Ezekiel 23:24
Ezekiel 23:24
They will come against you with weapons, chariots and wagons and with a throng of people; they will take up positions against you on every side with large and small shields and with helmets. I will turn you over to them for punishment, and they will punish you according to their standards.

They will all come against you from the north with chariots, wagons, and a great army prepared for attack. They will take up positions on every side, surrounding you with men armed with shields and helmets. And I will hand you over to them for punishment so they can do with you as they please.

And they shall come against you from the north with chariots and wagons and a host of peoples. They shall set themselves against you on every side with buckler, shield, and helmet; and I will commit the judgment to them, and they shall judge you according to their judgments.

'They will come against you with weapons, chariots and wagons, and with a company of peoples. They will set themselves against you on every side with buckler and shield and helmet; and I will commit the judgment to them, and they will judge you according to their customs.

And they shall come against thee with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with an assembly of people, which shall set against thee buckler and shield and helmet round about: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

They will come against you with an alliance of nations and with weapons, chariots, and wagons. They will set themselves against you on every side with shields, bucklers, and helmets. I will delegate judgment to them, and they will judge you by their own standards.

"'They'll invade you with weapons, chariots, wagons, and a vast army. They'll set themselves in place to attack you from every direction with large shields, small shields, and helmets. I'll turn over judgment to them, and they'll punish you according to their own standards.

They will attack you with weapons, chariots, wagons, and with a huge army; they will array themselves against you on every side with large shields, small shields, and helmets. I will assign them the task of judgment; they will punish you according to their laws.

They will attack you from the north, with chariots and wagons and with a large number of troops. They will attack you from all around with small and large shields and with helmets. I have handed you over to them for punishment. They will punish you with their own kind of punishment.

And they shall come against thee with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with a multitude of peoples, which shall set against thee buckler and shield and helmet round about, and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their laws.

And they shall come against you with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with an assembly of people, who shall set against you buckler and shield and helmet round about: and I commit set judgment unto them, and they shall judge you according to their judgments.

And they shall come against you with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with an assembly of people, which shall set against you buckler and shield and helmet round about: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge you according to their judgments.

And they shall come against thee with weapons, chariots, and wagons, and with a company of peoples; they shall set themselves against thee with buckler and shield and helmet round about; and I will commit the judgment unto them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

And they shall come upon thee well appointed with chariot and wheel, a multitude of people: they shall be armed against thee on every side with breastplate, and buckler, and helmet: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee by their judgments.

And they shall come against thee with armour, chariots and wheels, and with an assemblage of peoples; they shall set themselves against thee with target, and shield, and helmet round about; and I will put judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

And they shall come against thee with weapons, chariots, and wagons, and with an assembly of peoples; they shall set themselves against thee with buckler and shield and helmet round about: and I will commit the judgment unto them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

And they shall come against thee with chariots, wagons, and wheels, and with an assembly of people, which shall set against thee buckler and shield and helmet on every side: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments.

They shall come against you with weapons, chariots, and wagons, and with a company of peoples; they shall set themselves against you with buckler and shield and helmet all around; and I will commit the judgment to them, and they shall judge you according to their judgments.

And they have come in against thee, With arms, rider, and wheel, And with an assembly of peoples; Target, and shield, and helmet, They do set against thee round about, And I have set before them judgment, They have judged thee in their Judgments.

Ezekieli 23:24
Ata do të vijnë kundër teje me armë, qerre dhe rrota si dhe me një shumicë popujsh; do të vendosin rreth e qark teje mburoja të vogla dhe të mëdha dhe përkrenare. Do t'u jap atyre gjykimin e tyre dhe ata do të gjykojnë sipas ligjeve të tyre.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 23:24
فياتون عليك باسلحة مركبات وعجلات وبجماعة شعوب يقيمون عليك الترس والمجن والخوذة من حولك واسلم لهم الحكم فيحكمون عليك بأحكامهم.

Dyr Heskiheel 23:24
Güssn gaand s di mit Reiter und Wägn und aynn Hör von manniger Spraach. Mit Schildd und Schilddln und mit Helm ausgrüstt umzinglnd s di. I lifert di aft ien aus; und sö sollnd di aburtln, wie s bei ien dyr Brauch ist.

