Ezekiel 3:20
Ezekiel 3:20
"Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

"If righteous people turn away from their righteous behavior and ignore the obstacles I put in their way, they will die. And if you do not warn them, they will die in their sins. None of their righteous acts will be remembered, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths.

Again, if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and commits injustice, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die. Because you have not warned him, he shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood I will require at your hand.

"Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Now if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and practices iniquity, and I put a stumbling block in front of him, he will die. If you did not warn him, he will die because of his sin and the righteous acts he did will not be remembered. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood.

"When a righteous man abandons his righteousness to practice unrighteousness, I'll set a stumbling block before him. He'll die. If you don't warn him, he'll die in his sin and the righteous deeds that he had practiced won't be remembered, but you'll be held responsible for his death.

"When a righteous person turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I set an obstacle before him, he will die. If you have not warned him, he will die for his sin. The righteous deeds he performed will not be considered, but I will hold you accountable for his death.

If righteous people turn from living the right way and do wrong, I will make them stumble, and they will die. If you don't warn them, they will die because of their sin, and the right things they did will not be remembered. I will hold you responsible for their deaths.

Again, When the righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die because thou hast not given him warning; he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at thy hand.

Again, When a righteous man turns from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at your hand.

Again, When a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at your hand.

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

Moreover if the just man shall turn away from his justice, and shall commit iniquity: I will lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die, because thou hast not given him warning: he shall die in his sin, and his justices which he hath done, shall not be remembered: but I will require his blood at thy hand.

And when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and do what is wrong, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die; because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous acts which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

Again, when a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at your hand.

'And in the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, and he hath done perversity, and I have put a stumbling-block before him, he dieth; because thou hast not warned him, in his sin he dieth, and not remembered is his righteousness that he hath done, and his blood from thy hand I require.

Ezekieli 3:20
Por në qoftë se më pas një njeri i drejtë heq dorë nga ndershmëria e tij dhe kryen paudhësi, unë do ti vë një pengesë përpara dhe ai do të vdesë; sepse ti nuk e ke lajmëruar dhe ai do të vdesë në mëkatin e tij, dhe gjërat e drejta që ai ka bërë, nuk do të kujtohen më, por unë do t'i kërkoj llogari dorës sate për gjakun e tij.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 3:20
والبار ان رجع عن بره وعمل اثما وجعلت معثرة امامه فانه يموت. لانك لم تنذره يموت في خطيته ولا يذكر بره الذي عمله. اما دمه فمن يدك اطلبه.

Dyr Heskiheel 3:20
Und wenn öbber sein rechtschaffens Löbn aufgibt und Unrecht tuet, naacherd bring i n z Fall, und er stirbt, und zwaar, weilst n du nit gwarnt haast. Sein Sündd bricht iem s Gnägg, und dös Guete von vorher zölt daa niemer. Und mit dir rechnet i wögn seinn Tood ab.

Езекил 3:20
Пак, ако се върне праведникът от правдата си и извърши беззаконие, като Аз поставя препънка пред него, той ще умре; понеже ти не си го предупредил, той ще умре в греха си, и правдата, която е вършил, няма да се помни; но от твоята ръка ще изискам кръвта му.

以 西 結 書 3:20
再 者 , 義 人 何 時 離 義 而 犯 罪 , 我 將 絆 腳 石 放 在 他 面 前 , 他 就 必 死 ; 因 你 沒 有 警 戒 他 , 他 必 死 在 罪 中 , 他 素 來 所 行 的 義 不 被 記 念 ; 我 卻 要 向 你 討 他 喪 命 的 罪 ( 原 文 是 血 ) 。

再 者 , 义 人 何 时 离 义 而 犯 罪 , 我 将 绊 脚 石 放 在 他 面 前 , 他 就 必 死 ; 因 你 没 有 警 戒 他 , 他 必 死 在 罪 中 , 他 素 来 所 行 的 义 不 被 记 念 ; 我 却 要 向 你 讨 他 丧 命 的 罪 ( 原 文 是 血 ) 。



Ezekiel 3:20
Isto tako, odvrati li se pravednik od svoje pravednosti i stane činiti nepravdu, postavit ću mu zamku i umrijet će jer ga ti ne opomenu zbog njegova grijeha; umrijet će, i njegova se pravedna djela više neće spominjati, ali ću od tebe tražiti račun za krv njegovu.

Ezechiele 3:20
Odvrátil-li by se pak spravedlivý od spravedlnosti své, a činil by nepravost, a já bych položil urážku před něj, a tak by umřel, ty pak bys ho nenapomenul: pro hříchť svůj umře, aniž na pamět přijde která spravedlnost jeho, kterouž činil, ale krve jeho z ruky tvé vyhledám.

