Ezekiel 27:16
Ezekiel 27:16
"'Aram did business with you because of your many products; they exchanged turquoise, purple fabric, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies for your merchandise.

"Syria sent merchants to buy your rich variety of goods. They traded turquoise, purple dyes, embroidery, fine linen, and jewelry of coral and rubies.

Syria did business with you because of your abundant goods; they exchanged for your wares emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and ruby.

"Aram was your customer because of the abundance of your goods; they paid for your wares with emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies.

Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and agate.

Aram was your trading partner because of your numerous products. They exchanged turquoise, purple and embroidered cloth, fine linen, coral, and rubies for your merchandise.

"Aram was one of your customers because you had so much merchandise. They paid by trading turquoise, purple yarn, embroidered goods, Egyptian linen, coral, and rubies.

Edom was your trade partner because of the abundance of your goods; they exchanged turquoise, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and rubies for your products.

" 'People from Syria traded with you because you had so many products. They exchanged emeralds, purple cloth, richly woven cloth, linen, coral, and rubies for your merchandise.

Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they traded in thy fairs with rubies and purple and broidered work and fine linen and coral and pearls.

Syria was your merchant because of the multitude of the wares of your making: they traded in your wares with emeralds, purple, and embroidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and agate.

Syria was your merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of your making: they occupied in your fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and agate.

Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of thy handiworks: they traded for thy wares with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and rubies.

The Syrian was thy merchant: by reason of the multitude of thy works, they set forth precious stones, and purple, and broidered works, and fine linen, and silk, and chodchod in thy market.

Syria dealt with thee for the multitude of thy handiworks: they traded in thy markets with carbuncles, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and corals, and rubies.

Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of thy handyworks: they traded for thy wares with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and rubies.

Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and agate.

Syria was your merchant by reason of the multitude of your handiworks: they traded for your wares with emeralds, purple, and embroidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and rubies.

Aram is thy merchant, Because of the abundance of thy works, For emerald, purple, and embroidery, And fine linen, and coral, and agate, They have given out thy remnants.

Ezekieli 27:16
Siria bënte tregti me ty për shkak të bollëkut të prodhimeve të tua; në këmbim të mallrave të tua të jepnin gurë të çmuar, purpur, stofa të qëndisur, pëlhura hiri të hollë, koral dhe rubin.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 27:16
ارام تاجرتك بكثرة صنائعك تاجروا في اسواقك بالبهرمان والارجوان والمطرز والبوص والمرجان والياقوت.

Dyr Heskiheel 27:16
D Roetem war ayn Kundschaft von dir, weil s bei dir allss gaab; und dö gazalt widerum mit Funckln, Krapp, feehe Breider, Leinwyt, Gaißbärt und Rentz.

Езекил 27:16
Сирия търгуваше с тебе поради многото ти изделия; даваше за стоките ти антракс и мораво, везано и висон, корали и рубини.

以 西 結 書 27:16
亞 蘭 人 因 你 的 工 作 很 多 , 就 作 你 的 客 商 ; 他 們 用 綠 寶 石 、 紫 色 布 繡 貨 、 細 麻 布 、 珊 瑚 、 紅 寶 石 兌 換 你 的 貨 物 。

亚 兰 人 因 你 的 工 作 很 多 , 就 作 你 的 客 商 ; 他 们 用 绿 宝 石 、 紫 色 布 绣 货 、 细 麻 布 、 珊 瑚 、 红 宝 石 兑 换 你 的 货 物 。



Ezekiel 27:16
Zbog obilja robe tvoje Edom s tobom trgovaše. Davahu ti za trg dragulje, purpur i vezivo, koralje, rubine i bez;

Ezechiele 27:16
Syrští kupci tvoji pro množství věcí tvých řemeslně udělaných, v karbunkulích, šarlatu, krumpování i kmentu, a korálích a křištálích kupčívali na jarmarcích tvých.

Ezekiel 27:16
Edom var din Handelsven, fordi du havde Varer i Mængde; Karfunkler, Purpur, brogede Tøjer, fint Linned, Koraller og Rubiner gav de dig for dine Varer.

