Ezekiel 17:7
Ezekiel 17:7
"'But there was another great eagle with powerful wings and full plumage. The vine now sent out its roots toward him from the plot where it was planted and stretched out its branches to him for water.

But then another great eagle came with broad wings and full plumage. So the vine now sent its roots and branches toward him for water,

“And there was another great eagle with great wings and much plumage, and behold, this vine bent its roots toward him and shot forth its branches toward him from the bed where it was planted, that he might water it.

"But there was another great eagle with great wings and much plumage; and behold, this vine bent its roots toward him and sent out its branches toward him from the beds where it was planted, that he might water it.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

But there was another great eagle with great wings and thick plumage. And this vine bent its roots toward him! It stretched out its branches to him from its planting bed, so that he might water it.

"'"All of a sudden, there was another eagle with gigantic wings and thick plumage. The vine stretched its roots hungrily toward him and spread its branches out to him in order to be watered on the terraces where it was planted.

"'There was another great eagle with broad wings and thick plumage. Now this vine twisted its roots toward him and sent its branches toward him to be watered from the soil where it was planted.

" 'There was another large eagle with large wings and many feathers. Now, the vine stretched its roots toward this eagle and sent its branches toward the eagle so that the eagle could water it. The vine turned away from the garden where it was planted.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers; and, behold, this vine joined her roots toward him and extended her branches toward him that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the bed of its planting.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend its roots toward him, and shot forth its branches toward him, from the beds of its plantation, that he might water it.

And there was another large eagle, with great wings, and many feathers: and behold this vine, bending as it were her roots towards him, stretched forth her branches to him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

And there was another great eagle with great wings and many feathers; and behold, from the beds of her plantation, this vine did bend her roots unto him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend its roots toward him, and shot forth its branches toward him, from the beds of its plantation, that he might water it.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and behold, this vine did bend her roots towards him, and shot forth her branches towards him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and behold, this vine did bend its roots toward him, and shot forth its branches toward him, from the beds of its plantation, that he might water it.

And there is another great eagle, Great-winged, and abounding with feathers, And lo, this vine hath bent its roots toward him, And its thin shoots it hath sent out toward him, To water it from the furrows of its planting,

Ezekieli 17:7
Por na ishte një shqiponjë tjetër e madhe, me ali të mëdha dhe me shumë pendë; dhe ja, kjo hardhi i ktheu rrënjët e saj drejt asaj dhe i shtriu degët e saj drejt asaj me qëllim që të vaditij nga brazda ku ishte mbjellë.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 17:7
وكان نسر آخر عظيم كبير الجناحين واسع المنكب فاذا بهذه الكرمة عطفت عليه اصولها وانبتت نحوه زراجينها ليسقيها في خمائل غرسها.

Dyr Heskiheel 17:7
Ietz kaam aber +non ayn mächtiger Adler mit Morddsflügln und aynn dichtn Gfider. Auf aynmaal gadraet der Weinstok seine Wurtznen +iem zue und trib iem seine Rancknen zgögn. Er haet wolln, däß n dyr Adler non reichlicher nötzt als wie der Böttling, daa wo yr pflantzt war.

Езекил 17:7
Имаше и друг голям орел с големи крила и гъста перушина; И, ето, от лехите гдето беше посадена Тая лоза разпростря корените си към него, И простря клончетата си към него за да я напои.

以 西 結 書 17:7
又 有 一 大 鷹 , 翅 膀 大 , 羽 毛 多 。 這 葡 萄 樹 從 栽 種 的 畦 中 向 這 鷹 彎 過 根 來 , 發 出 枝 子 , 好 得 他 的 澆 灌 。

又 有 一 大 鹰 , 翅 膀 大 , 羽 毛 多 。 这 葡 萄 树 从 栽 种 的 畦 中 向 这 鹰 弯 过 根 来 , 发 出 枝 子 , 好 得 他 的 浇 灌 。



Ezekiel 17:7
Bijaše i drugi orao, velik i velikih krila, gusta perja. I gle, čokot k njemu žilje pruži, k njemu upravi grančice svoje da ga natapa bolje od tla u koje bi zasađen.

Ezechiele 17:7
Ale byla orlice jedna veliká velikých křídel a vypeřená, a aj, ten kmen vinný připjal kořeny své k ní, a ratolesti své vztáhl k ní, aby svlažovala jej z brázd štípení svého,

Ezekiel 17:7
Men der var en anden stor Ørn med vældigt Vingefang og rig Fjederham; og se, Vinstokken bøjede sine Rødder imod den og strakte sine Ranker hen til den, for at den skulde give den mere Vand end Bedet, den stod i.

Ezechiël 17:7
Nog was er een grote arend, groot van vleugelen en overvloedig van vederen; en ziet, deze wijnstok voegde zijn wortelen naar denzelven toe, en wierp zijn takken tot hem uit, opdat hij hem bevochtigen zou naar de bedden zijner planting toe.

