Exodus 39:1
Exodus 39:1
From the blue, purple and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary. They also made sacred garments for Aaron, as the LORD commanded Moses.

The craftsmen made beautiful sacred garments of blue, purple, and scarlet cloth--clothing for Aaron to wear while ministering in the Holy Place, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

From the blue and purple and scarlet yarns they made finely woven garments, for ministering in the Holy Place. They made the holy garments for Aaron, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

Moreover, from the blue and purple and scarlet material, they made finely woven garments for ministering in the holy place as well as the holy garments which were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.

They made specially woven garments for ministry in the sanctuary, and the holy garments for Aaron from the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

From the blue, purple, and scarlet material they made finely woven garments for ministering in the Holy Place, and they made the holy garments for Aaron, just as the LORD commanded Moses.

From the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for serving in the sanctuary; they made holy garments that were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

From the violet, purple, and bright red yarn they made special clothes worn for official duties in the holy place. They also made the holy clothes for Aaron. They followed the LORD's instructions to Moses.

And of the blue and purple and scarlet, they made the clothing of the ministry, to minister in the sanctuary, and in the same manner they made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD had commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made finely wrought garments, for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And he made, of violet and purple, scarlet and fine linen, the vestments for Aaron to wear when he ministered in the holy places, as the Lord commanded Moses.

And of the blue and purple and scarlet they made garments of service, for service in the sanctuary, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as Jehovah had commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made finely wrought garments, for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made clothes of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.

Of the blue, purple, and scarlet, they made finely worked garments, for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as Yahweh commanded Moses.

And of the blue, and the purple, and the scarlet, they made coloured garments, to minister in the sanctuary; and they make the holy garments which are for Aaron, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

Eksodi 39:1
Pastaj me stofa ngjyrë vjollce, të purpurt dhe flakë të kuqe, bëri rroba të punuara mirë për të shërbyer në shenjtërore, dhe bënë rrobat e shenjta për Aaronin, ashtu siç e kishte urdhëruar Zoti Moisiun.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 39:1
ومن الاسمانجوني والارجوان والقرمز صنعوا ثيابا منسوجة للخدمة في المقدس وصنعوا الثياب المقدسة التي لهرون. كما امر الرب موسى.

Dyr Auszug 39:1
Aus dyr blauen, veigln und krappn Wollwaat gmacht dyr Bezyleel mit seine Leut, wo yr hiet, de gsticktn Gwänder für n Dienst in n Heiligtuem. Wie s dyr Herr yn n Mosenn angschafft hiet, gschneidernd s yn n Ärenn ayn Amptstracht.

Изход 39:1
И от синьото, моравото и червеното направиха служебни одежди за служене в светилището, и направиха светите одежди за Аарона, както Господ заповяда на Моисея.

出 埃 及 記 39:1
比 撒 列 用 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 做 精 緻 的 衣 服 , 在 聖 所 用 以 供 職 , 又 為 亞 倫 做 聖 衣 , 是 照 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。

比 撒 列 用 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 做 精 致 的 衣 服 , 在 圣 所 用 以 供 职 , 又 为 亚 伦 做 圣 衣 , 是 照 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。



Exodus 39:1
Od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva naprave lijepo izrađeno ruho za službu u Svetištu; naprave svetu odjeću Aronu, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.

Exodus 39:1
Z modrého pak postavce a šarlatu a červce dvakrát barveného udělali roucha k službě, k přisluhování v svatyni. Udělali i roucho svaté, kteréž by bylo Aronovi, jakž byl přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi.

2 Mosebog 39:1
Af det violette og røde Purpurgarn og det karmoisinrøde Garn tilvirkede de Pragtklæderne til Tjenesten i Helligdommen; og de tilvirkede Arons hellige Klæder, saaledes som HERREN havde paalagt Moses.

Exodus 39:1
Zij maakten ook ambtsklederen, om in het heilige te dienen, van hemelsblauw, en purper, en scharlaken; ook maakten zij de heilige klederen, die voor Aaron waren, gelijk de HEERE aan Mozes geboden had.

