Ezekiel 35:10
Ezekiel 35:10
"'Because you have said, "These two nations and countries will be ours and we will take possession of them," even though I the LORD was there,

"For you said, 'The lands of Israel and Judah will be ours. We will take possession of them. What do we care that the LORD is there!'

“Because you said, ‘These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will take possession of them’—although the LORD was there—

"Because you have said, 'These two nations and these two lands will be mine, and we will possess them,' although the LORD was there,

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:

Because you said, 'These two nations and two lands will be mine, and we will possess them--though the LORD was there--

"Because you have claimed, 'These two nations and these two lands are going to belong to me, and we will take possession of them, even though the LORD is there,'

"'You said, "These two nations, these two lands will be mine, and we will possess them,"--although the LORD was there--

" 'You said, "These two nations, Israel and Judah, along with their land, belong to us. We will take possession of them." But the LORD was there.

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess them, whereas the LORD was there.

Because you have said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess them; although the LORD was there:

Because you have said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas Jehovah was there:

Because thou hast said: The two nations, and the two lands shall be mine, and I will possess them by inheritance: whereas the Lord was there.

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it, whereas Jehovah was there:

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:

Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:

Because you have said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas Yahweh was there:

Because of thy saying: The two nations and the two lands are mine, and we have possessed it, And Jehovah hath been there;

Ezekieli 35:10
Sepse ke thënë: "Këta dy kombe dhe këto dy vende do të jenë të mitë; ne do t'i zotërojmë", megjithëse aty ishte Zoti,

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 35:10
لانك قلت ان هاتين الامتين وهاتين الارضين تكونان لي فنمتلكهما والرب كان هناك

Dyr Heskiheel 35:10
Du gsagst non aau: He he, ietz ghoernd myr all +zwai Völker und Lönder; dös Land schnapp i myr!; dyrbei wont aber dyr Trechtein dortn.

Езекил 35:10
Понеже си рекъл: Тия два народа и тия две страни ще бъдат мои, и ние ще ги владеем, ако и да е бил Господ там,

以 西 結 書 35:10
因 為 你 曾 說 : 這 二 國 這 二 邦 必 歸 於 我 , 我 必 得 為 業 ( 其 實 耶 和 華 仍 在 那 裡 ) ,

因 为 你 曾 说 : 这 二 国 这 二 邦 必 归 於 我 , 我 必 得 为 业 ( 其 实 耶 和 华 仍 在 那 里 ) ,



Ezekiel 35:10
Ti reče: 'Ova dva naroda i ove dvije zemlje bit će moji; mi ćemo ih zaposjesti, ako i jest Jahve bio ondje!'

Ezechiele 35:10
Proto že říkáš: Tito dva národové a tyto dvě země mé budou, a budeme dědičně vládnouti tou, v níž Hospodin přebýval,

Ezekiel 35:10
Fordi du sagde: »De tvende Folk og de tvende Lande skal tilhøre mig, jeg vil tage dem i Eje!« skønt HERREN var der,

Ezechiël 35:10
Omdat gij zegt: Die twee volken en die twee landen zullen mij geworden, en wij zullen ze erfelijk bezitten, ofschoon de HEERE daar ware;

יחזקאל 35:10
יַ֣עַן אֲ֠מָרְךָ אֶת־שְׁנֵ֨י הַגֹּויִ֜ם וְאֶת־שְׁתֵּ֧י הָאֲרָצֹ֛ות לִ֥י תִהְיֶ֖ינָה וִֽירַשְׁנ֑וּהָ וַֽיהוָ֖ה שָׁ֥ם הָיָֽה׃

י יען אמרך את שני הגוים ואת שתי הארצות לי תהיינה--וירשנוה ויהוה שם היה  {ס}

יען אמרך את־שני הגוים ואת־שתי הארצות לי תהיינה וירשנוה ויהוה שם היה׃

Ezékiel 35:10
Mivelhogy ezt mondod: Az a két nemzet és az a két föld enyém lesz és örökségül bírjuk, holott az Úr ott volt;

Jeĥezkel 35:10
Pro tio, ke vi diris:Tiuj du popoloj kaj du landoj apartenos al mi, kaj ni ekposedos ilin, kvankam tie estas la Eternulo:

Ja että sinä sanot: molemmat kansat ja molemmat maakunnat pitää minun oleman, ja me tahdomme ne ottaa, vaikka Herra niissä asuu;

Ézéchiel 35:10
Parce que tu as dit: Les deux nations et les deux pays seront à moi, et nous les posséderons; -et l'Éternel y était;

Parce que tu as dit: Les deux nations, les deux pays seront à moi, Et nous en prendrons possession, Quand même l'Eternel était là,

Parce que tu as dit : les deux nations, et les deux pays seront à moi, et nous les posséderons, quoique l'Eternel ait été là.