Езекил 23:24
Те ще дойдат против тебе с оръжия и с колесници, с коли и с много племена, и ще се опълчат против тебе от всяка страна с щитове, щитчета и шлемове; и Аз ще им поверя съдба, и те ще те съдят според своите съдби.

以 西 結 書 23:24
他 們 必 帶 兵 器 、 戰 車 、 輜 重 車 , 率 領 大 眾 來 攻 擊 你 。 他 們 要 拿 大 小 盾 牌 , 頂 盔 擺 陣 , 在 你 四 圍 攻 擊 你 。 我 要 將 審 判 的 事 交 給 他 們 , 他 們 必 按 著 自 己 的 條 例 審 判 你 。

他 们 必 带 兵 器 、 战 车 、 辎 重 车 , 率 领 大 众 来 攻 击 你 。 他 们 要 拿 大 小 盾 牌 , 顶 盔 摆 阵 , 在 你 四 围 攻 击 你 。 我 要 将 审 判 的 事 交 给 他 们 , 他 们 必 按 着 自 己 的 条 例 审 判 你 。



Ezekiel 23:24
I doći će na te sa sjevera sila bojnih kola i točkova s mnoštvom naroda i svrstat' se odasvud protiv tebe sa štitovima, štitićima i oklopima. Njima ću te na sud predati, i svojim će ti sudom suditi.

Ezechiele 23:24
A přitáhnou na tě na vozích železných a přikrytých, i kárách, a to s zběří národů, s pavézami a štíty i lebkami, položí se proti tobě vůkol, i předložím jim právo, aby tě soudili soudy svými.

Ezekiel 23:24
og de skal komme imod dig med en Vrimmel af Vogne og Hjul og en Hærskare af Folkeslag; store og smaa Skjolde og Hjelme skal de rette imod dig fra alle Kanter. Jeg overlader dem Dommen, og de skal dømme dig efter deres Ret.

Ezechiël 23:24
Die zullen tegen u komen met karren, wagenen en wielen, en met een vergadering van volken, rondassen, en schilden, en helmen; zij zullen zich rondom tegen u zetten; en Ik zal voor hun aangezicht het gericht stellen, en zij zullen u richten naar hun rechten.

יחזקאל 23:24
וּבָ֣אוּ עָלַ֡יִךְ הֹ֠צֶן רֶ֤כֶב וְגַלְגַּל֙ וּבִקְהַ֣ל עַמִּ֔ים צִנָּ֤ה וּמָגֵן֙ וְקֹובַ֔ע יָשִׂ֥ימוּ עָלַ֖יִךְ סָבִ֑יב וְנָתַתִּ֤י לִפְנֵיהֶם֙ מִשְׁפָּ֔ט וּשְׁפָט֖וּךְ בְּמִשְׁפְּטֵיהֶֽם׃

כד ובאו עליך הצן רכב וגלגל ובקהל עמים--צנה ומגן וקובע ישימו עליך סביב ונתתי לפניהם משפט ושפטוך במשפטיהם

ובאו עליך הצן רכב וגלגל ובקהל עמים צנה ומגן וקובע ישימו עליך סביב ונתתי לפניהם משפט ושפטוך במשפטיהם׃

Ezékiel 23:24
És jõnek reád szekereknek és kerekeknek tömegével s népek sokaságával, nagy és kis paizszsal és sisakkal körülvesznek téged mindenfelõl, s adok nékik hatalmat az ítéletre, s megítélnek téged az õ ítéletök szerint.

Jeĥezkel 23:24
Kaj ili venos kontraux vin kun hakiloj, sur cxevaloj kaj sur cxaroj, kaj kun granda amaso da popolo; ili cxirkauxos vin de cxiuj flankoj en kirasoj, kun sxildoj kaj kaskoj; kaj Mi transdonos vin al ilia jugxo, kaj ili jugxos vin laux sia maniero.

Ja he tulevat valmistettuna sinun päälles vaunuilla ja rattailla ja suurella väen joukolla, ja piirittävät sinun keihäillä, kilvillä ja rautalakeilla joka taholta. Niiden haltuun minä oikeuden annan, että he sinun tuomitsevat lakinsa jälkeen.