שמות 39:1
וּמִן־הַתְּכֵ֤לֶת וְהָֽאַרְגָּמָן֙ וְתֹולַ֣עַת הַשָּׁנִ֔י עָשׂ֥וּ בִגְדֵי־שְׂרָ֖ד לְשָׁרֵ֣ת בַּקֹּ֑דֶשׁ וַֽיַּעֲשׂ֞וּ אֶת־בִּגְדֵ֤י הַקֹּ֙דֶשׁ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לְאַהֲרֹ֔ן כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָ֖ה אֶת־מֹשֶֽׁה׃ פ

א ומן התכלת והארגמן ותולעת השני עשו בגדי שרד לשרת בקדש ויעשו את בגדי הקדש אשר לאהרן כאשר צוה יהוה את משה  {פ}

ומן־התכלת והארגמן ותולעת השני עשו בגדי־שרד לשרת בקדש ויעשו את־בגדי הקדש אשר לאהרן כאשר צוה יהוה את־משה׃ פ

2 Mózes 39:1
A kék, és bíborpiros, és karmazsinszínû [fonálból] pedig csinálának szolgálati ruhákat a szenthelyen való szolgálatra. Áronnak is úgy készíték a szent ruhákat, a mint az Úr parancsolta vala Mózesnek.

Moseo 2: Eliro 39:1
Kaj el la blua, purpura, kaj rugxa teksajxo ili faris la oficajn vestojn por la servado en la sanktejo; kaj ili faris la sanktajn vestojn por Aaron, kiel la Eternulo ordonis al Moseo.

Mutta sinisistä, ja purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista tekivät he virkavaatteita palvelukseen pyhässä: ja he tekivät pyhiä vaatteita Aaronille, niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

Exode 39:1
Et du bleu, et de la pourpre, et de l'écarlate, ils firent les vêtements de service pour servir dans le lieu saint; et ils firent les saints vêtements qui étaient pour Aaron, comme l'Éternel l'avait commandé à Moïse.

Avec les étoffes teintes en bleu, en pourpre et en cramoisi, on fit les vêtements d'office pour le service dans le sanctuaire, et on fit les vêtements sacrés pour Aaron, comme l'Eternel l'avait ordonné à Moïse.

Ils firent aussi de pourpre, d'écarlate, et de cramoisi les vêtements du service, pour faire le service du Sanctuaire; et ils firent les saints vêtements pour Aaron, comme l'Eternel l'avait commandé à Moïse.

2 Mose 39:1
Aber von der gelben Seide, Scharlaken und Rosinrot machten sie Aaron Kleider, zu dienen im Heiligtum, wie der HERR Mose geboten hatte.

Aber von dem blauen und roten Purpur und dem Scharlach machten sie Aaron Amtskleider, zu dienen im Heiligtum, wie der HERR Mose geboten hatte. {~} {~} {~}

Aus dem blauen und roten Purpur aber und aus dem Karmesin fertigten sie prachtvoll gewirkte Kleider zum Dienst im Heiligtum; und sie fertigten die heiligen Kleider Aarons, wie Jahwe Mose befohlen hatte.

Esodo 39:1
Poi, con le stoffe tinte in violaceo, porporino e scarlatto, fecero de’ paramenti cerimoniali ben lavorati per le funzioni nel santuario, e fecero i paramenti sacri per Aaronne, come l’Eterno aveva ordinato a Mosè.

POI del violato, e della porpora e dello scarlatto, coloro fecero i vestimenti del servigio, per fare il ministerio nel Santuario; e anche fecero i vestimenti sacri per Aaronne; come il Signore avea comandato a Mosè.

Dan lagi diperbuatkannya segala pakaian jawatan akan mengerjakan tempat yang suci itu, yaitu dari pada benang biru laut dan ungu dan kirmizi, dan lagi diperbuatnya segala pakaian yang suci akan Harun, setuju dengan firman Tuhan yang kepada Musa.

출애굽기 39:1
그들이 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신대로 청색, 자색, 홍색실로 성소에서 섬기기 위한 정교한 옷을 만들고 또 아론을 위한 거룩한 옷을 만들었더라

Exodus 39:1
de hyacintho vero et purpura vermiculo ac bysso fecit vestes quibus indueretur Aaron quando ministrabat in sanctis sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi

Iðëjimo knyga 39:1
Iš mėlynų, raudonų ir violetinių siūlų padarė apdarus, kuriais turėjo vilkėti Aaronas, tarnaudamas šventykloje, kaip Viešpats įsakė Mozei.