Ezechiël 27:16
Syrie dreef koophandel met u, vanwege de veelheid uwer werken; met smaragden, purper, en gestikt werk, en zijde, en Ramoth, en Cadkod, handelden zij op uw markten.

יחזקאל 27:16
אֲרָ֥ם סֹחַרְתֵּ֖ךְ מֵרֹ֣ב מַעֲשָׂ֑יִךְ בְּ֠נֹפֶךְ אַרְגָּמָ֨ן וְרִקְמָ֤ה וּבוּץ֙ וְרָאמֹ֣ת וְכַדְכֹּ֔ד נָתְנ֖וּ בְּעִזְבֹונָֽיִךְ׃

טז ארם סחרתך מרב מעשיך בנפך ארגמן ורקמה ובוץ וראמת וכדכד נתנו בעזבוניך

ארם סחרתך מרב מעשיך בנפך ארגמן ורקמה ובוץ וראמת וכדכד נתנו בעזבוניך׃

Ezékiel 27:16
Arám a te kereskedõtársad mestermûveid sokasága miatt; gránátot, bíbort, hímes ruhákat, fehér gyolcsot, korálokat és rubint adtak õk árúidért.

Jeĥezkel 27:16
Sirio prenadis de vi komerce la multon de viaj faritajxoj; rubenojn, purpurajn kaj broditajn sxtofojn, delikatan tolon, koralojn, kaj kristalojn ili alportadis al via komercejo.

Syrialaiset noutivat sinun töitäs, joitas teit, toivat rubiinia, purppuraa, tapeteja, silkkiä ja samettia, ja kristallia sinun markkinoilles.

Ézéchiel 27:16
La Syrie commerçait avec toi à cause de la multitude de tes ouvrages; ils fournissaient tes marchés d'escarboucles, de pourpre, de broderie, et de fin lin, et de corail, et de rubis.

La Syrie trafiquait avec toi, A cause du grand nombre de tes produits; D'escarboucles, de pourpre, de broderies, De byssus, de corail et de rubis, Elle pourvoyait tes marchés.

La Syrie a trafiqué avec toi; en quantité d'ouvrages faits pour toi; on a fait valoir tes foires en escarboucles, en écarlate, en broderie, en fin lin, en corail, et en agate.

Hesekiel 27:16
Die Syrer haben bei dir geholet deine Arbeit, was du gemacht hast; und Rubin, Purpur, Tapet, Seide und Sammet und Kristalle auf deine Märkte gebracht.

Die Syrer haben bei dir geholt deine Arbeit, was du gemacht hast, und Rubine, Purpur, Teppiche, feine Leinwand und Korallen und Kristalle auf deine Märkte gebracht.

Aram handelte mit dir wegen der Menge deiner Erzeugnisse; karfunkelrotem Purpur, Buntstickerei, Byssus, Korallen und Jaspis brachten sie auf deinen Markt.

Ezechiele 27:16
La Siria commercia con te, per la moltitudine de’ suoi prodotti; fornisce i tuoi scambi di carbonchi, di porpora, di stoffe ricamate, di bisso, di corallo, di rubini.

La Siria trafficava teco della moltitudine de’ tuoi lavori; frequentava le tue fiere, con ismeraldi, e porpora, e ricami, e bisso, e coralli, e rubini.

Benua Syampun lawanmu berniaga dengan pelbagai benda, ditukarnya daganganmu dengan permata zamrud dan kain ungu dan perbuatan yang disuji dan bisus dan merjan dan pelbagai permata.

에스겔 27:16
너의 제조품이 풍부하므로 아람은 너와 통상하였음이여 남보석과 자색 베와 수 놓은 것과 가는 베와 산호와 홍보석을 가지고 네 물품을 무역하였도다

Ezechiel 27:16
Syrus negotiator tuus propter multitudinem operum tuorum gemmam purpuram et scutulata et byssum et sericum et chodchod proposuerunt in mercatu tuo

Ezechielio knyga 27:16
Sirai savo brangakmenius, raudoną purpurą, margus audinius, drobę, koralus ir rubinus keitė į daugybę tavo gaminių.