Ézéchiel 23:24
Et ils viendront contre toi avec des armes, des chars et des roues, et avec un rassemblement de peuples; ils se placeront contre toi, tout autour, avec le bouclier et l'écu et le casque; et je leur commettrai le jugement, et ils te jugeront selon leurs jugements.

Ils marchent contre toi avec des armes, des chars et des roues, Et une multitude de peuples; Avec le grand bouclier et le petit bouclier, avec les casques, Ils s'avancent de toutes parts contre toi. Je leur remets le jugement, Et ils te jugeront selon leurs lois.

Et ils viendront contre toi avec des chars, des chariots, et des charrettes, et avec un grand amas de peuples; et ils emploieront contre toi de toutes parts, des écus, des boucliers, et des casques, et je leur mettrai le jugement en main, et ils te jugeront selon leur jugement.

Hesekiel 23:24
Und werden über dich kommen, gerüstet mit Wagen und Rädern und mit großem Haufen Volks, und werden dich belagern mit Tartschen, Schilden und Helmen um und um. Denen will ich das Recht befehlen, daß sie dich richten sollen nach ihrem Recht.

Und sie werden über dich kommen, gerüstet mit Wagen und Rädern und mit großem Haufen Volks, und werden dich belagern mit Tartschen, Schilden und Helmen um und um. Denen will ich das Recht befehlen, daß sie dich richten sollen nach ihrem Recht.

Und sie werden gegen dich anrücken von Norden her mit Wagen und Rädern und mit Scharen von Völkern; Tartsche und Schild und Helm werden sie ringsum gegen dich richten, und ich werde ihnen den Rechtsstreit vorlegen, damit sie dich richten nach ihren Rechten.

Ezechiele 23:24
Essi vengono contro di te con armi, carri e ruote, e con una folla di popoli; con targhe, scudi, ed elmi si schierano contro di te d’ogn’intorno; io rimetto in mano loro il giudizio, ed essi ti giudicheranno secondo le loro leggi.

E verranno contro a te con carri, con carrette, e con ruote, e con gran raunata di genti; porranno contro a te d’ogn’intorno scudi, e targhe, ed elmi; ed io metterò in lor potere il far giudicio, ed essi ti giudicheranno de’ lor giudicii.

maka mereka itu akan mendatangi engkau dengan rata dan pedati dan jentera dan suatu perhimpunan bangsa yang berselukung dan berperisai dan berketopong; mereka itu kelak mengepungi engkau keliling, dan Aku mengaruniakan kepadanya hukuman, maka mereka itu akan menghukumkan dikau setuju dengan syaratnya.

에스겔 23:24
그들이 병기와 병거와 수레와 크고 작은 방패를 이끌고 투구 쓴 군대를 거느리고 치러 와서 너를 에워쌀지라 내가 심문권을 그들에게 맡긴즉 그들이 그 심문권대로 너를 심문하리라

Ezechiel 23:24
et venient super te instructi curru et rota multitudo populorum lorica et clypeo et galea armabuntur contra te undique et dabo coram eis iudicium et iudicabunt te iudiciis suis

Ezechielio knyga 23:24
Daugybė ginkluotų pulkų ateis su kovos vežimais ir žirgais, apstatys tave iš visų pusių didžiaisiais ir mažaisiais skydais bei šalmais. Aš atiduosiu tave jų teismui. Jie teis tave pagal savo nuostatus.

Ezekiel 23:24
A ka haere mai ratou ki te whawhai ki a koe, me nga mea mo te whawhai, he hariata ano o ratou, he kata, he whakaminenga iwi; rite rawa i a ratou te puapua, te whakangungu rakau, te potae, hei whawhai ki a koe i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha: ka tuk ua ano e ahau te whakawa ki to ratou aroaro, a ka rite ki a ratou whakaritenga ta ratou whakarite mou.

Esekiel 23:24
De skal komme over dig med krigsmakt, vogner og hjul, og med en skare av folkeslag; store skjold og små skjold og hjelmer skal de stille mot dig på alle kanter, og jeg vil overlate dommen til dem, og de skal dømme dig med sine dommer.

Ezequiel 23:24
``Y vendrán contra ti con armas, carros y carretas, y con multitud de pueblos. Se apostarán contra ti de todos lados con coraza, escudo y yelmo; a ellos les encargaré el juicio y ellos te juzgarán conforme a sus costumbres.

