Ezekiel 17:24
Ezekiel 17:24
All the trees of the forest will know that I the LORD bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. "'I the LORD have spoken, and I will do it.'"

And all the trees will know that it is I, the LORD, who cuts the tall tree down and makes the short tree grow tall. It is I who makes the green tree wither and gives the dead tree new life. I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will do what I said!"

And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the LORD; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it.”

"All the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD; I bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will perform it."

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

Then all the trees of the field will know that I am Yahweh. I bring down the tall tree, and make the low tree tall. I cause the green tree to wither and make the withered tree thrive. I, Yahweh, have spoken and I will do it.

Then all the trees of the fields will know that I, the LORD, bring down the lofty tree and exalt the lowly tree. I dry up the green tree and cause the dry tree to bud. I the LORD have spoken this, and I will fulfill it."

All the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD. I make the high tree low; I raise up the low tree. I make the green tree wither, and I make the dry tree sprout. I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will do it!'"

Then all the trees in the field will know that I am the LORD. I cut down tall trees, and I make small trees grow tall. I dry up green trees, and I make dry trees grow. I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will do it.'"

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish; I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I, Jehovah, have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish; I, Jehovah, have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the country shall know that I the Lord have brought down the high tree, and exalted the low tree: and have dried up the green tree, and have caused the dry tree to flourish. I the Lord have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I Jehovah have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and made the dry tree to flourish: I Jehovah have spoken, and will do it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

All the trees of the field shall know that I, Yahweh, have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish; I, Yahweh, have spoken and have done it.

And known have all trees of the field That I, Jehovah, have made low the high tree, I have set on high the low tree, I have dried up the moist tree, And I have caused the dry tree to flourish, I, Jehovah, have spoken, and have done it!'

Ezekieli 17:24
Kështu tërë drurët e fushës do të mësojnë se unë, Zoti, kam ulur drurin e lartë dhe kam ngritur drurin e ulët, kam bërë të thahet druri i gjelbër dhe të mbijë druri i thatë. Unë Zoti, kam folur dhe do ta bëj".

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 17:24
فتعلم جميع اشجار الحقل اني انا الرب وضعت الشجرة الرفيعة ورفعت الشجرة الوضيعة ويبّست الشجرة الخضراء وافرخت الشجرة اليابسة. انا الرب تكلمت وفعلت

Dyr Heskiheel 17:24
Dann gspannend s de andern Baeum, däß i dyr Herr bin. Önn hoohen Baaum stutz i zrugg, und önn nidern laaß i gscheid anschiebn. Önn gruenetn laaß i dyrdürrn und dönn dyrdürrtn wider treibn. I, dyr Trechtein, haan dös gsait; und yso +mach i s aau.

Езекил 17:24
И всичките дървета на полето ще познаят, Че Аз Господ сниших високото дърво, възвисих ниското дърво, Изсуших зеленото дърво и направих сухото дърво да се раззеленее. Аз Господ изговорих това и ще го извърша.

以 西 結 書 17:24
田 野 的 樹 木 都 必 知 道 我 ─ 耶 和 華 使 高 樹 矮 小 , 矮 樹 高 大 ; 青 樹 枯 乾 , 枯 樹 發 旺 。 我 ─ 耶 和 華 如 此 說 , 也 如 此 行 了 。

田 野 的 树 木 都 必 知 道 我 ─ 耶 和 华 使 高 树 矮 小 , 矮 树 高 大 ; 青 树 枯 乾 , 枯 树 发 旺 。 我 ─ 耶 和 华 如 此 说 , 也 如 此 行 了 。



Ezekiel 17:24
I sve će poljsko drveće znati da ja sam Jahve koji visoko drvo ponizujem, a nisko uzvisujem; zeleno drvo sušim, a drvu suhu dajem da rodi. Ja, Jahve, rekoh i učinit ću!'

Ezechiele 17:24
A tak zvědí všecka dříví polní, že já Hospodin snížil jsem dřevo vysoké, a povýšil jsem dřeva nízkého; usušil jsem strom zelený, a způsobil to, aby zkvetl strom suchý. Já Hospodin mluvil jsem to i učiním.

Ezekiel 17:24
Og alle Markens Træer skal kende, at jeg, HERREN, nedbøjer det høje Træ og ophøjer det lave, udtørrer det friske Træ og lader det tørre blomstre. Jeg, HERREN, har talt og grebet ind.

Ezechiël 17:24
Zo zullen alle bomen des velds weten, dat Ik, de HEERE, den hogen boom vernederd heb, den nederigen boom verdroogd, en den drogen boom bloeiende gemaakt heb; Ik, de HEERE, heb het gesproken, en zal het doen.

