Ezekiel 20:27
Ezekiel 20:27
"Therefore, son of man, speak to the people of Israel and say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: In this also your ancestors blasphemed me by being unfaithful to me:

"Therefore, son of man, give the people of Israel this message from the Sovereign LORD: Your ancestors continued to blaspheme and betray me,

“Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: In this also your fathers blasphemed me, by dealing treacherously with me.

"Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed Me by acting treacherously against Me.

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and tell them: This is what the Lord GOD says: In this way also your fathers blasphemed Me by committing treachery against Me:

"Therefore, Son of Man, you are to speak to the children of Israel and tell them, 'This is what the Lord GOD says: "Your ancestors also blasphemed me in their treacherous behavior against me.

"Therefore, speak to the house of Israel, son of man, and tell them, 'This is what the sovereign LORD says: In this way too your fathers blasphemed me when they were unfaithful to me.

"Speak to the nation of Israel, son of man. Tell them, 'This is what the Almighty LORD says: Your ancestors insulted me again because they were unfaithful to me.

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel and say unto them, Thus hath the Lord GOD said: Even in this your fathers have blasphemed me when they committed rebellion against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus says the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: In this moreover have your fathers blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Wherefore speak to the house of Israel, O son of man, and say to them: Thus saith the Lord God: Moreover in this also your fathers blasphemed me, when they had despised and contemned me;

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: In this moreover have your fathers blasphemed me, in that they have wrought unfaithfulness against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD: In this moreover have your fathers blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and say to them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and tell them, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In this moreover have your fathers blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

Therefore, speak unto the house of Israel, son of man, and thou hast said unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Still in this have your fathers reviled Me, In their committing against Me a trespass.

Ezekieli 20:27
Prandaj bir njeriu, foli shtëpisë së Izraelit dhe i thuaj: Kështu thotë Zoti, Zotit. Etërit tuaj më kanë fyer edhe në këtë rast, duke u sjellë pabesisht me mua:

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 20:27
لاجل ذلك كلم بيت اسرائيل يا ابن آدم وقل لهم. هكذا قال السيد الرب. في هذا ايضا جدّف عليّ آباؤكم اذ خانوني خيانة

Dyr Heskiheel 20:27
Drum sag s yn de Isryheeler, Menscherl: Yso spricht dyr Herr, mein Got: Enkerne Vätter seind myr aau an d Eer gangen, indem däß s myr ganz und gar +untreu wurdnd.

Езекил 20:27
Затова, сине човешки, говори на Израилевия дом, като им речеш: Така казва Господ Иеова: Още и в това Ме охулиха бащите ви, дето вършиха престъпления против Мене.

以 西 結 書 20:27
人 子 啊 , 你 要 告 訴 以 色 列 家 說 , 主 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 你 們 的 列 祖 在 得 罪 我 的 事 上 褻 瀆 我 ;

人 子 啊 , 你 要 告 诉 以 色 列 家 说 , 主 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 你 们 的 列 祖 在 得 罪 我 的 事 上 亵 渎 我 ;



Ezekiel 20:27
Sine čovječji, reci domu Izraelovu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod! I ovim me oci vaši još uvrijediše: nevjerom mi se iznevjeriše!

Ezechiele 20:27
Protož mluv k domu Izraelskému, synu člověčí, a rci jim: Takto praví Panovník Hospodin: Ještě i tímto rouhali se mi otcové vaši, dopouštějíce se proti mně přestoupení,

Ezekiel 20:27
Derfor, Menneskesøn, tal til Israels Hus og sig til dem: Saa siger den Herre HERREN: Eders Fædre haanede mig ydermere ved at være troløse imod mig.

Ezechiël 20:27
Daarom, mensenkind, spreek tot het huis Israels, en zeg tot hen: Alzo zegt de Heere HEERE: Hiermede nog hebben Mij uw vaderen gesmaad, dat zij door overtreding tegen Mij overtreden hebben.

