Ezekiel 41:8
Ezekiel 41:8
I saw that the temple had a raised base all around it, forming the foundation of the side rooms. It was the length of the rod, six long cubits.

I saw that the Temple was built on a terrace, which provided a foundation for the side rooms. This terrace was 10-1/2 feet high.

I saw also that the temple had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers measured a full reed of six long cubits.

I saw also that the house had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers were a full rod of six long cubits in height.

I saw also the height of the house round about: the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

I saw that the temple had a raised platform surrounding it; this foundation for the side rooms was 10 1/2 feet high.

I observed a raised platform that surrounded the Temple, and the foundations of the side chambers were a full six cubits deep.

I saw that the temple had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers were a full measuring stick of 10½ feet high.

I also saw a raised base all around the temple. This base was the foundation for the side rooms. It measured the full length of the measuring rod, 101/2 feet.

I saw also the height of the house round about; the foundations of the chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

I saw also an elevation of the house round about: the foundations of the side chambers were a full rod of six great cubits.

I saw also the height of the house round about: the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

I saw also that the house had a raised basement round about: the foundations of the side-chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

And I saw in the house the height round about, the foundations of the side chambers which were the measure of a reed the space of six cubits:

And I saw that the house had an elevation round about: the foundations of the side-chambers, a full reed, six cubits to the joint.

I saw also that the house had a raised basement round about: the foundations of the side-chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

I saw also the hight of the house around: the foundations of the side-chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

I saw also that the house had a raised base all around: the foundations of the side rooms were a full reed of six great cubits.

And I have looked at the house, the height all round about: the foundations of the side-chambers are the fulness of the reed, six cubits by the joining.

Ezekieli 41:8
Pashë gjithashtu rreth tempullit një lartësim; themelet e dhomave anësore ishin sa një kallam i tërë prej gjashtë kubitësh.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 41:8
ورايت سمك البيت حواليه. أسس الغرفات قصبة تامة ست اذرع الى المفصل.

Dyr Heskiheel 41:8
Dienert gschaugt s Templgebäud selbn rund umydum non von de Anbauttn ausher. De Grundföster von de Nöbngebäuder warnd drei Elln dick.

Езекил 41:8
И видях, че домът беше висок от всяка страна; основите на страничните стаи бяха една цяла тръстика от шест големи лакти.

以 西 結 書 41:8
我 又 見 圍 著 殿 有 高 月 臺 。 旁 屋 的 根 基 , 高 足 一 竿 , 就 是 六 大 肘 。

我 又 见 围 着 殿 有 高 月 ? 。 旁 屋 的 根 基 , 高 足 一 竿 , 就 是 六 大 肘 。



Ezekiel 41:8
Onda vidjeh sve oko Doma neku uzvisinu. Osnove pobočnih prostorija: cijela trska, šest lakata.

Ezechiele 41:8
Tak podobně spatřil jsem při domu pavlače, i nejvyšší vůkol a vůkol, jejichž půdy zouplna odměřeny byly šesti loket k výstupkům.

Ezekiel 41:8
Og jeg saa ved Templet en ophøjet brolagt Plads hele Vejen rundt. Tilbygningens Grundmure var et fuldt Maal høje, seks Alen til Kanten.

Ezechiël 41:8
En ik zag de hoogte des huizes rondom henen. De fondamenten der zijkameren waren van een vol riet, zes ellen, de el tot den oksel toe genomen.

יחזקאל 41:8
וְרָאִ֧יתִי לַבַּ֛יִת גֹּ֖בַהּ סָבִ֣יב ׀ סָבִ֑יב [מְיֻסְּדֹות כ] (מוּסְדֹ֤ות ק) הַצְּלָעֹות֙ מְלֹ֣ו הַקָּנֶ֔ה שֵׁ֥שׁ אַמֹּ֖ות אַצִּֽילָה׃

ח וראיתי לבית גבה סביב סביב מיסדות (מוסדות) הצלעות מלו הקנה שש אמות אצילה

וראיתי לבית גבה סביב ׀ סביב [מיסדות כ] (מוסדות ק) הצלעות מלו הקנה שש אמות אצילה׃

Ezékiel 41:8
És láték a háznál valami magasságot köröskörül, fundamentoma ez az oldalkamaráknak, egy teljes pálczányi, hat singnyire a fal tövének párkányáig.

Jeĥezkel 41:8
Kaj mi vidis cxe la domo cxirkauxe altajxon, kiu estis la fundamento por la galerioj kaj havis la largxon de tuta stango de ses ulnoj.

Ja minä näin huoneen korkeuden joka taholta, ja kammioin perustukset olevan täyttä mittaa kuusi kyynärää.

Ézéchiel 41:8
Je vis aussi à la maison une élévation tout autour, -les fondations des chambres latérales, une pleine canne, six coudées jusqu'à la jonction.

