Ezekiel 46:19
Ezekiel 46:19
Then the man brought me through the entrance at the side of the gate to the sacred rooms facing north, which belonged to the priests, and showed me a place at the western end.

In my vision, the man brought me through the entrance beside the gateway and led me to the sacred rooms assigned to the priests, which faced toward the north. He showed me a place at the extreme west end of these rooms.

Then he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, to the north row of the holy chambers for the priests, and behold, a place was there at the extreme western end of them.

Then he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests, which faced north; and behold, there was a place at the extreme rear toward the west.

After he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.

Then he brought me through the entrance that was at the side of the gate, into the priests' holy chambers, which faced north. I saw a place there at the far western end.

Then the angel brought me in through an entrance beside the gate into the north-facing chambers dedicated to the priests. As I looked toward the rear of the far western end, I saw a place

Then he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests which faced north. There I saw a place at the extreme western end.

The man brought me through a passage beside the gateway to the side rooms that faced north. These rooms were reserved for the priests. He showed me a place on the west side of the rooms.

After he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north; and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.

After that he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which faced toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.

After he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.

Then he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the hinder part westward.

And he brought me in by the entry that was at the side of the gate, into the chambers of the sanctuary that were for the priests, which looked toward the north. And there was a place bending to the west.

Then he brought me through the passage which was at the side of the gate, into the holy cells which were for the priests, which looked toward the north; and behold, a place was there at the end westward.

Then he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests, which looked toward the north: and behold, there was a place on the hinder part westward.

Afterward he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests, which looked towards the north: and behold, there was a place on the two sides westward.

Then he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy rooms for the priests, which looked toward the north: and behold, there was a place on the hinder part westward.

And he bringeth me in through the entrance that is by the side of the gate, unto the holy chambers, unto the priests, that are looking northward, and lo, there is a place in their two sides westward.

Ezekieli 46:19
Pastaj ai më çoi, nëpër hyrjen që ishte pranë portës, në dhomat e shenjta të caktuara për priftërinjtë, të cilat shikojnë nga veriu; dhe ja, në pjesën më të largët në drejtim të perëndimit kishte një vend.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 46:19
ثم ادخلني بالمدخل الذي بجانب الباب الى مخادع القدس التي للكهنة المتجهة للشمال. واذا هناك موضع على الجانبين الى الغرب.

Dyr Heskiheel 46:19
Aft brang mi der Man mit n Ellnstab durch dönn Eingang auf dyr Toorseitt zo de heilignen Priestergädn norder n Templ, und zwaar ganz eyn n Wöstn hinterhin.

Езекил 46:19
После ме заведе през входа, който бе от страните на портата, в светите свещенически стаи, които гледат към север; и, ето, там имаше място отзад към запад.

以 西 結 書 46:19
那 帶 我 的 , 將 我 從 門 旁 進 入 之 處 、 領 進 為 祭 司 預 備 的 聖 屋 , 是 朝 北 的 , 見 後 頭 西 邊 有 一 塊 地 。

那 带 我 的 , 将 我 从 门 旁 进 入 之 处 、 领 进 为 祭 司 预 备 的 圣 屋 , 是 朝 北 的 , 见 後 头 西 边 有 一 块 地 。



Ezekiel 46:19
Zatim me odvede kroz ulaz kraj vrata, u svećeničke prostorije Svetišta što gledaju na sjever. I gle: ondje, u dnu, prema zapadu, jedan prostor!

Ezechiele 46:19
Potom vedl mne průchodem, kterýž jest po straně brány, k kněžím do komůrek svatých, kteréž patřily na půlnoci, a aj, tu bylo místo po dvou bocích k západu.

Ezekiel 46:19
Derpaa førte han mig ind gennem Indgangen ved Siden af Porten til de hellige Kamre, som var indrettet til Præsterne og vendte mod Nord, og se, der var et Rum i den inderste Krog mod Vest.

Ezechiël 46:19
Daarna bracht hij mij door den ingang, die aan de zijde der poort was, tot de heilige kameren, den priesteren toe behorende, die naar het noorden zagen, en ziet, aldaar was een plaats aan beide zijden, naar het westen.

