Exodus 35:22
Exodus 35:22
All who were willing, men and women alike, came and brought gold jewelry of all kinds: brooches, earrings, rings and ornaments. They all presented their gold as a wave offering to the LORD.

Both men and women came, all whose hearts were willing. They brought to the LORD their offerings of gold--brooches, earrings, rings from their fingers, and necklaces. They presented gold objects of every kind as a special offering to the LORD.

So they came, both men and women. All who were of a willing heart brought brooches and earrings and signet rings and armlets, all sorts of gold objects, every man dedicating an offering of gold to the LORD.

Then all whose hearts moved them, both men and women, came and brought brooches and earrings and signet rings and bracelets, all articles of gold; so did every man who presented an offering of gold to the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.

Both men and women came; all who had willing hearts brought brooches, earrings, rings, necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewelry--everyone who waved a presentation offering of gold to the LORD.

Both the men and women came—all whose hearts prompted them—and brought brooches, earrings, rings, pendants, and all kinds of gold jewelry. Every person presented a wave offering of gold to the LORD.

They came, men and women alike, all who had willing hearts. They brought brooches, earrings, rings and ornaments, all kinds of gold jewelry, and everyone came who waved a wave offering of gold to the LORD.

All who were willing-men and women alike-came and brought all kinds of gold jewelry: pins, earrings, signet rings, and pendants. They took these gifts of gold and offered them to the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought chains and earrings, rings and bracelets, and all jewels of gold; and anyone that offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and necklaces, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold to the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, and ear-rings, and signet-rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man that offered an offering of gold unto Jehovah.

Both men and women gave bracelets and earrings, rings and tablets: every vessel of gold was set aside to be offered to the Lord.

And they came, both men and women; every one who was of willing heart brought nose-rings, and earrings, and rings, and bracelets, all kinds of utensils of gold: every man that waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought brooches, and earrings, and signet-rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man that offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.

And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought bracelets, and ear-rings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold; and every man that offered, offered an offering of gold to the LORD.

They came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, earrings, signet rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man who offered an offering of gold to Yahweh.

And they come in -- the men with the women -- every willing-hearted one -- they have brought in nose-ring, and ear-ring, and seal-ring, and necklace, all golden goods, even every one who hath waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.

Eksodi 35:22
Erdhën burra dhe gra, ata që kishin zemër bujare, dhe sollën me vete kapëse, vathë, unaza me vulë dhe byzylykë, lloj lloj xhevahiresh prej ari; gjithkush i solli ndonjë ofertë prej ari Zotit.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 35:22
وجاء الرجال مع النساء. كل سموح القلب جاء بخزائم واقراط وخواتم وقلائد كل متاع من الذهب. وكل من قدم تقدمة ذهب للرب.

Dyr Auszug 35:22
Mannenleut und Weiberleut kaamend; und alle brangend urbietig Spangenn, Nasnräiff und Fingerring, Halskötnen und allerlai Goldsachenn. Goldopfer kaamend aau vil durch ölterne Anthäiss zueher.

Изход 35:22
Дойдоха, мъже и жени, които имаха сърдечно разположение, и принесоха гривни, обеци, пръстени, мъниста и всякакви златни неща,- както и всички, които принесоха [какъв да бил] златен принос Господу.

出 埃 及 記 35:22
凡 心 裡 樂 意 獻 禮 物 的 , 連 男 帶 女 , 各 將 金 器 , 就 是 胸 前 鍼 、 耳 環 ( 或 作 : 鼻 環 ) 、 打 印 的 戒 指 , 和 手 釧 帶 來 獻 給 耶 和 華 。

凡 心 里 乐 意 献 礼 物 的 , 连 男 带 女 , 各 将 金 器 , 就 是 胸 前 针 、 耳 环 ( 或 作 : 鼻 环 ) 、 打 印 的 戒 指 , 和 手 钏 带 来 献 给 耶 和 华 。



Exodus 35:22
Strčaše se muževi i žene: svi koje je srce vuklo donesoše zapinjača, naušnica, prstenja, narukvica, ogrlica i svakovrsna zlatnog nakita; svi koji bijahu zavjetovali kakvu zlatninu u čast Jahvi.

Exodus 35:22
Přicházeli muži i ženy, každý, kdož byl ochotný v srdci, a přinášeli spinadla, a náušnice, a prsteny, a záponky z pravých rukou, všelijaké nádobí zlaté, a kdožkoli obětoval obět zlata Hospodinu.

2 Mosebog 35:22
De kom dermed, baade Mænd og Kvinder; enhver, som i sit Hjerte følte sig tilskyndet dertil, kom med Spænder, Ørenringe, Fingerringe og Halssmykker, alle Haande Guldsmykker. Og enhver, der vilde vie HERREN en Gave af Guld, kom dermed.