Hesekiel 35:10
Und darum daß du sprichst: Diese beiden Völker mit beiden Ländern müssen mein werden und wir wollen sie einnehmen, obgleich der HERR da wohnet,

Und darum daß du sprichst: Diese beiden Völker mit beiden Ländern müssen mein werden, und wir wollen sie einnehmen, obgleich der HERR da wohnt,

Weil du sprachst: Die beiden Völker und die beiden Länder sollen mein werden, und wir wollen sie in Besitz nehmen! - obwohl sich doch Jahwe daselbst befand -

Ezechiele 35:10
Siccome tu hai detto: Quelle due nazioni e que’ due paesi saranno miei, e noi ne prenderemo possesso (e l’Eterno era quivi!),

Perciocchè tu hai detto: Quelle due nazioni, e que’ due paesi saranno miei; e noi le possederemo benchè il Signore sia stato quivi;

Tegal engkau sudah berkata begini: Dua bangsa dan dua negeri jadi aku punya kelak, dan negeri tempat Tuhan dahulu, kita dapat akan bahagian pusaka!

에스겔 35:10
네가 말하기를 이 두 민족과 이 두 땅은 다 내게로 돌아와서 내 기업이 되리라 하였도다 그러나 나 여호와가 거기 있었느니라

Ezechiel 35:10
eo quod dixeris duae gentes et duae terrae meae erunt et hereditate possidebo eas cum Dominus esset ibi

Ezechielio knyga 35:10
Tu sakei: ‘Šios dvi tautos bus mano, aš jas paveldėsiu’, nors Aš, Viešpats, buvau su jais.

Ezekiel 35:10
Na, kua mea na koe, Ko enei iwi e rua, ko enei whenua e rua moku, mo tatou tonu hoki; i te mea kei reira nei ano a Ihowa;

Esekiel 35:10
Fordi du sa: De to folk* og de to land skal bli mine, og vi vil ta dem i eie, enda Herren har vært der,

Ezequiel 35:10
`Por cuanto has dicho: ``Las dos naciones y las dos tierras serán mías, y las poseeremos, aunque el SEÑOR estaba allí.

"Por cuanto has dicho: 'Las dos naciones y las dos tierras serán mías, y las poseeremos,' aunque el SEÑOR estaba allí.

Por cuanto dijiste: Estas dos naciones y estas dos tierras serán mías, y las poseeremos, aunque Jehová esté allí.

Por cuanto dijiste: Las dos naciones y las dos tierras serán mías, y las poseeremos, estando allí Jehová;

Por cuanto dijiste: Las dos naciones y las dos tierras serán mías, y las poseeremos, estando allí el SEÑOR;

Ezequiel 35:10
Visto que comentaste: ‘Estas duas nações e povos ainda serão nossos e nos apossaremos deles!’, sendo que Eu,Yahweh, estava presente ali,

Visto como dizes: Estes dois povos e estas duas terras serão meus, e havemos de possuí-los, sendo que o Senhor se achava ali;   

Ezechiel 35:10
Pentrucă ai zis: ,Aceste două neamuri, şi aceste două ţări vor fi ale mele, şi le vom lua în stăpînire!` măcar că Domnul era acolo,

Иезекииль 35:10
Так как ты говорила: „эти два народа и эти две земли будут мои, и мы завладеем ими, хотя и Господь был там":

Так как ты говорила: `эти два народа и эти две земли будут мои, и мы завладеем ими, хотя и Господь был там`:[]

Hesekiel 35:10
Eftersom du sade: »De båda folken och de båda länderna skola bliva mina, vi skola taga dem i besittning» -- detta fastän HERREN bodde där --

Ezekiel 35:10
Sapagka't iyong sinabi, Ang dalawang bansang ito, at ang dalawang lupaing ito ay magiging akin, at aming aariin; bagaman kinaroroonan ng Panginoon:

เอเสเคียล 35:10
เพราะเจ้ากล่าวว่า `ประชาชาติทั้งสองนี้และประเทศทั้งสองนี้จะต้องเป็นของเรา เราจะเอาเขามาเป็นกรรมสิทธิ์' ถึงแม้พระเยโฮวาห์สถิตอยู่ที่นั่น

Hezekiel 35:10
‹‹ ‹Siz, bu iki ulus, bu iki ülke bizim olacak, onları miras alacağız demiştiniz. Oysa RAB oralardadır.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 35:10
Vì mầy có nói rằng: Hai dân tộc ấy và hai nước ấy sẽ thuộc về ta, và chúng ta sẽ được nó làm kỷ vật, dầu Ðức Giê-hô-va dương ở đó;

Ezekiel 35:9
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