Ezekiel 3:20
Og naar en retfærdig vender sig fra sin Retfærdighed og gør Uret, og jeg lægger Anstød for ham, saa han dør, og du ikke har advaret ham, saa dør han for sin Synd, og den Retfærdighed, han har øvet, skal ikke tilregnes ham, men hans Blod vil jeg kræve af din Haand.

Ezechiël 3:20
Als ook een rechtvaardige zich van zijn gerechtigheid afkeert, en onrecht doet, en Ik een aanstoot voor zijn aangezicht leg, hij zal sterven; omdat gij hem niet gewaarschuwd hebt, zal hij in zijn zonde sterven, en zijn gerechtigheden, die hij gedaan heeft, zullen niet gedacht worden; maar zijn bloed zal Ik van uw hand eisen.

יחזקאל 3:20
וּבְשׁ֨וּב צַדִּ֤יק מִצִּדְקֹו֙ וְעָ֣שָׂה עָ֔וֶל וְנָתַתִּ֥י מִכְשֹׁ֛ול לְפָנָ֖יו ה֣וּא יָמ֑וּת כִּ֣י לֹ֤א הִזְהַרְתֹּו֙ בְּחַטָּאתֹ֣ו יָמ֔וּת וְלֹ֣א תִזָּכַ֗רְןָ צִדְקֹתָו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה וְדָמֹ֖ו מִיָּדְךָ֥ אֲבַקֵּֽשׁ׃

כ ובשוב צדיק מצדקו ועשה עול ונתתי מכשול לפניו הוא ימות  כי לא הזהרתו בחטאתו ימות ולא תזכרן צדקתו אשר עשה ודמו מידך אבקש

ובשוב צדיק מצדקו ועשה עול ונתתי מכשול לפניו הוא ימות כי לא הזהרתו בחטאתו ימות ולא תזכרן צדקתו אשר עשה ודמו מידך אבקש׃

Ezékiel 3:20
És ha elfordul az igaz az õ igazságától, és cselekszik álnokságot, és én vetek eléje botránkozást: õ meg fog halni; ha meg nem intetted õt, vétke miatt hal meg és elfelejtetnek igazságai, a melyeket cselekedett; de vérét a te kezedbõl kívánom meg.

Jeĥezkel 3:20
Kaj se virtulo deturnos sin de sia virteco kaj agos malbone, tiam Mi metos antaux lin falpusxilon, kaj li mortos; cxar vi lin ne avertis, li mortos pro sia peko, kaj ne estos rememorataj la bonaj agoj, kiujn li faris; sed lian sangon Mi repostulos el via mano.

Ja kuin vanhurskas luopuu vanhurskaudestansa ja tekee pahaa, niin minä sallin hänen loukata itsensä, ja hänen pitää kuoleman; sentähden, ettes ole häntä varannut, pitää hänen synteinsä tähden kuoleman, ja hänen entistä vanhurskauttansa, jonka hän tehnyt on, ei pidä muistettaman; mutta hänen verensä tahdon minä vaatia sinun kädestäs.

Ézéchiel 3:20
Et si le juste se détourne de sa justice et commet l'iniquité, et que je mette une pierre d'achoppement devant lui, il mourra; parce que tu ne l'as point averti, il mourra dans son péché, et ses actes justes qu'il a faits ne viendront pas en mémoire; mais je redemanderai son sang de ta main.

Si un juste se détourne de sa justice et fait ce qui est mal, je mettrai un piège devant lui, et il mourra; parce que tu ne l'as pas averti, il mourra dans son péché, on ne parlera plus de la justice qu'il a pratiquée, et je te redemanderai son sang.

Pareillement si le juste se détourne de sa justice, et commet l'iniquité, lorsque j'aurai mis quelque obstacle devant lui, il mourra, parce que tu ne l'auras point averti; il mourra dans son péché, et il ne sera point fait mention de ses justices qu'il aura faites; mais je redemanderai son sang de ta main.

Hesekiel 3:20
Und wenn sich ein Gerechter von seiner Gerechtigkeit wendet und tut Böses, so werde ich ihn lassen anlaufen, daß er muß sterben. Denn weil du ihn nicht gewarnet hast, wird er um seiner Sünde willen sterben müssen, und seine Gerechtigkeit, die er getan hat, wird nicht angesehen werden; aber sein Blut will ich von deiner Hand fordern.

