Exodus 38:18
Exodus 38:18
The curtain for the entrance to the courtyard was made of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen--the work of an embroiderer. It was twenty cubits long and, like the curtains of the courtyard, five cubits high,

He made the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard of finely woven linen, and he decorated it with beautiful embroidery in blue, purple, and scarlet thread. It was 30 feet long, and its height was 7-1/2 feet, just like the curtains of the courtyard walls.

And the screen for the gate of the court was embroidered with needlework in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen. It was twenty cubits long and five cubits high in its breadth, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

The screen of the gate of the court was the work of the weaver, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen. And the length was twenty cubits and the height was five cubits, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.

The screen for the gate of the courtyard was embroidered with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely spun linen. It was 30 feet long, and like the hangings of the courtyard, 7 1/2 feet high.

The screen of the gate of the court was the work of an embroiderer of blue, purple, and scarlet material, and fine woven linen. The length was 20 cubits and it was five cubits high along its width, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

The curtain for the gate of the courtyard was of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine twisted linen, the work of an embroiderer. It was thirty feet long, and like the hangings in the courtyard, it was seven and a half feet high,

The screen for the entrance to the courtyard was made of violet, purple, and bright red yarn embroidered on [fabric made from] fine linen yarn. It was 30 feet long and 71/2 feet high, just like the curtains of the courtyard.

And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen; twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, the same as the hangings of the court.

And the hanging for the gate of the court was embroidered needlework, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the height was five cubits along its breadth, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.

And the screen for the gate of the court was the work of the embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.

And he made in the entry thereof an embroidered hanging of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, that was twenty cubits long, and five cubits high according to the measure of all the hangings of the court.

And the curtain of the gate of the court was of embroidery of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined byssus; and the length was twenty cubits, and the height like the breadth, five cubits, just as the hangings of the court;

And the screen for the gate of the court was the work of the embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.

And the hanging for the gate of the court was needle-work, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, and the hight in the breadth was five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the court.

The screen for the gate of the court was the work of the embroiderer, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen. Twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, like to the hangings of the court.

And the covering of the gate of the court is the work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen; and twenty cubits is the length, and the height with the breadth five cubits, over-against the hangings of the court;

Eksodi 38:18
Perdja për hyrjen në oborr ishte e qëndisur, me fill ngjyrë vjollce, të purpurt dhe të kuq të ndezur, dhe me li të përdredhur; kishte një gjatësi prej njëzet kubitësh, një lartësi prej pesë kubitësh, dhe korrespondonte me perdet e oborrit.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 38:18
وسجف باب الدار صنعة الطراز من اسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز وبوص مبروم. وطوله عشرون ذراعا وارتفاعه بالعرض خمس اذرع بسوية استار الدار.

Dyr Auszug 38:18
Für s Toor von n Vorhof gmacht yr aynn Vürhang, zöhen Elln brait und wie de Behäng zwaiaynhalb Elln hooh. Er war aus blauer, veigler und krapper Wollwaat und Feinleinwyt und allss kunstrecht gstickt.

Изход 38:18
Покривката за дворния вход беше везана изработка от синьо, мораво, червено и препреден висон; и дължината й беше двадесет лакътя, а височината на шир пет лакътя, както завесите на двора;

出 埃 及 記 38:18
院 子 的 門 簾 是 以 繡 花 的 手 工 , 用 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 , 和 撚 的 細 麻 織 的 , 寬 二 十 肘 , 高 五 肘 , 與 院 子 的 帷 子 相 配 。

院 子 的 门 ? 是 以 绣 花 的 手 工 , 用 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 , 和 捻 的 细 麻 织 的 , 宽 二 十 肘 , 高 五 肘 , 与 院 子 的 帷 子 相 配 。



Exodus 38:18
Zavjesa na dvorišnim vratima - izvezena - bila je od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana. Dvadeset je lakata bila duga; visoka, po širini, pet lakata kao i dvorišne zavjese.

Exodus 38:18
Zastření pak brány síňce dílem krumpéřským z postavce modrého a šarlatu, a červce dvakrát barveného a hedbáví bílého přesukovaného; dlouhost jeho dvadceti loktů, výsost pak šířky pěti loktů, jako i jiných koltr síně očkovatých.

2 Mosebog 38:18
Forhænget til Forgaardens Indgang var af violet og rødt Purpurgarn i broget Vævning, karmoisinrødt Garn og tvundet Byssus, tyve Alen langt og fem Alen højt, svarende til Bredden paa Forgaardens Omhæng.

Exodus 38:18
En het deksel van de poort des voorhofs was van geborduurd werk, van hemelsblauw, en purper, en scharlaken, en fijn getweernd linnen; en twintig ellen was de lengte, en de hoogte in de breedte was vijf ellen, tegenover de behangselen des voorhofs.

