăiaţi, şi lucrările voastre nimicite.

Иезекииль 6:6
Во всех местах вашего жительства города будут опустошены и высоты разрушены, для того, чтобы опустошены и разрушены были жертвенники ваши, чтобы сокрушены и уничтожены были идолы ваши, и разбиты солнечные столбы ваши, и изгладились произведения ваши.

Во всех местах вашего жительства города будут опустошены и высоты разрушены, для того, чтобы опустошены и разрушены были жертвенники ваши, чтобы сокрушены и уничтожены были идолы ваши, и разбиты солнечные столбы ваши, и изгладились произведения ваши.[]

Hesekiel 6:6
Var I än ären bosatta skola städerna bliva öde och offerhöjderna ödelagda, så att edra altaren stå öde och förödda, och edra eländiga avgudar bliva sönderslagna och få en ände, och edra solstoder bliva nedhuggna, och edra verk utplånade.

Ezekiel 6:6
Sa lahat ng inyong mga tahanang dako ay mawawasak ang mga bayan, at ang mga mataas na dako ay mangasisira; upang ang inyong mga dambana ay mangawasak at mangagiba, at ang inyong mga diosdiosan ay mangabasag at mangaglikat, at ang inyong mga larawang araw ay mangabagsak, at ang inyong mga gawa ay mangawawala.

เอเสเคียล 6:6
เจ้าอาศัยอยู่ที่ไหนๆ เมืองของเจ้าจะร้างและปูชนียสถานสูงของเจ้าจะรกร้าง ดังนั้นแหละแท่นบูชาของเจ้าจะร้างและรกร้าง รูปเคารพของเจ้าจะหักและสิ้นสุดลง รูปเคารพทั้งหลายของเจ้าจะถูกตัดลง และการงานของเจ้าจะถูกกวาดทิ้งเสียสิ้น

Hezekiel 6:6
Yaşadığınız her yerde kentleriniz yakılıp yıkılacak, tapınma yerleriniz yerle bir edilecek. Öyle ki, sunaklarınız devrilip yıkılsınfç, putlarınız ezilip paramparça olsun, buhur sunaklarınız yok edilsin, el emeğiniz boşa çıksın.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 6:6
Hễ nơi nào các ngươi ở, thì thành ấp sẽ bị hủy hoại, các nơi cao sẽ bị hoang vu, đến nỗi bàn thờ các ngươi bị hủy hoại hoang vu, thần tượng bị đập bể và không còn nữa, tượng mặt trời nát ra từng mảnh, và mọi công việc của các ngươi thành ra hư không.

Ezekiel 6:5
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