יחזקאל 20:27
לָכֵ֞ן דַּבֵּ֨ר אֶל־בֵּ֤ית יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ בֶּן־אָדָ֔ם וְאָמַרְתָּ֣ אֲלֵיהֶ֔ם כֹּ֥ה אָמַ֖ר אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֑ה עֹ֗וד זֹ֚את גִּדְּפ֤וּ אֹותִי֙ אֲבֹ֣ותֵיכֶ֔ם בְּמַעֲלָ֥ם בִּ֖י מָֽעַל׃

כז לכן דבר אל בית ישראל בן אדם ואמרת אליהם כה אמר אדני יהוה  עוד זאת גדפו אותי אבותיכם במעלם בי מעל

לכן דבר אל־בית ישראל בן־אדם ואמרת אליהם כה אמר אדני יהוה עוד זאת גדפו אותי אבותיכם במעלם בי מעל׃

Ezékiel 20:27
Azért szólj az Izráel házának, embernek fia, és mondjad nékik: Így szól az Úr Isten: Még ebben is gyalázattal illettek engem a ti atyáitok, hogy hûtlenül elszakadának tõlem:

Jeĥezkel 20:27
Tial parolu al la domo de Izrael, ho filo de homo, kaj diru al ili, ke tiele diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo:Ankoraux plue viaj patroj malhonoris Min per la pekoj, kiujn ili faris kontraux Mi:

Sentähden puhu, sinä ihmisen poika, Israelin huoneelle, ja sano heille: näin sanoo Herra, Herra: teidän isänne ovat vielä enemmin minua pilkanneet, hyvällä ehdolla minua vastaan rikkoissansa.

Ézéchiel 20:27
C'est pourquoi, fils d'homme, parle à la maison d'Israël, et dis-leur: Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel: Encore en ceci vos pères m'ont outragé, en étant infidèles envers moi.

C'est pourquoi parle à la maison d'Israël, fils de l'homme, et dis-leur: Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: Vos pères m'ont encore outragé, en se montrant infidèles à mon égard.

C'est pourquoi, toi fils d'homme, parle à la maison d'Israël, et leur dis : ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel : vos pères m'ont encore outragé, en ce qu'ils ont commis un tel crime contre moi;

Hesekiel 20:27
Darum rede, du Menschenkind, mit dem Hause Israel und sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der HERR HERR: Eure Väter haben mich noch weiter gelästert und getrotzet.

Darum rede, du Menschenkind, mit dem Hause Israel und sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der HERR HERR: Eure Väter haben mich noch weiter gelästert und mir getrotzt.

Darum rede zum Hause Israel, o Menschensohn, und sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der Herr Jahwe: Weiter haben mich eure Väter dadurch verhöhnt, daß sie von mir abtrünnig wurden.

Ezechiele 20:27
Perciò, figliuol d’uomo, parla alla casa d’Israele e di’ loro: Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: I vostri padri m’hanno ancora oltraggiato in questo, conducendosi perfidamente verso di me:

Perciò, figliuol d’uomo, parla alla casa d’Israele, e di’ loro: Così ha detto il Signore Iddio: In ciò ancora mi hanno oltraggiato i padri vostri, commettendo misfatto contro a me;

Maka sebab itu, hai anak Adam! berkatalah kepada bangsa Israel dan katakanlah kepadanya: Demikianlah firman Tuhan Hua: Lagi pada masa itu juga segala bapamu sudah mencelakan Daku dan mendurhaka kepada-Ku dengan sengajanya:

에스겔 20:27
그런즉 인자야 이스라엘 족속에게 고하여 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 너희 열조가 또 내게 범죄하여 나를 욕되게 하였느니라

Ezechiel 20:27
quam ob rem loquere ad domum Israhel fili hominis et dices ad eos haec dicit Dominus Deus adhuc et in hoc blasphemaverunt me patres vestri cum sprevissent me contemnentes

Ezechielio knyga 20:27
Todėl, žmogaus sūnau, kalbėk izraelitams ir sakyk jiems: ‘Taip sako Viešpats Dievas: ‘Jūsų tėvai piktžodžiavo ir paniekino mane.