יחזקאל 17:7
וַיְהִ֤י נֶֽשֶׁר־אֶחָד֙ גָּדֹ֔ול גְּדֹ֥ול כְּנָפַ֖יִם וְרַב־נֹוצָ֑ה וְהִנֵּה֩ הַגֶּ֨פֶן הַזֹּ֜את כָּֽפְנָ֧ה שָׁרֳשֶׁ֣יהָ עָלָ֗יו וְדָֽלִיֹּותָיו֙ שִׁלְחָה־לֹּ֔ו לְהַשְׁקֹ֣ות אֹותָ֔הּ מֵעֲרֻגֹ֖ות מַטָּעָֽהּ׃

ז ויהי נשר אחד גדול גדול כנפים ורב נוצה והנה הגפן הזאת כפנה שרשיה עליו ודליותיו שלחה לו להשקות אותה מערגות מטעה

ויהי נשר־אחד גדול גדול כנפים ורב־נוצה והנה הגפן הזאת כפנה שרשיה עליו ודליותיו שלחה־לו להשקות אותה מערגות מטעה׃

Ezékiel 17:7
És vala más nagy szárnyú, soktollú nagy saskeselyû, és ímé, ez a szõlõtõ feléje terjeszté gyökereit s vesszeit hozzá nyújtá ültetésének ágyaiból, hogy öntözze õt;

Jeĥezkel 17:7
Kaj estis alia granda aglo kun grandaj flugiloj kaj abundaj plumoj; kaj jen tiu vinbertrunko tiris sin per siaj radikoj al gxi kaj etendis al gxi siajn brancxojn, por ke gxi trinkigu gxin, de la bedoj, kie gxi estis plantita.

Ja siellä oli toinen suuri kotka, jolla olivat isot siivet ja paljo sulkia, ja katso, tämä viinapuu sovitti juurensa hänen puoleensa, ja ojensi oksansa hänen puoleensa, että sen piti kastetuksi tuleman hänen ojistansa.

Ézéchiel 17:7
Mais il y avait un autre grand aigle, à grandes ailes et à beaucoup de plumes; et voici, des carrés de sa plantation, cette vigne tourna vers lui ses racines, et étendit ses branches vers lui, afin qu'il l'arrosât.

Il y avait un autre aigle, grand, aux longues ailes, au plumage épais. Et voici, du parterre où elle était plantée, cette vigne étendit avec avidité ses racines de son côté et dirigea ses rameaux vers lui, afin qu'il l'arrosât.

Mais il y avait une [autre] grande aigle à grandes ailes, et de beaucoup de plumes; et voici ce cep serra vers elle ses racines, et étendit ses branches vers elle, afin qu'elle l'arrosât [des eaux qui coulaient dans les] carreaux de son parterre.

Hesekiel 17:7
Und da war ein anderer großer Adler mit großen Flügeln und vielen Federn; und siehe, der Weinstock hatte Verlangen an seinen Wurzeln zu diesem Adler und streckte seine Reben aus gegen ihn, daß er gewässert würde vom Platz seiner Pflanzen.

Und da war ein anderer großer Adler mit großen Flügeln und vielen Federn; und siehe, der Weinstock hatte verlangen an seinen Wurzeln zu diesem Adler und streckte seine Reben aus gegen ihn, daß er gewässert würde, vom Platz, da er gepflanzt war.

Es war aber ein anderer großer Adler mit großen Flügeln und starkem Gefieder, und fürwahr, jener Weinstock bog seine Wurzeln zu ihm hin und streckte ihm seine Äste entgegen, damit er ihn tränke und nicht das Beet, in das er gepflanzt war,

Ezechiele 17:7
Ma c’era un’altra grande aquila, dalla ampie ali, e dalle piume abbondanti; ed ecco che questa vite volse le sue radici verso di lei, e, dal suolo dov’era piantata, stese verso l’aquila i suoi tralci perch’essa l’annaffiasse.

Or vi fu un’altra grande aquila, con grandi ali, e con molte penne; ed ecco, quella vite voltò le sue radici ad essa, e stese verso lei i suoi tralci, acciocchè la rigasse co’ rigagnoli delle sue piante.

Dan lagi adalah pula seekor burung nasar besar, yang besar sayapnya dan penuh sesak bulunya, heran, maka pokok anggur itu meraitkanlah akarnya kepadanya dan dari pada petak tempat ia tertanam itu dicenderungkannya cabangnya kepadanya hendak didiriskan olehnya.