יחזקאל 17:24
וְֽיָדְע֞וּ כָּל־עֲצֵ֣י הַשָּׂדֶ֗ה כִּ֣י אֲנִ֤י יְהוָה֙ הִשְׁפַּ֣לְתִּי ׀ עֵ֣ץ גָּבֹ֗הַ הִגְבַּ֙הְתִּי֙ עֵ֣ץ שָׁפָ֔ל הֹובַ֙שְׁתִּי֙ עֵ֣ץ לָ֔ח וְהִפְרַ֖חְתִּי עֵ֣ץ יָבֵ֑שׁ אֲנִ֥י יְהוָ֖ה דִּבַּ֥רְתִּי וְעָשִֽׂיתִי׃ פ

כד וידעו כל עצי השדה כי אני יהוה השפלתי עץ גבה הגבהתי עץ שפל הובשתי עץ לח והפרחתי עץ יבש  אני יהוה דברתי ועשיתי  {פ}

וידעו כל־עצי השדה כי אני יהוה השפלתי ׀ עץ גבה הגבהתי עץ שפל הובשתי עץ לח והפרחתי עץ יבש אני יהוה דברתי ועשיתי׃ פ

Ezékiel 17:24
És megismeri a mezõ minden fája, hogy én, az Úr tettem a magas fát alacsonynyá, az alacsony fát magassá; megszáraztottam a zöldelõ fát, és zölddé tettem az asszú fát. Én, az Úr szólottam és megcselekedtem.

Jeĥezkel 17:24
Kaj ekscios cxiuj arboj de la kampo, ke Mi, la Eternulo, malaltigas arbon altan kaj altigas arbon malaltan, ke Mi velkigas arbon sukoplenan kaj verdigas arbon velkintan; Mi, la Eternulo, tion diris, kaj Mi tion plenumos.

Ja kaikki puut maan päällä pitää tietämän, että minä Herra olen korkian puun alentanut, ja matalan puun ylentänyt, ja viheriäisen puun kuivannut, ja kuivan puun viheriäiseksi tehnyt; minä Herra sen puhun, ja teen sen myös.

Ézéchiel 17:24
Et tous les arbres des champs sauront que moi, l'Éternel, j'abaisse l'arbre élevé et j'élève l'arbre abaissé, je fais sécher l'arbre vert et je fais fleurir l'arbre sec. Moi, l'Éternel, je l'ai dit, et je le ferai.

Et tous les arbres des champs sauront que moi, l'Eternel, j'ai abaissé l'arbre qui s'élevait et élevé l'arbre qui était abaissé, que j'ai desséché l'arbre vert et fait verdir l'arbre sec. Moi, l'Eternel, j'ai parlé, et j'agirai.

Et tous les bois des champs connaîtront que moi l'Eternel j'aurai abaissé le grand arbre, et élevé le petit arbre, fait sécher le bois vert, et fait reverdir le bois sec; moi l'Eternel, j'ai parlé, et je le ferai.

Hesekiel 17:24
Und sollen alle Feldbäume erfahren, daß ich, der HERR, den hohen Baum geniedriget und den niedrigen Baum erhöhet habe und den grünen Baum ausgedorret und den dürren Baum grünend gemacht habe. Ich, der HERR, rede es und tue es auch.

Und sollen alle Feldbäume erfahren, daß ich, der HERR, den hohen Baum erniedrigt habe und den niedrigen Baum erhöht habe und den grünen Baum ausgedörrt und den dürren Baum grünend gemacht habe. Ich, der HERR, rede es und tue es auch.

Und alle Bäume des Feldes sollen merken, daß ich, Jahwe, einen hohen Baum erniedrigt und einen niedrigen Baum erhöht, einen frischen Baum dürrgemacht und einen dürren Baum zur Blüte gebracht habe: ich, Jahwe, habe es gesagt und gethan.

Ezechiele 17:24
E tutti gli alberi della campagna sapranno che io, l’Eterno, son quegli che ho abbassato l’albero ch’era su in alto, che ho innalzato l’albero ch’era giù in basso, che ho fatto seccare l’albero verde, e che ho fatto germogliare l’albero secco. Io, l’Eterno, l’ho detto, e lo farò".

E tutti gli alberi della campagna conosceranno che io sono il Signore, che abbasso gli alberi alti, e innalzo gli alberi bassi; che dissecco gli alberi verdi, e fo germogliare gli alberi secchi. Io, il Signore, ho parlato, ed altresì metterò la cosa ad effetto.

Maka akan diketahui oleh segala pohon kayu di padang, bahwa Aku ini Tuhan, merendahkan segala pohon yang tinggi dan meninggikan segala pohon yang rendah, bahwa Aku mengeringkan pohon yang hijau dan memperbungakan pohon yang kering itu; bahwa Aku ini, Tuhan, sudah berfirman, dan Aku juga akan menyampaikan dia.

에스겔 17:24
들의 모든 나무가 나 여호와는 높은 나무를 낮추고 낮은 나무를 높이며 푸른 나무를 말리우고 마른 나무를 무성케 하는줄 알리라 나 여호와는 말하고 이루느니라 하라

Ezechiel 17:24
et scient omnia ligna regionis quia ego Dominus humiliavi lignum sublime et exaltavi lignum humile et siccavi lignum viride et frondere feci lignum aridum ego Dominus locutus sum et feci

Ezechielio knyga 17:24
Visi krašto medžiai žinos, kad Aš, Viešpats, pažeminu aukštą medį ir paaukštinu žemą, žaliuojantį medį nudžiovinu ir sausą darau žaliuojantį. Aš, Viešpats, pasakiau ir įvykdžiau’ ”.