שמות 38:18
וּמָסַ֞ךְ שַׁ֤עַר הֶחָצֵר֙ מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה רֹקֵ֔ם תְּכֵ֧לֶת וְאַרְגָּמָ֛ן וְתֹולַ֥עַת שָׁנִ֖י וְשֵׁ֣שׁ מָשְׁזָ֑ר וְעֶשְׂרִ֤ים אַמָּה֙ אֹ֔רֶךְ וְקֹומָ֤ה בְרֹ֙חַב֙ חָמֵ֣שׁ אַמֹּ֔ות לְעֻמַּ֖ת קַלְעֵ֥י הֶחָצֵֽר׃

יח ומסך שער החצר מעשה רקם--תכלת וארגמן ותולעת שני ושש משזר ועשרים אמה ארך וקומה ברחב חמש אמות לעמת קלעי החצר

ומסך שער החצר מעשה רקם תכלת וארגמן ותולעת שני ושש משזר ועשרים אמה ארך וקומה ברחב חמש אמות לעמת קלעי החצר׃

2 Mózes 38:18
A pitvar kapujának leple hímzõmunka vala, kék, és bíborpiros, és karmazsinszínû, és sodrott lenbõl; hossza húsz sing volt, magassága pedig szélességében öt sing, a pitvar szõnyegeinek megfelelõleg.

Moseo 2: Eliro 38:18
Kaj la kovrotuko de la pordego de la korto estis brodita laborajxo el blua, purpura, kaj rugxa teksajxo, kaj el tordita bisino; kaj dudek ulnoj estis gxia longo, kaj kvin ulnoj gxia largxo, laux la mezuro de la kurtenoj de la korto.

Ja peitevaatteet pihan sisällekäytävään teki hän sinisistä ja purpuraisista ja tulipunaisista villoista, ja valkiasta kerratusta liinasta, taitavasti neulotut, kaksikymmentä kyynärää pitkäksi, ja viisi kyynärää korkiaksi leveydessä pihan vaatteen kohdalla,

Exode 38:18
-Et le rideau de la porte du parvis était de bleu, et de pourpre, et d'écarlate, et de fin coton retors, en ouvrage de brodeur; et la longueur, de vingt coudées; et la hauteur, dans la largeur de la porte, de cinq coudées, correspondant aux tentures du pa

Le rideau de la porte du parvis était un ouvrage de broderie en fil bleu, pourpre et cramoisi, et en fin lin retors; il avait une longueur de vingt coudées, et sa hauteur était de cinq coudées, comme la largeur des toiles du parvis;

Et il fit la tapisserie de la porte du parvis de pourpre, d'écarlate, et de cramoisi, et de fin lin retors, d'ouvrage de broderie, de la longueur de vingt coudées, et de la hauteur, qui était la largeur, de cinq coudées; à la correspondance des courtines du parvis.

2 Mose 38:18
Und das Tuch in dem Tor des Vorhofs machte er gestickt, von gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und gezwirnter weißer Seide, zwanzig Ellen lang und fünf Ellen hoch, nach dem Maß der Umhänge des Vorhofs;

Und das Tuch in dem Tor des Vorhofs machte er gestickt von blauem und rotem Purpur, Scharlach und gezwirnter weißer Leinwand, zwanzig Ellen lang und fünf Ellen hoch, nach dem Maß der Umhänge des Vorhofs.

Der Vorhang aber des Vorhofsthores war Buntwirker-Arbeit aus blauem und rotem Purpur, Karmesin und gezwirntem Byssus, zwanzig Ellen lang und fünf Ellen hoch, entsprechend den Umhängen des Vorhofs.

Esodo 38:18
La portiera per l’ingresso del cortile era in lavoro di ricamo, di filo violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino ritorto; aveva una lunghezza di venti cubiti, un’altezza di cinque cubiti, corrispondente alla larghezza delle cortine del cortile.

Fece ancora all’entrata del Cortile un tappeto di lavoro di ricamatore, di violato, e di porpora, e di scarlatto, e di fin lino ritorto, di venti cubiti di lunghezza, e di cinque cubiti d’altezza, nella larghezza corrispondente alle cortine del Cortile;

Maka tudung pintu halaman itu suatu perbuatan yang bersuji, dari pada benang yang biru laut dan ungu dan kirmizi warnanya dan dari pada benang bisus yang dipintal, panjangnya dua puluh hasta dan tingginya sama dengan lebarnya adalah lima hasta, setuju dengan segala layar pagar halaman itu.

출애굽기 38:18
뜰의 문장을 청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 가늘게 꼰 베실로 수 놓아 짰으니 장은 이십 규빗이요, 광 곧 고는 뜰의 포장과 같이 오 규빗이며

Exodus 38:18
et in introitu eius opere plumario fecit tentorium ex hyacintho purpura vermiculo ac bysso retorta quod habebat viginti cubitos in longitudine altitudo vero quinque cubitorum erat iuxta mensuram quam cuncta atrii habebant tentoria

Iðëjimo knyga 38:18
Įėjimui į kiemą padarė iš mėlynų, raudonų, violetinių ir plonų suktų siūlų išsiuvinėtą užkabą, kuri buvo dvidešimties uolekčių ilgio, penkių uolekčių pločio pagal visų kiemo užkabų aukštį.