Und wenn sich ein Gerechter von seiner Gerechtigkeit wendet und tut Böses, so werde ich ihn lassen anlaufen, daß er muß sterben. Denn weil du ihn nicht gewarnt hast, wird er um seiner Sünde willen sterben müssen, und seine Gerechtigkeit, die er getan, wird nicht angesehen werden; aber sein Blut will ich von deiner Hand fordern.

Und wenn ein Frommer von seiner Frömmigkeit läßt und Unrecht thut, und ich bereite ihm dann einen Anstoß, daß er stirbt: wenn du ihn da nicht verwarnt hast, so wird er infolge seiner Sünde sterben, und die frommen Thaten, die er gethan, sollen ihm nicht in Anrechnung gebracht werden; aber sein Blut werde ich von deiner Hand verlangen!

Ezechiele 3:20
E quando un giusto si ritrae dalla sua giustizia e commette l’iniquità, se io gli pongo davanti una qualche occasione di caduta, egli morrà, perché tu non l’avrai avvertito; morrà per il suo peccato, e le cose giuste che avrà fatte non saranno più ricordate; ma io domanderò conto del suo sangue alla tua mano.

Parimente, se avviene che il giusto si storni dalla sua giustizia, e commetta iniquità; e che io gli ponga innanzi alcun intoppo; e ch’egli muoia, egli morrà nel suo peccato; perciocchè tu non l’avrai ammonito; e le sue opere giuste, ch’egli avrà fatte, non saran più ricordate; ma io ridomanderò il suo sangue dalla tua mano.

Atau jikalau kiranya seorang yang benar itu undur dari pada jalan yang betul serta berbuat jahat, dan Kuadakan suatu kesentuhan baginya, sehingga matilah ia, jikalau sudah tiada engkau menasehatkan dia, maka iapun akan mati dalam dosanya, dan segala kebajikan yang telah dibuatnya, itu tiada akan diingat lagi, tetapi darahnya akan Kutuntut juga dari pada tanganmu.

에스겔 3:20
또 의인이 그 의에서 돌이켜 악을 행할 때에는 이미 행한 그 의는 기억할 바 아니라 내가 그 앞에 거치는 것을 두면 그가 죽을지니 이는 네가 그를 깨우치지 않음이라 그가 그 죄 중에서 죽으려니와 그 피 값은 내가 네 손에서 찾으리라

Ezechiel 3:20
sed et si conversus iustus a iustitia sua fecerit iniquitatem ponam offendiculum coram eo ipse morietur quia non adnuntiasti ei in peccato suo morietur et non erunt in memoria iustitiae eius quas fecit sanguinem vero eius de manu tua requiram

Ezechielio knyga 3:20
Jei teisusis, nusigręžęs nuo teisumo, darys pikta, Aš padėsiu jam kelyje suklupimo akmenį, ir jis mirs. Jei nebūsi įspėjęs jo, jis mirs dėl savo nuodėmės ir jo teisių darbų nebus atsiminta, bet jo kraujo pareikalausiu iš tavo rankų.

Ezekiel 3:20
Na ki te tahuri atu te tangata tika i tona tika, a ka mahia e ia te kino, a ka hoatu e ahau he tutukitanga waewae ki tona aroaro, ka mate ia: i te mea kihai koe i whakatupato i a ia, ka mate ia i runga i tona hara, e kore ano ana mahi tika i mah ia e ia e maharatia; otiia ka rapua e ahau he utu mo ona toto i tou ringa.

Esekiel 3:20
Og når en rettferdig vender sig bort fra sin rettferdighet og gjør urett, så legger jeg en anstøtssten i hans vei - han skal dø. Når du ikke har advart ham, skal han dø i sin synd, og de rettferdige gjerninger som han har gjort, skal ikke kommes i hu, men hans blod vil jeg kreve av din hånd.

Ezequiel 3:20
Y cuando un justo se desvíe de su justicia y cometa iniquidad, yo pondré un obstáculo delante de él, y morirá; porque tú no le advertiste, él morirá por su pecado, y las obras de justicia que había hecho no serán recordadas, pero yo demandaré su sangre de tu mano.

"Y cuando un justo se desvíe de su justicia y cometa iniquidad, Yo pondré un obstáculo delante de él, y morirá; porque tú no le advertiste, él morirá por su pecado, y las obras de justicia que había hecho no serán recordadas, pero Yo demandaré su sangre de tu mano.

Y cuando el justo se apartare de su justicia, e hiciere maldad, y pusiere yo tropiezo delante de él, él morirá, porque tú no le amonestaste; en su pecado morirá, y sus justicias que había hecho no vendrán en memoria; pero su sangre demandaré de tu mano.

