Exodus 35:1
Exodus 35:1
Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do:

Then Moses called together the whole community of Israel and told them, "These are the instructions the LORD has commanded you to follow.

Moses assembled all the congregation of the people of Israel and said to them, “These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do.

Then Moses assembled all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and said to them, "These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do:

And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should do them.

Moses assembled the entire Israelite community and said to them, "These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do:

Moses assembled the entire congregation of the Israelis and told them, "These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do:

Moses assembled the whole community of the Israelites and said to them, "These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do.

Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do:

And Moses gathered all the congregation of the sons of Israel together and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD has commanded that ye should do them.

And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD has commanded, that you should do them.

And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said to them, These are the words which the LORD has commanded, that you should do them.

And Moses assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel, and said unto them, These are the words which Jehovah hath commanded, that ye should do them.

And all the multitude of the children of Israel being gathered together, he said to them: These are the things which the Lord hath commanded to be done.

And Moses collected all the assembly of the children of Israel, and said to them, These are the things which Jehovah has commanded, to do them.

And Moses assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should do them.

And Moses assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel, and said to them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should do them.

Moses assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel, and said to them, "These are the words which Yahweh has commanded, that you should do them.

And Moses assembleth all the company of the sons of Israel, and saith unto them, 'These are the things which Jehovah hath commanded -- to do them:

Eksodi 35:1
Moisiu thirri asamblenë e bijve të Izraelit dhe u tha atyre: "Këto janë gjërat që Zoti më ka urdhëruar të bëj.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 35:1
وجمع موسى كل جماعة بني اسرائيل وقال لهم هذه الكلمات التي امر الرب ان تصنع.

Dyr Auszug 35:1
Dyr Mosen rief de gantze Gmain Isryheel zamm und gsait ien: Dös haat enk dyr Herr angschafft:

Изход 35:1
Подир това Моисей събра цялото общество израилтяни и им каза: Ето какво заповяда Господ да правите.

出 埃 及 記 35:1
摩 西 招 聚 以 色 列 全 會 眾 , 對 他 們 說 : 這 是 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 的 話 , 叫 你 們 照 著 行 :

摩 西 招 聚 以 色 列 全 会 众 , 对 他 们 说 : 这 是 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 的 话 , 叫 你 们 照 着 行 :



Exodus 35:1
Mojsije sazva svu zajednicu sinova Izraelovih pa im reče: "Ovo vam je Jahve naložio da činite:

Exodus 35:1
Tedy svolal Mojžíš všecko shromáždění synů Izraelských, a řekl jim: Tato jsou slova, kteráž přikázal vám Hospodin, abyste je činili.

2 Mosebog 35:1
Moses kaldte hele Israeliternes Menighed sammen og sagde til dem: Dette er, hvad HERREN har paalagt eder at gøre:

Exodus 35:1
Toen deed Mozes de ganse vergadering der kinderen Israels verzamelen, en zeide tot hen: Dit zijn de woorden, die de HEERE geboden heeft, dat men ze doe.

שמות 35:1
וַיַּקְהֵ֣ל מֹשֶׁ֗ה אֶֽת־כָּל־עֲדַ֛ת בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲלֵהֶ֑ם אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָ֖ה לַעֲשֹׂ֥ת אֹתָֽם׃

א ויקהל משה את כל עדת בני ישראל--ויאמר אלהם  אלה הדברים אשר צוה יהוה לעשת אתם

ויקהל משה את־כל־עדת בני ישראל ויאמר אלהם אלה הדברים אשר־צוה יהוה לעשת אתם׃

2 Mózes 35:1
És egybegyûjté Mózes az Izráel fiainak egész gyülekezetét, és monda nékik: Ezek azok a dolgok, a melyeket parancsolt az Úr, hogy cselekedjétek:

Moseo 2: Eliro 35:1
Kaj Moseo kunvenigis la tutan komunumon de la Izraelidoj, kaj diris al ili:Jen kion la Eternulo ordonis al vi fari:

Ja Moses kokosi kaiken Israelin seurakunnan, ja sanoi heille: nämät ovat ne, mitä Herra käskenyt on teidän tehdä.

Exode 35:1
Et Moïse réunit toute l'assemblée des fils d'Israël, et leur dit: Ce sont ici les choses que l'Éternel a commandé de faire:

Moïse convoqua toute l'assemblée des enfants d'Israël, et leur dit: Voici les choses que l'Eternel ordonne de faire.