Exodus 38:18
He mea hanga hoki ki te ngira te pa mo te kuwaha o te marae, he puru, he papura, he ngangana, he rinena miro pai: e rua tekau whatianga te roa, e rima whatianga te teitei, ara te whanui, rite tonu ano ki nga pa o te marae.

2 Mosebok 38:18
Forhenget til forgårdens port var i utsydd arbeid av blå og purpurrød og karmosinrød ull og fint, tvunnet lingarn, tyve alen langt og fem alen høit efter vevens bredde, i likhet med forgårdens omheng.

Éxodo 38:18
Y la cortina de la entrada del atrio de tela azul, púrpura y escarlata, y lino fino torcido era obra de tejedor. La longitud era de veinte codos y la altura de cinco codos, lo mismo que las cortinas del atrio.

La cortina de la entrada del atrio de tela azul, púrpura y escarlata, y lino fino torcido era obra de tejedor. La longitud era de 9 metros y la altura de 2.25 metros, lo mismo que las cortinas del atrio.

Y la cortina de la puerta del atrio era de obra de recamador, de azul, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido: la longitud de veinte codos, y la altura en el ancho de cinco codos, conforme a las cortinas del atrio.

Y el pabellón de la puerta del atrio fue de obra de recamado, de jacinto, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido: la longitud de veinte codos, y la altura en el ancho de cinco codos, conforme á las cortinas del atrio.

La cortina de la puerta del atrio fue de obra de recamado, de cárdeno, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido; la longitud de veinte codos, y la altura en el ancho de cinco codos, conforme a las cortinas del atrio.

Éxodo 38:18
Na entrada do átrio, o grande pátio, havia uma cortina de linho fino trançado e de fios de lã azul-celeste, púrpura-escarlate e carmesim, obra de arte de bordador. Tinha nove metros de comprimento e, à semelhança das demais cortinas do átrio, media dois metros e vinte e cinco centímetros de altura,

O reposteiro da porta do átrio era de azul, púrpura, carmesim e linho fino torcido, obra de bordador; o comprimento era de vinte côvados, e a altura, na largura, de cinco côvados, conforme a altura das cortinas do átrio.   

Exod 38:18
Perdeaua dela poarta curţii cortului era o lucrătură făcută la gherghef din fir albastru, purpuriu, cărmiziu, şi din in subţire răsucit; avea o lungime de douăzeci de coţi, şi înălţimea era de cinci coţi, ca lăţimea pînzelor curţii;

Исход 38:18
Завеса же для ворот двора узорчатой работы из голубой, пурпуровой и червленой шерсти и из крученого виссона, длиною в двадцать локтей, вышиною в пять локтей, по всему протяжению, подобно завесам двора;

Завеса же для ворот двора узорчатой работы из голубой, пурпуровой и червленой [шерсти] и из крученого виссона, длиною в двадцать локтей, вышиною в пять локтей, по всему протяжению, подобно завесам двора;[]

2 Mosebok 38:18
Och förhänget för porten till förgården gjordes i brokig vävnad av mörkblått, purpurrött, rosenrött och tvinnat vitt garn, tjugu alnar långt och fem alnar högt, efter tygets bredd, i likhet med förgårdens omhängen;

Exodus 38:18
At ang tabing sa pintuang daan ng looban ay yari ng mangbuburda, na kayong bughaw, at kulay-ube, at pula, at linong pinili: at may dalawangpung siko ang haba, at ang taas sa luwang ay may limang siko, na kabagay ng mga tabing sa looban.

อพยพ 38:18
ม่านบังตาที่ประตูลานนั้นปักด้วยฝีมือของช่างปัก เป็นสีฟ้า สีม่วง สีแดงเข้มและผ้าป่านเนื้อละเอียด ยาวยี่สิบศอก สูงห้าศอก เสมอกับผ้าบังลาน

Mısır'dan Çıkış 38:18
Avlunun girişindeki perde lacivert, mor, kırmızı iplikle, özenle dokunmuş nakışlı ince ketenden yapılmıştı. Boyu yirmifü, yüksekliği avlunun perdeleri gibi beş arşındı.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 38:18
Tấm màn nơi cửa hành lang làm thêu thùa bằng chỉ tím, đỏ điều, đỏ sặm, và vải gai đậu mịn; bề dài hai chục thước, bề cao (tùy theo bề khổ của vải) năm thước, đồng cỡ với bề cao của các bố vi chung quanh hành lang.

Exodus 38:17
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