Y cuando el justo se apartare de su justicia, é hiciere maldad, y pusiere yo tropiezo delante de él, él morirá, porque tú no le amonestaste; en su pecado morirá, y sus justicias que había hecho no vendrán en memoria; mas su sangre demandaré de tu mano.

Y cuando el justo se apartare de su justicia, e hiciere maldad, y yo pusiere tropiezo delante de él, él morirá, porque tú no le amonestaste; en su pecado morirá, ni sus justicias que hizo vendrán en memoria; mas su sangre demandaré de tu mano.

Ezequiel 3:20
Do mesmo modo, quando um justo se desviar de sua justiça e praticar o mal, e Eu colocar diante dele uma pedra de tropeço ou uma situação perigosa, ele morrerá; caso tu não o tenhas advertido quanto ao pecado que cometera. Nem as atitudes justas por ele realizadas serão levadas em conta; entretanto, para mim, tu serás o responsável pela morte dessa pessoa.

Semelhantemente, quando o justo se desviar da sua justiça, e praticar a iniqüidade, e eu puser diante dele um tropeço, ele morrerá; porque não o avisaste, no seu pecado morrerá e não serão lembradas as suas ações de justiça que tiver praticado; mas o seu sangue, da tua mão o requererei.   

Ezechiel 3:20
Dacă un om neprihănit se va abate de la neprihănirea lui şi va face ce este rău, îi voi pune un laţ înainte, şi va muri. Dacă nu l-ai înştiinţat, va muri prin păcatul lui şi nu i se va mai pomeni neprihănirea, în care a trăit, dar îi voi cere sîngele din mîna ta!

Иезекииль 3:20
И если праведник отступит от правды своей и поступит беззаконно, когда Я положу пред ним преткновение, и он умрет, то, если ты не вразумлял его, он умрет за грех свой, и не припомнятся ему праведные дела его, какие делал он; и Я взыщу кровь его от рук твоих.

И если праведник отступит от правды своей и поступит беззаконно, когда Я положу пред ним преткновение, и он умрет, то, если ты не вразумлял его, он умрет за грех свой, и не припомнятся ему праведные дела его, какие делал он; и Я взыщу кровь его от рук твоих.[]

Hesekiel 3:20
Och om en rättfärdig man vänder om från sin rättfärdighet och gör vad orätt är, så skall jag lägga en stötesten i hans väg, och han skall dö. Om du då icke har varnat honom, så skall han väl dö genom sin synd, och den rättfärdighet som han förr har övat skall icke varda ihågkommen, men hans blod skall jag utkräva av din hand.

Ezekiel 3:20
Muli, pagka ang isang taong matuwid ay lumilihis sa kaniyang katuwiran, at gumawa ng kasamaan, at ako'y naglalagay ng katitisuran sa harap niya, siya'y mamamatay; sapagka't hindi mo siya pinagpaunahan, siya'y mamamatay sa kaniyang kasalanan, at ang kaniyang mga matuwid na gawa na kaniyang ginawa ay hindi aalalahanin; nguni't ang kaniyang dugo ay aking sisiyasatin sa iyong kamay.

เอเสเคียล 3:20
อีกประการหนึ่ง ถ้าคนชอบธรรมหันกลับจากความชอบธรรมของเขา และได้กระทำความชั่วช้า และเราวางสิ่งที่สะดุดไว้ตรงหน้าเขา เขาจะต้องตาย เพราะว่าเจ้ามิได้ตักเตือนเขา เขาจะตายเพราะบาปของเขา และจะไม่มีใครจดจำการกระทำอันชอบธรรมของเขาไว้เลย แต่เราจะเรียกร้องโลหิตของเขาจากมือของเจ้า

Hezekiel 3:20
‹‹Doğru kişi doğruluğundan döner de kötülük yaparsa, onu yıkıma uğratacağım, o da ölecek. Onu uyarmadığın için günahı içinde ölecek, yaptığı doğru işler anılmayacak. Ancak onun kanından seni sorumlu tutacağım.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 3:20
Cũng một lẽ ấy, nếu người công bình bỏ sự công bình mà phạm tội, và ta đặt sự ngăn trở trước mặt nó, thì nó sẽ chết. Thế thì, vì ngươi không răn bảo người ấy, nên nó sẽ chết trong tội lỗi nó, và không còn được ghi nhớ những việc công bình nó đã làm; nhưng ta sẽ đòi huyết nó nơi tay ngươi.

Ezekiel 3:19
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