Exodus 35:22
Zo kwamen dan de mannen met de vrouwen, alle vrijwilligen van hart; zij brachten haken, en oorsierselen, en ringen, en spanselen, alle gouden vaten; en alle man, die een gouden beweegoffer den HEERE offerde,

שמות 35:22
וַיָּבֹ֥אוּ הָאֲנָשִׁ֖ים עַל־הַנָּשִׁ֑ים כֹּ֣ל ׀ נְדִ֣יב לֵ֗ב הֵ֠בִיאוּ חָ֣ח וָנֶ֜זֶם וְטַבַּ֤עַת וְכוּמָז֙ כָּל־כְּלִ֣י זָהָ֔ב וְכָל־אִ֕ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הֵנִ֛יף תְּנוּפַ֥ת זָהָ֖ב לַיהוָֽה׃

כב ויבאו האנשים על הנשים כל נדיב לב הביאו חח ונזם וטבעת וכומז כל כלי זהב וכל איש אשר הניף תנופת זהב ליהוה

ויבאו האנשים על־הנשים כל ׀ נדיב לב הביאו חח ונזם וטבעת וכומז כל־כלי זהב וכל־איש אשר הניף תנופת זהב ליהוה׃

2 Mózes 35:22
És jövének férfiak és asszonyok együtt, mind, a kit szíve indított, hozának kapcsokat, függõket, gyûrûket, karpereczet, mindenféle arany eszközöket; a férfiak is, mind a kik aranyból hoztak áldozatot az Úrnak.

Moseo 2: Eliro 35:22
Kaj venis la viroj kaj la virinoj; cxiuj, kiujn inklinigis la koro, alportis bukojn kaj orelringojn kaj ringojn kaj kolringojn, diversajn orajn objektojn; kaj cxiu alportis oran oferdonon al la Eternulo.

Ja tulivat sekä miehet että vaimot, kaikki, joilla oli hyvänsuopainen sydän, ja toivat rannerenkaita, korvarenkaita, sormuksia ja solkia, ja kaikkinaisia kultaisia astioita; toi myös joka mies kultaa häälytysuhriksi Herralle.

Exode 35:22
Et les hommes vinrent avec les femmes: tous ceux qui avaient un esprit libéral apportèrent des anneaux de nez, et des pendants d'oreille, et des anneaux, et des colliers, toutes sortes d'objets d'or, et tout homme qui offrit une offrande tournoyée d'or à l'Éternel,

Les hommes vinrent aussi bien que les femmes; tous ceux dont le coeur était bien disposé apportèrent des boucles, des anneaux, des bagues, des bracelets, toutes sortes d'objets d'or; chacun présenta l'offrande d'or qu'il avait consacrée à l'Eternel.

Et les hommes vinrent avec les femmes; quiconque fut de cœur volontaire, apporta des boucles, des bagues, des anneaux, des bracelets, et des joyaux d'or, et quiconque offrit quelque offrande d'or à l'Eternel.

2 Mose 35:22
Es brachten aber beide, Mann und Weib, wer es williglich tat, Hefte, Ohrenrinken, Ringe und Spangen und allerlei gülden Gerät. Dazu brachte jedermann Gold zur Webe dem HERRN.

Es brachten aber beide, Mann und Weib, wer's willig tat, Spangen, Ohrringe, Ringe und Geschmeide und allerlei goldenes Gerät. Dazu brachte jedermann Gold zum Webeopfer dem HERRN. {~}

Und zwar brachten sowohl Männer als Frauen: alle, die ihr Herz dazu trieb, brachten Spangen, Ohrringe, Fingerringe und Geschmeide, allerlei goldene Schmucksachen; dazu alle die, welche Jahwe eine Gabe an Gold zu weihen beschlossen hatten.

Esodo 35:22
Vennero uomini e donne; quanti erano di cuor volenteroso portarono fermagli, orecchini, anelli da sigillare e braccialetti, ogni sorta di gioielli d’oro; ognuno portò qualche offerta d’oro all’Eterno.

E tutte le persone di cuor volenteroso vennero, uomini e donne; e portarono fibbie, e monili, e anella, e fermagli; ogni sorte di arredi d’oro; oltre a tutti coloro che offersero al Signore offerta d’oro.

Maka datanglah baik orang laki-laki baik orang perempuan, semua dengan ridla hatinya, dibawanya akan gelang dan subang dan cincin dan kerungsang, semuanya perhiasan emas, demikianpun segala orang laki-laki yang mempersembahkan suatu persembahan timangan dari pada emas kepada Tuhan.