Ezekiel 20:27
Mo reira korero ki te whare o Iharaira, e te tama a te tangata, mea atu ki a ratou, Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, Tenei ano tetahi kohukohu a o koutou matua ki ahau, i a ratou i mahi nei i te he ki ahau.

Esekiel 20:27
Tal derfor til Israels hus, menneskesønn, og si til dem: Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Også dermed hånte eders fedre mig at de viste troløshet mot mig;

Ezequiel 20:27
Por tanto, hijo de hombre, habla a la casa de Israel, y diles: ``Así dice el Señor DIOS: `Aun en esto me han blasfemado vuestros padres actuando deslealmente contra mí.

"Por tanto, hijo de hombre, habla a la casa de Israel, y diles: 'Así dice el Señor DIOS: "Aun en esto Me han blasfemado sus padres actuando deslealmente contra Mí.

Por tanto, hijo de hombre, habla a la casa de Israel, y diles: Así dice Jehová el Señor: Aun en esto me afrentaron vuestros padres cuando cometieron contra mí rebelión.

Por tanto, hijo del hombre, habla á la casa de Israel, y diles: Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Aun en esto me afrentaron vuestros padres cuando cometieron contra mí rebelión.

Por tanto, hijo de hombre, habla a la Casa de Israel, y diles: Así dijo el Señor DIOS: Aun en esto me blasfemaron vuestros padres cuando cometieron contra mí rebelión.

Ezequiel 20:27
Sendo assim, ó querido filho do homem, fala à nação de Israel, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o Yahweh, o Soberano Deus: Nisto os teus pais e antepassados também blasfemaram contra mim ao me desprezarem;

Portanto fala à casa de Israel, ó filho do homem, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Ainda nisto me blasfemaram vossos pais, que procederam traiçõeiramente para comigo;   

Ezechiel 20:27
,,De aceea, fiul omului, vorbeşte casei lui Israel, şi spune-le: ,,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul, Dumnezeu: ,,Părinţii voştri M'au batjocorit şi mai mult, arătîndu-se necredincioşi faţă de Mine.

Иезекииль 20:27
Посему говори дому Израилеву, сын человеческий, и скажи им: такговорит Господь Бог: вот чем еще хулили Меня отцы ваши, вероломно поступая против Меня:

Посему говори дому Израилеву, сын человеческий, и скажи им: так говорит Господь Бог: вот чем еще хулили Меня отцы ваши, вероломно поступая против Меня:[]

Hesekiel 20:27
Tala därför till Israels hus, du människobarn, och säg till dem: Så säger Herren, HERREN: Också därmed hava edra fäder hädat mig, att de hava begått otrohet mot mig.

Ezekiel 20:27
Kaya't, anak ng tao, salitain mo sa sangbahayan ni Israel, at sabihin mo sa kanila, Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoong Dios: Sa ganito ma'y nilapastangan ako ng inyong mga magulang, sa kanilang pagsalangsang laban sa akin.

เอเสเคียล 20:27
เพราะฉะนั้น บุตรแห่งมนุษย์เอ๋ย จงพูดกับวงศ์วานอิสราเอลและกล่าวแก่เขาว่า องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้าตรัสดังนี้ว่า ในเรื่องนี้บรรพบุรุษของเจ้าก็ได้หมิ่นประมาทเราอีก โดยกระทำการละเมิดต่อเรา

Hezekiel 20:27
‹‹Bu nedenle, ey insanoğlu, İsrail halkına de ki, ‹Egemen RAB şöyle diyor: Atalarınız yine ihanet etmekle bana küfretmiş oldular.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 20:27
Vậy nên, hỡi con người, hãy nói cùng nhà Y-sơ-ra-ên, bảo nó rằng: Chúa Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Tổ phụ các ngươi đã nói phạm ta, bởi chúng nó đã phạm pháp nghịch cùng ta.

Ezekiel 20:26
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