Ezekiel 3:6
Ezekiel 3:6
not to many peoples of obscure speech and strange language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you.

No, I am not sending you to people with strange and difficult speech. If I did, they would listen!

not to many peoples of foreign speech and a hard language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, if I sent you to such, they would listen to you.

nor to many peoples of unintelligible speech or difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. But I have sent you to them who should listen to you;

Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee.

You are not being sent to many peoples of unintelligible speech or difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. No doubt, if I sent you to them, they would listen to you.

This isn't a large group of people whose speech is unintelligible to you or whose language is difficult for you to comprehend. Frankly, if I had sent you to that kind of people, they would certainly have listened to you!

not to many peoples of unintelligible speech and difficult language, whose words you cannot understand--surely if I had sent you to them, they would listen to you!

I am not sending you to nations whose language is hard to understand, difficult to speak, or whose words you cannot understand. If I send you to those nations, they will certainly listen to you.

not to many peoples of profound speech nor of hard language, whose words thou can not understand. Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee.

Not to many people of foreign speech and of a hard language, whose words you can not understand. Surely, had I sent you to them, they would have hearkened unto you.

Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words you can not understand. Surely, had I sent you to them, they would have listened to you.

not to many peoples of a strange speech and of a hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, if I sent thee to them, they would hearken unto thee.

Nor to many nations of a strange speech, and of an unknown tongue, whose words thou canst not understand: and if thou wert sent to them, they would hearken to thee.

not to many peoples of strange language and of difficult speech, whose words thou canst not understand: had I sent thee to them, would they not hearken unto thee?

not to many peoples of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, if I sent thee to them, they would hearken unto thee.

Not to many people of a strange speech and of a hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened to thee.

not to many peoples of a strange speech and of a hard language, whose words you can not understand. Surely, if I sent you to them, they would listen to you.

not unto many peoples, deep of lip and heavy of tongue, whose words thou dost not understand. If I had not sent thee unto them -- they, they do hearken unto thee,

Ezekieli 3:6
jo te shumë popuj me një të folur të errët dhe një gjuhë të vështirë, fjalët e të cilëve ti nuk i kupton. Me siguri, po të të kisha dërguar tek ata, do të të kishin dëgjuar.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 3:6
لا الى شعوب كثيرة غامضة اللغة وثقيلة اللسان لست تفهم كلامهم. فلو ارسلتك الى هؤلاء لسمعوا لك.

Dyr Heskiheel 3:6
und schoon gar nit zo vil sölcherne Völker, die wo yso ayn veröggte Spraach habnd, däßst kain Wort versteest dyrvon. Obwol, zo dene wenn i di schicket, die lustretnd auf di!

Езекил 3:6
не при много племена с непознат език и мъчен говор, чиито думи не разбираш. Навярно при такива ако те пращах, те щяха да те послушат.

以 西 結 書 3:6
不 是 往 那 說 話 深 奧 、 言 語 難 懂 的 多 國 去 , 他 們 的 話 語 是 你 不 懂 得 的 。 我 若 差 你 往 他 們 那 裡 去 , 他 們 必 聽 從 你 。

不 是 往 那 说 话 深 奥 、 言 语 难 懂 的 多 国 去 , 他 们 的 话 语 是 你 不 懂 得 的 。 我 若 差 你 往 他 们 那 里 去 , 他 们 必 听 从 你 。



Ezekiel 3:6
Ne šaljem te k mnogim narodima nepoznata jezika i nerazumljiva govora koje ti ne bi mogao razumjeti. A kad bih te k njima i poslao, oni bi te poslušali.

Ezechiele 3:6
Ne k národům mnohým hluboké řeči a nesnadného jazyka, jejichž bys slovům nerozuměl, ješto, kdybych tě k nim poslal, uposlechli by tebe.

Ezekiel 3:6
ikke til mange Haande Folkeslag med dybt Maal og tungt Mæle, hvis Tale du ikke fatter, hvis jeg sendte dig til dem, vilde de høre dig.