Exodus 39:1
I hanga ano hoki e ratou te puru, te papura, me te ngangana, hei kakahu minita mo te minitatanga i te wahi tapu, i hanga ano nga kakahu tapu mo Arona; ko ta Ihowa i whakahau ai ki a Mohi.

2 Mosebok 39:1
Av den blå og purpurrøde og karmosinrøde ull gjorde de embedsklær til tjenesten i helligdommen; og de gjorde de hellige klær som Aron skulde ha, således som Herren hadde befalt Moses

Éxodo 39:1
Además, de la tela azul, púrpura y escarlata hicieron vestiduras finamente tejidas para ministrar en el lugar santo, y también hicieron las vestiduras sagradas para Aarón, tal como el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés.

Las vestiduras finamente tejidas para ministrar en el lugar santo se hicieron de tela azul, púrpura y escarlata, y también se hicieron las vestiduras sagradas para Aarón, tal como el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés.

Y del azul, y púrpura, y carmesí, hicieron las vestimentas del ministerio para ministrar en el santuario, y asimismo hicieron las vestiduras santas para Aarón; como Jehová lo había mandado a Moisés.

Y DEL jacinto, y púrpura, y carmesí, hicieron las vestimentas del ministerio para ministrar en el santuario, y asimismo hicieron las vestiduras sagradas para Aarón; como Jehová lo había mandado á Moisés.

Y del cárdeno, y púrpura, y carmesí, hicieron las vestimentas del ministerio para ministrar en el santuario, y asimismo hicieron las santas vestiduras para Aarón; como el SEÑOR lo había mandado a Moisés.

Éxodo 39:1
Com fios de lã azul-celeste, púrpura-violeta e carmesim fizeram as vestimentas sacerdotais litúrgicas para ministrar no Lugar Santo. Do mesmo modo fizeram as roupas sagradas de Arão, exatamente como Yahweh tinha orientado Moisés.

Fizeram também de azul, púrpura e carmesim as vestes, finamente tecidas, para ministrar no lugar santo, e fizeram as vestes sagradas para Arão, como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés.   

Exod 39:1
Cu materiile văpsite în albastru, în purpuriu şi în cărmiziu, au făcut veşmintele preoţilor pentru slujba sfîntului locaş, şi au făcut veşminte sfinte lui Aaron, cum poruncise lui Moise Domnul.

Исход 39:1
Из голубой же, пурпуровой и червленой шерсти сделали они служебные одежды, для служения во святилище; также сделали священные одежды Аарону, какповелел Господь Моисею.

Из голубой же, пурпуровой и червленой [шерсти] сделали они служебные одежды, для служения во святилище; также сделали священные одежды Аарону, как повелел Господь Моисею.[]

2 Mosebok 39:1
Och av det mörkblåa, det purpurröda och det rosenröda garnet gjorde man stickade kläder till tjänsten i helgedomen; och man gjorde de andra heliga kläderna som Aron skulle hava, såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose.

Exodus 39:1
At sa kayong bughaw, at kulay-ube, at pula, ay gumawa sila ng mga kasuutang mainam ang pagkayari upang gamitin sa pangangasiwa sa dakong banal, at ginawang mga banal na kasuutan kay Aaron; gaya ng iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises.

อพยพ 39:1
ด้ายสีฟ้า สีม่วง สีแดงเข้มนั้น เขาใช้ทำเสื้อยศเย็บด้วยฝีมือประณีตสำหรับใส่เวลาปรนนิบัติในที่บริสุทธิ์ และได้ทำเครื่องยศบริสุทธิ์สำหรับอาโรน ตามที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาแก่โมเสส

Mısır'dan Çıkış 39:1
Kutsal yerde hizmet için lacivert, mor, kırmızı iplikten özenle dokunmuş giysiler yaptılar. Ayrıca RABbin Musaya buyurduğu gibi Haruna kutsal giysiler yapıldı.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 39:1
Họ dùng chỉ màu tím, đỏ điều, đỏ sặm mà chế bộ áo định cho sự tế lễ trong nơi thánh, và bộ áo thánh cho A-rôn, y như lời Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn Môi-se.

Exodus 38:31
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