출애굽기 35:22
곧 마음에 원하는 남녀가 와서 가슴 핀과, 귀고리와, 가락지와, 목거리와, 여러가지 금품을 가져 왔으되 사람마다 여호와께 금 예물을 드렸으며

Exodus 35:22
obtulit mente promptissima atque devota primitias Domino ad faciendum opus tabernaculi testimonii quicquid in cultum et ad vestes sanctas necessarium erat

Iðëjimo knyga 35:22
Vyrai ir moterys, kurių širdyse buvo noras, davė sagtis, auskarus, žiedus, apyrankes­įvairius auksinius daiktus. Visi aukojusieji atnešė auksą kaip auką Viešpačiui.

Exodus 35:22
I haere hoki ratou, nga tane, nga wahine, nga mea i hihiko noa te ngakau, a kawea ana e ratou nga poroporo, nga whakakai, nga mowhiti, nga heitiki, he mea koura katoa: i tukua ano hoki e tera, e tera, he whakahere koura ki a Ihowa.

2 Mosebok 35:22
De kom både menn og kvinner: Enhver som hadde hjertelag til det, kom med spenner og ørenringer og fingerringer og kulekjeder, alle slags saker av gull; og likeså kom enhver som vilde vie en gave av gull til Herren.

Éxodo 35:22
Todos aquellos de corazón generoso, tanto hombres como mujeres, vinieron y trajeron broches, pendientes, anillos y brazaletes, toda clase de objetos de oro; cada cual, pues, presentó una ofrenda de oro al SEÑOR.

Todos aquellos de corazón generoso, tanto hombres como mujeres, vinieron y trajeron broches, pendientes, anillos y brazaletes, toda clase de objetos de oro. Cada cual, pues, presentó una ofrenda de oro al SEÑOR.

Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, anillos y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y todos ofrecían ofrenda de oro a Jehová.

Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, sortijas y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y cualquiera ofrecía ofrenda de oro á Jehová.

Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, anillos y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y cualquiera ofrecía ofrenda de oro al SEÑOR.

Éxodo 35:22
Todas as pessoas que se dispuseram, tanto homens como mulheres, trouxeram joias de ouro de todos os tipos: broches, brincos, anéis, braceletes e ornamentos variados; e apresentaram seus objetos de ouro como oferta ritualmente dedicada perante Yahweh.

Vieram, tanto homens como mulheres, todos quantos eram bem dispostos de coração, trazendo broches, pendentes, anéis e braceletes, sendo todos estes jóias de ouro; assim veio todo aquele que queria fazer oferta de ouro ao Senhor.   

Exod 35:22
Au venit îndată bărbaţii şi femeile, toţi cei cu tragere de inimă, şi au adus belciuge de nas, inele, cercei, brăţări, salbe şi tot felul de lucruri de aur; fiecare a adus prinosul de aur, pe care -l închinase Domnului.

Исход 35:22
и приходили мужья с женами, и все по расположению сердца приносили кольца, серьги, перстни и привески, всякие золотые вещи, каждый, кто только хотел приносить золото Господу;

и приходили мужья с женами, и все по расположению сердца приносили кольца, серьги, перстни и привески, всякие золотые вещи, каждый, кто только хотел приносить золото Господу;[]

2 Mosebok 35:22
De kommo, både män och kvinnor, och framburo, var och en efter sitt hjärtas villighet, spännen, örringar, fingerringar och halssmycken, alla slags klenoder av guld, var och en som kunde offra åt HERREN någon gåva av guld.

Exodus 35:22
At sila'y naparoon, mga lalake at mga babae, yaong lahat na nagkaroon ng kusang loob, at nagdala ng mga espile, at ng mga hikaw, at ng mga singsing na panatak, at ng mga pulsera, ng madlang hiyas na ginto; sa makatuwid baga'y lahat na naghandog ng handog na ginto sa Panginoon.

อพยพ 35:22
เขาจึงพากันมาทั้งชายและหญิง บรรดาผู้มีน้ำใจสมัครนำมาซึ่งเข็มกลัด ตุ้มหู แหวนตราและกำไล เป็นทองรูปพรรณทั้งนั้น คือทุกคนนำทองคำมาแกว่งไปแกว่งมาถวายพระเยโฮวาห์

Mısır'dan Çıkış 35:22
Kadın erkek herkes istekle geldi, RABbe her çeşit altın takı, broş, küpe, yüzük, kolye getirdi. RABbe armağan ettikleri bütün takılar altındı.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 35:22
Phàm người nam cùng nữ, tức mọi kẻ có lòng thành, đều đến đem những hoa tai, nhẫn, khâu, kiềng, các thứ trang sức bằng vàng và hết thảy đều dâng lễ vật bằng vàng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Exodus 35:21
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