יחזקאל 46:19
וַיְבִיאֵ֣נִי בַמָּבֹוא֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עַל־כֶּ֣תֶף הַשַּׁעַר֒ אֶל־הַלִּשְׁכֹ֤ות הַקֹּ֙דֶשׁ֙ אֶל־הַכֹּ֣הֲנִ֔ים הַפֹּנֹ֖ות צָפֹ֑ונָה וְהִנֵּה־שָׁ֣ם מָקֹ֔ום [בַּיַּרְכֹתִם כ] (בַּיַּרְכָתַ֖יִם ק) יָֽמָּה׃ ס

יט ויביאני במבוא אשר על כתף השער אל הלשכות הקדש אל הכהנים הפנות צפונה והנה שם מקום בירכתם (בירכתים) ימה

ויביאני במבוא אשר על־כתף השער אל־הלשכות הקדש אל־הכהנים הפנות צפונה והנה־שם מקום [בירכתם כ] (בירכתים ק) ימה׃ ס

Ezékiel 46:19
És bevitt engem ahhoz a bejárathoz, mely a kapu mellett oldalaslag vala, a kamarákhoz, a papok szenthelyéhez, melyek északra néznek, és ímé, ott egy hely vala leghátul nyugotra.

Jeĥezkel 46:19
Kaj li venigis min tra la enirejo, kiu estis flanke de la pordego, al la sanktaj cxambroj, kiuj apartenas al la pastroj kaj kiuj estas turnitaj norden; kaj jen mi tie vidis lokon cxe la rando okcidente.

Ja hän vei minun läpikäytävän sivulle pohjan porttia päin, pyhän kammioihin, jotka pappein olivat; ja katso, siellä oli yksi sia kahdessa kulmassa länteen päin.

Ézéchiel 46:19
Puis il m'amena par le passage qui était à côté de la porte, vers les cellules saintes des sacrificateurs, qui regardent vers le nord; et voici, il y avait là un lieu, au fond, vers l'occident.

Il me conduisit, par l'entrée qui était à côté de la porte, dans les chambres saintes destinées aux sacrificateurs, vers le septentrion. Et voici, il y avait un lieu dans le fond, du côté de l'occident.

Puis il me mena par l'entrée qui était vers le côté de la porte, aux chambres saintes qui appartenaient aux Sacrificateurs, lesquelles regardaient vers le Septentrion, et voilà, il y avait un certain lieu aux deux côtés du fond qui regardaient vers l'Occident.

Hesekiel 46:19
Und er führete mich unter den Eingang an der Seite des Tors gegen Mitternacht zu den Kammern des Heiligtums, so den Priestern gehörten, und siehe, daselbst war ein Raum in einer Ecke gegen Abend.

Und er führte mich durch den Eingang an der Seite des Tors gegen Mitternacht zu den Kammern des Heiligtums, so den Priestern gehörten; und siehe, daselbst war ein Raum in der Ecke gegen Abend. {~}

Und er brachte mich durch den Eingang, der an der Seitenwand des Thores liegt, zu den für die Priester bestimmten, nach Norden gewendeten heiligen Zellen. Dort aber war ein Raum im äußersten Winkel nach Westen zu.

Ezechiele 46:19
Poi egli mi menò per l’ingresso ch’era allato alla porta, nelle camere sante destinate ai sacerdoti, le quali guardavano a settentrione; ed ecco che là in fondo, verso occidente, c’era un luogo.

POI egli mi menò, per l’entrata che era allato alla porta, nelle camere sante, ch’erano per li sacerdoti, le quali riguardavano verso il Settentrione; ed ecco, quivi era un certo luogo, nel fondo, verso il Ponente.

Setelah itu maka dibawanya akan daku pada jalan tempat masuk dari pada pintu itu ke bilik-bilik yang suci, yang bagi imam-imam, dan yang pada sebelah utara, maka sesungguhnya adalah di sana suatu tempat pada kedua ujungnya, pada sebelah barat.