Ezechiël 3:6
Niet tot vele volken, diep van spraak en zwaar van tong, welker woorden gij niet kunt verstaan; zouden zij niet, zo Ik u tot hen gezonden had, naar u gehoord hebben?

יחזקאל 3:6
לֹ֣א ׀ אֶל־עַמִּ֣ים רַבִּ֗ים עִמְקֵ֤י שָׂפָה֙ וְכִבְדֵ֣י לָשֹׁ֔ון אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־תִשְׁמַ֖ע דִּבְרֵיהֶ֑ם אִם־לֹ֤א אֲלֵיהֶם֙ שְׁלַחְתִּ֔יךָ הֵ֖מָּה יִשְׁמְע֥וּ אֵלֶֽיךָ׃

ו לא אל עמים רבים עמקי שפה וכבדי לשון אשר לא תשמע דבריהם אם לא אליהם שלחתיך המה ישמעו אליך

לא ׀ אל־עמים רבים עמקי שפה וכבדי לשון אשר לא־תשמע דבריהם אם־לא אליהם שלחתיך המה ישמעו אליך׃

Ezékiel 3:6
Nem sok népekhez, a kik homályos ajkúak és nehéz nyelvûek, kiknek nem érthetnéd beszédöket; bizony, ha õ hozzájok küldöttelek volna, õk hallgatnának reád.

Jeĥezkel 3:6
ne al multaj popoloj kun nekomprenebla lingvo kaj malfacila parolado, kies vortojn vi ne komprenas; cetere, se ecx al ili Mi sendus vin, ecx ili auxskultus vin.

Ja en suuren kansan tykö, joilla outo puhe ja vieras kieli olis, joiden puhetta et sinä ymmärrä. Ja jos minä vielä lähettäisin sinun niiden tykö, niin pitäis heidän kuitenkin mielellänsä kuuleman sinua.

Ézéchiel 3:6
ce n'est pas vers beaucoup de peuples à langage obscur ou à langue incompréhensible, dont tu ne puisses entendre les paroles: si tu étais envoyé vers eux, ne t'écouteraient-ils pas?

Ce n'est point vers de nombreux peuples ayant un langage obscur, une langue inintelligible, dont tu ne comprends pas les discours. Si je t'envoyais vers eux, ils t'écouteraient.

Ni vers plusieurs peuples de langage inconnu, ou de langue barbare, dont tu ne puisses pas entendre les paroles; si je t'eusse envoyé vers eux, ne t'écouteraient-ils pas?

Hesekiel 3:6
ja freilich nicht zu großen Völkern, die fremde Rede und unbekannte Sprache haben, welcher Worte du nicht vernehmen könntest. Und wenn ich dich gleich zu denselbigen sendete, würden sie dich doch gerne hören.

ja, freilich nicht zu großen Völkern, die fremde Rede und unbekannte Sprache haben, welcher Worte du nicht verstehen könntest. Und wenn ich dich gleich zu denselben sendete, würden sie dich doch gern hören.

nicht zu vielen Völkern, deren Worte du nicht verstehst, sondern zu ihnen habe ich dich gesandt. Sie können dich verstehen!

Ezechiele 3:6
non a molti popoli dal parlare oscuro e dalla lingua non intelligibile, di cui tu non intenda le parole. Certo, s’io ti mandassi a loro, essi ti darebbero ascolto;

Non a molti popoli di favella sconosciuta, nè di lingua non intelligibile, le cui parole tu non intenda. Se io ti avessi mandato a tali popoli, non ti ascolterebbero essi?

Dan bukannya kepada pelbagai bangsa yang berbahasa dalam-dalam dan yang berat lidahnya, yang tiada dapat engkau mengerti perkataannya; masakan tiada mereka itu mau mendengar juga, jikalau kiranya Kusuruhkan dikau kepadanya!