'Vendrán contra ti con armas, carros y carretas, y con multitud de pueblos. Se apostarán contra ti de todos lados con broquel, escudo y casco. A ellos les encargaré el juicio y ellos te juzgarán conforme a sus costumbres.

Y vendrán contra ti carros, carretas, y ruedas, y multitud de pueblos. Escudos, y paveses, y yelmos pondrán contra ti en derredor; y yo daré el juicio delante de ellos, y por sus leyes te juzgarán.

Y vendrán sobre ti carros, carretas, y ruedas, y multitud de pueblos. Escudos, y paveses, y capacetes pondrán contra ti en derredor; y yo daré el juicio delante de ellos, y por sus leyes te juzgarán.

Y vendrán sobre ti carros, carretas, y ruedas, y multitud de pueblos. Escudos, y paveses, y capacetes pondrán contra ti en derredor; y yo daré el juicio delante de ellos, y por sus leyes te juzgarán.

Ezequiel 23:24
Eles virão contra ti com armas, carros e carroças militares, e com uma multidão de guerreiros; por todos os lados tomarão posição contra ti, e estarão munidos de grandes e pequenos escudos, e fortes capacetes de guerra. Então Eu te entregarei a eles a fim de que sejas castigada; e eis que eles executarão o teu juízo de acordo com o costume deles.

E virão contra ti com armas, carros e carroças, e com ajuntamento de povos; e se porão contra ti em redor com paveses, e escudos, e capacetes; e lhes entregarei o julgamento, e te julgarão segundo os seus juizos.   

Ezechiel 23:24
Ei vin împotriva ta cu arme, cară şi roţi, şi cu o mulţime de popoare. Cu scut, pavăză şi coifuri, înaintează de toate părţile împotriva ta. Lor le încredinţez judecata, şi te vor judeca după legile lor

Иезекииль 23:24
И придут на тебя с оружием, с конями и колесницами и с множеством народа, и обступят тебя кругом в латах, со щитами и в шлемах, и отдам им тебя на суд, ибудут судить тебя своим судом.

И придут на тебя с оружием, с конями и колесницами и с множеством народа, и обступят тебя кругом в латах, со щитами и в шлемах, и отдам им тебя на суд, и будут судить тебя своим судом.[]

Hesekiel 23:24
De skola komma över dig med vagnar och hjuldon i mängd och med skaror av folk; rustade med skärmar och sköldar och klädda hjälmar skola de anfalla dig från alla sidor. Och jag skall överlämna domen åt dem, och de skola döma dig efter sina rätter.

Ezekiel 23:24
At sila'y magsisiparitong laban sa iyo na ma'y mga almas, mga karo, at mga kariton, at may kapulungan ng mga tao; sila'y magsisilagay laban sa iyo sa palibot na may longki, at kalasag at turbante; at aking ipauubaya ang kahatulan sa kanila, at sila'y magsisihatol sa iyo ayon sa kanilang mga kahatulan.

เอเสเคียล 23:24
เขาจะมาต่อสู้เจ้า มีอาวุธ รถรบและเกวียน และชนชาติทั้งหลายเป็นอันมาก เขาจะตั้งตนต่อสู้เจ้าทุกด้าน ด้วยดั้งและโล่ และหมวกเหล็ก และเราจะมอบการพิพากษาต่อหน้าเขา และเขาทั้งหลายจะพิพากษาเจ้าตามหลักการพิพากษาของเขาทั้งหลาย

Hezekiel 23:24
Silahlarla, savaş ve yük arabalarıyla, çok uluslu bir orduyla sana saldıracaklar. Seni her yandan büyük, küçük kalkanlarla, miğferlerle saracaklar. Cezalandırmaları için seni onların eline teslim edeceğim. Seni kendi kurallarına göre yargılayacaklar.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 23:24
Chúng nó đem những khí giới, những xe đánh giặc, xe chở đồ, và một đoàn dân đông đến nghịch cùng mầy; chúng nó dùng những thuẫn, những mộc, và đội mão trụ mà vây chung quanh mầy. Ta sẽ giao sự phán xét cho chúng nó, và chúng nó sẽ xét đoán mầy theo luật pháp mình.

Ezekiel 23:23
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