Je considérai la hauteur autour de la maison. Les chambres latérales, à partir de leur fondement, avaient une canne pleine, six grandes coudées.

Je vis aussi vers le Temple tout à l'entour une hauteur qui était [comme] les fondements des chambres, laquelle avait une grande canne, [c'est-à-dire], six coudées de celles qui vont jusqu'à l'aisselle.

Hesekiel 41:8
Und stund je einer sechs Ellen über dem andern.

Und ich sah am Hause eine Erhöhung ringsumher als Grundlage der Gänge, die hatte eine volle Rute von sechs Ellen bis an den Rand.

Und ich sah an dem Tempel einen Vorsprung herumlaufend, und die Fundamente der Seitenstockwerke betrugen eine volle Rute von sechs Ellen.

Ezechiele 41:8
E io vidi pure che la casa tutta intorno stava sopra un piano elevato; così le camere laterali avevano un fondamento: una buona canna, e sei cubiti fino all’angolo.

E riguardando l’altezza della casa d’ogn’intorno, io vidi che le fondamenta delle pile erano d’una canna intiera, cioè, di sei gran cubiti.

Maka kulihat tinggi rumah itu dari pada segala pihak keliling. Maka alas segala petak iringan itu adalah genap setumbak, yang enam hasta betul ukurannya.

에스겔 41:8
내가 보니 전 삼면의 지대 곧 모든 골방 밑 지대의 고가 한 장대 곧 큰 자로 육척인데

Ezechiel 41:8
et vidi in domo altitudinem per circuitum fundata latera ad mensuram calami sex cubitorum spatio

Ezechielio knyga 41:8
Aplink šventyklos pastatą buvo iškilimas. Šoninių kambarių pamatas buvo nendrės ilgio­šešių didžiųjų uolekčių.

Ezekiel 41:8
I kite ano ahau i te tiketike o te whare a whawhe noa: ko nga turanga o nga ruma, kotahi tino kakaho e ono nei ona whatianga nui.

Esekiel 41:8
Og jeg så at huset hadde en forhøining rundt omkring; sidekammernes grunnvoller var en hel stang, seks alen til kanten.

Ezequiel 41:8
También vi que el templo tenía todo alrededor una plataforma elevada; los cimientos de las cámaras laterales tenían de alto una caña entera de seis codos largos.

También vi que el templo tenía todo alrededor una plataforma elevada; los cimientos de las cámaras laterales tenían de alto una caña entera de 3.2 metros largos.

Y miré la altura de la casa alrededor; los cimientos de las cámaras eran una caña entera de seis codos largos.

Y miré la altura de la casa alrededor: los cimientos de las cámaras eran una caña entera de seis codos de grandor.

Y miré la altura de la Casa alrededor; los cimientos de las cámaras eran una caña entera de seis codos de grandor.

Ezequiel 41:8
Observei também que havia um terraço elevado ao redor do Templo, os alicerces das salas laterais eram da medida de uma cana, régua inteira, seis côvados largos de construção, isto é, três metros.

Vi também que havia ao redor do templo um pavimento elevado; os fundamentos das câmaras laterais eram da medida de uma cana inteira, seis côvados grandes.   

Ezechiel 41:8
De jur împrejurul casei se vedea o pardoseală ieşită în afară. Odăile lăturalnice aveau nişte temelii, şi erau de o prăjină întreagă, adică şase coţi la unghiu.

Иезекииль 41:8
И я видел верх дома во всю окружность; боковые комнаты в основании имели там меры цельную трость, шесть полных локтей.

И я видел верх дома во всю окружность; боковые комнаты в основании имели там меры цельную трость, шесть полных локтей.[]

Hesekiel 41:8
Och jag såg att huset låg på en upphöjd fot, som sträckte sig runt däromkring; sidokamrarnas grundvalar voro nämligen en hel stång höga, sex alnar till kanten.

Ezekiel 41:8
Aking nakita naman na ang bahay ay may nakatayong tungtungan sa palibot: ang mga patibayan ng mga tagilirang silid ay buong tambo na anim na malaking siko ang haba.

เอเสเคียล 41:8
ข้าพเจ้ายังเห็นอีกว่า พระนิเวศนั้นมียกพื้นอยู่โดยรอบ ฐานของห้องระเบียงวัดได้หนึ่งไม้วัดเต็ม ยาวหกศอก

Hezekiel 41:8
Tapınağın çevresinde yan odaların temelini oluşturan yüksek bir kaldırım gördüm. Uzunluğu bir değnek kadar, yani altı arşındı.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 41:8
Ta thấy cả cái nhà nằm trên một cái nầy cao trọn một cần, nghĩa là sáu cu-đê lớn, nền của các phòng bên hông cũng vậy.

Ezekiel 41:7
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