Moïse donc assembla toute la congrégation des enfants d'Israël, et leur dit : ce sont ici les choses que l'Eternel a commandé de faire.

2 Mose 35:1
Und Mose versammelte die ganze Gemeine der Kinder Israel und sprach zu ihnen: Das ist's, das der HERR geboten hat, das ihr tun sollt:

Und Mose versammelte die ganze Gemeinde der Kinder Israel und sprach zu ihnen: Das ist's, was der HERR geboten hat, das ihr tun sollt:

Hierauf versammelte Mose die ganze Gemeinde der Israeliten und sprach zu ihnen: Dies ist's, was Jahwe zu thun befohlen hat:

Esodo 35:1
Mosè convocò tutta la raunanza de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e disse loro: "Queste son le cose che l’Eterno ha ordinato di fare.

MOSÈ adunque adunò tutta la raunanza de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e disse loro: Queste son le cose che il Signore ha comandate che si facciano:

Hata, maka disuruh Musa berhimpun segenap sidang bani Israel, lalu katanya kepada mereka itu: Inilah segala perkataan yang firman Tuhan, supaya diturut oranglah akan dia.

출애굽기 35:1
모세가 이스라엘의 온 회중을 모으고 그들에게 이르되 `여호와께서 너희에게 명하사 행하게 하신 말씀이 이러하니라

Exodus 35:1
igitur congregata omni turba filiorum Israhel dixit ad eos haec sunt quae iussit Dominus fieri

Iðëjimo knyga 35:1
Mozė, sušaukęs visus izraelitus, paskelbė, ką Viešpats įsakė:

Exodus 35:1
NA ka huihuia e Mohi te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, a ka mea ia ki a ratou, Ko nga kupu enei i whakahaua mai e Ihowa kia mahia.

2 Mosebok 35:1
Og Moses kalte sammen hele Israels barns menighet og sa til dem: Dette er det som Herren har befalt at I skal gjøre:

Éxodo 35:1
Entonces Moisés reunió a toda la congregación de los hijos de Israel, y les dijo: Estas son las cosas que el SEÑOR ha mandado hacer.

Entonces Moisés reunió a toda la congregación de los Israelitas, y les dijo: "Estas son las cosas que el SEÑOR les ha mandado hacer.

Y Moisés reunió a toda la congregación de los hijos de Israel, y les dijo: Éstas son las cosas que Jehová ha mandado que hagáis.

Y MOISÉS hizo juntar toda la congregación de los hijos de Israel, y díjoles: Estas son las cosas que Jehová ha mandado que hagáis.

Y Moisés hizo juntar toda la congregación de los hijos de Israel, y les dijo: Estas son las cosas que el SEÑOR ha mandado que hagáis.

Éxodo 35:1
Moisés reuniu toda a comunidade dos filhos de Israel e anunciou-lhes: “Eis o que Yahweh vos mandou fazer:

Então Moisés convocou toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel, e disse-lhes: Estas são as palavras que o Senhor ordenou que cumprísseis.   

Exod 35:1
Moise a strîns toată adunarea copiilor lui Israel, şi le -a zis: ,,Iată lucrurile, pe cari a poruncit Domnul să le faceţi.

Исход 35:1
И собрал Моисей все общество сынов Израилевых и сказал им: вот что заповедал Господь делать:

И собрал Моисей все общество сынов Израилевых и сказал им: вот что заповедал Господь делать:[]

2 Mosebok 35:1
Och Mose församlade Israels barns hela menighet och sade till dem: »Detta är vad HERREN har bjudit eder att göra:

Exodus 35:1
At pinulong ni Moises ang buong kapisanan ng mga anak ni Israel, at sinabi sa kanila, Ito ang mga salita na iniutos ng Panginoon, na inyong gagawin.

อพยพ 35:1
ฝ่ายโมเสสให้ชุมนุมชนอิสราเอลทั้งหมดประชุมกันกล่าวแก่เขาว่า "ต่อไปนี้เป็นสิ่งซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์บัญชาให้ท่านทั้งหลายกระทำ

Mısır'dan Çıkış 35:1
Musa bütün İsrail topluluğunu çağırarak, ‹‹RABbin yapmanızı buyurduğu işler şunlardır›› dedi,[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 35:1
Môi-se nhóm hết hội chúng Y-sơ-ra-ên lại mà nói rằng: Ðây là các việc của Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dạy làm:

Exodus 34:35
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