Ezekiel 21:21
Ezekiel 21:21
For the king of Babylon will stop at the fork in the road, at the junction of the two roads, to seek an omen: He will cast lots with arrows, he will consult his idols, he will examine the liver.

The king of Babylon now stands at the fork, uncertain whether to attack Jerusalem or Rabbah. He calls his magicians to look for omens. They cast lots by shaking arrows from the quiver. They inspect the livers of animal sacrifices.

For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination. He shakes the arrows; he consults the teraphim; he looks at the liver.

"For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination; he shakes the arrows, he consults the household idols, he looks at the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stands at the split in the road, at the fork of the two roads, to practice divination: he shakes the arrows, consults the idols, and observes the liver.

"Meanwhile, Babylon's king is standing at the fork of the road, where he can head in either of two directions, and that's where he is practicing divination. Shaking his arrows, he's asking questions of his teraphim while he examines livers.

For the king of Babylon stands at the fork in the road at the head of the two routes. He looks for omens: He shakes arrows, he consults idols, he examines animal livers.

The king of Babylon will stop where the roads branch off, where there is a fork in the road. Then he will look for omens. He will shake some arrows, ask his household gods for help, and examine animal livers.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way at the head of the two ways to use divination; he made his arrows bright; he consulted with images; he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shook his arrows, he consulted with images, he looked at the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shook the arrows to and fro, he consulted the teraphim, he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood in the highway, at the head of two ways, seeking divination, shuffling arrows: he inquired of the idols, and consulted entrails.

For the king of Babylon standeth at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shaketh his arrows, he inquireth of the teraphim, he looketh in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shook the arrows to and fro, he consulted the teraphim, he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination; he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shook the arrows back and forth, he consulted the teraphim, he looked in the liver.

For stood hath the king of Babylon at the head of the way, At the top of the two ways, to use divination, He hath moved lightly with the arrows, He hath asked at the teraphim, He hath looked on the liver.

Ezekieli 21:21
aaa see Në fakt mbreti i Babilonisë qëndron në kryqëzimin e rrugës, në krye të dy rrugëve, për të bërë shortari: ai tund shigjetat, konsulton idhujt shtëpiakë, shqyrton mëlçinë.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 21:21
لان ملك بابل قد وقف على ام الطريق على راس الطريقين ليعرف عرافة. صقل السهام سأل بالترافيم نظر الى الكبد.

Dyr Heskiheel 21:21
Denn dyr Bäbler Künig steet an dyr Wögschaid und loesslt: Pfeil schütlt yr, de Götznbilddln befraagt yr, und ayn Löber laasst yr zsäbln.

Езекил 21:21
Защото вавилонският цар се спря при раздвояването на пътя, гдето започват двата пътя, за да почародействува; разтърси стрелите, допита се до терафимите, прегледа черния дроб.

以 西 結 書 21:21
因 為 巴 比 倫 王 站 在 岔 路 那 裡 , 在 兩 條 路 口 上 要 占 卜 。 他 搖 籤 ( 原 文 是 箭 ) 求 問 神 像 , 察 看 犧 牲 的 肝 ;

因 为 巴 比 伦 王 站 在 岔 路 那 里 , 在 两 条 路 口 上 要 占 卜 。 他 摇 签 ( 原 文 是 箭 ) 求 问 神 像 , 察 看 牺 牲 的 肝 ;



Ezekiel 21:21
Jer kralj babilonski stoji na početku puta, na raspuću dvaju putova, i pita znamenja - miješa strijele, ispituje terafime i motri jetru.

Ezechiele 21:21
Proto že stane král Babylonský na rozcestí, na počátku dvou cest, obíraje se s hádáním, vyčistí střely, doptávati se bude modl, hleděti bude do jater.

Ezekiel 21:21
Thi Babels Konge staar paa Vejskellet, hvor de to Veje skilles, for at tage Varsler; han ryster Pilene, raadspørger Husguderne, ransager Leveren.