에스겔 46:19
그 후에 그가 나를 데리고 문곁 통행구로 말미암아 제사장의 북향한 거룩한 방에 들어가시니 그 방뒤 서편에 한 처소가 있더라

Ezechiel 46:19
et introduxit me per ingressum qui erat ex latere portae in gazofilacia sanctuarii ad sacerdotes quae respiciebant ad aquilonem et erat ibi locus vergens ad occidentem

Ezechielio knyga 46:19
Jis įvedė mane pro įėjimą šalia vartų į šventyklos kambarius, skirtus kunigams šiaurės pusėje. Vakarų pusėje, pačiame gale pamačiau vietą.

Ezekiel 46:19
Katahi ahau ka kawea e ia ki roto, i tika na te tomokanga i te taha o te kuwaha ki nga ruma tapu o nga tohunga, ki era e anga ana whaka te raki: na, ko tetahi wahi i reira i muri whaka te hauauru.

Esekiel 46:19
Så førte han mig gjennem den inngang som var ved siden av porten, til de hellige kammer som var bestemt for prestene, og som vendte mot nord, og se, der var en plass ytterst mot vest.

Ezequiel 46:19
Después me llevó por la entrada que estaba al lado de la puerta, a las cámaras sagradas de los sacerdotes que daban al norte; y he aquí, había allí un lugar al fondo, hacia el occidente.

Después me llevó por la entrada que estaba al lado de la puerta, a las cámaras sagradas de los sacerdotes, las cuales daban al norte; y allí había un lugar al fondo, hacia el occidente.

Me metió después por la entrada que estaba hacia la puerta, a las cámaras santas de los sacerdotes, las cuales miraban al norte, y vi que había allí un lugar a los lados del occidente.

Metióme después por la entrada que estaba hacia la puerta, á las cámaras santas de los sacerdotes, las cuales miraban al norte, y había allí un lugar á los lados del occidente.

Me metió después por la entrada que estaba hacia la puerta, a las cámaras santas de los sacerdotes, las cuales miraban al norte, y había allí un lugar a los lados del occidente.

Ezequiel 46:19
Então aquele homem me conduziu pela entrada que ficava ao lado do portão nas câmaras santificadas aos sacerdotes, que estavam voltadas na direção do Oriente, para o Norte; e ali, na parte de trás, havia um local na direção do Ocidente, a Oeste.

Então me introduziu pela entrada que estava ao lado da porta nas câmaras santas para os sacerdotes, que olhavam para o norte; e eis que ali havia um lugar por detrás, para a banda do ocidente.   

Ezechiel 46:19
M'a dus, pe intrarea de lîngă poartă, în odăile sfinte, rînduite preoţilor, şi cari se află spre miază-noapte. Şi iată că în fund, era un loc, în spre apus.

Иезекииль 46:19
И привел он меня тем ходом, который сбоку ворот, к священным комнатам для священников, обращенным к северу, и вот там одно место на краю к западу.

И привел он меня тем ходом, который сбоку ворот, к священным комнатам для священников, обращенным к северу, и вот там одно место на краю к западу.[]

Hesekiel 46:19
Och han förde mig genom den ingång som låg vid sidan av porten till de heliga tempelkamrar som voro bestämda för prästerna, och som vette åt norr; och jag såg att där var en plats längst uppe i väster.

Ezekiel 46:19
Nang magkagayo'y dinala niya ako sa pasukan, na nasa tabi ng pintuang-daan, sa loob ng mga banal na silid na ukol sa mga saserdote, na nakaharap sa hilagaan: at, narito, may isang dako sa lalong loob na bahagi na dakong kalunuran.

เอเสเคียล 46:19
แล้วท่านก็นำข้าพเจ้ามาตามทางเข้าซึ่งอยู่ข้างประตู มายังห้องบริสุทธิ์แถวเหนือ ซึ่งเป็นของปุโรหิต ณ ดูเถิด มีที่หนึ่งอยู่ทั้งสองข้างทางทิศตะวันตก

Hezekiel 46:19
Bundan sonra adam beni kapı yanındaki girişten kuzeye bakan, kâhinlere ait kutsal odalara getirdi. Bana batıda bir yer gösterdi.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 46:19
Rồi đó, người dẫn ta do lối vào kề bên cổng, mà dắt ta vào các phòng thánh của các thầy tế lễ, hướng về phía bắc; và nầy, có một chỗ ở trong nơi sâu, về phía tây.

Ezekiel 46:18
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