에스겔 17:7
또 날개가 크고 털이 많은 큰 독수리에게 물을 받으려고 그 심긴 두둑에서 그를 향하여 뿌리가 발하고 가지가 퍼졌도다

Ezechiel 17:7
et facta est aquila altera grandis magnis alis multisque plumis et ecce vinea ista quasi mittens radices suas ad eam palmites suos extendit ad illam ut inrigaret eam de areolis germinis sui

Ezechielio knyga 17:7
Atskrido kitas didelis erelis ilgais sparnais ir su daugybe plunksnų. Vynmedis kreipė į jį savo šaknis ir tiesė į jį šakeles iš savo lysvės, kad šis jį palaistytų.

Ezekiel 17:7
Na tera ano tetahi atu ekara nui, he nunui nga parirau, a he maha nga huruhuru: na i piko atu nga pakiaka o te waina nei ki a ia, i toro atu ona manga ki a ia i nga wahi i whakatokia ai, kia whakamakukutia ai e ia.

Esekiel 17:7
Men det var en annen stor ørn med store vinger og mange fjær, og se, vintreet bøide sine røtter bort imot den, og fra den seng hvori det var plantet, strakte det sine ranker bort til den, forat den skulde vanne det.

Ezequiel 17:7
`Pero había otra gran águila de grandes alas y abundante plumaje, y he aquí, esta vid dobló sus raíces hacia ella, y hacia ella extendió sus sarmientos desde los surcos donde estaba plantada para que la regara.

Pero había otra gran águila De grandes alas y abundante plumaje, Y esta vid dobló sus raíces hacia ella, Y hacia ella extendió sus sarmientos Desde los surcos donde estaba plantada para que la regara.

Hubo también otra gran águila, de grandes alas y de muchas plumas; y he aquí que esta vid juntó cerca de ella sus raíces, y extendió hacia ella sus ramas, para ser regada por ella por los surcos de su plantío.

Y fué otra grande águila, de grandes alas y de muchas plumas; y he aquí que esta vid juntó cerca de ella sus raíces, y extendió hacia ella sus ramos, para ser regada por ella por los surcos de su plantío.

Y fue otra gran águila, de grandes alas y de muchas plumas; y he aquí que esta vid juntó cerca de ella sus raíces, y extendió hacia ella sus ramas, para ser regada por ella por los surcos de su plantío.

Ezequiel 17:7
Entretanto, havia uma outra grande águia, com asas muito fortes e rica plumagem. A videira lançou suas raízes na direção dessa águia, desde as terras onde estava plantada e estendeu seus ramos para ela na expectativa de alcançar água para si.

Houve ainda outra grande águia, de grandes asas, e cheia de penas; e eis que também esta videira lançou para ela as suas raizes, e estendeu para ela os seus ramos desde as aréolas em que estava plantada, para que ela a regasse.   

Ezechiel 17:7
Mai era însă un alt vultur, mare, cu aripi lungi şi cu pene multe. Şi iată că din pămîntul unde era sădită, viţa aceasta şi -a întins rădăcinile cu lăcomie spre el, şi şi -a îndreptat ramurile spre el, ca s'o ude mai mult decît pe stratul în care era sădită.

Иезекииль 17:7
И еще был орел с большими крыльями и пушистый; и вот, эта виноградная лоза потянулась к нему своими корнями и простерла к нему ветви свои, чтобыон поливал ее из борозд рассадника своего.

И еще был орел с большими крыльями и пушистый; и вот, эта виноградная лоза потянулась к нему своими корнями и простерла к нему ветви свои, чтобы он поливал ее из борозд рассадника своего.[]

Hesekiel 17:7
Men där var ock en annan stor örn med stora vingar och fjädrar i mängd; och se, till denne böjde nu vinträdet längtansfullt sina grenar, och från platsen där det var planterat sträckte det sina rankor mot honom, för att han skulle vattna det.

Ezekiel 17:7
May iba namang malaking aguila na may mga malaking pakpak at maraming balahibo: at, narito, ang puno ng baging na ito ay pumihit ang mga ugat niyaon, sa dako niya, at isinupling ang kaniyang mga sanga sa dako niya mula sa mga pitak na kinatatamanan, upang kaniyang madilig.

เอเสเคียล 17:7
แต่มีนกอินทรีตัวมหึมาอีกตัวหนึ่ง มีปีกใหญ่และมีขนมาก ดูเถิด องุ่นเถานั้นชอนรากมาหานกอินทรีตัวนี้ และแตกแขนงตรงมาที่มัน เพื่อให้มันรดน้ำให้จากร่องที่ปลูกอยู่นั้น

Hezekiel 17:7
‹‹ ‹Gelgelelim, kanatları güçlü, bol tüylü başka bir iri kartal da vardı. Asma bu kez dikildiği yerden köklerini bu kartala doğru çevirdi; sulasın diye dallarını ona doğru saldı.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 17:7
Nhưng có một chim ưng lớn khác, cánh lớn, lông nhiều; nầy, gốc nho từ chỗ đất mình đã được trồng, căng rễ ra và ngả nhành hướng về nó, hầu cho chim ưng ấy đến tưới mình.

Ezekiel 17:6
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