Ezechiël 21:21
Want de koning van Babel zal aan de wegscheiding staan, aan het hoofd van de twee wegen, om waarzegging te gebruiken; hij zal zijn pijlen slijpen; hij zal de terafim vragen, hij zal de lever bezien.

יחזקאל 21:21
כִּֽי־עָמַ֨ד מֶלֶךְ־בָּבֶ֜ל אֶל־אֵ֣ם הַדֶּ֗רֶךְ בְּרֹ֛אשׁ שְׁנֵ֥י הַדְּרָכִ֖ים לִקְסָם־קָ֑סֶם קִלְקַ֤ל בַּֽחִצִּים֙ שָׁאַ֣ל בַּתְּרָפִ֔ים רָאָ֖ה בַּכָּבֵֽד׃

כו כי עמד מלך בבל אל אם הדרך בראש שני הדרכים--לקסם קסם  קלקל בחצים שאל בתרפים ראה בכבד

כי־עמד מלך־בבל אל־אם הדרך בראש שני הדרכים לקסם־קסם קלקל בחצים שאל בתרפים ראה בכבד׃

Ezékiel 21:21
Mert megáll a babiloni király az útak kezdetén, a két út fejénél, hogy jövendõt láttasson; megrázza a nyilakat, megkérdezi a Teráfimot, megnézi a májat.

Jeĥezkel 21:21
CXar la regxo de Babel haltis cxe la disvojigxo, cxe la komenco de du vojoj; por ricevi antauxdirojn, li jxetas sagojn, demandas la domajn diojn, esploras hepaton.

Sillä Babelin kuningas laittaa itsensä ensimmäiseksi kahden tien haaraan, tietämään tietäjältä, ampumaan nuolella arvosta, epäjumalilta kysymään, maksaan katsomaan.

Ézéchiel 21:21
(21:26) Car le roi de Babylone se tient au point d'embranchement de la route, à la tête des deux chemins, pour pratiquer la divination: il secoue les flèches, il interroge les théraphim, il examine le foie.

Car le roi de Babylone se tient au carrefour, à l'entrée des deux chemins, pour tirer des présages; il secoue les flèches, il interroge les théraphim, il examine le foie.

Car le Roi de Babylone s'est arrêté dans un chemin fourchu, au commencement de deux chemins, pour consulter les devins; il a poli les flèches; il a interrogé les Théraphims; il a regardé au foie.

Hesekiel 21:21
Denn der König zu Babel wird sich an die Wegscheide stellen, vorne an den zween Wegen, daß er ihm wahrsagen lasse, mit den Pfeilen um das Los schieße, seinen Abgott frage und schaue die Leber an.

Denn der König zu Babel wird sich an die Wegscheide stellen, vorn an den zwei Wegen, daß er sich wahrsagen lasse, mit den Pfeilen das Los werfe, seinen Abgott frage und schaue die Leber an.

Denn der König von Babel steht am Scheideweg, an der Spitze der beiden Wege, um sich ein Orakel zu beschaffen; er schüttelt die Pfeile, befragt den Teraphim, beschaut die Leber.

Ezechiele 21:21
(H21-26) Poiché il re di Babilonia sta sul bivio, in capo alle due strade, per tirare presagi: scuote le freccie, consulta gl’idoli, esamina il fegato.

(H21-26) Perciocchè il re di Babilonia si è fermato in una forca di strada, in un capo di due vie, per prendere augurio; egli ha sparse le saette, ha domandati gl’idoli, ha riguardato nel fegato.

Karena raja Babil akan berdiri pada simpangan jalan, pada pangkalan kedua jalan itu, hendak membilang ramal, dicampurkannya anak panahnya, dan ditanyakannya terafim dan ditengoknya limpa.

에스겔 21:21
바벨론 왕이 갈랫길 곧 두 길 머리에 서서 점을 치되 살들을 흔들어 우상에게 묻고 희생의 간을 살펴서

Ezechiel 21:21
stetit enim rex Babylonis in bivio in capite duarum viarum divinationem quaerens commiscens sagittas interrogavit idola exta consuluit

Ezechielio knyga 21:21
Babilono karalius sustojo kryžkelėje, kelių išsišakojime, ir buria: maišo strėles, klausia stabų, apžiūri kepenis.