에스겔 3:6
너를 방언이 다르거나 말이 어려워 네가 알아듣지 못할 열국에 보내는 것이 아니니라 내가 너를 그들에게 보내었더면 그들은 정녕 네 말을 들었으리라

Ezechiel 3:6
neque ad populos multos profundi sermonis et ignotae linguae quorum non possis audire sermones et si ad illos mittereris ipsi audirent te

Ezechielio knyga 3:6
Ne pas tautas, kurių kalbos tu nemoki. Jei pas juos tave siųsčiau, jie klausytų tavęs.

Ezekiel 3:6
Ehara i te mea ki nga iwi maha he rere ke nei, he pakeke hoki to ratou reo, e kore nei koe e mohio ki a ratou kupu. He pono, ki te unga koe e ahau ki a ratou, kua whakarongo ratou ki a koe.

Esekiel 3:6
ikke til mange folk med vanskelig sprog og tungt mæle, hvis ord du ikke forstår; sannelig, om jeg sendte dig til dem, skulde de høre på dig.

Ezequiel 3:6
tampoco a pueblos numerosos de habla incomprensible y lengua difícil cuyas palabras no puedes entender. Sino que te he enviado a ellos; ellos te escucharán.

"Tampoco te envío a pueblos numerosos de habla incomprensible y lengua difícil cuyas palabras no puedas entender. Aunque si te enviara a ellos, ellos te escucharían.

No a muchos pueblos de habla profunda ni de lengua difícil, cuyas palabras no entiendas; y si a ellos te enviara, ellos te oyeran.

No á muchos pueblos de profunda habla ni de lengua difícil, cuyas palabras no entiendas; y si á ellos te enviara, ellos te oyeran.

No a muchos pueblos de profunda habla ni de lengua difícil, cuyas palabras no entiendas; y si a ellos te enviara, ellos te oirían.

Ezequiel 3:6
Também não irás a muitos povos de fala obscura e língua complicada, cujas palavras não possas compreender; se Eu te enviasse a estes, com toda a certeza te dariam muito mais atenção e te ouviriam.

nem a muitos povos de estranha fala, e de língua difícil, cujas palavras não possas entender; se eu aos tais te enviara, certamente te dariam ouvidos.   

Ezechiel 3:6
Nu la nişte popoare mari, cu o vorbire încurcată şi cu o limbă greoaie, ale căror cuvinte să nu le poţi pricepe. Negreşit dacă te-aş trimete la ele, te-ar asculta!

Иезекииль 3:6
не к народам многим с невнятною речью и с непонятным языком, которых слов ты неразумел бы; да если бы Я послал тебя и к ним, то они послушались бы тебя;

не к народам многим с невнятною речью и с непонятным языком, которых слов ты не разумел бы; да если бы Я послал тебя и к ним, то они послушались бы тебя;[]

Hesekiel 3:6
icke till mångahanda folk med obegripligt språk och trög tunga, vilkas tal du icke förstår; sannerligen, sände jag dig till sådana, så skulle de höra på dig

Ezekiel 3:6
Hindi sa maraming bayan na may ibang wika at may mahirap na salita, na ang mga salita ay hindi mo nauunawa. Tunay na kung suguin kita sa mga yaon, didinggin ka ng mga yaon.

เอเสเคียล 3:6
มิใช่ให้ไปหาชนชาติทั้งหลายเป็นอันมากที่พูดภาษาต่างด้าวและภาษาที่พูดยาก เป็นคำที่เจ้าจะเข้าใจไม่ได้ ที่จริงถ้าเราใช้เจ้าไปหาคนเช่นนั้น เขาทั้งหลายจะฟังเจ้า

Hezekiel 3:6
Evet, seni konuşması anlaşılmaz, dili zor, dediklerini anlamadığın halklara göndermiyorum. Onlara gönderseydim, seni dinlerlerdi.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 3:6
Thật, chẳng phải ta sai ngươi đến cùng nhiều dân nói tiếng mọi rợ khó hiểu, mà ngươi không thể hiểu lời chúng nó; nếu ta sai ngươi đến cùng chúng nó, chắc chúng nó sẽ nghe ngươi.

Ezekiel 3:5
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