Ezekiel 17:24
A ka mohio nga rakau katoa o te parae, naku, na Ihowa, i whakaiti te rakau tiketike, naku i tiketike ai te rakau papaku; naku i whakamareke te rakau kaiota, naku hoki i tupu ai te rakau maroke: naku, na Ihowa, te kupu, naku ano i mahi.

Esekiel 17:24
Og alle markens trær skal kjenne at jeg, Herren, har gjort et høit tre lavt og et lavt tre høit, et friskt tre tørt og et tørt tre grønt; jeg, Herren, har sagt det, og jeg skal gjøre det.

Ezequiel 17:24
Y todos los árboles del campo sabrán que yo soy el SEÑOR; humillo al árbol elevado y elevo al árbol humilde; seco al árbol verde y hago reverdecer al árbol seco. Yo, el SEÑOR, he hablado y lo haré.

"Y todos los árboles del campo sabrán que Yo soy el SEÑOR; humillo al árbol elevado y elevo al árbol humilde; seco al árbol verde y hago reverdecer al árbol seco. Yo, el SEÑOR, he hablado y lo haré."

Y sabrán todos los árboles del campo que yo Jehová abatí el árbol sublime, levanté el árbol bajo, hice secar el árbol verde, e hice reverdecer el árbol seco. Yo Jehová hablé e hice.

Y sabrán todos los árboles del campo que yo Jehová abatí el árbol sublime, levanté el árbol bajo, hice secar el árbol verde, é hice reverdecer el árbol seco. Yo Jehová hablé é hice.

Y sabrán todos los árboles del campo que yo, el SEÑOR, abatí el árbol sublime, levanté el árbol bajo, hice secar el árbol verde, e hice reverdecer el árbol seco. Yo, el SEÑOR, hablé e hice.

Ezequiel 17:24
E todas as árvores do campo saberão que Eu, o SENHOR, faço cair a árvore poderosa e faço crescer alta e vigorosa a árvore baixa. Eu, o Eterno, resseco a árvore viçosa e faço florescer a árvore que estava seca! Eu, Yahweh, assim prometi, assim farei!”

Assim saberão todas as árvores do campo que eu, o Senhor, abati a árvore alta, elevei a árvore baixa, sequei a árvore verde, e fiz reverdecer a árvore seca; eu, e Senhor, o disse, e o farei.   

Ezechiel 17:24
Şi toţi copacii de pe cîmp vor şti că Eu, Domnul, am pogorît copacul care se înălţa şi am înălţat copacul care era plecat; că Eu am uscat copacul cel verde şi am înverzit copacul cel uscat. Eu, Domnul, am vorbit, şi voi şi face.

Иезекииль 17:24
И узнают все дерева полевые, что Я, Господь, высокое дерево понижаю, низкое дерево повышаю, зеленеющее дерево иссушаю, а сухое дерево делаю цветущим: Я, Господь, сказал, и сделаю.

И узнают все дерева полевые, что Я, Господь, высокое дерево понижаю, низкое дерево повышаю, зеленеющее дерево иссушаю, а сухое дерево делаю цветущим: Я, Господь, сказал, и сделаю.[]

Hesekiel 17:24
Och alla träd på marken skola förnimma att det är jag, HERREN, som förödmjukar höga träd och upphöjer låga träd, som låter friska träd förtorka och gör torra träd grönskande. Jag, HERREN, har talat det, och jag fullbordar det också.

Ezekiel 17:24
At ang lahat na punong kahoy sa parang ay makakaalam na akong Panginoon ang nagbaba sa mataas na punong kahoy, nagtaas sa mababang punong kahoy, tumuyo sa sariwang punong kahoy, at nagpanariwa sa tuyong punong kahoy: akong Panginoon ang nagsalita at gumawa niyaon.

เอเสเคียล 17:24
และต้นไม้ทุกต้นในทุ่งจะทราบว่าเราคือพระเยโฮวาห์กระทำต้นไม้สูงให้ต่ำลง และกระทำต้นไม้ต่ำให้สูงขึ้น ทำต้นไม้เขียวให้แห้งไป และทำต้นไม้แห้งให้งามสดชื่น เราคือพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ลั่นวาจาแล้ว เราได้กระทำเช่นนั้น"

Hezekiel 17:24
Bütün orman ağaçları
Her yüksek ağacı bodurlaştıranın,
Her bodur ağacı yükseltenin,
Her yeşil ağacı kurutanın
Ve kuru ağacı yeşertenin
Ben RAB olduğumu anlayacaklar.
Bunu ben RAB söylüyorum ve dediğimi yapacağım.› ››[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 17:24
Mọi cây ngoài đồng sẽ biết rằng ta, Ðức Giê-hô-va, đã hạ cây cao xuống và cất cây thấp lên, ta đã làm khô cây xanh, và làm cho cây khô tốt lên. Ta, Ðức Giê-hô-va, đã phán và làm thành sự đó.

Ezekiel 17:23
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