Ezekiel 21:21
I tu hoki te kingi o Papurona ki te pekanga o te ara, ki te ahunga mai o nga ara e rua, ki te ui ki nga tuaahu: i rurutia hoki e ia ana pere, i uia he tikanga ki nga whakapakoko, i titiro ki te ate.

Esekiel 21:21
For Babels konge står på veiskjellet, ved begynnelsen av de to veier, for å la sig spå; han ryster pilene, han spør husgudene, han ser på leveren.

Ezequiel 21:21
Porque el rey de Babilonia se ha detenido en la bifurcación del camino, al comienzo de los dos caminos, para emplear la adivinación; sacude las saetas, consulta con los ídolos domésticos, observa el hígado.

"Porque el rey de Babilonia se ha detenido en la bifurcación del camino, al comienzo de los dos caminos, para emplear la adivinación. Sacude las flechas, consulta con los ídolos domésticos, observa el hígado.

Porque el rey de Babilonia se paró en una encrucijada, al principio de dos caminos, para tomar adivinación; acicaló las saetas, consultó en ídolos, miró el hígado.

Porque el rey de Babilonia se paró en una encrucijada, al principio de dos caminos, para tomar adivinación: acicaló saetas, consultó en ídolos, miró el hígado.

Porque el rey de Babilonia se paró en una encrucijada, al principio de dos caminos, para tomar adivinación; acicaló saetas, consultó en ídolos, miró el hígado.

Ezequiel 21:21
Porquanto o rei da Babilônia fará uma parada exatamente no local de onde partem as suas estradas para sortear qual dos caminhos tomar. Ele lançará a sorte tomando uma flecha dentre duas retirada da aljava. Em seguida consultará seus ídolos de família e a aparência do fígado de uma ovelha.

Pois o rei de Babilônia está parado na encruzilhada, no princípio dos dois caminhos, para fazer adivinhações; ele sacode as flechas, consulta os terafins, atenta para o fígado.   

Ezechiel 21:21
Căci împăratul Babilonului stă la răscruce, la capătul celor două drumuri, ca să dea cu bobii; el scutură săgeţile, întreabă terafimii, şi cercetează ficatul.

Иезекииль 21:21
потому что царь Вавилонский остановился на распутье, при начале двух дорог, для гаданья: трясет стрелы, вопрошает терафимов, рассматривает печень.

потому что царь Вавилонский остановился на распутье, при начале двух дорог, для гаданья: трясет стрелы, вопрошает терафимов, рассматривает печень.[]

Hesekiel 21:21
Ty konungen i Babel står redan vid vägskälet där de båda vägarna begynna; han vill låta spå åt sig, han skakar pilarna, han rådfrågar sina husgudar, han ser på levern.

Ezekiel 21:21
Sapagka't ang hari sa Babilonia ay tumayo sa pinagkakahiwalayan ng daan, sa bukana ng dalawang daan, upang magbadya ng panghuhula: kaniyang iniwasiwas ang mga pana na paroo't parito, siya'y sumangguni sa mga diosdiosan, siya'y nagsiyasat sa atay.

เอเสเคียล 21:21
เพราะว่ากษัตริย์บาบิโลนยืนอยู่ที่ทางแพร่ง อยู่ที่หัวถนนสองถนน กำหนดหาคำทำนาย ท่านเขย่าลูกธนู และปรึกษาเทราฟิม ท่านมองดูที่ตับ

Hezekiel 21:21
Çünkü Babil Kralı iki yolun ayrıldığı, yolların çatallaştığı yerde fala bakmak için duracak. Okları silkeleyecek, aile putlarına danışacak, kurban edilen bir hayvanın ciğerine bakacak.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 21:21
(21:26) Vì vua Ba-by-lôn đứng lại nơi cháng ba, là nơi vào hai con đường ấy, đặng bói khoa. Vua ấy lắc những cái tên; hỏi các thần tượng, và xem xét gan.

Ezekiel 21:20
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