Ezekiel 27:16
He kaihokohoko nau a Hiria, i te nui hoki o nga mahi a ou ringa; ko ta ratou i tuku ai mo au taonga he emerara, he papura, he mea whakairo, he rinena pai, he kaoa, he rupi.

Esekiel 27:16
Syria handlet med dig fordi du var rik på alle slags kunstarbeider; med karfunkler, purpur og utsydd tøi og fint lin og koraller og rubiner betalte de dine varer.

Ezequiel 27:16
`Aram era tu cliente por la abundancia de tus productos; pagaban tus mercancías con turquesas, púrpura, bordados, lino fino, corales y rubíes.

"Aram era tu cliente por la abundancia de tus productos; pagaban tus mercancías con turquesas, púrpura, bordados, lino fino, corales y rubíes.

Siria fue tu mercader por la multitud de tus productos; venía a tus ferias con esmeraldas, púrpura, vestidos bordados, linos finos, corales y rubíes.

Siria fué tu mercadera por la multitud de tus labores: con perlas, y púrpura, y vestidos bordados, y linos finos, y corales, y rubíes, dió en tus ferias.

Siria fue tu mercadera por la multitud de tus productos; con rubíes, y púrpura, y vestidos bordados, y linos finos, y corales, y perlas, dio en tus ferias.

Ezequiel 27:16
O povo da Síria comprava os teus muitos produtos e tuas excelentes mercadorias e, em troca, te pagavam com turquesa, esmeralda, tecidos valiosos em púrpura, artesanatos finos bordados, linho de grande qualidade, corais e rubis.

A Síria negociava contigo por causa da multidão das tuas manufaturas; pelas tuas mercadorias trocavam granadas, púrpura, obras bordadas, linho fino, corais e rubis.   

Ezechiel 27:16
Siria făcea negoţ cu tine, cu marele număr de lucruri făcute de tine; ei veneau la tîrgul tău de smaragd, purpură, şi materii pestriţe cu in supţire, mărgean şi agat.

Иезекииль 27:16
По причине большого торгового производства твоего торговали с тобою Арамеяне; за товары твои они платили карбункулами, тканями пурпуровыми, узорчатыми, и виссонами, и кораллами, и рубинами.

По причине большого торгового производства твоего торговали с тобою Арамеяне; за товары твои они платили карбункулами, тканями пурпуровыми, узорчатыми, и виссонами, и кораллами, и рубинами.[]

Hesekiel 27:16
Aram var din handelsvän, ty du var rik på konstarbeten; karbunkelstenar, purpurrött tyg, brokiga vävnader och fint linne. koraller och rubiner gåvo de dig såsom betalning.

Ezekiel 27:16
Naging mangangalakal mo ang Siria dahil sa karamihan ng iyong mga gawang kamay: sila'y nakikipagpalitan sa iyong mga kalakal ng mga esmeralda, kulay ube, at yaring may burda, at manipis na kayong lino, at gasang at mga rubi.

เอเสเคียล 27:16
เมืองซีเรียไปมาค้าขายกับเจ้าเพราะเจ้ามีสินค้าอุดม เขาเอามรกต ผ้าสีม่วง ผ้าปัก ป่านเนื้อละเอียด หินประการังและโมรามาแลกกับสิ้นค้าของเจ้า

Hezekiel 27:16
Sende çok çeşit ürün olduğundan,
Edom seninle ticaret yaptı.
Mallarına karşılık
Sana firuze, mor kumaş, işlemeli giysiler,
İnce keten, mercan, yakut verdiler.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 27:16
Vì tay mầy chế tạo rất nhiều, nên Sy-ri buôn bán với mầy, và lấy bích ngọc, vải điều, đồ thêu, vải gai mịn, san hô, hồng ngọc mà đổi hàng của mầy.

Ezekiel 27:15
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